Quiet Country (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 2) (12 page)

Read Quiet Country (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 2) Online

Authors: Colbie Kay

Tags: #Satan's Sinners M.C.

BOOK: Quiet Country (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 2)
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Jacey: Yep gotta give u something to look at lol.

Bear: Get some rest lol.

Jacey: Selena's Dreaming Of You.

Bear: Snow Patrol's Chasing Cars.

Jacey: Nite Bear.

Bear: Nite Lil Mama.

The next day I get a text from Zoey saying the guys’ll be doing a striptease. I make sure it's not going to be a problem with Chatty before I agree to show up. There's no fucking way I'm missing this shit, especially when one of those guys is Bear. I told my mom I was going for a drive to get out of the apartment so she wouldn't question where I was. This is for real the last time I’ll be coming back. I'm going to be really showing soon.

I park my car and make my way into the clubhouse. Zoey and Chatty have moved a couch right up front so we’re going to have the best seats to this show. When all four of us girls are at the clubhouse, Zoey lets the guys know we’re ready. Taking our seats on the couch, I hear the music start and it's
Juicy by Pretty Ricky
. Oh, this is going to be good! Zoey doesn't know how good Bear can dance and she's in for a surprise.

They start walking out from the hallway in sweats and beaters, forming a line in front of us. They jump into the air and when their feet hit the ground, their legs spread. Taking their hands, they pull at the sweats a bit and start grinding to the music. I’ve never seen the guys in anything but their shirts or beaters, jeans and cuts. I knew they were sexy, but this is a whole new type of sexiness, with all their muscles and tattoos on display. The guys put their arms behind their heads, slowly rolling their hips.

In a slow motion, they start bringing their hands down, running them along their chests and abs. All three of them hook their thumbs in their waistbands, moving their hips with the beat of the music. Working their hands slowly back up their bodies, the guys stop when they reach the neckline of the beaters, and with one tug straight down the middle, the beaters are ripped from their chests. Hunter and Hacker are good dancers, and I see what they're doing, but they have nothing on Bear, where my attention is solely at.

He’s doing a damn good job at keeping my eyes glued on him. Us girls all look at each other with the same expression: mouths open, eyes big, then we turn to watch the guys again. I knew Bear could dance from our night at the club, but this is a whole new ball game. Watching him dance like this is hot, and it's turning me on more than when I danced alone with him. The ache between my legs is growing so intense I have to shift in my seat, trying to dull it down even just a little. I can feel the moisture in my panties.

The brothers fall to their knees, thrusting their hips forward. Hacker and Hunter stay back while Bear gets on his hands and knees and starts grinding the floor, sliding up in front of me. They all stand back up and drop the sweats, so now Bear is in his boxer briefs, grinding his hips in my face. Oh fuck, this is too much! He could probably make me cum just dancing like this. He straddles me on the couch, and I know my face is bright red, but I can't keep from touching him any longer. I run my hands over his thick, muscular thighs, then back to his tight ass, all while he’s moving on me, rolling his hips and grinding on me. He takes one of my hands and puts it inside his boxer briefs, placing it on his rock hard erection. I can't help but squeal, "Bear! No! Do not put my hand….OH MY GOD!"

I hear everyone around us laughing, hooting and hollering.

I hear Zoey yell out, "Hey, Bear? Nice ass!"

Then I hear a loud smack. I know Hanger made her pay for that comment. I can't focus on anything but what is going on right in front of me. I didn't even realize I had started stroking up and down his length until I hear him let out a loud growl.

He pulls my hand out and lifts up a little, gripping my legs and pulls me down so I’m half on, half off the couch. He has one arm over me, gripping the couch and holding his weight, while the other hand is next to me. He grinds his hips into me, just like he would if we were fucking. I let out a soft moan and Bear whispers in my ear. "You like this Lil Mama?" I nod.

"I know you do. I can smell you, smell your arousal. You're so turned on, you’re about to burst." He lifts up again, pulling me back up. I see the other guys have stopped dancing and everyone is just watching us. They sure are getting quite the show. Someone must have put the music on repeat, because it's been playing the same damn song all this time. He continues teasing me, and my body’s in over drive from him dancing on me. He’s bringing me to a level of turned on I’ve never been to.

The next thing I know, I’m being dragged to his bedroom. I can hear all the guys’ catcalls but I could care less right now. The door gets slammed closed, and before I know it, I'm up against the wall with his mouth on mine. Clothes start getting ripped off, literally. Once we’re both naked, I push him back. He gives me a perplexed look, but I keep pushing him until he hits the bed and falls down, then I pounce on him like a tiger finally getting her prey. I can't wait any longer, I have to have him inside of me. He grabs a condom, putting it on quickly. I line him up and slide down, until he’s all the way inside of me.

