Quiet Country (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 2) (20 page)

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Authors: Colbie Kay

Tags: #Satan's Sinners M.C.

BOOK: Quiet Country (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 2)
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The following week, Zoey got put on bedrest for the rest of her pregnancy. Bear has moved into the cabin with Kellen and I, and it's been great. I love having him here every night and waking up with him in the mornings before he goes to the garage. We’ve had one fight since he moved in, and that was when he decided to bring a puppy home. I remember him walking in with her.

"What the hell is that?" I asked, shocked he’d do this without even asking me if I wanted a damn dog.

"A puppy. I brought her home for you."

Glaring at him, I demand, "Kellen fucking Rhodes, why the hell would I want a puppy?"

"Well, when I'm not here, she can protect you. Plus, Kellen can grow up with her."

"So you expect me to take care of a baby and a dog?"

"No, I'll help you."

“You fucking better! She's kind of cute though.” The puppy's body is white, and her black markings make it look like she has a black saddle on her back. Her face is half black, half white, and she has an adorable little black nose.

"What do you want to name her?" Bear inquires.

"What kind of dog is she?"

"She's a Staffordshire terrier, better known as a pit bull."

I think for a minute. "Karma."

"Karma… why?"

I just laugh. There's no way I'm telling him, he’ll find out soon enough. "I just like the name."

“Okay, I like it.”

For awhile, I had to chase her around the house as she tore up anything and every fucking thing in sight. Karma’s doing great at the moment though, and she’s so good and gentle around Kellen, I kind of love her now.

I go over with Ever to see Zoey while she’s on bedrest. That was the first time I had taken Kellen to the club. It's warmed up outside, so we aren't stuck in the cabin all the time. We were talking about Prince Alberts and of course I get curious, especially when Ever tells us that Writer has one. After walking back to the bar, I see that all the guys are there playing with Kellen, so I let them have their fun. I take a seat and hang out for a little bit, watching them in amazement. I still can't get over how great these guys are with him. When it's time to go, Bear walks us to the Tahoe, putting Kellen in his car seat and strapping him in. Before I get in, I ask him if he’ll get a Prince Albert for me.

“A Prince Albert?"

Smiling, I say, “You know, a dick piercing.”

"I know what the fuck a Prince Albert is. Have you lost your goddamn mind?"

"No. Zoey was telling me about guys in her books that have them."

"Those fuckin' guys aren’t real!” he shouts at me,

"Don't you fucking yell at me! Don't you want to give me all the pleasure you can?"

Angrily, he asks, "Are you saying I don't pleasure you?"

"No, I'm saying I want you to get your dick pierced."

"I'm not gettin' my fuckin' shit pierced. End of conversation."

"But Writer has his done." I pout, trying to look cute.

"Stick that fuckin' lip back in your mouth. How the fuck do you know that about Writer?"

"Ever said so."

"I could give two fucks what Writer has! I'm not doin' it! I'm tellin' Hanger Crazy Girl needs to quit tellin' you about that fuckin' book porn she's readin'."

"Fine, I'm going home,” I huff.

"I love you." He leans in to give me a kiss, but I turn my head, refusing to kiss him. Bear grabs my face, turning it to him. "You refuse to kiss me again and I'll paddle that ass as soon as I get home." That makes me smile because I know he’ll do it.

“Promises, promises. I love you too you, ass,” I tell him, standing on my tippy toes while he bends, putting his mouth on mine. When he breaks from the kiss, he turns and walks away, calling over his shoulder, “I'll never break a promise with you, so be ready when I get home!” I watch him walk back inside before I get in and leave. Later that night, he sure in the fuck does keep his promise and I don't think I could sit down right for a couple of days.

Kellen is four months old now and things have been amazing. All the guys have now started calling him Cub, which I think is super cute since he looks just like his daddy. Hell, I've even started calling him that. I think he's going to be big like Bear, all the fat rolls on his chunky little legs. I'm so happy that we could all move forward after what I did. Since I’m married to Bear and his Ol' Lady, the brothers treat me like I'm family, and I've never felt more accepted in my life.

