Pride to Pack (The Mount Roxby Series) (7 page)

BOOK: Pride to Pack (The Mount Roxby Series)
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I lead. I run through the forest with my pack brothers following me. The day’s stress runs off my fur as my paws pound into the dirt of the forest floor. The only thought that stays with me is that
our mate still needs claiming.




No sooner had I fallen asleep than I was waking up again; time to get ready and go to work. Both Misty and I were so tired when we arrived home after the gym that we agreed to sleep all day, making sure to get up as late as possible, leaving just enough time to get something to eat before work.

Walking through to the kitchen and finding it empty, I pause to listen for any noise indicating that Misty was in the land of the living. I hear nothing other than the humming of the ducted air-con.

“MISTY, WAKE YOUR ARSE UP!” I shout through the apartment. The rooms below could probably hear me but I couldn't care less. I have to listen to the couple in the apartment below my room constantly having sex so they can suck it up!

I start pulling food out the fridge to make us both a sandwich. I'm just plating up as Misty walks into the room blurry-eyed but dressed.

“Coffee. I need coffee.”

I point to the steaming cup I placed next to her sandwich. She grabs the cup, mumbles something unintelligible th
en swiftly guzzles the full cup; slamming the cup on the side as she glances up at me. “Thanks, Bel.”

“That was hot. I only just made it.” How have her lips not blistered?

“Oh, I did a quick cooling enchantment,” she states before tucking into her sandwich.

It's going to take a while getting used to living with a witch.


We spot a couple of customers standing outside the doors as we drive by and around the back. Misty pulls the handbrake and dives out the car. She starts chanting something as I follow her and the back door pops open without her even getting her keys out.

“Cool,” I announce in awe.

“Oh, that's nothing, honey!” she replies, running to the bar.

She opens the front doors via chant again. That is one cool trick!

Over the next hour or two a steady stream of customers come and goes. A familiar face catches my eye and I make my way over to take his order. He’s with another guy I haven't met yet.
He’s definitely Werewolf, I can feel his power, and it’s strong, he has to be high up in the ranks.

“Evening, Ed. What can I get you?”

“Hi, beautiful. You haven't met Wes yet, have you?" he queries pointing to the wolf next to him.

I shake my head and extend my hand to Wes. “No, I haven't. It's nice to meet you, Wes. I'm Bel.”

He smirks as he takes my hand, “I've heard a lot about you. It's nice to finally meet you.”

“All good stuff I hope. What can I get you guys to drink?” I let go of his hand and wipe the bar down with the cloth I keep tucked in my apron, trying to get rid of the nervous thought that people are talking about me.

“Just a Toohey’s, thanks,” Wes orders. “We’re both on patrol, so we best steer clear of the hard stuff.”

I grab their beers out of the fridge under the bar and pop the top
s off before handing them over.




Waking up, I realise we made it through the night without any bother. The night was a blur of customers. Then again, we were both on autopilot so a tornado could have hit without either of us paying a blind bit of notice.

I head into the kitchen in need of a coffee fix. I need to function when I get up in the morning. Knowing Misty needs coffee more than I do, I'm not surprised to find her already there with two full cups. What does surprise me is the shit eating grin she has on her face.

“Good Morning,” she says over-enthusiastically. She’s definitely up to something.

“Okay. What is it?” I ask, reaching for the cup she offers me.

“You're having tonight off,” she practically sings as she leans against the breakfast bar.

I take a sip of coffee before reacting. "Should I ask why?”

“Don’t bite my head off, but I’ve set you up on a blind date. I know you like Theo, but he's being an idiot by avoiding you. Anyone can see the chemistry between the two of you. Your wolves are dying to jump each other. He still hasn't shown you where you can run safely.” She has a point. I might like him but he has been avoiding me, apparently before I started working at Misty's he was in there on a daily basis.

"Who is it?”

“One of my friends from the bar last night. He started asking about you so I suggested a blind date. He's going to take you to the cinema.” She looks extremely hopeful.

I can't help but complain. “So it’s not a blind date. He knows what I look like. It’s just a half blind date. GREAT!" I hate the idea of blind dates. Why would two people who know nothing about each other want to meet up and spend a torturous couple of hours together? Living with a werelion pride meant there weren’t many dating opportunities for me. I guess I dated Jared but our early dates consisted of training to fight so I could stay alive. It wasn't the usual get to know each other thing. I can feel her disappointment press against me when she thinks I'm going to say no.

I find myself agreeing to the half blind date before I really even consider it. Misty has been so good to me since I arrived in Mount Roxby, the least I can do is go on a measly half blind date. “How will I know it’s him? When and where am I meeting him?”

“You’ll go?" she asks suspiciously.

I nod my reply.

She pushes of the side and pulls me into a huge bear hug."Thank you. Thank you.”

She calms down enough to release me but she’s still bouncing on the spot. “He’s called Emmanuel. He’s pretty hard to miss at six-foot-five and built like a wall. He'd make a great rugby player. He's South African. Dark skinned and believe it or not, bright blue eyes. He'll be waiting for you at six fifteen just in front of the ticket booth at the cinema opposite the bar. You can have a few drinks for Dutch courage before going across.”

“Okay, I’m doing this for you,” I say, giving her another hug just to try and hold
her still. Her bouncing about is starting to make me feel queasy, or is that the nerves?

“Thanks. You won’t regret it. He’s a really nice guy,” she assures me.

I believe her. I just can't help thinking about Theo and how I should be dating him and not this other guy. What am I thinking? Theo isn't interested. My wolf needs to get the idea of him out of her horny mind.