"Oh fuck! Baby, you’re so goddamn wet! I can feel it on my thighs, you’re fuckin' drippin'!” he exclaims, as I find my rhythm and pick up speed. He reaches up and takes handfuls of my breasts.

"Swear to Christ, your tits have gotten bigger. Fuck me, you’re so goddamn sexy." That urges me on.

I’m going even faster, chasing the release that's just out of my reach. Bear drops his hands to my hips, digging his fingers into my flesh. He thrusts into me, setting the pace and I let him take over. He’s pounding into me so hard, I think I might have bruises from his hands and pelvis, but it feels so good.

"Bear, don't stop! I'm so close! Please, make me cum!”

He picks me up and throws me over, climbing on top of me. He grabs my hips, slamming in balls deep, hitting my g-spot every single time. I claw and scratch at his back as I throw my head back, screaming out the best orgasm I've had. I hear him yelling
while he fills the condom with his hot seed. He falls over me, holding his weight with his arms so he doesn't crush me.

"That was fuckin' incredible."

"Yeah it was,” I agree. He rolls to the side taking me with him. I lay there, running my fingertips over the tattoos on his chest while he runs his hand up and down my back, giving me kisses on the top of my head. I just have to tell him, there’s no easy way to do this. I feel tears welling up in my eyes.

"Bear, we have to stop this." He pulls back to look at me.

"Stop what exactly?" He looks curious, but he knows what's coming.

"Everything we’re doing. I need some time to figure some things out, plus my mom’s here."

"You have got to be fuckin' kidding me!”

"Bear, please. Just give me this time."

He pushes me off him and gets up from the bed, walks over to his jeans and puts them on as he says, "Don't you worry about that Lil Mama, I'll give you all the time you need. For you to tell me this right after we got done fuckin'…you've got real shit timing." He opens the door, slamming it shut behind him, leaving me feeling more alone than I ever have. Fuck, he ripped my shirt apart. What am I going to wear? I go to his dresser and find a Sinners' shirt, putting it on before hightailing it out of there. This routine is getting so old, I have to figure out what the fuck I'm going to do, and soon.

Over the next week, I put my building up for sale. It's bitter sweet for me because this is what I wanted when I became a doctor, but now it sickens me to even see the place again, let alone having to go in and clean it all out. Zoey didn't want anything, which is understandable. I load two small boxes, one in my trunk and one in the passenger seat. Luckily, I didn’t have much here worth keeping because there really wasn’t much space for anything. I get back to my apartment and my mother’s still there.

"Hey honey. Did you get everything?"


"Well, what are you going to do now for money?"

"I don't know yet mom."

"You can't not know, Jacey. You have a baby on the way." Like I don't know this. "How do you expect to take care of a baby without a job?"

"I have my ways, Mother. Don't worry about it."

"Don't tell me not to worry! That is my grandchild! You need to start worrying about finding a husband to take care of you and this baby."

"I don’t need to find a husband. I’ll take care of this baby myself."

"Why don't you just go work at the hospital, find you a nice doctor?"

"I don't want a goddamn doctor, Mother! I want the father of my child, but I'm too goddamn scared to be with him. Hell, I don't even know if I want to be a doctor anymore!”

With that, I walk away and slam my bedroom door.

Why does it always have to be about money with her? She irritates the fuck out of me, and I can't deal with her anymore. Hopefully, she’ll get the point that I don’t want her here and don’t want to talk to her. I pull my phone out, about to text Bear. I really miss him and want to talk to him, but then I decide not to. It’s for the best to just let him be.


The night that Zoey made us dance for losing the bet was the last time I saw Jacey. It's been over a month and now she refuses to see me. After I walked out, I went to the bar, and not long after, she hightailed it outta there as usual. I’ve decided the chick is fucked up in the head. I’ve made my feelings clear, but she doesn't want any part of it so I'm fucking done. I don't know if she’s moved on. Shit, I don’t even know if she really was fucking someone else while we were together or not. She said she wasn't, but with her I never know what to believe. It'd make sense, all the back and forth she does, between wanting me and hating me. She’s never gonna let me in so I'm done.

Zoey and Hanger came back that night, engaged, and while I'm happy for him, I'm pissed too. It’s jealousy, I know. He got so fucking lucky with Crazy Girl, and I'm stuck wanting a woman that doesn't want me back. Her body desires me, but that's not enough anymore, I want all of her. I'm not giving in this time. I wasn't lying, I'll give her all the time she needs. I miss her crazy ass, but if Jacey wants me, she’ll have to come get me.

