Queen of the Magnetland (The Elemental Phases Book 5) (6 page)

BOOK: Queen of the Magnetland (The Elemental Phases Book 5)
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made a deal with him?”  The woman gasped.  “Why?  Who is he?  Why am I even in here?”

slowly shook his head.  This couldn’t be ‘real.’

woman wasn’t his Match.  She couldn’t be for many, many,
First of all, her energy wasn’t the same.  It felt like Mara’s power, but he could
sense gaps around the edges now, where their energy didn’t line-up as
seamlessly it should.  Their Phazing had never been the perfect whole that most
Matches’ achieved, but now it was worse.  Like their energies barely connected,
at all.


reasons two through seven thousand as to why the woman was an imposter were
pretty self-evident: 
She was fucking

hands came up to press against the side of his head.


was crazy, but he wasn’t
crazy.  He took a step back from the
woman, ignoring her gasp of astonishment when he didn’t move to free her.

She whispered, black eyes wide with betrayal.


wasn’t falling for this.  Zakkery was trying to trick him.  To prey on his
insanity and overwhelming desire to be reunited with his Match.  He’d…
this woman somehow.  She was a charlatan in Mara’s clothes and face. 
Logically, that
to be it.

even though he knew that, his instinct still screamed to get closer to her.


had to get away from her before he
that she was a fake.  Before
his fracturing mind and unstable emotions just convinced him of what was
impossible.  What he so desperately wanted to believe.  What he would have gladly
for even the faintest chance of receiving:  His Match
returned to him.

he would never disgrace Mara by accepting some… imposter.

hadn’t been a worthy Match to her, as it was.  He wouldn’t betray her memory.

turned and stumbled for the door, trying to stay in control, even as everything
in him pulled towards the woman.  He wanted to free her from that cell and pull
her close.  Wanted to grab her before she vanished again and left him alone in
the darkness.

took centuries’ worth of self-discipline just to get the words out:

that is, she’s not my Match.  The deal is off.”

Chapter Two


[She] was in her element now, and out of gratitude, if

more, was as spritely and gracious as possible, coming
to the

conclusion, about that time, that virtue was its own


May Alcott- “Little Women”

left me.”  Mara felt like her world was ending.

it had.

last thing she remembered was dying, so maybe she was dead.  Maybe she’d gone
to hell, for some reason.  Her hand came up to cover her mouth, struggling not
to give way to hysterics.  It wasn’t fair.  She’d tried so hard to be good.  To
be perfect.  To be what everyone wanted.  What had she done wrong?  Whatever it
was, she was sorry.  So sorry.

back!”  She hit her palm against the plastic wall of her cage.  “
Please don’t leave me here!”

knew it was going too smooth.”  The Smoke Phase sighed.  “And you didn’t help
matters by being so not dead.”

Mara felt like she’d been dropped through the looking glass.  “Who are you?”

Hi, how are ya?  Feelin’ all healed and healthy?”

thank you for asking.”  She answered automatically.  Good manners provided a
convenient crutch in moments of abject terror.  She had a vague impression of
this man and someone else… standing over her?  Caring for her?  It was so hard
to remember.  What was going on?  Where was she?

importantly:  “Did you put me in this cage?”

yeah.  I was afraid you’d wander off while I was gone unless I locked you in. 
You were starting to wake-up.  I’m the only one who ever comes here, so it’s
safe, but I was worried what would happen if someone else found you.”

would you let me out, then?  Or,” she pointed at the door to the stairs and
noticed her hand was shaking, “just make Chason come back.  He’ll help me.  I
know it.”

both our sakes, I hope you’re right.”  He frowned down at the floor, thinking. 
“So far, he’s been kind of a disappointment.  We seriously don’t have time for
your Match to get in touch with his feelings, so we need to jump start the
process here.  Ideas would be helpful.”

Mara’s voice edged towards hysteria.  “Let me out of here!”

winced a bit.  “Just give me a minute to figure out how…”

Tears burned the back of her eyes.  “I don’t know what’s going on and I’m

Zakkery sighed, studying her for a beat.  “Alright.  You want him to rescue you,
right now?”

More than anything else, ever.

sure?”  He dropped his cigarette to the floor and crushed it out with his high top. 
He wasn’t meeting her eyes and his smoky voice went flat.  “Because the only
idea I have will get him back down here real fast.  But, it won’t be pretty.  You
want me to try?”

