Read Promises to a Stallion (Kimani Romance) Online

Authors: Deborah Fletcher Mello

Promises to a Stallion (Kimani Romance) (9 page)

BOOK: Promises to a Stallion (Kimani Romance)
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Chapter 10

ierra climbed up to sit atop the railing of the wooden fence that surrounded the blue-green pasture. The horses were grazing, chewing at the soft grass that decorated the landscape. The evening air was slowly starting to cool from the day’s heat, a cool breeze blowing in a soft gust.

Lost in thought, she was startled for a brief moment thinking she heard the wind calling out her name, and then she realized it was Travis calling. The man was moving in her direction, his gait slow and easy with just a hint of a dip in his step. Tierra like the way he moved, his stride as graceful as a dancer’s but with a mountain of masculine bravado and a seductive rhythm that spoke volumes about his confidence level. He was sexy as hell, and watching him move one instinctively knew that he was a man who knew how to use his body.

As he came up beside her, his hand pressing hot against her knee, Tierra thought she might combust from the swell of heat that had suddenly consumed her. She couldn’t remember the last time any man had her so hot that moisture was puddling in places she didn’t know moisture could reach. His touch was almost too much for her to handle as she shifted her body from his, lifting her leg from beneath his touch.

“I’m sorry,” Travis said softly, his gaze meeting hers. “I didn’t mean to upset you, Tierra.”

She took a deep breath of warm air. “I’m not upset. I would really just like to be left alone, Travis.”

Her eyes skated back and forth across the fields, fighting to stare at anything except Travis.

Bemused, the man touched her a second time, his fingers softly kneading her flesh. The unconscious gesture only served to infuriate her more.

“Why do you keep doing that?” Tierra exclaimed, jumping down from the fence and squaring off against him.


“Why do you keep touching me? Do you always go around putting your hands on people?”

Travis smiled, the bend of his mouth so sweet that Tierra was suddenly hungry for a little taste of the man’s honey and sugar. Her eyes widened, a wave of something she’d never felt before washing over her spirit. The intensity of it was startling.

“Aargh!” Tierra screamed as she spun away from him, almost racing in the other direction. “I can’t stand you!”

Behind her, Travis stood with his arms crossed over his chest, shaking his head. He absolutely adored her spirited energy.



Travis stood beneath a spray of hot water, the heated moisture washing over his head, rolling down his broad back and chest to trickle in small puddles at his feet. After an exceptionally long day, the water felt good. He could have stood there for the rest of the evening, but it was boy’s night out and he was anxious to get some male perspective on his present situation with Tierra.

He was certain his cousins would call him crazy. If he were honest with himself he was only feeling but so rational at the moment. Marriage. It had seemed like a great idea when it first came to his mind, and it still did. The thought of him and Tierra spending the rest of their lives together intrigued him. What he found himself feeling for the woman was even more captivating. The fact that it had all happened so quickly was completely mystifying. He was experiencing a rash of emotions like he’d never experienced before, and despite the absurdity of it all, every ounce of it felt like the most natural thing in the world.

Mrs. Travis Stallion. He’d always had a vivid image of the woman who he would love so hard that he would want her to carry his name. His mother had been a shining example of what he wanted for himself in a partner and companion. A young Abigail Tatum had given his father, Joseph Stallion, a real run for the man’s money before she’d given in to his charm, agreeing to be his wife.

But Abigail and Joseph hadn’t had a whirlwind romance. Abigail had told Travis often how his father had dragged his feet for years before realizing that Abigail was the woman of his dreams. It had only been when she’d given up on the two of them completely, testing the waters by dating other men, that Joseph had seen the errors of his way. That’s when Abigail had dug in her heels, making the man jump through hoops to regain her affections.

Travis had always marveled at how much they’d known about each other, often finishing the other’s thoughts and reading each other’s minds. The couple had loved each other deeply. Travis had grown up knowing that one day he would want that for himself with a woman who duplicated his mother’s fiery spirit and no-nonsense demeanor. Tierra embodied many of his mother’s attributes and more.

Tierra excited him and he was curious to see what the future had in store for them as each other’s partner, best friend, companion and lover. No matter what it took, he was convinced that Tierra Braddy was destined to be the future Mrs. Travis Stallion.

Travis drew his hands over his body, lathering his skin with an almond-scented body wash. He tilted his face into the spray of warm water, the fluid rinsing suds over his broad shoulders and down the length of his back. He suddenly imagined himself standing beneath a spray of water with Tierra, the woman’s naked body pressed against his own, kissing her like he’d kissed her earlier that day. He wished it were her flesh beneath his fingers, his touch lingering against the softness of her skin. Fantasizing had hardened every one of his muscles, the wanting causing his blood to boil hot through his veins.