I see my dad a lot. I have yet to go to his clubhouse, but he's over here at the cabin all the time. He absolutely loves Kellen and they're bonding quickly. I’ve forgiven my dad for everything, knowing that my mother lied, and our relationship keep growing stronger every day.

Karma’s doing great too. She’s fully trained now, and I even trained her to bite Bear's ass when he pisses me off. She only got him once, leaving teeth marks. I about died laughing, but he got pissed and didn't think it was funny at all, so I had to break her from doing it again.

Zoey had the girls and they’re beautiful with heads full of dark hair, but they look just like their momma. Hanger's mom showed up at the hospital. I don't know what's going to happen with that, but I guess we’ll find out. Family is so important to Zoey, so if she has any say about it, his mom will be in their life.

With everything that’s happened to me, and all the people that I have now, I'm learning to open up and trust more. And tonight, Bear’s taking me to my father's club.


I'm taking Jacey to Snake's clubhouse tonight. I used to go watch the fights every week, but since she came along, I've only made it to a few, and I see now how Hanger could give it up. I never really got how he could just change his whole life for some chick, but now I understand completely. Four months old and Kellen already has a nickname: Cub. Everyone love him, and I wish Ripper was here to see him. He and Chatty never had kids, I don't know why, but he would’ve been a great father and an amazing uncle.

I walk into the house and Karma runs up, wagging her tail so I have to pet her, the cute little shit. The day she bit my fucking ass and left marks because of Lil Mama, I could’ve killed her. Now I know why she named her Karma. She thought it was so fucking funny, me not so much, and when she saw how pissed I was, she shut that shit down real quick and Karma hasn't done it since.

I go find Jacey in the bathroom, and I lean against the doorframe, watching my Ol' Lady. She’s stunning, with her tight shorts and shiny top, her cut worn over it. Her hair’s pulled back, and she’s looking sexy as hell.

"Are you ready to go?"

She jumps and turns, not hearing me over the music. She's listening to Marilyn Manson’s version of
Tainted Love
with Cub in his bouncy seat. "Ahhhh!” she screams and I bust out laughing. “Bear! Fuck! You scared the shit outta me!” she shouts as she reaches over, slapping my arm. I apologize and try to stop laughing, "You look beautiful."

"Thank you."

I walk up to her, putting my face in the crook of her neck, taking in her scent and peppering kisses all along the length. She tilts her head to give me better access. “I'll let you finish getting ready before we end up not going anywhere."

"Wouldn't be so bad to just stay,” she says, and gives me a smile.

I smack her perfect little ass. "We gotta go. Bam Bam’s fighting tonight and it's his first fight since he was shot."

"I know. I'll be ready in a minute."

I walk over to Cub, picking him up and kissing his forehead. "Hey buddy, you bein' good for Momma?" He gives me his little grin. "Did you miss Daddy today? Daddy missed you and Momma. I love you Cub." I kiss the top of his head again as he starts making those adorable little cooing noises. I carry him out of the bathroom so Lil Mama can finish getting ready.

Once she’s done, we take Cub over to Hanger and Crazy Girl. I make Lil Mama stay in the car so she won't open her mouth about where we are going. Hanger doesn't want her knowing anything about the fights, because he knows she’d wanna go. I tell him we’ll be back as soon as it's over. They're gonna have their hands full with their two babies.

We get to the Cobras' clubhouse and when she gets out of the car, she immediately starts looking around. "I remember this place. My mother took me from here. This was the last place I saw my father." I take her hand, leading her inside. We meet up with the guys, and they're giving tips to Bam Bam. We don't need to hang around, so I show her around. I see Deuce standing off to the side, so I walk over.

"You taking the bets tonight?

"Yeah. Minimum is a G."

"Put me down a G on Bam Bam.” I hand him the money and he looks at Lil Mama. "Why you lookin' at my Ol' Lady?"

