Prince's Addiction (The Exiled Royals Series Book 2) (2 page)

BOOK: Prince's Addiction (The Exiled Royals Series Book 2)
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Chapter Three

Falling wasn’t part of the plan.

Neither was exposing her rear to half of the moms and weekend dads in Vegas. She was still in the reconnaissance phase, and Kate hadn’t been sure that she wanted to meet him this soon.

She could feel a breeze wafting up to a place where breezes distinctly should
be and groaned. Bracing her hands under her, she pushed herself back to her feet and quickly scurried to the fence. She put her back to the cool metal and, yes, could definitely feel the chain link against the skin of her ass.

Oh man
! And it had been laundry day. She’d put it off so long she’d gone jogging in the most embarrassing thong ever, something Joan had bought her as a gag gift. It was the only thing she had that was still clean and it had been giving her a wedgie for a mile now. However, life was so busy with Lily that she never got to the end of the list for what needed to get done around the house. Last night, she’d opted to wash Lily’s PJs instead of her mounting pile of laundry.

After all, who was ever going to see the neon pink lace?

Except, apparently, everyone at the park today.

Kate took a deep breath and wished she lived in a climate where she’d have been tempted to grab a jogging jacket or something she could wrap around her waist, but no dice there. Grumbling to herself, she remembered to keep breathing when she realized that among the laughing, gawking crowd that the prince himself was running over to check on her.

Well, I can work some of this to my advantage, at least…

Butt and back still pressed to the fence and out of prying eyes, Kate faked a hiss of pain and reached down to rub at her right ankle. “Oh God that hurts.”

Alexander was there then, and even if she’d guessed he was tall from her vantage point, Kate really hadn’t been prepared for how imposing the heir of Lavinia really was. He was easily 6’5” and it felt like she was being looked over by a large tree—a large, sexy tree. No, wait, that wasn’t quite right, but he was so large it felt as if he blocked the sun and his shadow was cast long and lingering over her frame. She could smell him too, that mix of his own sweaty musk and expensive cologne. It made her heart race faster and her belly flare with warmth.

She licked her lips but then caught herself. She had to keep her focus and this was for Lily. The fact that Alexander was too good looking for words was secondary to her goals. Hissing again, she clutched more frantically at her ankle.

Here kitty-kitty

“Miss, can I help you?” he asked, leaning down and touching her ankle.

She winced and hoped that helped sell the injury she didn’t have. “You’re so sweet. I’ve never wiped out publicly before.”

“Well, I doubt that you planned that.”

She nodded, although this couldn’t be working better even if she had planned it. “It’s just a little sore, I think.”

“Can you put weight on it?”

Kate bit her lip and decided to double down on the ruse. Stepping forward just a tad on her right foot, she stumbled again and collapsed in his arms. “I don’t think I can. Oh man, and I need to get home.”

“You need to get off your feet,” he corrected. “Look, is there a place I can take you? Somewhere nearby you can rest until you call a friend to come get you?”

She nodded. Joan worked at a coffee shop about a block from the park. She’d just seen her to get a pep talk and encouragement on her plan before setting out on her jog. “The
Java Jones
isn’t very far from here. I hate to be a bother, but maybe if you could let me brace on your shoulder until we got there, that would really help.”

“That’s not a bother at all,” he said, and his voice really was a low, rumbling baritone.

She could melt into that.

No, wait, come on Morrison, stay focused
, she snapped to herself.

“I guess if I’m going to lean on you like a moron for a mile then you should know my name,” she said, taking his hand to shake.

It was warm and actually surprisingly soft. It made the flare of heat in her belly become a riotous flame, and for the first time, Kate realized that tricking him and executing her plan was going to be far harder than she’d expected. She had to remember not to fall. He was a mark. He was a greedy, self-absorbed bastard and gambler who had wasted his potential and deserved everything coming to him.

So what if he had the most soulful brown eyes she’d ever seen?

So what if he was sexy incarnate?