Reaching for the faucet, Travis turned the water from hot to cold, cringing as the chilling fluid hit him. If nothing else, he thought, allowing the cold to wash thoughts of Tierra and that kiss from his mind, he had to do something about that woman soon.



Tierra stood staring out at the view of the city from her apartment window. She hadn’t planned on returning home as soon as she had, but she needed extra clothes for her short sabbatical at the Stallion family ranch. She had also needed to hang her wedding gown in the closet, having finally found the resolve to retrieve it from the bridal shop. A late-night dinner with his cousin Matthew had been the only thing to keep Travis from following behind her. The man had been like a thorn in her side since he’d declared himself her chief protector and personal bodyguard.

As she stood there, dressed in her Monique Lhuillier wedding gown, she couldn’t help but note that it had been well over a week since the man had walked into her life, and ever since that first day everything in her existence had changed. Even more important, none of it was making any sense to her.

She moved back to the full-length mirror to stare at her reflection. The strapless, one-piece, full A-line gown with its corset closure and ruched bodice featured a sweetheart neckline and dropped waist trimmed with embellished lace motifs. The skirt boasted three voluptuous gathered tiers of organza. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever worn, and Tierra had known the moment she first tried it on that it was meant for her to wear on her wedding day. She blew a soft sigh, thoughts of Travis suddenly wafting through her head again.

Travis was still rationalizing reasons the two of them should think about marriage. The man was almost convincing, but Tierra continued to brush his insistence off, choosing to believe that the man was simply poking fun at her.

Tierra had to admit, though, that the notion made her smile. And it didn’t help that her grandmother had taken a shine to Travis, treating him as if he were the next best thing since the baking of white bread.

The matriarch had called her just minutes before to reiterate the virtues of Travis Stallion. Tierra shook her head as she thought back to the conversation.

“Did you see Travis today?” her granny had asked curiously. “He’s such a sweet young man!” she’d exclaimed for the umpteenth time.

“He’s really not that sweet, Mama Dee.”

“He’s got a nice disposition, plus he’s skilled and educated, and he has impeccable manners. He’s definitely got more going for him than that other one ever did.”

“Please, don’t start, Mama Dee.”

“I’m just saying.”

“Is that why you called me, just to say?”

“Don’t be a wiseass, Tierra. You ain’t that grown.”

Tierra heaved a deep sigh. “Yes, ma’am. I apologize.”

“Maybe Travis would like to come for dinner this week. I do expect you and Tingin to join me on Wednesday.”

“I don’t know, Mama Dee. I’ll have to get back to you about that.”

“He’s a good man, Tierra.”

“Yes, ma’am, I’m sure he is, but it’s not like that between us.”

“You won’t know what it’s like if you don’t allow yourself to be open to the possibilities.”

“But, Mama—”

“But nothing. Think about it, Tierra, and when you’re done thinking about it, then pray on it. Pray long and hard and you’ll know exactly what to do.”

Tierra had nodded her head into the telephone receiver. “Yes, ma’am.”

Mama Dee had continued. “I honestly believe the man loves you, Tierra. And I believe you’ve fallen in love with him, too.”

Tierra had shaken her head, making a mental note to call her brother to ask if he thought they might need to have their family physician give the old woman a psychiatric evaluation. Her grandmother was clearly as crazy as a loon. And the fact that Tierra had actually given the idea of her and Travis being in a relationship together some consideration wasn’t saying much for her sanity, either.

Tierra giggled softly at the thought, her head still shaking. Taking a deep breath, she slid out of her wedding gown, placing it carefully back into its zippered bag. As she hung it in her guest room closet, her hand lingered against it for a brief moment, one solitary tear drop rolling over the round of her cheek.

Chapter 11

reakfast in bed had become a ritual for the couple. Since that first morning, Travis had awakened her each morning with a plate of something decadent in his hands as he stood in the entrance to her room. This morning was no exception, as he knocked on the door and then burst inside without waiting for a response, the sweet aroma of blueberry muffins teasing the early day air.

Tierra was better prepared, though, fully clothed in a pair of flannel sleeping pants and a tank top as she sat upright in one of the cushioned wingback chairs awaiting his arrival. She couldn’t help but smile back as the man greeted her with a charmed grin.

“Good morning, beautiful.”

“Sergeant Stallion, good morning to you.”

“Did you sleep well?”

Tierra nodded. “Exceptionally well. How about yourself?”

He shrugged, the thought crossing his mind that he would have slept much better had she been curled up against his body. He bit back the desire to say so. “So, what’s on our agenda today?”

