Quinn's Undying Rose (Scanguards Vampires #6) (31 page)

BOOK: Quinn's Undying Rose (Scanguards Vampires #6)
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Quinn didn’t waste any more time guessing what had happened to Wallace in the end. In his heart he knew the answer already. It all made sense now. He understood what had happened and why. Now all that mattered was getting to Rose and closing this chapter of their lives. It was time to bury the past for good.

“Do you know where those Lyon’s steps are?” Quinn asked Thomas, who instantly nodded.

“She’ll be long gone. The message was sent over ten minutes ago.”

“Can’t you trace the phone we gave her?”

Thomas shook his head with a sad look. “You wanted an untraceable one. Sorry. No can do. Besides, Keegan has probably already gotten rid of it.”

The thought of Rose in Keegan’s hands made his blood boil. “She should have trusted me. She shouldn’t have done this on her own.”

Thomas pointed to the phone message. “Whatever it was that she didn’t want you to know, Keegan is obviously using it against her.”

“That’s not important right now. We’ve gotta find her before it’s too late.” Quinn ran a shaky hand through his hair. “Send two people to the Lyon’s steps to see if they can pick up her trail from there.”

Thomas nodded. “Eddie,” he called out, and his mentee appeared within seconds. “You and Cain, go to the Lyon’s steps and search for any trace of Rose or Keegan. Report as soon as you’re there.”

“On my way!” Eddie replied and called out for Cain.

As the two left, Thomas turned back to Quinn. “And the rest of us?”

Quinn lifted his head and looked at his friend. “Keegan will force her to give him the data. She’ll have to lead him to where she’s hidden it. When you swept her room, you didn’t find anything, did you?”

“Not a trace.” Thomas cleared his throat. “Nothing in the rest of the house either.”

Not at all surprised that Thomas had searched the entire house for it, Quinn nodded. “Then she must have hidden it before she ever went to Gabriel to hire us.”

“But where would she consider it safe enough to hide the flash drive? She doesn’t have any friends here in San Francisco. She knows nobody here. Sure, we can search Blake’s apartment, but I doubt it’s there, and besides, Keegan has most likely already looked for it there,” Thomas wondered.

“I agree that it’s not in Blake’s apartment. However, Rose does know somebody here besides us and Blake.”

Thomas gave him a curious look. “Who?”

“She owns a brothel here.”

“There are no brothels in San Francisco as far as I know,” Thomas claimed.

“I suppose they’re called
Massage Parlors
here. She mentioned a fancy place near the Ritz. It’s the only place I can imagine her hiding the flash drive. She said the women are loyal to her.”

Thomas nodded and started typing on his cell phone. “Let’s see what comes up. It can’t be that hard finding a massage parlor near the Ritz.”

Bent over Thomas’s phone Quinn waited for the search results to display, hoping that his hunch was correct.




Rose looked up and down the street as she stepped from the darkened van, Keegan on her heels. The driver remained inside as did the second vampire who had accompanied them. Her eyes darted to the second van that pulled up behind them.

“Let’s go,” Keegan ordered.

“Do you really think I’m an amateur?” She shook her head. “The minute I hand the flash drive over, you’ll have one of your men turn him, just to spite me.”

When she glared at him, he answered with a nonchalant smile. “So you did learn from the time we spent together? How sweet. And how utterly inconvenient.”

Had he really thought she would trust him to keep his word? “I want Blake by my side when we do the exchange.”

“Very well,” Keegan conceded. “But don’t think that’ll change anything. One false move and I’ll personally bring him to the brink of death and you’ll be begging me to turn him. And then we’ll see what I decide.”

Keegan made a motion toward the van and a moment later, the door slid open. One of his thugs pushed Blake onto the pavement, making him stumble.

Instinctively, Rose rushed to him to prevent him from falling. But behind Blake, three of Keegan’s minions had already stepped from the van and grabbed him.

“Are you all right? Did they hurt you?”

Rose ran her eyes over his body, but couldn’t see any visible injuries.

Blake thrust up his chin, gave a quick shake of his head, then glared at her. “If you’d told me everything from the start, this wouldn’t have happened. You thought I couldn’t handle the fact that you and your friends are vampires? You didn’t even give it a try. You thought I was weak.”

