Private Emotions – Appointments (The Private Emotions Trilogy) (8 page)

BOOK: Private Emotions – Appointments (The Private Emotions Trilogy)
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We took our seats at the dinner table and began to pass the food around. “This all looks incredible, Maria, did you cook this yourself?”

She smiled proudly and stated, “Yup I did...aaallllll by myself. Certain other people in this place are not best friends with the kitchen.” She eyeballed Barry to make it clear that she was talking about him.

Barry immediately jumped in to defend himself, “Hey, I cut up all the vegetables...and made the salad...and poured the wine!”

Maria teased, “Then you must be exhausted. Here, have some more wine then, my hard working man.” She refilled Barry’s glass and looked at me with an expression that said, ‘how he ever survived without me is a mystery’.

“So how did you guys meet?” I was always intrigued about how couples got together. Some of the stories were so random that it made me believe; if this could happen to them, then I am not such a lost cause after all.

Barry spoke up first, “Maria and I were walking on opposite sides of the street, she took one look at me, fell madly in love and has been pursuing me ever since.”

Maria looked at Barry and slowly shook her head in disagreement. “No, I believe that I crossed the street so that I could get to where I was going and a cyclist almost ran me over. You were polite enough to ask if I was okay and offered to buy me a coffee...and as they say in the movies, the rest is history.”

We continued to chat over dinner and by the end of the night it felt like we were old friends. I could see that I had won Maria over, well, mostly. At least now, she seemed much more at ease with my company.

Before I left there, Barry and I made plans to get together before the weekend and just talk over a quick coffee near his work.

As I stepped out into the night air for the walk back to my apartment, I took a deep breath and calmed my nerves enough that I was able to actually make the phone call to the escort company. I was in a good mood after a pleasant evening with Barry and Maria, so I figured that I would capitalize on that feeling. They asked me various questions and I finally was able to impart on them just what I was looking for. It was when I mentioned my therapist’s name that the woman on the other end of the line knew exactly the right man to send me.

“Yes, I know exactly what you are looking for and I’m sure that you’ll be well satisfied by the end of the evening.” It seemed in bad taste to me for this woman to be alluding to the fact that I was going to have sex with this man. For me that was not a foregone conclusion and I would have to take it one step at a time before I did anything more than just talk. I made the appointment for the next night and I made sure that they sent me a picture of the man in question.

I went to the computer, opened the email that they sent and found a very handsome dark haired gentleman looking back at me. It wasn’t his physique that drew my attention initially; it was more the way his gentle eyes gazed into the camera. Once I could get over the fact that he was being paid to come here, I perused the pictures from a more clinical nature. His body was like a Greek god’s and none of the men that I had ever gone out with was that well put together. I suppose it made sense, considering that this man was professionally employed as a male gigolo. I couldn’t help marvel at that V shape torso that hinted at what lied further down. Okay, he was officially on the ‘yummy list’.

That night, I had a dream that this man had taken the place of the man with no face in my fantasies. I relived the whole thing but this time that escort and my best friend Ronnie were the two people sexually satisfying me. Once the applause began to take place around us I woke up to find that my sheets were thrown asunder and my silk nightie was up around my waist. There was dampness all along my skin and my body was flushed with excitement of what I just did in my dreams.

I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote down what had just happened in complete detail without leaving anything out. Sleep didn’t seem to be an option without continually waking up from the fantasies in my head. Finally, I was able to get four hours of uninterrupted sleep and when I awoke refreshed and ready for the day, I had this feeling that tonight was going to be very interesting.

After work, I went home and found my best little black dress that had been known to garner me attention from both sexes. Looking in the mirror, I still saw the shy introverted young woman that I was when I was sixteen. There was a knock on the door and I could see my hands shaking, not knowing what was going to happen next. After I had unhooked the lock, I had to press my head against the doorframe and settle myself before opening the door.

I didn’t know what I thought but I certainly didn’t expect what I saw standing out in the hallway. This man was well over 6 feet tall and was wearing the most amazing tuxedo that had me almost awestruck.

“Emily, I believe that you were expecting me and I have a wonderful evening planned for us. If you’ll follow me to the limousine we have restaurant reservations in our names.” He took my hand and I felt his warm grip which made me feel a little flurry inside. I couldn’t even open my mouth to say anything and only stared at him like he wasn’t really real. “I hope you like seafood because I am taking you to have one of the best lobsters this side of coast.” To hear him speak, I would think that we were actually going on a real date and I was a little perplexed that he hadn’t made a move yet.