As Tierra took a bite of her muffin, following it with a sip of freshly squeezed orange juice, she shook her head. After swallowing the mouthful of food, she answered. “Not a thing. I plan to wash my hair and just sit back and relax. If I do anything, I may go horseback riding, but that will probably be it.”

Travis dropped down on to the bed, crossing his leg over his knee as he stared at her. “We can do that.”

“There’s no
in this, Travis. That’s what
am doing,” Tierra said, emphasizing her desire to not include him in her plans. “I don’t know what
are doing.”

Travis laughed. “I am washing your hair.”

A bite of muffin caught in Tierra’s throat, choking her momentarily. She coughed into her inner elbow.

“You okay?” Travis questioned, leaning toward her.

Tierra nodded. “I’m fine. Why must everything be a joint effort with you? You’re driving me crazy!”

“We don’t have much time left before I deploy again, Tierra. I’m trying to take advantage of every moment.”

The woman heaved a deep sigh. “Well, I’m going to wash my hair in the shower, and I can do that all by myself. But thank you for offering.”

“Even better,” Travis exclaimed, rising to his feet. “Let’s get started,” he said excitedly.

Tierra shook her head vehemently. “I don’t know what you have in mind, Travis, but the answer is no!”

The man ignored her, chuckling to himself as he headed into her bathroom. Tierra could hear him turning on the water, adjusting the flow of hot and cold. He called out her name. “Let’s go, Tierra!”

She couldn’t begin to fathom what the man had to be thinking. Breakfast was one thing, but this was something else all together. “You’re crazy,” she admonished. “I really can take a shower all by myself.”

“And I can take one with you while I wash your hair,” the man responded matter-of-factly.

Tierra’s eyes widened in astonishment as Travis suddenly stripped out of his jeans and dropped them to the floor. Pulling his T-shirt over his head, he stood in nothing but a snow-white pair of boxer briefs.

The man was clearly a work of art. The lines of his torso were picture-perfect, his sculpted form breathtakingly beautiful. There was a faint scar that ran a few short inches down his abdomen, but that was the only blemish that appeared to mar his complexion. The defining bulge of his manhood drew her attention, the apex heralding his thick thighs and toned calves.

“I can get completely naked if you’d like,” Travis said casually, his thumbs tucked into the waistband of his briefs. “Or not, depending on what you’d prefer.”

The butterflies in Tierra’s stomach suddenly turned into a flock of birds. “I really don’t know about this,” Tierra said, her calm, easy tone contradicting the strained expression on her face. “This is absurd, Travis Stallion!”

“So, it’s not conventional, but the last few days have been quite unconventional, as well. But hey, what do you have to lose? It’ll be an experience we can tell our grandchildren about someday.”

“We’re not having grandchildren.”

Travis smiled, the sweet gesture washing warmth over her. “At least not for a few years. Now, are you going to get in the shower or not? You can keep all your clothes on if you want, although it will probably be easier if you at least stripped down to your undies.”

Travis couldn’t take his eyes off Tierra. She was staring at him as if he were crazy, and for a brief moment he would have thought so himself. He didn’t know what he’d been thinking until the words had come out of his mouth. And now, standing half-naked hoping that she might join him had him completely questioning his own best judgment. With nothing to lose, he winked at her and gestured for her to step into the shower.

This is crazy,
Tierra thought, the words spinning through her head over and over again. But her body suddenly moved of its own accord, disregarding the voice in the back of her head that told her to run and run fast. With a mind of their own, her fingers reached for the belt at her waist and loosened the tie on her sleeping pants, allowing the flannel slacks to fall to the floor at her feet. In only her bikini briefs and her tank top, she slowly moved in Travis’s direction. Her delicate steps were alluring, teasing every one of the man’s senses.

As she stared into his eyes, Travis’s desire was plain to see, although Tierra was too consumed with her own wanting to rationalize what he might have been feeling. Watching as the man had stripped out of his clothes had given her a rush like she’d never experienced before. Beneath the tank top she was wearing her nipples had hardened and stuck out like little soldiers. Tierra resisted the urge to press her palms to her breasts, not wanting to draw attention to her own predicament. Easing past him, she stepped into the shower and Travis stepped in behind her.

Standing side by side in the glassed enclosure, the two stood staring at each other, neither knowing what to do next. The moment wasn’t what either had expected. Travis suddenly felt foolish, and Tierra couldn’t believe she’d actually gone along with him. She suddenly burst out laughing, the hilarity of the moment consuming her. Ripples of mirth started deep in her midsection and swelled full and thick between them. Enthralled, Travis couldn’t help but join her, and within minutes the two were laughing hysterically until tears began to flow from both their eyes.

“So, what next?” Travis managed to ask, gasping for a deep breath of air.