“You didn’t take it well when you found out.”

“Well, how would you take it if you found out about vampires, because one of them was trying to suck you dry? You should have told me earlier! Fuck, I could’ve helped you defeat these guys.”

Keegan chuckled behind her. “He doesn’t lack confidence, your grandson. Or shall I call it arrogance?”

“I’ll give you arrogance, you jerk!” Blake shot back, making an attempt at raising his fist, but the vampire behind him quickly restrained him.

“No respect, the young. Don’t you agree, Rose?”

Rose didn’t bother replying to Keegan’s remark and searched Blake’s eyes instead, trying to connect with him. “I’m sorry, Blake. But everything will be all right. I promise you. Just trust me.”

At the same time she used mind control to send her thoughts to him.

Do what I’ll tell you. If I say jump, you’ll jump.

“Let’s not waste any more time,” Keegan ordered.

Rose turned toward the corner house. Only a brass sign next to the opulent entrance door gave away the fact that the residential property housed a business.

Executive Services
, the sign said.

She’d always hated neon signs. Besides, her business didn’t rely on foot traffic but on word of mouth. And the more exclusive each of her brothels appeared, the higher the fees she could charge.

The intercom crackled. “Yes,” a female voice inquired.

“Rose Haverford.”

Instantly a buzz sounded. Rose pressed against the door, opening it. Next to her, Keegan entered. She cast a quick glance over her shoulder, making sure Blake followed. At the same time, she counted: Keegan had brought six or seven thugs. Two stayed with the vans. One of them remained outside of the door as it snapped shut. The others followed her up the five steps into the large foyer.

The place had once been a hotel and had retained its Victorian charm. A crystal chandelier hung from the high ceiling, and beyond it a grand staircase lead to the upper floors. To the right, a small bar and lounge invited patrons in for a drink. Several women and men sat on the comfortable sofas while soft music dripped from the speakers above. They only briefly glanced at the newcomers, then returned their attention to their companions.

To the left of the lobby, there were two doors, one marked
, the other

Rose raised her head as she perceived a movement from the stairs. A beautiful Asian woman swept down the stairs in an elegant business suit that accentuated her delicate features.

“You neglected to mention that there were vampires here. What are you trying to play at?” Keegan hissed under his breath, grabbing Rose’s elbow at the same time and squeezing it painfully.

She narrowed her eyes when she looked at him. “You didn’t think I would leave the protection of the flash drive to a human, did you?” She jerked her arm from his hold. “And don’t get all bent out of shape, she’s the only vampire on the premises.”

“I’m Vera,” the Asian beauty announced as she stopped in front of them. “I’m honored that you grace us with a visit, Miss Haverford.”

Rose nodded. “I’m sorry I wasn’t able to give you any notice. But circumstances—”

Keegan cut her off with an impatient hand movement. “No more pleasantries. Let’s get to it.”

Vera raised an eyebrow. “A very eager gentleman you brought us. Maybe I should bring down a selection of girls?”

Rose smiled inwardly. She’d met the manager of her San Francisco operation only a couple of times, but she’d always known she was smart. Despite the fact that she’d been alerted by Rose’s text message, she didn’t let on that she knew that this wasn’t a friendly visit.

“I have girls to suit every taste: Asian, Caucasian, African American, blondes, redheads. You name it.”

Rose sighed. “Alas, my . . . associates and I are not here for pleasure. If you would please lead us to the executive office so I may retrieve an item I deposited for safekeeping.”

Vera’s face instantly changed. “Oh, but of course. Follow me.”

She turned and walked to the stairs.

As they followed in silence, Rose reacquainted herself with the layout of the place. The house had only three floors. One large suite on the top floor had been converted into the executive office, from which the manager of the establishment conducted business, and where she entertained private clients if she chose to do so.

The room Vera led them into was larger than Rose remembered. It easily would have fit a dining table for twenty. Instead, it was furnished with a large desk containing a single computer, a comfortable sitting area in front of a fireplace, and a four poster bed with gauzy fabric hanging from its wooden beams meant to hide whatever happened there from time to time.

