Private Yoga Lessons: Yoga for Beginners. Yoga Poses for Beginners That Will Make Your Dog Go "What The..." (7 page)

BOOK: Private Yoga Lessons: Yoga for Beginners. Yoga Poses for Beginners That Will Make Your Dog Go "What The..."
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Boosts strength in the wrists, shoulders and arms


Helps alleviate repetitive stress injuries


Provides efficient muscle stretch on the fingers, forearms and wrists


Do the Downward Dog pose.


Bend elbows and slowly lift your heels from the floor. Rest your knees against your outer arm.


Keep your toes on the floor with abs firmly engaged. Press legs against your arms.


Hold this position for 10 breaths.

Child's Pose


Child Pose is one of the common relaxation poses in yoga. This is very effective in gently stretching the ankles, hips and thighs.


Promotes steady and strong breathing


Alleviates fatigues and dizziness


Stretches knee ligaments, muscles and tendons


Relaxes the body and mind


Normalizes overall body circulation


Alleviates anxiety and stress


Effectively stretches and lengthens spine


Alleviates pain in the lower back and neck


Alleviates chest, back and shoulder tension


Sit up on your heels in a comfortable position.


Slowly roll forward on your torso bringing the forehead down to rest gently on the mat.


Keep chest close to the knees, as close as you possibly can.


Extend arms forward flat on the ground.


Stay in position for a minute.



Yoga Equipment and Accessories

oga equipment and accessories, though not necessarily required, is essential to improve a person’s yoga experience. These will help you feel more comfortable and relaxed during practice.


. Obviously, this is needed to wipe sweat away. When attending your first yoga class, bring a towel with you. Though some classes provide towels to their students, it doesn’t help to be ready.


This is especially needed if you are performing yoga in a setting with hardwood floors. Sticky mats keep you from slipping. This also provides convenience for outdoor settings, especially for lying and sitting poses.


Yoga Bag.
Any bag that could accommodate your yoga mats and other accessories will do. However, you can purchase bags specifically made for yoga purposes. These bags have compartments specific for the yoga mat, meant to protect it as well.


You should wear something loose and comfortable. This is for convenient movement in executing different yoga poses.


. This is commonly provided in most studios. Blankets, just like mats, provide convenience with sitting poses. You can also use this for cover if the setting gets too cool when you need to perform certain poses that require you to lie still for a period of time.


Made of cotton, straps are needed for holding and stretching poses, especially for leg poses. It comes with a buckle for length adjustment.


Wedges and blocks.
These are pieces of foam the size of brick. It helps with proper body alignment for some poses.


Yoga has its own special type of music meant to enhance your experience. There are so many kinds available to complement your type of yoga. You can purchase these in your local music store or online.

Final Recommendations

ust like everything else, yoga is a practice that calls for a good amount of responsibility. The art itself can be mastered over time. You just need to keep in mind what yoga is and isn’t. Doing so will take you a long way in the practice, which may also eventually allow you to help someone else.


With yoga, everyone and anyone can be a teacher, even with or without the presence of a certification. Regardless of the amount of knowledge you gain, someone can still benefit from what you have acquired through experience. Remember one of the philosophies of yoga, “Your teacher is within yourself.”


All the teachings are universal, available for everybody. When faced with doubt, simply return to basics.


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Thank you very much and don’t forget to check out my other titles in the series: Private Yoga Lessons.




To your health,






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BOOK: Private Yoga Lessons: Yoga for Beginners. Yoga Poses for Beginners That Will Make Your Dog Go "What The..."
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