"So it is her. Jacey, it's been a long time."

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" she asks, clearly confused.

"I'm Deuce, your pop’s..."

She interrupts him. "Vice President, I remember you. I used to play with your son. How is he?"

He chuckles. "Hell of a memory you got. He's good. He’s fighting tonight, goes by the name Crawler."

"I hardly remember anything, really, but I think coming here and hearing names brings back a lot of it."

"Well, you guys have a good night. Enjoy the fight."

We walk around some more until she sees Snake. "Hey Dad."

"Hey Princess, you havin’ a good time?"

"So far."

"How's my grandbaby?"

"Great, same as he was yesterday when you saw him." Leave it to her to make a smartass comment, making us all laugh.

"Okay, okay," he says, putting his arms up in surrender. "I can't help it if I'm an overprotective son of a bitch." That makes us all laugh again. She really is a lot like him. "You kids have fun and enjoy the fight."

We walk out back where the circle is forming. It's safer for Jacey to be in the front, so I push us through until we’re front and center. I stand behind her and wrap my arms around her shoulders, holding her to me, and she lifts her arms to hold onto my forearms. Nobody will fuck with my wife as long as her cut’s on, but it doesn't stop me from holding her hand and keeping her at my side the whole fucking time. Bam Bam and Crawler make their way into the middle, then Snake joins them. He states the rules.

"Fight’s not over until someone taps or gets knocked the fuck out."

When he's done, he yells Fight! and the show begins. They start circling each other, Bam Bam goes in first, throwing a hook, and Crawler’s head flies to the side. Bringing it back up, Bam's ready for him again, giving him an uppercut. Crawler stumbles, then Bam gets him with a leg kick, knocking him to the ground. Bam jumps on top of him and throws punch after punch. Crawler bucks his hips hard, getting Bam off of him.

Shit, I thought that was the end of it! Scrambling up, blood pouring out of Crawler's face, he gets on top of Bam, throwing his own set of punches. He stops, then grabs Bam’s arm, sliding his leg over Bam’s head and lays to the side, pulling his arm back. Fuck, it looks like it's about to break when Bam finally taps. Well fuck, I lost my money on that one.

"Let's go tell your dad bye and go get Cub."

"Yeah sounds good." We tell Bam Bam he had a good fight, then we find Snake, who’s standing with Deuce and Crawler.

"Good fight tonight. Congrats on your win.”

"Thanks man,” Crawler says, looking at Jacey.

"That's Snake's daughter, Jacey. You remember her, Crawler?" Deuce asks.

"Yeah, I remember her. How you been?" He licks his lips, continuing to stare.

"I've been good. I'm Bear’s Ol' Lady now." Good girl.

I gotta bad feeling about this guy. She looks at me and asks if I'm ready to go. I tell her that I am, so she gives Snake a hug and we say our goodbyes.

Once we’re in the truck she says, "I don't like that guy. I remember him a little, but he was kind of creeping me out." I place my hand on her leg.

"Yeah, I didn't have a good feeling about him either. When we’re there, you stay with me at all times. Got me?"


Tomorrow is the day I’ve been waiting for, the day we take down the Italians. We’re all gathered in the church room. It's strange not having Hanger here, he’s still with Zoey, helping with the babies. Gunner calls the meeting.

“Alright guys, I know it's different without Hanger here, but let’s get this shit settled so we can take those fuckers down."

Snake jumps in, saying, "The plan is this: we set up our shooters, surround the building, go in and take all of them out, then get our shit back and call it a fuckin' day."

"Sounds like a plan. Who are the shooters?" Bones asks.

Gunner answers, "We have Ghost and me."

Snake chimes in. "I have Crawler and Diver."

Bones says, "I got Bull and Happy."

Clapper, the Texas President offers, “I'll put one of my guys with each of yours."

Gunner says, "Okay, that should be good.” He lays out a print of the warehouse that Pretty Boy made. “Alright, so we can put three guys here and here where the exits are. Put the others on the sides, just in case anybody misses."

