Psychic Visions 08-Now You See Her... (39 page)

Read Psychic Visions 08-Now You See Her... Online

Authors: Dale Mayer

Tags: #Suspense, #Mystery

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Think about him. Concentrate on him. Tell him to fight to stay alive.

Oh Jesus. Tears pouring down her cheeks, she closed her eyes and called out to the man who’d touched her like none other.

Dean, dear God, hold on. I’m coming.
As soon as she thought of him, his face, vague and opaque showed clearly in her mind. But there was a distant quality to it at the same time. She shuddered and all the love she’d never had a chance to give poured from her heart. She loved this man. She finally knew she loved someone – after a barren lifetime of being unloved, she was now loved and cosseted herself.

And the man in her heart was dying. No. She wouldn’t let him. She raced to his side, desperate to save him. But she was no healer. There he was in front of her, on the floor in the same conference room she’d been in earlier.

She couldn’t help him. She could only beg him to fight. To stay alive until someone else was there to help him.
Dean, stay with me, please.

He was there, in front of her. She cried out in joy.
I’m here, Dean. I’m here.

And something slammed into her.

Stopping her progress.

“Hello, Tia.”

Still shuddering from the quick shift and needing to find a way to get to Dean, she struggled to see who and what was in front of her.

John. But a different looking John than the young man who’d befriended her. Gave her the first kiss. Her bracelet – that she’d lost. Now he looked…old. Angry. Evil.

“No,” she cried. “It can’t be you.”

“Why is that?” he asked, a maniacal look on his face. “Because I left and you never saw me again? Because what we had together was special,” he mocked, making her wince. “I was Dr. Wilhelm’s special student. My abilities used to make him rub his hands together in glee. I cooperated. I befriended you to try and help him. Gave you the bracelet that was supposed to affect your energy so he could do more. It’s how I found you when you returned to town. I have an affinity for metals. And I’ve always kept an eye out for you – knowing you’d have to come back sometime.

“But you wouldn’t cooperate. I even kissed you. Not bad for a green kid back then. I do prefer Billy though. A woman in a child’s body. Perfect.”

He laughed. That sound had drifted through her nightmares, waking her, screaming in the night, terrorizing her with threats of what he’d do to her next.

“He played all of us against each other. But you didn’t know. Unlike the rest of us. We knew about you. We saw more of each other. Could share our stories. Not you. You were always isolated. You had
abilities.” He snorted. “I’m stronger than you ever were. But I see you’ve finally come into your abilities. About time!” Another laugh. “I’m proud of you though. You look great – even without your body. Then I
you could do this. Unlike you. You had so little faith in yourself. And in me.” He laughed. “How do you think I could do this if I didn’t have powerful abilities of my own? How could I take my research to the next level without my own psychic shells? I even managed to do something crazy Wilhelm could never do – got you to show your true self.”

“So why did you attack Dean? He’s done nothing to you,” she cried.

“Ah, but he did what I needed done. He brought you to this point. I’d been trying to get you to show yourself since forever. Besides, he has his own ability to stabilize your energy. Oh yes, I heard all about it,” he said in a conversational tone. “My position as the departmental shrink gave me excellent access to all kinds of cases. I could get my hands on records and emails, making it easy to send the photo. I’d hoped that would push you a little further over the edge.”

She sobbed. “I don’t care about me. I need to save Dean.”

“Like you saved him weeks ago? It’s a good thing you wore your bracelet that night. It allowed me to pull on you more than ever. I use dark energy you know,” he said in a conversational tone. “Ancient energy.” Then his tone changed. “But someone helped you escape. Someone powerful.”

“Stefan,” she whispered. “But Dean shouldn’t suffer for that. I need to save him!”

“And that’s only going to happen if you agree to come back to me. To do the testing I need you to do. But you have to agree to be there all the way, or else he’ll die.”

The thought made her sick, but there was no doubt in her mind what she had to do. “Yes,” she said softly. “I will, but you have to let me help Dean.”

He waved something in his hand, she couldn’t see it, she didn’t even know if he was there in physical levels or if he was there in spirit only.

She hoped he was in physical form, and she hoped there was someone there to shoot him dead.

Like now.

As if her thoughts created her reality, several harsh spits filled the air and Dr. John Loring did a mid-air dance, his energy flaring and sparking in multiple dimensions all at once.

She gasped in shock, then watched his body do a slow slide to the floor.

Dean, dear God she had to get to Dean. Dean, who was sitting up in his body, his physical body still on the floor.