That didn’t matter. Nothing but Lily did.

“I’m Kate Morrison,” she said, her voice coming out more breathy than she’d intended.

Way to keep it smooth and together, jeez

He smiled and it was that megawatt look that made her melt even harder despite her resolve. “I’m Alexander Godonov, and this is more than a pleasure.”

“Great,” she said, taking a step with her left foot and shrieking a little in shock when he lifted her up into his strong arms; it was a bridal carry and it made her blush to even think such a thought. “You don’t have to do this.”

“But it would be wrong to make an injured woman walk, and it’s really no bother,” he said, starting in the direction she’d pointed out.

“Thanks, I really appreciate it,” she mumbled before curling up into his chest. She could enjoy the pleasant surprise while it lasted, couldn’t she?


Chapter Four

Wow, she’s light
, was the main thought in his head as he walked with Kate to the coffee shop.

That should have been obvious. The blonde—no, Kate—was lithe and small. She was maybe 5’3”, if even that tall, and all curves and a flat stomach. He wasn’t even sure now what had made him carry her. Again, chivalry wasn’t his style, and it never had been, no matter what elocution and other lessons his mother had insisted he take. But there was something about Kate, and it wasn’t just her beauty that attracted him. She was so vulnerable and hurt right now, and it tugged at something deeper inside.

Kate didn’t say much as he took her down the promenade and to the café. She was probably still embarrassed and afraid the talk might turn to the bright pink thong that Alex deftly covered from public view as he held her in his arms. She curled closer into him and whimpered a bit, which made him feel protective toward her. He wanted to make sure that she felt as little pain and suffering as possible and decided that teasing was out of the question, so he remained silent as well.

Alexander couldn’t explain it; perhaps given all his troubles, he just needed to nurture someone now, and she’d brought that out in him somehow.

Once they got to
Java Jones
, he set her down and made short work of ordering some iced coffees and water. She’d sweated more than enough on her jog and she might need sugar to take the edge off the pain, but she also needed to stay hydrated. The last thing he needed was for her to pass out on his watch.

When he returned, she was grinning back at him. While some of that was gratitude, he definitely felt she was teasing him as well. He had the coffees with lids in his hands and then he’d shoved the bottle of water in the crook of his arms and he was overbalanced with so much awkward cup shuffling.


“You need help there?” she asked, giggling a little. “You look like some kind of overburdened crane.”

“Well, I don’t sprout additional arms when needed, princess,” he said, setting everything on the table, and was relieved when nothing leaked out from under the cup lids. “Anyway, get some water in you.”

She nodded and he noticed how blue her eyes were, like sapphires, and God, since when did he just fall for any girl? Maybe he had more of a weakness for damsels in distress than even he realized.

“What?” she asked, in between sips. “Do I have something on my face?”

“You had something hanging out from under your yoga pants, I’ll give you credit for that,” he said, getting back to even footing. Teasing. He could do that. He could do anything as long as he didn’t let himself fall too deeply.

Kate’s expression soured and her brows furrowed deeply; she set down her drink. There was a splash of water from the bottle’s top as she slammed it down. Oh, maybe he’d overstepped a little. “This is the most embarrassing day of my life!”

“Then you’ve never lived until your mother walks in on you and… never mind.”

She snickered and stretched her right leg out on a spare chair at their table. “So I’m getting the impression you might have been a bit of a wild child?”

“Hell, I’m a wild adult,” he chuffed. “Let’s just say that’s far from the first thong I’ve ever seen, but it’s cute. You really do know how to drive a guy wild, Kate,” he punctuated his point by reaching down to rub her ankle. “Is this okay?”

She blushed, an adorable pink flush spreading over her cheeks. “It’s more than that, but you really don’t have to. You brought me here then you bought me drinks. I couldn’t just ask you for a free massage.”

“I’m a complete lady-in-distress rescuing service,” he said, running his fingers over her ankle. She winced a little and he hesitated. “Wait, is that not good?”