Please, anything.”  She had to have Chason.  She had to get out of there.

Zakkery moved to hit the intercom button on the far wall.  “So, if you’re
renouncing your Match, Chase, I can have a go at her, right?”  His voice echoed
from hidden speakers all through the small dungeon.  “I mean, since the deal’s
off, I gotta get a payday outta this

blinked.  “What?”

whether she knows it or not, she’s
be aching for some male attention.” 
He didn’t even glance her way.  “It’s been two years.  What with being Matched
to an upstanding pussy like you, probably even
.  Before I auction
her off on eBay, I’m gonna just take a turn with the girl.  I’ve always had a
thing for the innocent ones.”

mouth dropped open, too shocked to do anything but gape at him.

kept ignoring her.  “I’ll betcha she’s never had anyone but you, altar boy. 
It’ll be like fucking a virgin.  Do me a favor and stick around for a while. 
If any other Smoke Phases happen by, send them down here to watch and learn.” 
He finally glanced at Mara, grey eyes intent.  “Strip.”  He kept the intercom
button on, its red light glowing.  “Now.”

eyes widened.  “
”  She took a step back from him and held up a palm. 
“Wait.  No.  Please.”

I love it when they beg.”  He stalked over to the cell door, keying it open.  “Take
your clothes off and get on the mattress.”

you deranged?  No!”

it willingly or I’ll just chain you up, and force you.  Ya might as well make
it painless for yourself.”  He shrugged.  “‘Corse, I also like it when they

this part of his plan?  Mara didn’t know, and fear made it hard to find the
words to ask him.  The man was dangerous.  Unpredictable.  No one ever spoke to
her that way before.  All her life, she’d been shielded.  Protected from people
who didn’t treat her like Kahn’s precious little cousin or Chason’s honored
bride.  Mara was used to being utterly safe.

liked Mara.  Everyone respected her.

at least, they used to.

had she done to have everyone throw her at the mercy of this criminal?

Mara backed up against the far wall as he invaded her prison call.  “I don’t
want this.”

I can make you want it, honey.”

was beautiful.  No one would have disputed that.  Dark hair and a fallen angel
face.  He could have had any woman he wanted.

not Mara.

way in hell.

was right.  She’d never been with anyone but Chason.  He was her Match.  The
only man she’d ever wanted.  Even if Chason left her forever, she’d never be
with Zakkery.  Not willingly.

.”  The wall hit her back and Mara realized she was trapped.  Her
tone got frantic.  She’d never been in any kind of physical altercation before
and she has no idea what to do, besides try to reason with him.  “You’re
frightening me.”

jaw tightened.  “I know.  Just don’t fight me and it’ll be fine.”

course, I’m going to fight you! 
”  She screamed for him
instinctively as Zakkery grabbed her arm.  Other men didn’t touch her.  Not
ever.  Not even in the most superficial ways.  And even with Chason, he always
made sure he had permission first.

remorseless grip had real terror shooting through her.  He swung her towards
the mattress on the floor and pushed her down.

.”  Mara shoved against him, as he knelt over her body.  Zakkery
was so much stronger than her.  Keeping one leg on either side of her hips, he
pinned her down.  “
”   She slammed a fist into his eye.  “
Let me


Calm down.”  Zakkery wasn’t even aroused.  She could feel it as he leaned
forward to capture her hands.  “Calm down.”  His voice was in her ear now,
soothing instead of hard.  “Shhh… I won’t hurt you.  Calm down.  It’ll be over
in a minute.”

Tears were coming now, sobs echoing through the room.  “

squeezed his eyes shut at the plea, like he was the one suffering.  “Shit. 
Just another few seconds, baby.”

The scream came from her very soul.


outer door to the stairs blew right off its hinges.

