Promise Me Always (12 page)

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Authors: Kari March

Tags: #Romance, #contemporary

BOOK: Promise Me Always
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We were standing there watching as the silent auction winner’s claimed their items one by one. The DJ still had some light music playing in the background, so the room wasn’t dead silent. The day spa package that I had bid on was finally up.

“The highest bid goes to—Cara Price!” That bitch! She out bid me even after I told her how bad I wanted that day at the spa!

I started clapping and looked over at Cara, who was standing right next to me. I elbowed her in the ribs and whispered, “Bitch, you know you’re taking me with you right?”

She laughed and replied, “Only if you beg me.” She gave me a little smirk and headed up to the stage to claim her spa day.

“I can’t believe her! I sat there and told her how badly I wanted that spa day,” I whispered to Blake. “Sneaky little hooker—she better take me with her or so help me…” Blake and I both started to laugh. I was happy for her, but I was not going to be very happy if she didn’t take me, too.

There were still a few more items left. As we stood there waiting, I heard a familiar song coming from the speakers. Bruno Mars “Just the Way You Are” was filling my head with memories of that that day years ago. The way he smelled like the woods on a warm summer day, the way his hands felt roaming over my body—so strong and rough, yet still tender and loving—the way his hardness filled me when I straddled him in that truck… my panties were getting wet and I felt a deep ache coming from my core. I shifted a little in Blake’s arms to try and ease it, but he pulled me closer. I realized that he must have heard the song as well because, just as the chorus started to play, he placed his lips on my temple and kissed me softly. His kiss was tender. It sent chills all the way down my spine, until it collided with the spot where his erection was pressing up against my ass. He apparently was thinking the exact same thing I was. I moaned softly when he removed his lips from my temple, letting him know I was just as turned on as he was.

The next instant, I was pulled from the moment when I heard them announce Blake’s name.
Good lord, he was just full of surprises tonight!
He must have won the highest bid on the final item of the evening and I didn’t even hear what it was, thanks to my dirty thoughts of the sexy-as-hell man standing behind me.

Blake waited just a moment before he released his hold on me and walked up to retrieve his item. He must have been trying to think of something else to calm down the massive hard on I had just felt through his pants. Finally, they announced what he had bid on again. It was a trip for two to Steamboat Springs. The trip included three nights in a private estate that nestled on Steamboat Mountain, a private chef for one of the evenings, and a private limo for transportation around town for the entire stay. I got slightly giddy thinking that maybe he would take me with him. And then they announced the winning bid amount and all thoughts ceased.

“With the highest auction amount of the evening, Blake’s generous bid amount of five thousand dollars will help benefit many families affected in the Black Forest Fires.”
Holy shit! He paid five thousand dollars for that trip? Where the hell did he get that kind of money?
I was in complete shock for the second time that evening. Blake never once acted like he had money. He lived a simple life. I knew he had a good job, but shit! That was a lot of money.

He made his way back through the crowd while everyone gawked at him. Even Cam was staring at him like his head was spinning. It seemed I wasn’t the only one that thought that was a lot of money.

“Dude, what the fuck? Where the hell did you get that kind of money?” Cam asked as he slapped him on the back.
Well, at least I wasn’t going to have to ask him about it. Thanks, Cam.

“A couple years ago, my father passed away. He had Devin and me down as his beneficiaries for his life insurance policy. Either this was his fucked up way of apologizing to us, or he forgot he had it and never changed it from when we were actually living with him. Anyway, I don’t usually spend any of it unless it benefits someone else.” He looked down at the floor and ran his hand through his hair nervously.

I wondered if Cam knew everything about his father. The way Blake was acting made me think he didn’t. Cam started to ask him about it and I decided to try and change the subject. I could tell Blake didn’t want to talk about it.

“So, where is this after party happening at? I am ready to change out of this dress. These fucking heels are killing me.” I wrapped my arm through Blake’s and rested my head on his shoulder. “Cam, are you guys going to the party, too?”

“We sure are. We got a room for the night. I am not as rich as Blake, so I couldn’t afford a limo. Have you seen my date though?” Cam smirked mischievously. “There is no way I can wait until we get home to have sex with her,” Cam said, slapping Cara on the ass and she squealed.

“Shit, Cam, sorry I asked!” I laughed. Blake started to chuckle and I knew I had successfully changed the subject.

Blake led me through the ballroom and out into the hotel lobby. He pulled me into a corner before we got to the front desk, and slowly turned to look at me, his eyes searching mine. He lightly placed his hands on my shoulders, like he was trying to ensure he had my undivided attention. “Tess, are you sure you want to stay here? It is your call. We can get in the limo now and I can take you home. I’ll do whatever you want to do, baby girl. I don’t want you to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”

I tried my hardest to fight back the laughter. I know he was trying to be a gentleman, but really what did he take me for—a virgin? He knew all too well that I wasn’t. “That’s really sweet, Blake, but I am a big girl and I think I can handle sleeping in the same room with you. I promise, if I ever feel uncomfortable with
that we are doing, I will have no problem voicing my opinion.” I gave him a sexy smile, hoping he would get the double meaning behind my statement.

“You promise?” he asked, tilting his head to the side and looking at me with that smile that made me weak in the knees. I was getting the feeling that he understood exactly what I was saying.