I don’t do much for the rest of the day. I hunt for something to wear in my very limited selection of clothes. Misty offered for me to try some of her clothes, but she’s a foot taller than me so it’s all way too long. I finally decide on my little black dress that never fails me, and some black heels with silver sequins.

I email Benji to fill him in on the last couple of days. He replies immediately demanding a play by play of my date as soon as I get back tonight.

When we arrive at work, it feels strange being all dressed up and showing so much flesh. The uniform I normally wear is black cropped trousers and a tight black t-shirt that has a purple Misty’s logo embroidered on the breast and a cocktail list printed on the back.

The customers start coming in. I have to practically sit on my hands to stop myself from getting up and serving them. Every time I move, Misty glares at me and reminds me, “Night off!”

“What do you want to drink? It’s on the house. It might chill you out. You are so fidgety it's driving me crazy,” says Misty.

“A Johnnie Black Sazerac, please,” I say with a laugh.

“Okay, coming right up,” she shouts over her shoulder as she bounces off to mix it up.

“Make that two, Misty,” says my favourite rumbly voice.

I turn to see Theo taking a seat on the stool next to me.

“Okay, Theo, two it is.” she shouts from the mixing counter, pouring the ingredients into a shaker.

Trust him to turn up when I’
ve made plans with someone else.

I flash him my sexiest smile. “Hi, I didn't see you come in.” Or fe
el him. Gee, I must be distracted not to have noticed him.

He returns my sexy smile tenfold. “Hi yourself. You're looking ravishing tonight.”

I can feel my face blushing. I hate compliments. “Thanks.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be on the other side of the bar?” he asks, even though he can tell by the way I'm dressed I'm not meant to be on the other side of the bar tonight.

Misty comes over and places our drinks in front of us.

Theo slips off his stool and grabs his wallet out of his pocket. He’s ready to hand some money over when she puts her hands up.

“On the house as a thank you for the other night.”

“There’s no n
eed for that, but thanks.” Theo places his wallet back in the rear pocket of those tight fitted jeans - the ones that hug his perfect butt just right.

“It’s Bel’s night off. She’s going on a blind date with a friend of mine — to the cinema across the road.”

For a split second, his face drops and anger rolls off him in waves. A customer further down the bar calls out for Misty and she dashes off to serve him.

Theo turns to me, “Do you know his name? I might be able to tell you whether he’s a nice guy or not if I know him.” I get the distinct feeling no matter whether he’s a nice guy or not, Theo isn’t going to be happy about it.

“Emmanuel,” I say shrugging and taking a large swig of my drink. “I’m only doing it to keep Misty happy. She’s done a lot for me since I arrived. The least I can do is suffer through a date that I don’t want to go on." I don't know why I'm explaining myself. I just feel the need to let him know.
Maybe it's an alpha thing.

His body relaxes slightly and he takes a mouthful of his drink. “I know Emmanuel. He’s not a bad guy, for a witch.”

“She didn’t tell me he was a witch. Not that that really makes a difference.” I look at my watch and realise I’m already two minutes late. I still have to get across the road and traffic is usually a nightmare at this time. I quickly down what's left of my drink.

“I’ve got to go, I’m already late. Can you tell Misty I’ve gone and I’ll see her later?” I jump off my chair and head for the door.

“No problem.”

When I get outside I notice Theo is behind me. I look at him and frown.

He must be able to read the question on my face because before I even open my mouth to ask, he answers it. “I’m walking you across the road. It’s dark and dangerous. A woman looking as lovely as you shouldn’t be walking the streets on her own.”

I glance at the cinema across the road. “I’m only going across the road. I'm a werewolf, I can handle it.”

He grabs my hand, linking our fingers. “I don’t care. Dominick has already shown his interest. I'm not taking that chance.”

Every man and his dog are driving past leaving us no chance to get across the road. We walk down to the traffic lights on the next corner to cross safely.

“What will Emmanuel think when he sees you and me like this?” I lift our joined hands to get my point across.

“I don’t care what he thinks as long as you’re safe.”

We get to the meeting point five minutes late and as Misty assured me, Emmanuel is un-missable. He’s good looking but doesn’t make my heart skip like a certain someone holding my hand does. Theo's energy is currently running up and down my arm. It's causing my wolf to pace. She wants to greet him, be it just her energy or full wolf form she isn't fussed.

Emmanuel spots me and waves. I can tell the exact second he notices Theo holding my hand because his emotions have become erratic, and he can't seem to settle them. I have to fight to keep my barrier up.

“Hi Rosabel, Theodore.” He nods in Theo’s direction as he says his name

I quickly let go of Theo’s hand and take a step away, “HI!” I say, a little over enthusiastically. This is such an awkward first meeting for a date.

Theo throws a concerned look at me before turning his attention to Emmanuel. "Good evening, Emmanuel. I was just escorting your date here safely.”

I turn to stand next to Emmanuel and face Theo. “Thanks for the
escort, Theo.” Then without realising what I'm doing, I lean in and kiss him on the cheek.

“Anything for you, Bel,” he says deliberately loud. He then turns and walks back towards the bar without another word.

I turn to Emmanuel, who’s still looking at the spot where Theo had been standing. An angry emotion flows off him.
Time for distractions I think.
The last thing I need is an angry witch putting a hex on one of my only friends.

“So what are we going to see?” I ask nodding towards the movie list flashing on the LED on the wall.

He deliberates for a second before answering. “How about a comedy?”

Time passes quickly during the easy going movie. Before I know it the credits are rolling and the lights are slowly coming on. As I stand and stretch, I feel Emmanuel’s eyes on me so I glance at him mid
-stretch, only to find him staring at the hem of my dress as it exposes more of my skin. As I slowly lower my arms to cover myself he snaps out of it.

BOOK: Pride to Pack (The Mount Roxby Series)
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