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Authors: Ann Victor

Quitting the Boss (11 page)

BOOK: Quitting the Boss
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The kiss was far from subtle, his tongue pushing past her lips and plunging deep, seeking and claiming.

Jenna heard the cacophony of gasps, coughs, and laughs around them as her body melted against his, her arms wrapping around his shoulders and hanging on. She didn’t care that all of their colleagues were likely watching and shocked. All Jenna cared about was Alec’s lips on hers.

When he finally released her mouth, leaving her dizzy with desire, she saw the smile light up his entire face. It was rare for Alec to smile at all, but especially in front of his entire team.

“We’re not done,” he said, still stroking her nape and gripping her hip.

“No?” she asked, not even trying to hide the hope in her voice.

“No, Jenna. In fact, we’re just getting started.”



“I hope you’ll be comfortable in here,” Claire Winter said as she led the way into Alec’s childhood bedroom. “We haven’t changed it since Alec moved out. I guess I’m a bit sentimental.”

“This is great,” Jenna reassured her. The room was large, a queen sized bed in the center of the far well. A small desk occupied one corner and a couple dressers lined another wall.

“I suppose Alec was a bit spoiled, growing up with his own bathroom,” she said, pointing toward the open door next to sliding doors of the closet.

“I think you’ve shared enough stories of my childhood,” Alec said as he guided Jenna past his mother. “Jenna doesn’t need to hear about how spoiled I was, too.”

“You can tell me more tomorrow,” Jenna whispered to Alec’s mother.

“Goodnight,” Alec insisted, giving his mother a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Goodnight, honey. Goodnight, Jenna. I’m so glad you both are here.”

“Me too,” Jenna said. She’d seen a new side of Alec in the few hours they’d been at his parents’ house just outside Chicago. He was more relaxed than she’d ever seen him, though that transformation had started a few weeks ago after he’d kissed her in front of all their colleagues.

Since then, she’d moved into his cabin, and they’d made a day trip to Massachusetts so he could meet her mother. Jenna hadn’t been any less nervous about that meeting than she had about meeting his parents, but Alec took it in stride. He hadn’t even been horrified when Debra asked when he intended to marry Jenna and bless her with grandbabies. He’d simply said that wasn’t their plan right now.

After his very public kiss and a memorable night in the hotel, Alec had told Jenna about his parents and how he struggled with trust as a result. Jenna reassured him there was no other man she was interested in, especially his best friend. Like Alec, she wasn’t interested in multiple partners.

She’d been nervous about meeting his parents, especially knowing the secrets of their relationship. There were certain things she just didn’t want to know about other people, particularly the parents of the man she loved.

Not that she’d made that declaration yet.

Alec had assured her his parents acted perfectly normal in front of others and she was relieved to learn that was true. They were wonderful people, affectionate and friendly. Seeing them together, Jenna couldn’t imagine them with anyone else, but it wasn’t her place to question or judge how they handled their marriage.

“Your parents are great,” she said when Claire left and shut the door.

“So are you,” he said, pulling her against him and grinding his erection against her belly. “I love my dad, but if he told one more football story, I was going to murder him. You smell so good. I’ve been hard for hours.”

“I love hearing about your childhood,” she admitted. “And look at this room; it’s like a shrine to Alec the teenager.”

“Your body is a shrine and right now, I need to worship it.”

“I don’t know, with all these trophies, I feel like I should be the one worshiping you. Maybe I should start here.” She rubbed her palm up the length of him.

“No playing. I’ve never had sex in this house and right now all I want to do is bury my cock deep inside your pussy.”

Jenna had seen the pictures of Alec in high school. He was a star football player and definitely hot for a teenage boy. He obviously wouldn’t be hurting for dates. Cheerleaders probably threw themselves at him. “You’ve never had sex here?”

“Never. My mother was pretty strict about having girls in my room and she always loomed when I had girls over, so there weren’t any opportunities.”

“She couldn’t have been around all the time,” Jenna said.

“If I was home, one of them was here and if they weren’t the twins were. Believe me, I even lied about after school activities to try and score here, but I never caught a break.”

