Princess (24 page)

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Authors: Aishling Morgan

BOOK: Princess
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No sooner was her hole vacant than the others moved in, four in all. One filled her mouth, another her cunt, and again she began to rub herself, masturbating with her body rocking to the motion of her fucking. The one in her mouth came first, hooting in glee as she struggled to swallow his load, her orgasm already rising in her head, and breaking as yet another huge cock was pushed into her gaping mouth. She rode her orgasm, sucking hard as the pumping against her bottom grew faster and harder, bringing her up to peak after peak, and to one final explosion as her cunt filled with jism once more.

She began to slump down the moment he was done, a mistake as the fourth caught her by the hips and jabbed his erection in, not to her cunt, but her anus. She screamed as her hole was forced, about half the monstrous cock thrust hard into her rectum in one go. She was praying brokenly that she had already been so slimy as the rest was rammed home, to leave her gut bulging and her mouth wide in pained reaction.

Iriel was grunting helplessly as the buggering began, each push spraying jism from her nose and mouth. The pace picked up, until her whole body was quivering, the hairy belly slapping on her buttocks, her breasts bouncing wildly, her fingers locked in the grass. He came, clutching her by the hips with his erection jammed to the hilt in her gut, pumping her full of jism until she felt as bloated as with the enema.

As he pulled out the result was much the same. She sprayed, a fountain of sperm erupting from her buggered ring, over the red ape and the ground behind her. Six had come in her, but it was done, and she sat up, her anus and cunt burning and sore, but unbroken, her head spinning, feeling sick, ashamed of giving in to the pleasure and having rubbed herself, but also proud.

The big male had come forward again, holding his cock as the last of the jism dribbled from the end. Iriel rocked back on her haunches, dizzy with shamefilled pleasure, wondering if she was going to get one last fucking before the goblins took her, her mouth open in the hope of being filled. It was. The sudden spurt of urine caught her completely by surprise, full in her face, her mouth filling before she could close it and then only succeeding in getting it splashed in her eyes and hair, while it was already running down her breasts. She realised she was being marked as his mate even she ducked her head down to save her face, what had been done in her mouth spewing from her lips and into her lap.

It stank, a thick, musky reek, the taste worse still, too strong to bear. Her stomach lurched, her mouth filled and the Panjandrum was slapping his fat thighs in delighted mirth as she threw up her bellyful of ape sperm down her breasts and stomach. The red ape took no notice whatever. His hot urine continued to splash out over her, into her hair, to run down at every side, making wet rat's tails from which trickles ran down her back, her shoulders and onto her breasts, to drip from the erect nipples.

Finally the stream stopped, the red ape shaking his cock over her in a curiously manlike gesture as she peeped cautiously from one stinging eye. He moved off, to were a servant was splitting melons, other apes already eating nearby. Slowly Iriel's vision cleared as she blinked away the stinging ape piddle, to find that all four girls had been given the same treatment by other ranking males. They now knelt, sodden and filthy, each in her private pool of urine and sperm, their bodies steaming gently in the hot sun. Kaissia was still on all fours the way she had been fucked, her beautiful blonde hair a sodden mess, a thick beard of jism hanging from the hair of her tuppenny mound, a golden drop hanging from each nipple. Cianna was sat splay-legged in her puddle, head back and eyes closed, a clot of ape jism rolling slowly down her belly. Yi had particularly badly fouled, her pretty face barely recognisable beneath thick wads of jism, while like Iriel she had been sick down her breasts.

The state of the girls made no difference to the goblins, who moved in cautiously, then fast as the last of the apes shambled off to the feeding area. Iriel braced herself for fucking as they crowded in around her, fat green cocks erect and ready for cunt, jism already dribbling and spurting from the tips, waiting for their musk to take effect.

Iriel could already smell it, the rich, compelling scent penetrating even through the reek of ape. Before she even knew she was doing it she had gone forward once more, gaping wide for a mouthful even as one leapt onto her back. A cock was plunged to the hilt in her sopping tuppenny as her mouth filled and she was being fucked fore and aft, her lust far too strong to control. One slid beneath her, grabbing her breasts and squeezing them together to make a cock slid, which he fucked with urgent pumping motions, all the while pawing and rubbing at her nipples. Others began to rut on her, against her hips and legs and belly and feet, in her hair, her armpits, anywhere they could find flesh.

