Protector of the Realm (52 page)

BOOK: Protector of the Realm
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“My name is Armeo,” he began, his bright voice so unlike the authoritative Thorosac. “I have here, within the Supreme Constellations, found a safe haven and friends. I live and attend school at my grandparents’ estate while my guardian has been commissioned by the SC military forces to assist in the upcoming war efforts. On behalf of my homeworld…” His voice wavered. Sending the two women a quick glance, he nodded and gave a faint smile. “On behalf of the Gantharian people, I thank you for the sacrifices you are about to make. The Gantharian people need your help. Thank you.”

Looking relieved, the boy stepped down. The red-haired commodore placed a hand on his shoulder.

Thorosac went up to the sound transmitter. “Thank you, Prince O’Saral, for paying us a visit and also introducing yourself to the SC population throughout the sector.”

The boy waved and left the Pit, but the applause echoed for a long time.

M’Ekar rose and stood by a window. He stared out into the dark jungle creeping close to his house.

“Sir, can I get you anything else?” his man servant asked from the door.

“No. Nothing.” M’Ekar had just turned off the view screen where the child, the hybrid who should have been his ticket to unimaginable power, had addressed the Supreme Constellations
and its Council. “That damn woman…” The camera had zoomed in on Commodore Jacelon and the Gantharian bitch responsible for his current situation, where they stood triumphantly next to the boy. Knowing they had won infuriated him no end, but all he could do was bide his time.

Constantly monitored and with the computer chip inserted in his central nervous system, he could do little at present. He stroked with a cold hand along his face, feeling his lips form a thin smile. No matter how humiliating his circumstances were, he firmly believed every problem had a solution.

And he was going to find it.


“Did we make a mistake?” Kellen whispered as the small vessel took off from the roof of the SC Council building. Armeo had insisted on sitting next to the copilot in front. “Now everyone will know what he looks like.”

Rae rubbed the back of her neck, a gesture Kellen had learned to interpret as a sign of relief after great stress. “It’s no secret that he lives with my parents right now. Anyone determined to harm him would know where to go. The security in their residential area is as good as such things come.” She leaned over and placed a hand on Kellen’s knee.

“I know my father was against it, but Mother agreed he needed to appear in order to create a foundation for the new alliance to help save a planet and its people. As much as I dislike using Armeo as a front figure, the fact remains he is Gantharat’s representative, their rightful sovereign. His life will always entail an element of danger.” Rae’s voice softened. “If it’ll make you feel better, we can ask Gemma to chemically change his hair and eye color. She can also slightly change the color of his skin. The procedures are painless and easy to reverse.”

Kellen shook her head. “It may be necessary, but let’s wait and see. He lives a sheltered life, I know, and I trust in the precautions your mother has taken.”

“All right. Just know we always have options.”

Kellen smiled as genuine happiness filled her. “So you keep telling me, Commodore.”

“Three more days left of our leave in the Reposa System, and then we deploy, darling. Any regrets?” Rae’s tone of voice was light, but her eyes changed to a dark gray as she regarded Kellen.

“No regrets.”

“How about we use the Vibra-Pool on the patio? Just the two of us, after Armeo goes to bed?” Rae lowered her voice. “I know how beautiful you look when the stars and the moons cast their light across your body.”

Kellen’s eyelids grew heavy at the thought of spending the evening naked with her wife in a pool that massaged every part of the anatomy. They had tried it once, and the mind-blowing pleasure had nearly rendered her unconscious. She leaned into Rae for a quick, breathless kiss. “I can’t think of anything I‘d rather do.”

Rae removed the communicator from her shoulder. “Pilot?” She winked at Kellen, while instructing the pilot to take them back to the famous vacation and resort planet in the Reposa System where they’d stayed for two weeks prior to Armeo’s presentation. “You have my authorization to use the military corridor.”

Kellen couldn’t help but laugh, a thoroughly happy sound even to her own ears, and then she gave Rae a knowing look. “Are you in a hurry,

Rae smiled and stroked her thumb across her lower lip. “Damn straight, I am.”

About the Author

Gun Brooke
combines her lifelong love for science fiction and romance novels by writing both genres—always with romance at center stage. She resides in the Swedish countryside with her very patient family in a village displaying remnants from the Stone Age and Viking era.

Having first written fan fiction, Gun caught Bold Strokes Books’ attention when she entered an online writer’s challenge, and the international second edition of
Course of Action
is the happy result. Creating character-driven stories about relationships, whether set in the future or contemporary times, now keeps this Swede occupied fulltime.

Putting her fascination with the latest technology to good use, she keeps in touch with friends around the world through the Internet and maintains her own Web site, She has also been known to create Web sites for other people on occasion.

When not working on her next book, Gun loves movies, reading, cooking/eating/talking, and creating computer graphics. She also enjoys traveling and meeting new people, whom she stores in her evergrowing gallery of characters for future stories.

Look for information about her works at

BOOK: Protector of the Realm
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