“Well, glad I can remedy that for you,” she said, releasing the button of his jeans and pushing the zipper down.

Obviously impatient, he pushed his jeans and boxer briefs down. “You don’t want to savor the moment?” she teased.

“I want to fuck you. Right here, right now.”

He reached behind her to release the zipper of her dress.

Expecting it to hit the floor moments later, Jenna was surprised when Alec left the dress where it was and cupped her face in his hands instead.

His eyes narrowed as he looked at her, his expression no longer relaxed. “What?” she asked, wondering why the sudden change of mood. It wasn’t completely unexpected as Alec had a tendency to change moods without warning, but it was usually triggered by something.

“I have something to say to you.”

Automatically, Jenna steeled herself despite the way her heart kicked in to high gear. She wasn’t the type to get sweaty palms, but Alec’s sudden change of mood and declaration made her entire body quiver with equal amounts of anticipation and dread. The fact that he just stood there, looking at her as though what he needed to say was buried somewhere deep in her mind and he could only read it in her eyes made her want to squirm out of his hold and run away.

Finally he shook his head. “I’ve never said this before, never expected to, but you took a chance telling me you wanted more and taking steps to make sure it could happen. You deserve to know how I feel about you.”

Jenna hadn’t realized she was holding her breath. She focused on breathing, one breath in and out, but she couldn’t deny the hope that filled her.

“God, Jenna, I’ve never met anyone like you. I meant what I said in the bar that night, that we’re only just getting started.”

She smiled, desperate to utter those three words to him, but she didn’t think he was ready to hear it and didn’t want to spoil their short trip to Chicago.

His thumb brushed across her lips. “I’m in love with you,” he finally said and even though she’d been hoping to hear him say it, it was still unexpected. “I don’t expect you to say it back. Like I said, you deserve to know how I feel.”

“Alec,” she whispered, moving onto her tiptoes to kiss him. “I didn’t want to say it because I thought you’d run again, but I’ve known for a while, since that night you tied me to the bed. I didn’t expect it to happen, but I fell in love with you, too.”

Claiming her mouth, Alec wrapped his arms around her, pulling her center against the length of his erection. Jenna melted against him, desperate for more but wanting to linger in this moment as long as possible. His tongue plunged and licked until he put a breath between them, nipping at her lips as his gaze burned into her.

“I don’t know what the hell we’re supposed to do now,” he said.

“I know,” she admitted, shrugging the dress off her shoulders and following it to the floor.

They didn’t need to figure it out. They’d been together for the better part of a year and even though they were just getting started, she knew neither one of them needed the labels or status that typical relationships boasted. They were together and that was all that mattered.

She gripped his cock, giving it a couple long, slow strokes before letting her tongue circle the thick tip.

Before she could take him fully into her mouth, Alec lifted her off the floor. “Temptress,” he said, pushing her back to the bed until she fell back on it. “You can suck my cock later. Right now, I want to make love to you.”

Alec wasn’t a romantic, which wasn’t a problem because Jenna wasn’t either, but hearing those words and the affection behind them nearly made her weep with joy.

His mouth twitched before curving into the cocky smile she loved so much. “That’s right baby, we’re going to make love and I’m going to make you come so hard you’re going to wish you didn’t have to be quiet about it.”

Dear Reader


Thank you so much for reading
Quitting the Boss
. I’ve really enjoyed writing the three stories in Alec and Jenna’s journey and am thrilled to share them with you. At this time, I have four more stories planned in the
Behind Office Doors
series. Stay tuned to Facebook, Twitter, and my website for more information.


Reviews are a writer’s livelihood … they are how many readers find us. I invite you to leave an honest review of this book at your preferred review site. Thanks again!


~Ann Victor


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Ann Victor Author



Keep reading for an excerpt from
Whatever the Boss Wants

Excerpt from Whatever the Boss Wants


Alec isn’t that cold,” Jenna explained. Something smoldered beneath her boss’s cold exterior, she was absolutely sure of it, but she’d never tell her gossipy friends.