In moments they'd started to come. Her cunt filled with jism, the goblin pulled out and she was re-entered immediately by one who had been rubbing himself on her stomach. With her slimy bottom ring on show it was moments before a long, muscular tongue was thrust up into her rectum, licking to open her before it was replaced by a cock. There was pain as two hand spans of thick green erection were jammed to the balls in her guts, but it registered only as a vague, distant thing, her mind swimming with musk, her body already rising towards orgasm.

The belly of the one in her cunt was slapping on her bump, each touch sending a new shock of ecstasy through her. As the one between her breasts came she reached the edge, his cock still rubbing in the slimy valley of her cleavage as spurt after spurt erupted into it. As more jism exploded down her throat from the cock in her mouth she was tipped over, writhing on the cocks as she came, her every muscle in spasm, totally out of control. Then her pulsing bottom ring was milking sperm into her rectum, more and more, until she felt herself start to bloat again.

Jism erupted from her bottom as the cock was pulled free. Her anus was still pulsing, to squeeze out a second spurt, and a third, before being filled again, the goblin coming even as his cock head filled her hole. Iriel's orgasm tailed off with yet more sperm pumping into her rectum, only to rise again as she began to masturbate, rubbing at her self in shameless, abandoned ecstasy, coming again and again as she used, heedless to everything but having her holes filled.

Again and again she was entered, fucked and spermed in. Most came two or three times, many sticking their cocks in her mouth moments after withdrawing from her cunt or her bottom hole. Twice she threw up her bellyload of jism, but it didn't stop them, or her. Even with her entire body plastered in filth, with her holes on fire, with her skin bruised and scratched, still she rubbed at herself, coming and coming. She was snatching at the goblins, to make them fuck her, mounting them, feeding cocks into her own holes, crawling on the grass to get at one even as another squatted on her bottom, erection deep up her ring. The goblin she was trying to catch fled. The one up her bottom came, filling her with jism one last time, to leave her spurting muck as it withdrew.

She collapsed, to lie still on the grass, fluid dribbling from every orifice, mouth and anus equally slack and gaping, her cunt a deep pond of sperm, still stuck high for fucking. Dimly the sound of the Pandjandrum clapping his fat hands in pleasure penetrated her addled senses, but she stayed down, her mind hazy, vaguely hoping that someone, man or man-beast, would come and fuck her.

None did. The goblins were chivvied away by men with spears, the red apes too, across the field and back into the stockade. As the musk slowly cleared from Iriel's head the overwhelming lust began to die, to be replaced by fear and uncertainty. She sat up, glancing to the others girls, all of whom were in the same sorry state, sodden with sperm, skin red with scratches. Cianna was on her feet, but Yi still down, her eyes half focussed even as she pulled herself up. She and Iriel shared a worried look, but Kaissia seemed to have no such doubts, rising to wipe at her soiled face and breasts and meeting Iriel's glance with a hard grin. Determined not to betray weakness, Iriel smiled back as she forced herself to rise.

The grooms were already coming forward, leading the horses, also servants with buckets of water, the leather tunics worn by Vendjomois soldiers, lances and swords. Kaissia stepped towards them, to take a bucket before it could be thrown over her. Iriel did the same, washing slowly despite the demands for speed from the men, and allow the shaking of her body to die slowly away. When as clean as was practical she accepted the tunic, pulling it on with a sense of relief but resisting the temptation to bite into it. It fitted badly, ridiculously short and uncomfortably tight over her breasts, which she ignored, pulling herself up onto a horse and taking lance and sword belt from the men, who moved hastily away.

Her fingers were trembling as she buckled the sword into place, her need to feel the kick of the troll sperm rising as she wondered if it mattered that she'd been sick. Closing her eyes, she forced herself to calm, mumbling a prayer to her father. His voice came back clear, thick with pride and passion, urging her on, others fainter, demanding revenge, the heads of her victims as trophies, cooked hearts to take their strength into her body and honour each and every one of them…

She opened her eyes, now sat straight, determined, looking out in front of her, to where the Vendjomois lancers were already gathered at the end of the field, five men of the Imperial guard, one a captain, each with a long, pennon tipped lance held at ease. They had been watching the fucking, and were not in formation, but randomly spaced, talking and laughing among themselves. Iriel called out to them and ringed her fingers in insult.

