Prue's Promises [Submissive Sirens 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)

BOOK: Prue's Promises [Submissive Sirens 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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Submissive Sirens 3

Prue's Promises

Prudence Carter keeps secrets. An agent for Homeland Security with a love of burlesque dance, she finds herself in a BDSM club with a sinister secret of its own…

Cyrus King, owner of the hot BDSM club Cuero, knows what it means to work his way up from the bottom, having started out as a stripper. Now he spends his days on top, topping subs in his club.

The two come together in a storm of lust, and Prue begins to learn what secrets can cost. They make their way across a dance floor filled with equal amounts of promise and disaster, neither knowing where their steps will lead. Prue must uncover the darkness at the heart of Cuero, and Cyrus must uncover the darkness in the heart of his new submissive. Can the two complete this dance together, or will one of them make a misstep?

BDSM, Contemporary

73,114 words



Submissive Sirens 3






Charlotte Smith










Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance




Copyright © 2013 by Charlotte Smith

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First E-book Publication: July 2013


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For my beautiful Betas – Cyrus wouldn’t be half as hot without you.


Submissive Sirens 3



Copyright © 2013






Chapter 1


“Three of them?”

Prudence laughed at the expression on her friend Cleo’s face. She didn’t think she’d ever seen Cleo look horrified, awed, and slightly jealous all at once. Prue turned her attention to Remy, the woman sitting across from Cleo, and laughed even harder. She’d also never known Remy to blush.

“Yes, Cleo.” Remy somehow managed to make her voice sound haughty and prim. “All three of them.” Remy grinned evilly. “And those boys know how to deliver a spanking.”

Pandemonium reigned. Prue shrieked into her daiquiri, hearing echoing squeals and laughter from her friends. She raised herself up on her elbows, pinning Remy with a withering look. “See? Subbing’s where it’s at.” She grinned at her friend, whose face was still bright pink. “Glad you’ve come over to the dark side.” Prue raised her glass, toasting Remy’s acceptance of her submissive nature. She took a sip of the sweet slush, turning her attention once more to Cleo, who seemed to have recovered a modicum of her usual cool.

“And you, Missy,” Cleo drawled, focusing her laser-like gaze on the fourth member of their group, Jessie, “don’t think we’re not moving onto you next. A duke and a stableboy? And you’ve turned your house into a sex club? Damn, girls, you two have had a busy-ass year.”

Their fifth and final friend, Lila, giggled from across the pool where she lounged, dipping her feet in the water. “I’d take some of that over here.” She sighed. “It’s been way too long since I’ve gotten busy.”

Prue snorted. She could totally relate to Lila’s predicament since she herself had been going through an epic dry spell. She rolled over on her back and threw her arm over her eyes, setting her drink on the table beside her in the process.

Jessie laughed at Lila, reaching down to splash her with water from the pool. “Your time will come, love. I didn’t ever think I’d find what I have, and now every time I turn around I’m either getting flogged or fucked.” Jessie’s face took on a dreamy quality. “Sometimes both.”

Cleo piped up once more. “But really, Jessie, you turned your old manor into a sex club now that you’re living at Hartley House?”

Jessie smiled serenely. “Damn right. Gabriel hosts members from his club in London, and we like to think of it as the perfect place for a mini-break. In fact”—Jessie took a long pull of piña colada from her straw—“I was thinking next time we do this kind of getaway you could all come visit me there. You can meet my men, and, Remy, you can bring the triplets.”

Prue smiled. She liked the sound of that, and judging by the silence from her other friends, they found the idea just as intriguing.

Cleo stretched, arching her back like a cat as she tossed her long red hair over her shoulder. “Well I’m game so long as it’s not BYOD for the rest of us.”

Jessie looked at Cleo in bewilderment, and Prue frowned. BYOD?

Cleo grinned. “Bring-Your-Own-Dom. Unless you girls are willing to share.”

Remy actually growled. “Not a chance, Miss Thing. My boys might share me, but I don’t share them.”