The young woman shrugged. “Since we’re here,” she said, the amusement still painting her expression, “you might as well wash my hair.”

Tierra ducked her head under the warm spray and the soothing water saturated her hair in seconds. Reaching for the bottle of shampoo, she turned to face him. She extended the container in his direction, and when he pulled it from her hands she took one step closer. When their bodies touched, neither thought to draw away.

Moving against her, Travis filled the palm of his hand with the shea butter shampoo and gently rubbed it through the shoulder-length strands. As he slowly massaged her scalp with his fingers, the thick lather ran in rivulets down her caramel body.

Closing her eyes, Tierra leaned into the tenderness of his strokes. Travis was massaging her head gently, and each time his fingers parted the silken strands and lightly caressed her scalp, the sweetness of his touch caused her spirit to soar and swell with sheer delight. The skill with which he washed and rinsed her hair and the erotic bravado of his body just millimeters from her own caused her to quiver with wanting like she’d never known before. It also didn’t help that Travis was suddenly sporting a rock-hard erection that seemed to be straining for her full and undivided attention.

Opening her eyes, Tierra met his deep gaze. His expression was pained as he struggled to regain a semblance of control over his own body. Sensing his obvious discomfort, Tierra couldn’t help but smile, a smug grin that made Travis raise his eyebrows. “What?”

Tierra couldn’t stall the giggle that bubbled past her lips. “Looks like you’ve got a personal problem to deal with.”

Her eyes dropped to his crotch for a brief second before rising back to his face. A rash of red color flushed the man’s cheeks.

“You seem to have one of your own,” he whispered as he stared directly at her chest, her breasts clearly visible through her wet top. Without giving it a thought, Travis cupped his palm around the soft tissue, allowing his thumb to graze the rock-candy delight that protruded so blatantly. The heat from his hands burned hot against her flesh, flooding her whole body with ardor. Tierra inhaled swiftly, his touch surprising and enthralling her at the same time.

“What are you—?” Tierra started, as Travis moved from one nipple to the other, leaning to press his lips against the inner curve of her right breast. Her eyes widened at the sensations that suddenly swept through every nerve ending. She suddenly felt light-headed, her knees threatening to drop her where she stood. She heard someone in the room moan and then realized the soft whimper had slipped past her own lips.

Scarcely breathing, and ever so gently, Travis moved an arm over and across her body to pull her closer. He eased both hands around her waist, pulling her tightly against him as he wrapped her in a deep embrace. Emboldened, he nuzzled his cheek against her cheek, then gently kissed her forehead as his hands danced across her shoulders and down the length of her arms. Consumed by the moment, Tierra wrapped her small hands around his thick torso, her fingers gently caressing his bare back. The taut muscles seemed to pulse against her fingertips as she hugged him back.

Confusion suddenly washed over her senses. Sexual tension had risen like an enormous beast between them, needing to be fed and nourished lest it explode with a vengeance. Whatever was happening shouldn’t have been. He had no business toying with her so wantonly. She had no business reveling in his touch so unabashedly. Neither one of them had any business being in such a compromising position.

Travis felt her tense in his arms. Sensing her change of heart, he leaned to whisper into her ear.

“What’s the matter, Tierra?” he asked, his lips grazing the lobe of her ear.

Tierra’s head shook vehemently from side to side. “We shouldn’t be doing this,” she hissed softly.

Travis sighed. Taking a step back, he stared down at her. He cupped his hands around her cheeks, tilting her gaze up to his. “I want you, Tierra, and I know you want me. I can feel it.”

Tierra couldn’t stop herself from shaking, her body quivering as if she were cold. She crossed her arms over her chest, wrapping them around her torso. “I can’t do this,” she answered. “It’s not…it’s…it’s just not right, Travis.”

“Tierra, you’re wrong. You know this is right,” he repeated, his tone adamant. “You know it and feel it just like I do.”

“I don’t know anything of the sort.” This time she stepped backward until her back was pressed against the glass.

“Do you want me to stop, Tierra?”

“We shouldn’t be doing this,” she repeated.

Travis moved toward her, his hand reaching out to caress her cheek. “Tierra, I love you.”

Her voice rose shrilly as she pulled away from his touch. “I said no, Travis!”

Travis’s gaze swept over her face. Water sprayed over them from the large showerhead in the wall, catching Tierra’s tears as they flowed into the drain. Nodding his head slowly, Travis backed his way out of the shower.

Turning an about-face, he reached for a plush towel that rested on the countertop and wrapped it around his waist. Bending to retrieve his clothes, he tossed her one last look, and before Tierra could think to change her mind, Travis Stallion disappeared out of the room.

BOOK: Promises to a Stallion (Kimani Romance)
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