"Yeah, sounds good. The rest of us can surround it at the windows and doors. We’ll go in and take out anybody that we see. Everyone got it?" Snake asks. The room echo's in yeahs. Church gets called and I head out. Just in case anything was to happen to me, I want my last night to be with my Ol' Lady and my son.

After dinner, we put Kellen to sleep and head to our room, where I draw a bubble bath. When the tub’s filled, I turn on the jets and go back into the bedroom, taking Lil Mama's hand and leading her to the bathroom. I strip us both down and help her in. I sink into the hot water behind he, letting it relax me. I pull her against me, rubbing my hands up and down her front, massaging her ample tits. She turns in the water to straddle me. Lining me up to her entrance, she lowers down on my cock. Jacey finds her rhythm, she rides me so fuckin' good, and her nails dig into my skin as she drops her forehead down onto my shoulder. I put one arm behind her back, holding her to me. Kissing and biting at her neck, her cries get louder and louder until she finds her release, calling out my name. I'm not far behind her, and soon I'm growling her name. She lays her head against my chest as I wrap both arms around her. "I'm scared Bear."

"Don't be."

"I don't want anything to happen to you or my dad."

"I know, baby. We’re gonna be fine," I tell her. "You know I can't give you all the details, but we have a good plan. Everything will be good."

"You promise?”

"I promise." We get out of the bathtub, dry off, and I carry her to the bed, laying her down. I grab the blindfold from the nightstand and place it over her eyes. Handcuffing her to the bed, I tell her I'll be right back as I walk into the kitchen, grabbing some ice cubes. "You're so fuckin' beautiful, a goddamn goddess." I sit the bowl next to the bed, putting one cube in my mouth. I lean over her ad run the cube over her lips. I move to her neck, letting the water drop down onto her skin, forming goose bumps all over her. I see her mouth drop down, forming in the shape of an o. I work my way down between her full tits until the cube has melted. I grab another and start from there, working my way back up, my tongue catching the running drops of water. "Oh God, Bear,” she moans out as she pushes her head back into the pillow.

I get another cube in my mouth and circle her nipples with it, making them rock hard. Moving down to her stomach when that one has melted, I do the same as before, running my tongue back up to catch the water. Jacey arches her back, letting out those soft little sounds that I love. Taking another cube, I place it on her pussy, running it down until I have it at her opening. I let it go with my mouth and take my fingers, pushing it inside of her. Placing my tongue on her clit, I flick and sucking her little nub while pushing the ice cube in and out of her. Her moans grow louder. I work her over harder and faster until I have her screaming out my name, then I go back up her body, freeing her wrists and taking the blindfold off. She has a sated smile across her face, and it's a fuckin' beautiful sight.

"Get your cut on." She stands, walking to the closet, grabbing and putting it on. I lay on the bed to watch every move she makes. When Jacey gets back over to the bed, she straddles me. I rub my tip over her pussy, her head goes back as she lets out a cry of pleasure. I find her opening and push inside of her. She finds a steady rhythm as I watch her gorgeous tits bounce. Reaching up, I take them in my hands, massaging and pulling at her nipples.

"You look so fuckin' sexy ridin' my cock with that cut on."

"You feel so good, Bear." I bring her down onto my chest so I can pound into her tight little cunt. Gripping her ass and throwing my hips up, I slam into her, balls deep. "Fuck, Bear I'm gonna cum!”

"Damn right you are, clutching my cock so hard." Hitting that sweet spot over and over, I throw her over the edge as she cries out my name once again. Picking up my speed, I fuck her harder than I ever have before. "This is mine. You are mine,” I grunt out. She moans back, "Yes Bear, god yes!” I feel my balls tighten up and let go, giving her all I have. I can feel her milking my cock as she has another orgasm. When we’re done, we stay just like we are, her head on my shoulder as I rub up and down on her back. "I love you Jacey, so much."

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