“Says the ice queen,” Elisa said, rolling her stunning turquoise eyes.

Jenna Craven had been called worse. Ice queen suited her, at least at work. It was the one place she thrived on being in control. If that made her seem cold, so be it. “You just have to know how to take him. Men like that, they’re vulnerable. They come across as all power and control, but deep inside is a normal guy who’s just as insecure as the rest of us.”

“Wait? What? Us? Since when are you insecure?” Carly asked.

Every day
, but Jenna spent her time pretending otherwise. “Fake it ‘til you make it,” she advised her two friends who had been lingering around Jenna’s cubicle for the last ten minutes drinking their morning coffee.

“Good advice. Is that what you do in bed too?” Elisa chided while sweeping her pale blonde hair over one shoulder.

Jenna laughed. “Absolutely not. Some things aren’t worth faking.”

“Anyway,” Carly interrupted, likely knowing if Jenna and Elisa got into a debate about orgasms, the already inappropriate conversation would go totally into the gutter. Jenna didn’t mind talking about sex, just not at work, so was grateful for Carly’s intervention. “I hear Alec keeps his wife chained to the bed,” Carly whispered, pulling her long brown hair back as she ducked her head. Like that would keep the rumor from carrying across the cubicles. “Is that a sign of insecurity?”

“That rumor is old,” Elisa practically bellowed compared to Carly’s whisper. “You need to catch up, Carly. I heard that he’s in a dominant/submissive relationship. And he’s the sub.”

“And I heard that three project managers were looking for more work,” Alec’s voice was deep and commanding as always when he revealed himself over the cubicle.

Elisa and Carly jumped at his commanding tone, but Jenna wasn’t bothered by her boss’s sudden appearance. He had a habit of doing this. Alec wasn’t the type to sneak and snoop on his team, but he always moved quietly around the office, his own stealth mode allowing him to catch conversations that weren’t intended for his ears.

“I never took you for an office gossip,” he said after Elisa and Carly scurried off. His straight, confident posture bordered on cocky. Jenna didn’t want to find the man attractive, but she had since the first day she’d walked into Logicesse Software three years ago. He was rugged and mysterious, his good looks only exemplified by the fact he never talked about his personal life. The man was an enigma which is probably what made him so intriguing.

“I’m not.
were gossiping. I was stating an opinion,” she said, reeling in her overactive sex drive and ignoring the way his strong jaw was shadowed in stubble. Alec shaved most days. On occasion, he skipped it, forcing Jenna to control her impulse to do a double take on the scruffy look that contrasted with the otherwise very well-groomed man.

Alec narrowed his dark eyes. “Your opinion is inaccurate.”

“How so, Mr. Winter?” she teased, wondering if she could get the man to crack even a hint of a smile.

When his sexy mouth curved, Jenna figured it was because he liked being spoken to so formally. Of course, men who exuded the level of control Alec was known for probably got hard being called Mister. Probably even Master.

Alec leaned across the half wall at the edge of Jenna’s cubicle, invading her space with all his sexy dominance. “I’m far from vulnerable,” he whispered.

Jenna looked at him, her brow raised as she peered over her dark-rimmed glasses. She’d never heard the man whisper before. If this were anyone else, she’d think he was flirting, but Alec Winter didn’t flirt. That was a warm affection and even though she suspected he had warmth, he certainly didn’t show it. His exterior came across as icy as the season with which he shared a name.

“Whatever you say,” Jenna stated, hoping to steer the conversation away from the flirtation that threatened. The last thing she needed to be doing was flirting with her boss. Given the record-long sexual drought – self-imposed, of course – it wouldn’t take her body long to rouse under such a commanding influence.

Alec happened to be a great boss. If you did your job, he supported you one hundred percent. If you didn’t, he was the first to ream your ass. Jenna had never received an Alec Winter ass-reaming. She’d heard they weren’t any fun, even though the thought had conjured up the most explicit of fantasies. Some days it was hard to keep her sex drive on a short leash.

“I need to see you in my office,” he said, dropping the almost flirtatious whisper.

BOOK: Quitting the Boss
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