The one thing Rose noticed immediately was that the room was stifling hot.

“Apologies about the heat in here,” Vera said quickly. “I’ve already opened a window, but unfortunately we’ve had problems with the thermostat and haven’t been able to fix it yet.”

Rose noticed how one of Keegan’s men tugged on his shirt collar, opening a button or two, clearly uncomfortable in the hot room.

“No worries,” Rose replied and walked toward the desk.

Keegan clamped his hand over her forearm.

“I’m getting it already, no need to be so unpleasant,” she hissed.

“We’ll do it together, shall we?” Keegan’s mistrust was clearly visible in his eyes.

“If you insist.”

“Don’t mind if I do.”

With Keegan by her side, Rose rounded the desk and faced the wall. She tapped the painting that hung there, and it swung toward her, revealing the safe behind. Rose hesitated.

“Open it,” he ordered.

“It’s not in there.”

Keegan bared his teeth in a flash of anger. “You fucking bitch!” He turned his head toward his associates, ready to spout another order.

“It’s here,” Rose said quickly, pointing to the back of the painting.

As Keegan turned back to her, she put her hand to one corner of the frame. The little wooden piece that held the corners in a 90 degree angle, created a little pocket between frame and canvas. She fished for the flash drive, pulling it out of its hiding place a moment later.

Keegan instantly snatched it from her fingers, inspecting it.

“Looks like it. But I’d like to make sure. You understand, don’t you?”

Of course she did.

Slowly she turned to their host, connecting with her dark eyes. “Vera, you don’t mind if we use your computer for a moment, do you?”

“Be my guest.”

Rose nodded briefly then glanced at Blake, who was watching them intently. She also noticed how the three thugs weren’t standing as close to him as before, the two heavier set ones now fanning themselves in obvious discomfort.

Get ready
, she advised Blake using mind control.
You can trust Vera

She brought her attention back to Keegan as he inserted the flash drive into one of the USB ports on the computer. He drummed his fingers on the desk, impatiently waiting until the drive was recognized and the explorer opened.

When the window popped up and he clicked on the only folder that was on the drive, a curse was already forming on his lips.

“Bitch!” he screamed as he realized that the folder was empty.

Within a split second he had her by the throat. But Rose didn’t care. From the corner of her eye she saw how the thugs made a step forward, toward them, ready to help their boss if need be. For good measure she thrust her knee up, aiming for Keegan’s jewels.

It did the trick, and one of the thugs rushed toward them, ready to help his employer.

It was all the distraction she needed.

“Now!” she screamed and saw the blur with which Vera charged toward Blake and grabbed him before the other two vampires could react. Without stopping, Vera flung Blake toward the open window.

Rose sent her order to him, employing mind control. Her grandson would have no choice but to obey.

Vera used karate kicks to fend off the two thugs, preventing them from stopping Blake as he launched himself out of the window.

Relieved, Rose’s heart finally started beating again, only to stutter to a halt when Keegan’s hand squeezed her throat harder and his fangs approached her face, murder in his eyes.

Fuck! Now he was pissed.

“Reinforcements, now!” she heard one of the vampires order into his walkie-talkie.

“You tell me now where it is, or your friend is toast,” Keegan threatened, motioning his head toward a spot behind her.

She twisted her head enough to see that Vera had been captured by two of the vampires. One pointed a stake to her heart.

I’m sorry,
she mouthed.

“Don’t be,” Vera said, lifting her chin in defiance. “I’ve been spoiling for a good fight. It’ll be fun bashing those guys’ nuts in.”




The two vans in front of the building were empty and unlocked. One of them still carried Rose’s scent and in the other Quinn could still smell Blake.

“We’re at the right place,” he confirmed to his colleagues, then gave the address to Cain and Eddie who were on the other end of the phone, on their way back from the Lyon’s steps. “Get here as fast as you can.”

Then he quickly assessed the situation and motioned to his friends. “Zane, Oliver, you’ll take the front door, then take the second floor. Wesley, Amaury, check if you can break a window on the other side and gain access that way. You’ll secure the first floor. Thomas, you’ll come with me. We’ll take the fire escape to the top. Once your floors are secure, work your way up.”

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