Quinn (The Beck Brothers #3) (4 page)

BOOK: Quinn (The Beck Brothers #3)
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Quinn was not much of a talker, so Margot ended up chatting
most of the time through dinner. She was not too sure if he was fully listening
or not, but it was better than eating in complete silence. By the end of
dinner, they had polished off the bottle of wine between the two of them, and
she was feeling warm and fuzzy. When they stood to leave, the wine really hit
her and she swayed, bumping into Quinn as he shrugged into his pea coat.


Quinn grabbed her arm to steady her. “You okay?” he asked
with a frown.


“I think I drank too much,” she giggled.


Quinn did not reply. He grabbed her coat and helped her put
it on. He bent down and picked her purse up off the floor where she set it, tucked
her under his arm, and walked her out of the restaurant. Instead of letting her
look like a drunken fool, Quinn covered it up by making it look like he was
being a gentleman to his date.


Margot leaned into him and slipped her arm around his lower
back as they walked down the street. His body was warm and hard, which helped
fight off the chill in the air. She drew in a deep breath through her nose,
pulling in his masculine scent. He smelled like body wash, and whatever it was,
it smelled amazing. Margot had to fight the urge to burrow her face into his
chest. She was sure he would not appreciate that.






Quinn was surprised that the wine hit Margot like that. She
seemed fine all through dinner, and then...BAM...she’s hammered. Quinn was even
more surprised by how good she felt tucked up against him while they walked
back to the hotel. He has had a huge problem with physical contact, not liking
people to touch him. He could probably let Margot go, but he found that he
didn’t want to. She had one arm around his back, her hand hanging onto his
belt. Her other hand was pressed flat against the left side of his stomach,
which was the side she was on.


Normally, he didn’t do anything other than shake peoples’
hands. There were a select few that he would allow to hug him - his parents,
Claire, and the kids. They were the only exceptions. His brothers knew not to
hug him, and Raelynn hasn’t tried. Sebastian might have warned her but she was
fairly perceptive, so she might have picked up on Quinn’s aversion all on her
own. No one ever questioned it either. They just figured it was his quirk and
they accepted it.


After the incident when he was ten, he started having
massive fits when people would touch him in any way. No one could understand what
was going on, so they just stopped touching him. He could remember becoming
just completely overwhelmed with fear when anyone touched him. He didn’t
necessarily feel fear anymore when someone touched him; it was just that the
abhorrence of touch had stuck with him. Now, when he looked back on it, it had
been just stupid not to tell anyone, not to get help. He was young and didn’t
know any better, but the damage was done, and there was no fixing it now. God,
if he ever saw that fucker again, he would kill him.


Quinn got Margot back to their hotel room without any
problems. As long as he held her close, she didn’t even look drunk when she
walked. Once inside their room, he let her go and she stumbled over to the bed,
where she flopped down onto it on her stomach, and started giggling. Quinn
locked the door, sat on the end of the bed next to Margot, and took off his
shoes and socks. He pushed himself further up the bed and leaned against the
headboard. Quinn grabbed the remote off the nightstand and turned the TV on. He
was starting to get tired, but wanted to watch a bit of TV to wind down a


The bed shifted as Margot got to her hands and knees. Her
long dark hair was hanging over her shoulders to frame her lovely face. It was
so long that it grazed the comforter as she started to crawl up toward him.
the hell was she crawling toward him?
Quinn watched her. She looked like a sexy little cat prowling toward him. His
pulse quickened and he licked his lips. He could see right down her shirt. All
he could say to that was...
God damn!
Her ample breasts pushed together, almost popping out of
her pink lace bra.
What the hell was she doing?


Margot crawled up to him. Her breasts brushed against his
chest as her mouth came down on his. Her lips claimed his with a searing hot
kiss. The effects were immediate; as soon as her lips met his, he was hard. That
has never happened to him before. Usually it took a little more coaxing...not
with Margot. With her, it was instantaneous. She nipped at his bottom lip until
he opened for her. Her tongue darted inside and slid along his and he groaned.
He has spent so many nights dreaming about what it would be like to kiss her.
Reality was so much better. Whether he liked her or not, his body wanted her...


“What...are you...doing?” Quinn panted between kisses.


“Mmm, I want you,” Margot purred in reply.


While continuing to kiss him, Margot straddled his lap and
slipped her hands up the front of his shirt. As soon as her hands touched his
skin, Quinn just reacted. In the next instant, he had them flipped over with
her hands pinned above her head. He panted above her, his lips still brushing
against hers.


“You can’t touch me,” he rasped. His voice was even lower
and more gravelly than normal.


Margot frowned and searched his eyes but said, “Okay.”


“Okay?” he clarified.


“Okay,” she said, tilting her face up to kiss him again.


Quinn sucked in a sharp breath through his nose as their
tongues met again. He had a fleeting thought about her being drunk, but he
found that hard to hang onto when she wrapped her legs around his waist and
ground herself against him. Quinn moaned into her mouth. He hasn’t had sex
in...Jesus, he couldn’t remember. There was no way he could say no to her now;
he was already too far-gone. His fantasy was becoming reality, and he was going
to take full advantage of it.


Quinn shifted her arms so that he could hold both of her
wrists in one hand. He tore his mouth away from hers then used his one free
hand to pull the top of her shirt down to expose her bra. He tucked each cup
under her breasts, which pushed them up like an offering just for him.