He looked puzzled, then surprised, before sorrow washed over him.

she screamed and slammed into him, trying to send him to the floor again and inside his body.
Stay, please stay, I love you.

Tia? Are you all right? You were dying,
he cried out.
Are we both dead?

No, but you are dying, unless you fight back. I’m fine,
she sobbed.
Honestly I’m fine, but it’s you who is in trouble.

He gave her the sweetest smile and said,
As long as you are okay, I’m fine.

And his eyes rolled up into his head and fell backwards.

She dove after him.


Dean, can you
hear me.

I hear you.

Good. It’s time to wake up.

No. I’m tired,
he muttered.
Go away

No, I won’t go away. I don’t think I can anymore. I’m here. A part of you. Forever.
Tia’s voice was a laugh.

He smiled.
If you’re laughing, it’s all good.
He nestled closer.
Then I don’t need to wake up. Horrible nightmares,
he muttered.
This is much nicer

Slowly, as if not convinced, he opened his eyes to see her bending over him. He grinned and wrapped her in his arms and cuddled her close, closing his eyes and resting his chin on the top of her head.

Gentle laughter rippled around him.
This is lovely, but we can come back here anytime. You need to open your real eyes.

He leaned back and looked down at her.
What did you say?

Look around you.

Opening his eyes, he turned to see the world at large. And found himself in a hospital room, in a hospital bed with Tia sitting at his side.

He frowned and slammed his eyes closed to see Tia cuddling in his arms.

Uhm…what the hell just happened?

That’s your inside vision and outside vision. Inside you are here with me – anytime and anyplace. Outside vision is the real world as you used to know it. Now you have a new dimension in which to operate.


Yeah, I’ve been dealing with it a little longer than you. Stefan has been trying to explain it since I found myself wearing your bullet holes to the extent that I was the one rushed to the hospital while you lay bleeding in the conference room.

And who shot me?
he asked, his mind blurry on so many details.

The psychologist, Dr. Loring. Who was also John, one of the men who was in the institution with me. He had his own abilities.
She sighed.
I never actually saw your shrink or I might have recognized him.

How did he get to be a cop shrink?

Not an issue. He was already a grad student and had a clean record. He moved through the system and was actually a visiting psychologist if you remember and one you were supposed to go see to help you with your problems.
She smiled.
It was his cover to find new patients. Not just police officers but cases. He had access to disturbed kids. And once you entered the picture he really wanted you.

His mind raced over all the details still missing.

And one was big – potentially huge.

And Simone
, he asked gently.

Tia smiled.
She was at the lab. He’d taken her prisoner, thinking she might be able to tell him something about me. And if not, then as a hostage to control me. Yes, he killed Brennan who’d tried to save Simone. But she’s fine. Or,
Tia corrected…
She will be… Now that she’s safe

Jesus. It was too much to take in.

And you don’t need to take it all in now. A lot of people are waiting to know you’re going to be okay though, as a lot of people had a hand in saving you. So do all of us a favor and come back

Holding her hand tight in his, he opened his eyes to the room. This time, he saw Tia smiling reassuringly down at him, several doctors and a couple of nurses. And in the back was his big bluff captain, frowning.

“Hey,” Dean said, in a faint voice. “I’m here.”

The room erupted in cheers.

Tia’s the loudest of them all.

Author’s Note

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Dale Mayer

If you’d like to read about other books I’ve written, please turn the page.

Touched by Death

Adult RS/thriller

Get this book at Amazon.

Death had touched anthropologist Jade Hansen in Haiti once before, costing her an unborn child and perhaps her very sanity.

A year later, determined to face her own issues, she returns to Haiti with a mortuary team to recover the bodies of an American family from a mass grave. Visiting his brother after the quake, independent contractor Dane Carter puts his life on hold to help the sleepy town of Jacmel rebuild. But he finds it hard to like his brother’s pregnant wife or her family. He wants to go home, until he meets Jade – and realizes what’s missing in his own life. When the mortuary team begins work, it’s as if malevolence has been released from the earth. Instead of laying her ghosts to rest, Jade finds herself confronting death and terror again.

And the man who unexpectedly awakens her heart – is right in the middle of it all.

By Death Series

Touched by Death – Part 1 –

Touched by Death – Part 2

Touched by Death – Parts 1&2

Haunted by Death

Chilled by Death

Vampire in Denial

This is book 1 of the Family Blood Ties Saga

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