Kaissia urged her horse forward to point position. Iriel fell in behind, Yi to left, Cianna to right, exchanging looks as Kaissia turned, nodded, and with a final salute to Aeisla, began to walk her horse forward. Pulled her tunic up to her mouth, Iriel and bit hard into the leather as her horse started into motion. Across the field the guardsmen moved into formation, spread wide to contain the charge. Iriel dug her heels into her horse's flanks, keeping pace with Kaissia, a trot, a canter as she dipped her lance, a full gallop, tearing across the grass at the oncoming guards, hooves thudding on packed soil, her hair streaming out behind her.

As Kaissia yelled the command Iriel pulled hard on one rein, turning her horse at the last possible moment, at the podium, to crash full against the line of pikes. Kaissia was screaming as she was stuck through, but in pure rage, her own lance plunging into the chest of a soldier as she and her horse went down together, crushing both lines of pikemen to create a gap through which Iriel tore. Her horse hit the podium, rising to the boards, men scattering, others going down beneath her hooves, Aurac screaming commands, and silent as Iriel's lance took him full in the open mouth.

The lance tore from her hand as Aurac's body was slammed down, pinned by the head to the wood beneath, Iriel screaming in triumph as she snatched her sword free. A man went down to her first cut and she was clear, her horse carried clean over the podium, the open plain beyond. Screams of rage and fear and pain rang out behind her as she wheeled, to find the podium half-fallen, people and blood spilling from the boards, Cianna's horse half on it, Yi in the thick of the pikemen, slashing wildly to either side.

She rode in, cutting right and left, the men seeming slow, their every movement laboured. Three strokes and Yi was clear, both laughing as the entire formation of pikemen swung in towards them, guards too, others fleeing, the red apes hooting with fury as the stockade collapsed, everything seen through a haze of red as the elixir took full hold. Images blurred, mouths screaming at her in hate and pain, flying red hair, the guard Captain spitted on Cianna's lance, the Panjandrum on his back with fat legs kicking in the air, the head of a pikeman cut free as blood sprayed her face, Mailor screaming for the press of men to make way only to be torn from his horse by the biggest of the red ape males, and Aeisla riding full tilt towards them screaming that they should break.

Iriel pulled herself into the top branches of the feather tree. From her vantage the great plain stretched away in every direction, broken only in the south by what might either have been clouds or the peaks of mountains, and the haze above a single city. To the east nothing showed whatever save mile upon mile of dusty plain broken only by rare copses of blade and feather trees, euphorbians and acacia. For a moment her spirits rose, only to drop as she made out rising dust in the extreme distance, then the glitter of sunlight on metal

‘They are still coming!' she called down.

For over a week they had fled west, hiding, running, twice fighting. Once in the hills they had managed to replenish their supply of elixir, but on the plain there had been nothing. Again and again they had attempted to elude pursuit, but with the grasses tall and dry it had proved impossible to conceal their trail. She felt tired, thirsty, hungry, close to exhaustion. With their horses desperately in need of rest and water, they had stopped where a muddy creek crossed the plain.

She climbed down, to find the others grouped at the base of the tree, Aeisla with her back to the trunk, Cianna and Yi sprawled on the ground. All three showed the ravages of the days spent fleeing, their fair skin burnt, their muscles tight and lean, their eyes bright and restless.

‘How far?' Aeisla queried.

‘An hour at most,' Iriel replied. ‘They are in a skirmish line, perhaps a hundred.'

Aeisla nodded. ‘They will come up with us before sunset, even if we ride on now.'

‘We should stand,' Cianna stated. ‘Better to do so while we have at least some strength.'

‘Sulden will have sent troops, she must have done,' Yi objected. ‘Let us ride on.'

‘I have recited the cantrip a hundred times,' Cianna objected, ‘and we are above half the distance from Vendjome to Oretes. Daken knows, but he has not sent help.'

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