This man was being a complete gentleman and even went so far as to open my door as we left the building and as I got into the limousine as well. There was a bottle of champagne inside. I sat beside him and could feel his leg brushing up against mine. Was this all part of the dance or was I accidentally making contact with him?

“Please have a glass of champagne and relax as we still have a few minutes before we get there. If you’re thinking that this was all about just sex, I’m afraid that you have another thing coming. This is what our profession calls the dating experience and I want you to enjoy yourself for this whole evening.” His hand gently brushed my hair behind my ears. “There, that’s better, now I can see your beautiful face.” He looked at me with an intensity that made me forget I was holding a glass of champagne. As the glass was tipping dangerously in the direction of spilling all over my dress, he touched the glass with his index finger and slowly guided it away from me all the while not losing eye contact. He leaned over and gently pressed his lips against mine. He began kissing me softly and slowly.

My eyes were wide open and I could feel him moving his hands down my body very slowly, making me shiver at how manly he was. He didn’t try to touch me in any unforeseen way and only concentrated on my back and sides as his tongue barely slipped into my mouth. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to enjoy the moment.

He pulled away from me he said, “That was very nice, Emily and you have beautiful lips, if not just a little tentative to begin with. Once we got going though, I could feel you start to kiss me back, which bodes well for what I have in store for you this evening.”

“Um, I have to tell you that this is my first time doing something like this and I am only doing it because my therapist thought it was a good idea. I’m still not sure exactly how this is going to work and I don’t even know that I want anything more than what we’re doing already.”

“That’s fine, you certainly have the right to back off at any time but I think you’ll find that I am quite irresistible.” His smile told me that he was only joking and I actually found myself grinning for the first time since he came to the door. He was making me drop my defenses and this would allow him to lead me into a world of seduction. “See, I knew that given enough time I would be able to make you smile. Let’s just enjoy ourselves and see where the evening takes us.”

“That actually sounds like a great idea because I could really use a good night on the town.” The limousine came to a stop and he got out and opened my door for me. He extended his hand and as I took it he gently pulled me out of the limo and into the restaurant. The maître d’ took us to a nice table near the back of the room where the candles were already lit. This gave the whole thing an air of romance and elegance. No man had ever gone this far to make me feel comfortable and I was finding that I had allowed myself to just let things happen as they do.

The whole meal was ordered ahead of time and his taste was right on the mark. The lobster was buttery with just a hint of garlic to round out the meal. The wine made me feel a little tipsy and my hand would stray across the table from time to time and touch his. His fingers were gently playing along the back of my hand and my eyes were glued to his face the way that he was looking back at me.

“I’ve never had so much fun on a date before and you are a very special person, Emily. I hope the one thing that you take away from this is that you deserve to be happy with the one you love. Let me show you a world of pleasure and indulgence, just enjoy yourself in the moment.” His thumb was rubbing my wrist and it was making me feel a little flushed in the cheeks.

The desert was a chocolate cheesecake that was absolutely to die for and almost better than any act of sex that I had so far. I did enjoy my chocolate desserts; in fact, anything made of quality chocolate was usually a winner with me.

We left there and took a walk down the boardwalk towards the edge of the water where he took me in his arms and pulled me towards him in a tight embrace. The moonlight, the dinner and the way that this man was falling all over himself to please me, made me succumb to his advances. He pulled me down onto the sand below and I looked into his eyes as he hovered over on top of me. I thought that I could definitely get used to this type of treatment.

“Emily, you’re so beautiful that I just can’t stop myself from kissing you.” Leaning in, his lips made contact with my own and this time his tongue curled around mine. During this time, I could feel his arousal against my pantied mound and a rush of endorphins exploded outward from me. Getting lost in this moment in time, I allowed him to lift my dress up to my waist and then his fingers worked into my panties until he was knuckle deep with one finger. “You are so tight, Emily, I just love how your body is so responsive to my touch.”

“Peter, I know that this is just a job for you...” He covered my mouth with his own cutting off my sentence in mid-air. With trembling fingers, I reached up and undid his buttons until his masculine chest was right there in my vision. His belt came loose and then his zipper followed the movements of my fingers until his manly beast was grasped in my hand. That was one thing that I had no idea about him and now I was feeling exactly what he had for me. His hardness was impossible to deny and it gave me a pleasant feeling to know that I was the one who got him to this state.

BOOK: Private Emotions – Appointments (The Private Emotions Trilogy)
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