This last month has been full of tension because of Romeo, plus we have three new prospects. Two of them came from the Oklahoma chapter and the other is fucking Anthony Gremaldi. Apparently the Oklahoma boys, Demon and Chasyr, got into some trouble over their sisters and they needed to come here to lay low. Of course, already being part of the club, they were welcomed with open arms, plus Demon was helping Hunter watch over the warehouse so we knew him beforehand. Now Anthony, aka Pretty Boy, we weren’t too sure about, but he pulled through for us though. He kept his word and in the end, killed his uncle. That was the night we had to bring Crazy Girl in to help with club business. Hanger didn’t like it, but just like we all knew she would, Crazy Girl agreed to help get Romeo's ass back from being held hostage by Pretty Boy's uncle. Yeah, we had to put her in a dangerous situation, but she held her own and took her first life that night. She did it to save Hanger, I think that’s why she doesn’t feel too much remorse for killing the cunt that played our brother.

I'm in my room when I hear gun shots. Jumping outta my bed, I grab my 1911, charging a round. I run out to the bar, where my brothers are taking cover. The whores and hang-arounds are lying on the floor too, hiding and screaming. I see Chatty on the ground covering her head, and someone has the door open so they can shoot back. I go out the back door of the clubhouse and come around the side to the front. Peeking around the corner, I see Ripper is down, I take aim and shoot, hitting the windshield of the car. I don't know how long the crossfire lasts, but I look over and see Chatty run out the door. FUCK! I scream at her, “No, Chatty! Do NOT come out!” She doesn't fucking listen, and she runs out, dropping down next to Ripper, pulling him into her arms. The shooters peel out and I run over to her. Looking down, Ripper has blood pouring from his chest and back. When he coughs, it comes from his mouth.

"No! Oh God! Fuck! Not Ripper." I say to myself. I can't believe I'm gonna lose him. She needs a few minutes with him, and I wanna give them privacy so I step back far enough where I can't hear them. I just watch them, knowing this’ll be the last time they are together. After I see her kiss his lips, I know he's gone. Coming back to them, I tell her, "Chat, I need you to come with me."

"I'm not going anywhere, Bear."

"You gotta let Doc look him over."

"There’s nothing to look over! He’s dead!” She’s sobbing and screaming at me. "My husband, your brother, is dead!”

"I know, and I don't want him to be gone either, but Doc needs to look at him."

"For what? He can't do anything."

"Chatty, please don't make me pull you from him,” I beg her. This is too much, I can't fucking believe he’s gone.

"You’re gonna have to if you want me to leave."

Fuck me! I can't deal with this. I grab her around her waist as she clutches onto Ripper's dead body. Gunner helps me get her hands free while she’s screaming, "Please! Don't take me from him!” I carry her away so the guys can take his body. She’s kicking, hitting, crying, and screaming at me. I sit her down on the couch, then Gunner comes over to hold her. He pulls her tight to his chest and talks to her and I don’t know if she’s listening or what he’s saying, but I can’t deal with this shit. My best fucking friend was just shot and killed. Fuck this day! I head to my room until Hanger gets back.

When Hanger comes back, he calls church, and when it’s over, I go to my room and pull out my phone. I said I wasn't gonna give in, but I fucking need her. I can't deal with being here right now.

Bear: I need u.

Jacey: Bear?

Bear: No 4get everything else I need u.

Jacey: I'll be there in 20 wait outside.

I walk outside and wait for her by the gate. I don't wanna be here or around anybody. I see her pull up and I go climb in the passenger side of her car. “Drive,” I tell her, trying not to sound too much like an asshole.

"Where do you want to go?”

"I don't care, just drive. Get me the fuck outta here."

She drives us to the pond I had taken her to in my truck. Jacey parks and we sit there for a while, neither of us saying anything. She has the stereo playing, when
See You Again by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth
comes on. She reaches out to turn it off, but I stop her. "Leave it."

"Okay." Her voice is so quiet, she knows something is wrong.

Leaning back into the seat, I rest my head on the headrest, cover my eyes with my arm, and let a few tears free. When the song ends, I turn my head to look at her the exact same moment she looks at me. Her features are so soft. God, I fucking miss her. I can't resist not touching her anymore so I take her hand in mine.

"Bear? What happened? I'm kind of freaking out here."

"I'm not trying to freak you out. You’re the only person I could be around right now. Ripper got killed."

"What?" she asks and her eyes widen.

"Yeah, some shit went down with Romeo, the people retaliated against us. They came today, shot up the club, and killed Ripper."

"Oh god, Bear. I'm so sorry. Is Chatty okay? Is everybody else okay?" She pulls me to her the best she can, wrapping me up in her small arms. I lay my head on her breast, letting her comfort me for once.