“Fuck. You’re perfect,” Quinn breathed as he lightly ran a
finger over her dark pink nipple.


Margot murmured something in French and arched under his
teasing touch. He bent over her, took one nipple into his mouth, and sucked
hard. Margot cried out. She tried to move her arms but his firm grasp held her
down. She moaned something else in French that had his balls pulling up tight,
she was fucking sexy as all hell when she spoke French in that husky bedroom
voice of hers. She sure as hell wasn’t irritating him now.


After torturing her nipples to the point that she was
begging, Quinn decided it was time to give her more. He stripped her of her
clothes before getting rid of his own. He stopped for a moment just to look at
her. She was breathtaking. She was soft and rounded in all the right places
even though she was still thin. She wasn’t disgustingly thin, thank god. Her
skin was flawless, smooth and soft, the hair between her legs was trimmed short
and neat. It was kind of porn-star-ish. He liked it.


Margot’s dark hair fanned out around her head on the pillow.
Her arms were lying above her head, just as he left them. She was biting her
bottom lip and squirming. Her eyes roamed all over his naked body, taking in
every inch. Quinn’s whole body was on fire just from her appraisal.


“Please, Quinn. I need you,” she panted, her accent a bit thicker
than normal.


Quinn almost came right then and there. He leaned over the
bed and grabbed his wallet out of his jeans. He always kept a condom in there,
just in case. He pulled it out, tore it open, and rolled it on, all while
moving back between her legs and leaning over her. He held her wrists again as
he used his other hand to dip between her legs. He kissed her languidly as he
slipped a finger inside of her. A strangled cry escaped her. Quinn pulled his
finger out and slid it up to her clit. Margot whimpered when he started tracing
circles around her clit.


“Quinn,” she pleaded, arching under him.


Quinn obliged her. He used the hand torturing her clit to
position himself at her core. “Is this what you want?” he murmured against her


“Oui! Yes! Please!”


Quinn slowly pushed into her and her breath caught. He used
his free hand to grab the back of her thigh and hike her leg up a little higher.
He was shaking from the intensity of how good Margot felt...she felt so fucking
good. Once fully sheathed, Quinn pulled back and thrust forward a bit faster
and more forceful than before. She cried out and dug her head back into the
pillow. Quinn eventually found a rhythm that was good for both of them.


He released her wrists but threaded his fingers in hers. He
dropped down so that his body was actually touching hers - a first for him. He
usually kept a little space between him and his bed partner. With Margot
though, he found himself wanting to touch her. He may not be completely
comfortable with letting her touch him yet, but maybe eventually. Shit, he
didn’t know. This was all new to him. He didn’t understand what it was about
her, but touching her felt right. It rather freaked him the hell out.


Quinn’s mouth hovered over Margot’s as he thrust into her.
Her eyes closed and her lips parted. Her beautiful face flushed and she panted
hard. Something shifted in Quinn as he stared down at her. Something that he
didn’t want to think about or even acknowledge. He pushed all thoughts aside so
he could focus on the exquisite feeling that was Margot. Her body started to
coil tighter and he knew she was getting close.


“Look at me, Margot. I want to see your eyes when you come,”
Quinn whispered huskily.


Margot dragged her eyes open to peer into his. Her breath
hitched and her hands squeezed his tighter. He could see that she was
struggling to keep her eyes open. She murmured something in French then let out
a strangled cry. He felt her body seize around him. Quinn couldn’t look away
from her even if he wanted to. She was magnificent in her ecstasy. He had never
seen anything like it. Quinn was lost in her. He dropped his mouth to hers,
kissing her hard as he came like never before. His whole body shuttered and
twitched as he cried out against her mouth. He swore he has never made so much
noise during sex before. Reality came crashing down on him a few moments later.
Holy shit!
He just
had sex with Margot!





Chapter 3


Margot laid there panting as Quinn rolled off her. He
flipped over onto his back with a groan. Did Margot seriously just have sex
with Quinn? Had
really been the one to come onto
? She knew she wanted him and being drunk just made it
worse. He looked so sexy sitting against the headboard that Margot just
couldn’t help herself.
Did that make her a whore?
Whatever, what woman wouldn’t want to
have sex with Quinn?
A blind one maybe


“Did we seriously just do that?” Quinn rumbled next to her.


Margot rolled onto her side to face him, tucking her hands
under her face. He was staring at the ceiling, one hand resting on his chest,
the other tossed over his head. “Oui,” Margot answered quietly.


“I thought so,” he murmured and nodded.


“It was wonderful. You definitely know what you are doing.”
Margot smirked. She went to slide her hand over his chest but then remembered
his earlier words, ‘You can’t touch me.’


Quinn chuckled low then turned his head to look at her. His
brown eyes were heavy lidded and his cheeks were flushed slightly. His lips
were darker and plumper than normal, most likely from all the kissing they did.
He looked stunning in post coital bliss.


“Can I ask why I had to refrain from touching you?” Margot
asked softly.


Quinn’s small smile fell and he turned his head away to
stare back at the ceiling. He remained quiet for so long that she again thought
he was not going to answer her question.

BOOK: Quinn (The Beck Brothers #3)
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