“No,” she said, wincing a little. “Maybe not the ankle directly but my calf is clenching a lot from my effort to keep the weight off of it. I…that sounds dumb, doesn’t it?”

He grinned and moved his hands up her calf. Alexander worked smoothly to roll the Lycra up enough to have open access to the creamy, smooth expanse of the muscle there. Reaching down, he worked to unknot the cramps in her leg, making sure his thumbs maneuvered through the tight muscle with expert precision. Kate smiled tightly at him, and Alexander was pretty sure it wasn’t his imagination when he heard a little moan of approval.

“So, do you make it a habit then? Rescuing people?” she asked.

Alexander shook his head but kept kneading her muscles. “Actually, you’re my first rescue. How do I rate, on a scale of one to ten?”

She chuckled and he loved the way he caught a glimpse of her pink tongue as she did it.
. “You’re great at lifting and providing refreshments, but I have to give you a five overall for reminding me of my great, embarrassing pants problem.” He pretended to drop her calf, loosening his grip just a little, and she squealed. “Wait, don’t do that part! I take it back, you were a seven.”

“Oh great,” he huffed. “Then I’m just a ‘passing’ rescuer,” he replied. “I think you might be hypercritical. I did say your thong was great. It’s easily one of the top five I’ve ever seen.”

“That’s exactly what every girl wants to hear,” she said, giggling again. “Fine, it’s a nine. I upgraded you,” she said, sipping her iced mocha. “Because you sprung for the extra espresso shot and I could use the boost.”

“See, I knew I was good.”

“And modest,” she replied.

“I’m a lot of things,” he said, lowering his voice to a delicious purr. Alex knew from experience that it drove the girls wild. “We should go out. What about dinner tonight at
? They do the most amazing things with puffer fish.”

Kate drew her leg back from him, and he frowned. “I can’t.”

“It’s no problem. The food there’s great, and I go there about once a week. I’d be having dinner there anyway.”

She sighed and started pulling on her sock and her right shoe. “Maybe that would be a mistake,” she said. “I appreciate that you helped me, even though I fell because of my own stupid clumsiness, you know? I don’t want to go out.”

“It’s not just a diner or a night in with Netflix. I really want to make up for your crappy day.”

She snorted. “I don’t need a pity date because I’m that spaz girl who showed half of Vegas her thong either.”

“That’s not what this is,” he said, reaching out again and at least managing to grab her left hand. “Kate, please, I actually do like you. I want you to just try going out with me. It’s not like I usually ask twice.”

She snorted. “Again with that ego, I can’t imagine how you have women swooning all over you.” Kate started to rise but swore when her right leg gave out on her. In a corner of the café, a mother of two rambunctious five-year-old boys just glared at them. He shook his head and gestured to her foot.

“Someone’s been injured here. Have some compassion,” he snapped.

Alex was gratified when the young mother turned back to her own menu.

“Kate, just stay,” he said, pressing gently on her shoulder and coaxing her back to the seat. “Maybe I did it wrong, alright? Maybe you want more control in this.”

“I just don’t think you want to get tangled up with me.”

“And,” he said, kissing the back of her hand. “I want to make that decision on my own.”

“Fine, but tomorrow night instead. We’ll have dinner at
The Zora Bar
; it’s not too far off the main strip. Here’s my number,” she said, pulling out her phone and texting him. “That way if you need anything or want to cancel—”

“Which I won’t,” he said, his jaw tensing.

“If you do, then just text me,” she insisted, her blonde hair falling from its ponytail and into her gorgeous blue eyes.

“I’ll be there, promise,” he said, standing and leaving a bit of extra money on the table for the tip. He wasn’t going to let her cover that either. “But I’m going to scurry, princess, before you change your mind. I can’t wait for tomorrow.”

As he passed the next table, where two middle-aged women were sipping tea, Alex was pretty sure it was just his imagination that one of them asked, “Hey honey, do you give private massages?”


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