"No, she lost it. Jacey, I had a good life once and if my life wouldn't have gone to shit, I would have never been part of the club. Then you would’ve been proud to call me your man."

"Shh…let's not do this right now. Let me just hold you,” she says, her hold on me tightening.

"Jacey, I hope you figure your shit out, and decide what you want soon. I can't keep doing this. I say I'm done and then somethin' always happens. I miss the fuck outta you. All this shit fuckin' hurts, it's too much."

"I know." Still using her quiet voice, holding onto me for dear life.

"Did you know that Ripper is the reason I came to the club?"

"Yeah, Chatty told me he brought you in." Going back into my memory of that first day I was brought to the clubhouse, I just start talking.

"Yeah, I had to go into state custody. They placed me in a few different foster homes, not good ones either. The last one was with Ripper's parents. He came over one day and seen what his ol’ man did to my face, and I guess he got tired of seein' me beat up every time he came over, so he took me out of there and never looked back. He was twenty-six at the time, I was sixteen. He was already a patched member, but he talked to Hanger's pop, who was president at the time. The club voted that I could live there as long as I kept my shit clean and didn't draw attention to the club. By the time I was eighteen, they were my family. They had been takin' care of me for two years by then so I decided to prospect instead of leavin'. I needed that sense of family, I longed for."

"What happened to your parents?" She seems genuinely curious about it, so I continue.

"I'll tell you what happened to my dad, but not my momma." No fucking way am I getting into what happened to my momma.

"Okay,” she agrees.

I think back to that fateful night that changed my entire life. "It was a Tuesday evening, I just got done eatin' dinner at my friend's house. It wasn't quite dark yet, but the sun was goin' down. I rode into the yard at my house and parked my bicycle. I ran up the porch and turned the doorknob, throwing the door open.

"Momma, I'm home!” I yelled. She didn't answer me, which was unlike her, she always answered, and that’s when I heard it. My mom was crying. I had never heard my mom cry until that day, and I knew something had to be wrong. I made my way into the living room and that's when I saw her. She was sitting on the couch with her hands covering her face, her shoulders were shaking from the force of her sobs.

I asked, "Momma, where's Dad?" She looked up to me with the saddest look on her face. I didn't understand what was happening. I saw her red, wet eyes and her tear streaked face. I could tell she had been crying for a while. She reached over to pat the cushion next to her. "Come sit down, Baby. I have to tell you something."

I sat next to her and she took my hand in hers. They were so cold and she looked into my eyes.

"Momma, what's happening? Where’s Dad?" I asked again.

"Baby, there was an accident."

"What do you mean an accident?"

"Oh, Honey, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"What happened to Dad, Momma?"

"Your father was shot tonight. He didn't make it."

I started shaking my head no so fast, thinking it can't be real. "You said it was an accident. How is that an accident?" I asked.

"The police came over and told me that he was at a gas station in town. I guess it was being robbed. When he went to go in the store, the police told him to stay put. He listened, but I guess he went to reach for his phone and they thought he was reaching for a gun. They shot him. They were confused and didn't know how many robbers there were."

"So the police killed him? They’re supposed to protect people. Momma, why would they do that? Why would they take my Dad away from me?" I could feel the tears leaking out of my eyes.

"Baby, I don't know. I am so sorry,” she told me.

“I stood up and pulled my hand from hers and ran to my room. I fell onto my bed and just kept thinking I'm never gonna see my father again. He's never going to be able to go outside and throw the ball with me again. He will never be at one of my games again. The ones that are meant to serve and protect innocent people took him from me, and from my momma."

Oh my God. Bear, I'm so sorry." I look up at her and she has one hand covering her mouth and tears in her eyes.

"Yeah, that was a long time ago. You can take me back now."

"Okay?" I'm starting to get angry, she shouldn't be crying for me. The whole way back is silent, and once we get there, I get out without saying a word and go inside. Thank fuck they got everything cleaned up. I go to my room, lay in my bed. Seems like forever, but eventually I fall asleep.

Over the next week, things have been quiet around here. Crazy Girl has taken the place of Chatty, seeing as she won't get out of bed. I haven't heard from Jacey since that night. All the brothers are in mourning, especially me. I miss my brother, my friend. We had the funeral, and didn't use a police escort. Everyone knew who we were when they saw us coming and they showed their respect by pulling over. Chatty rode in the limo in front along with Crazy Girl. Chatty doesn't let her too far outta her reach. She's depending on her a lot and I’m thankful Crazy Girl has been there. I know right now she needs time, but I’ll see to it that she follows what Ripper wanted, but I don't think she’ll stick around too much longer. She has family in another state, so I see her going to them for a while. She won't be gone forever though.

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