Jessie laughed, the little trill lightening the moment. “I’m not about to lend you Gabriel either, and neither he nor I will lend you Liam. Don’t worry, girls, I’ll make sure Gabriel recruits enough…manpower for the occasion.”

Prue relaxed back into her chaise longue. That sounded fantastic. A couple of weeks with a Dom to work out all her frustration would be perfect, and she kind of couldn’t wait until their next holiday together. Too bad it was a year away.

Prue peeked out from under her arm at her friends where they all lounged, feeling a warm glow chase through her. She loved these women like sisters, and she counted herself lucky for the zillionth time to have found a second family in them. Her gaze lingered on Jessie and Remy, noticing how relaxed both women looked. Prue noted that she wasn’t jealous of the happiness they’d found, but seeing their cat-who-got-the-canary expressions made her wonder what it would be like to have a permanent Dom of her own.

Looking at Remy was the most astonishing experience, noticing how much she’d changed in the last year. Prue’s friend had formerly lived in denial of her submissive nature, and it had taken a harrowing experience for her to be able to let go of her inhibitions and grab what she wanted from life. Prue smiled to herself when she thought about Remy grabbing what she wanted since what she wanted had turned out to be three incredibly sexy triplets, former Navy SEALs with a major bent for D/s. Now all of them had gotten out of the game, giving up their dangerous lifestyle in favor of more everyday careers. Prue was pretty sure Remy’s new path was going to lead them all to a new wardrobe, since Remy had been using them as guinea pigs for her latest confections she planned to sell in her bakery. Prue grimaced as she thought about how many Danishes she’d eaten at breakfast. She needed to work out.

Speaking of workouts, Prue couldn’t stop marveling at Jessie’s transformation either. She’d looked positively exhausted when she’d arrived, exhausted but glowing. She really had married a duke and a stableboy, and judging by her constant state of smugness, it was obvious that the committed threesome she was part of kept her very, very happy.

Prue sighed as she looked at Cleo and Lila, wondering how long before they’d find themselves settled down as well. It seemed like yesterday that they’d been training together to become Marines, and now it seemed like they were all grown up. Well, Prue corrected, mostly grown up. She watched as Cleo rolled soundlessly off her chaise, stealthily sneaking up behind Lila where she still dangled her feet in the water. The other girls had also noticed Cleo’s movements, and Prue could tell they all waited breathlessly for what was coming.

“Aaahhh!” Lila’s shriek was drowned out as she went below the surface of the water, her curly blonde mop of hair billowing out like a fan. She came back up sputtering. “Cleo! You raging bitch! You’d better sleep with one eye open tonight, because I’m coming for you!”

Rather than seeming alarmed, Cleo stood at the side of the pool, shaking with laughter and holding her sides.

Prue looked over at Remy and raised her eyebrows. Remy grinned and nodded, the two communicating without saying a word. As one, they stood up from their loungers and ran to Cleo, neatly picking her up between them and tossing her into the pool. She screamed bloody murder at them as she sailed through the air, and Lila shrieked, startled, and swam away from Cleo’s spectacular splash.

Prue and Remy grinned at one another, but their mirth turned to wariness in a moment as Jessie joined them.

“Well, ladies? What’s it to be then?” Jessie’s posture seemed casual, but to anyone with a trained eye she was coiled and ready to strike.

Prue and Remy eyed Jessie and one another, waiting for someone to make the first move. Remy struck first, nudging Jessie just hard enough that she lost her balance and toppled backward into the pool, but Prue was ready. She moved forward at the same time as Remy, and as soon as Jessie was clear, Prue set her back into it and gave Remy a hard push, catching the tall woman while she was still off-balance.

Assured of her victory, Prue watched in slow motion as Remy’s arm snaked back, grabbing Prue by the hand and pulling her into the water. Prue squealed as she hit the surface, and she was laughing like a maniac when she came up. This was what it was all about, the times she went on vacation with her girlfriends. She couldn’t imagine them behaving like frat boys in the presence of their men, and she valued the opportunity to be whoever they wanted to be.

BOOK: Prue's Promises [Submissive Sirens 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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