Mara knew it was him.  She didn’t even have to look.  She recognized the feel
of his powers.  They had an unfamiliar, chaotic swirl twisted into them now and
the strength of them had grown, but she still knew him with every cell in her
being.  “Help me!”

didn’t even get the whole cry out before Chason was in the cell, pulling
Zakkery away.  “
Get the fuck off of her!

sent the Smoke Phase flying into the Plexiglas wall.  Zakkery bounced off of it
with a curse, hitting the plastic floor and laying there dazed.

was safe.

gave a sob of relief and gratitude as she pulled herself into a sitting
position.  With Chason there, she was safe.  He had come back and rescued her. 
It was over.  It was finally over.

it wasn’t.

wasn’t rushing to comfort her or help her get free of this terrible place.  He
was intent on killing a man.  Truly killing him.  Mara’s mouth parted in shock as
Chason stalked over to seize Zakkery by the throat.  He dropped down, so his
knee was pressed into the Smoke Phase’s chest, preventing him from standing.

”  Chason was absolutely out of control.  He was strangling
Zakkery, his hand still wrapped around his neck.  Chason’s purple eyes
glittered with a furious, primal wrath, his normally polite voice a guttural
roar.  “
You think you can put your fucking hands on her and I’ll let you fucking

had never seen him like this.  She got to her feet, gaping at this wild stranger
who used to be her gentle Match.  “Chason?”  The word came out as a whispered

didn’t hear her.  He was lost in a murderous rage.  His powers were like a
living entity, screaming along their connection.  She could feel his feral
madness giving them strength.  He wasn’t going to stop.  One massive fist began
slamming into Zakkery’s beautiful face over and over, pounding him into the
ground.  Just silently, methodically
him again and again.

was defeated.

wasn’t even trying to fight back.

was going to kill him, anyway.

had never imagined Chason do something so excessive and brutal.  Certainly not
because of her.  She gave her head a shake, coming out of her astonished

Chason.”  She dashed over to catch hold of his arm.  “
.  Stop,
Chason.”  She got between the men, repeating his name, trying to pull him away
before Chason ended up doing something he’d regret.  “Chason,

shook her off, but the brief interruption gave Zakkery time to shove free of
Chason and scrambled to his feet.  “Shit!  You
fucking crazy!”  He
backed away wiping the blood from his face.  “You broke my nose, you dick.”

would have gone for him again, but Mara stepped directly in front of him.  “Chason,
please.  I’m alright.  I’m okay.  Please.”  She wanted to throw herself against
his chest and just huddle there, but he wouldn’t want that kind of emotion

and Chason didn’t have a “hugging” kind of relationship.

was breathing hard, not from exertion, but like it was taking all his energy
not to spin into another killing rage.  He didn’t even look like her Match,
anymore.  Where was his Magnet House armor?  She’d rarely seen him in anything
else and now he wore a grey uniform she didn’t recognize.

which was splattered with Zakkery’s blood.

glanced down at her, blinking as if bringing her into focus.  “Are you
alright?”  His voice still didn’t sound like him.  It was hoarser, darker.  Savage.

sound of it did something funny to her insides.  “I’m okay.  He didn’t hurt me.” 
She wanted so badly to lean against him.  “Thank you.  Thank you for coming

stared at her, purple gaze tracing all over her face with raw, undisguised
longing.  Then, he swore in something like self-disgust and covered both of his
eyes with his hands, pressing the heels of his palms into the sockets.

No.  No.”  He dropped his hands and looked back at Zakkery.  “It won’t work, you
fucking bastard.  You think I’m an idiot?  You’re trying to set me up!  Make me
accept this woman by threatening her safety.”

not a threat.”  Zakkery held a hand to his damaged nose, his stunning face
already swelling.  Even with the Elementals’ capacity for healing this would
take a while to repair.  “I’m serious.  Your woman interests me.  If you leave
her, why shouldn’t I take her for myself?  I think there’s a real spark between

no spark between
  You said you’d help and instead you attacked

expelled a humorless sort of chuckle.  “I was testing the waters, is all.  Just
give it a few days and you’ll change your mind.  Once you see I’m your only way
outta here, I’m willing to bet you’ll willingly do just about anything I can
think, Mara.  And I got an open schedule and a dirty mind.” 

not Mara.”

lips tightened at Chason’s snarled pronouncement.

you say so.”  Zakkery smirked.  “Doesn’t really matter to me, either way. 
She’s still plenty doable, whatever she calls herself.  I think there’s gonna
be magic between us.”  He arched a brow.  “Weren’t you leaving, Chase?  Don’t
worry.  I like ‘em grateful and rebounding.  I’ll be happy to help her get over
her broken heart.”

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