“Always,” I replied as I looked up at him. His dark eyes were staring at me with desire. The movement of his tongue reaching out to lick his lips drew my attention down to his perfect mouth.
God, how I wanted to taste him again
! But there was no way I was making the first move. Not again. I noticed his eyes shift down to my mouth and I lightly bit my bottom lip. He slid his hand from my shoulder to the back of my neck, while his other hand reached up and gently cradled my face. He slowly leaned down and placed his lips on mine. I opened my mouth slightly, allowing him to enter further. That was all he needed. He invaded my mouth with his tongue, and, as he deepened the kiss, I knew in his own way he was claiming me. He was forceful and aggressive, yet slow and tender as he savored every move he made. My whole body was shaking and my sex was aching. I had never been kissed like that before.

The hand that had been cradling my face was now on my lower back, pulling my body closer to him. My arms were clutched around his neck and my hands were working their way through his dark hair. I never wanted this kiss to end.

We were in our own little world where no one else existed. As his hand moved down to my ass, my body quivered with excitement. I wanted him here and now. Then I remembered where we were—a hotel lobby with lots of people around. He must have felt me tense up a little because he slowly ended the kiss. Resting his forehead on mine, he looked down at me. We were both breathing heavy as we stared at each other.

“I have wanted to do that ever since you opened your door tonight,” he whispered.

I giggled a little as I replied, “Well, feel free to do it again anytime you want.”

He took a deep breath, like he didn’t want to move away from me. But he did. He grabbed me by the hand and finished leading me over to the front desk. He checked us into our room and called the limo driver, asking him to bring in our bags.

Once the driver delivered our luggage, Blake told him we were staying the night and that he was free to go. He slipped the driver some money, picked up the bags and we walked over to the elevators. We stood there in silence, waiting for the doors to open.

I reached up and rubbed my lips, still swollen from that powerful kiss. I had never in my life felt such passion. Everything inside me was burning and I wanted Blake in every way. The elevator door dinged, pulling me from my thoughts; he ushered me in.

The tension between us was so thick I could cut it with a knife. Blake was staring at me with hungry eyes and I was staring back with the same intensity.
What was it with elevators? Why did they always make you want to rip all your clothes off the second the doors closed?
I shook my head, mentally blaming E.L. James and Fifty Shades of Grey for that one. After reading that book, I haven’t thought of elevators the same way.

The doors slowly started to close and as soon as they shut, Blake dropped all of the bags and pinned me against the wall, his hands on either side of my head.

“Do you have any idea what you do to me? I have never found a woman this irresistible before. Do you have any clue how fucking gorgeous you are?” he whispered to me, softly trailing kisses from my ear, down my cheek, to my mouth. He kissed the side of my lips gently. He pushed his body up against mine and I felt his hardness pushing into my stomach. “Do you feel that?
is what you do to me, baby girl. Just looking at you, touching you, smelling you…” he took a deep breath, his arms slightly trembling, “you are going to ruin me, Tess.”

A soft moan escaped my throat and his mouth claimed mine again. I fisted my hands in his hair as I opened my mouth, allowing him in deeper. His hands were roaming all over my body and I arched myself into him, letting him know I wanted him in return.

Suddenly, the elevator chimed, alerting us that we had arrived on our floor. Blake quickly pushed off of me and grabbed the bags from the floor. The doors opened and Cam and Cara were standing right on the other side.

They had already changed their clothes and looked like they were headed up to the after party. They stared at us like we had just got caught having sex on their couch. I blushed and looked at Cara. She looked over at Cam and they both started laughing hysterically.

“What the hell were you two doing in here?” Cara asked, raising her eyebrows.

“None of your damn business, Cara!” I spit back with a small smile.
How embarrassing.

“You both have just fucked hair and your faces are all flushed,” she laughed. “Come on, you guys can finish whatever it was you were doing later. Go get changed so we can party!”

We all headed down the hall to our room so Blake and I could change.
Damn those two—I could possibly be having the best sex of my life right now if it weren’t for them!
I took a deep breath, telling myself that I’ve waited this long, few more hours won’t hurt.

We got to the room and Blake changed into some jeans and a black button up shirt. He rolled the sleeves up half way and left the top button undone.
My lord! He looked hot no matter what he wore!
I put on a pair of tight skinny jeans with a pink one shoulder tank top and a pair of flat pink sandals. I touched up my makeup and hair, sprayed myself with some perfume and we headed upstairs to the party.

I couldn’t stop looking at Tess all night. We had been at the after party for a few hours. She was dancing with Cara in the living room of the presidential suite where the party was being held. She looked fucking sexy the way she was moving her hips to the music. I still tasted her on my lips. I don’t even know how we ended up kissing. I didn’t even plan on kissing her at all tonight, let alone almost mauling her in an elevator. As soon as she looked up at me with those eyes and bit that lip of hers, I was done. I couldn’t resist the urge any longer. I kissed her with everything I had. I wanted her to know when we pulled away that she was mine. Even if I didn’t kiss her again all night, I wanted to make sure it was something she would never forget and, by the way her body reacted, I am pretty sure I was successful.

I thought back to the lobby. She didn’t know it, but I was watching her while we were waiting for the elevator. She looked so sexy, rubbing her swollen lips with her fingers. Watching her trail her fingers across her lips as she thought back to our kiss made something inside me ignite. Knowing that I had done that to her, that look of pure pleasure in her eyes was because of me—I couldn’t control myself. I needed to see her come undone. Pushing her up against the elevator wall was a risky move, but fuck, I’m glad I did it. Hearing her moan was bona fide satisfaction. If only we would have made it back to the room without running into Cam.

Maybe it was better that we did get interrupted. I sure as shit do not want to be rushed with her. I want to take my time and savor every last second. I want to watch her as she falls apart from my touch, I want to hear her scream my name over and over, and I want to see her eyes when I take her over the edge.

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