Read Pride and Consequence Online

Authors: Altonya Washington

Pride and Consequence (13 page)

BOOK: Pride and Consequence
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“Come over here.” Malik called, watching from the sofa.

Zakira smiled, but kept her brown eyes on the television screen. “I want to finish the movie, Malik.”

“I just want you close to me,” he told her, his voice calm and very sexy.

Zakira finally looked at him. There was no way she could ignore the softly spoken words. Setting her plate to the coffee table, she joined him on the couch. Malik held her tightly as Zakira rested her head on his chest. With the sound of his heart beating beneath her ear and his large, strong hands stroking her skin, Zakira cursed her fate.
Why was this being taken away?

“Malik! Malik?! Where are you? Malik!”

Zakira ran though the lower level of the house, frantically shouting and searching every room. Malik had called her at the restaurant and told her he needed her home…as soon as possible. Racing upstairs, she finally found him in the bedroom.

“Malik!” she called, gasping at the sight of her husband. He was standing near the bed running a thick towel over his glistening body. “What's wrong?” she asked, unable to take her eyes off his dark muscular frame.

“Get in the shower,” he ordered, grinning at the look on her face.

Zakira was completely confused. “Are you okay?”

“I'm fine,” he assured her, tossing the towel to his dresser and choosing cologne. “But we got a party to attend, so we better hustle.”

“A party?” Zakira repeated, now confused and suspicious. Fortunately, the wicked smile on Malik's gorgeous face put her at ease. “I'll be ready in a few,” she promised, beginning to undress.

“I thought we were going to a party. What are we doing back here?” Zakira asked, as Malik parked the SUV in Badu's parking lot.

“This is it,” he revealed, getting out of the truck to come around and open her door.

Stunned amazement cast its glow on Zakira's face when she saw the grand transformation that had taken place. The restaurant appeared more exquisite than usual. Glowing candelabra were the main light source, and a long table was filled with every specialty on the menu.

Zakira racked her brain trying to recall a special date she may have overlooked. Of course, she wasn't the only one who didn't know what the occasion was. All the guests were in the dark.

Deciding not to worry herself over it, Zakira mingled through the crowd. There were old friends as well as family members in attendance. The evening promised to be something very special.

A light mist had just begun to fall as Eddie hurried inside the restaurant for the party. She took a moment to catch her breath, smoothing one hand across her stylish, short cut. She started to remove her coat. Just as she eased the garment over her shoulders, someone took over the task. Eddie gasped and turned to find Tree standing behind her.

“Thank you,” she whispered, allowing him to finish the task.

Tree's dark eyes followed as the coat fell away to reveal a black, sleeveless double-strapped dress. “You're welcome,” he assured her in a deep, slightly raspy voice.

She carried her cashmere coat to the cloakroom and waited for the attendant to hand her a claim stub. The next instant, Tree's hand curled firmly beneath her arm and he pulled her away with him. Eddie was sure she would have protested had she not been so fevered by his touch.

Tree wasn't about to let anyone infringe on his time with Eddie. He kept her by his side for most of the evening. They were dancing when Eddie squeezed her eyes shut, praying the annoying beep she heard wasn't for her, wishing she'd thought to leave the beeper in the car with her cell. She tried to ward off the aggravating sound by losing herself in Tree's arms again.



Tree smiled, loving the relaxed, trusting tone in the simple sound. Smoothing his hand across her back, he lowered his mouth to her ear. “You're beeping,” he playfully noted.

Eddie gave a disappointed sigh and pulled away from Tree. He watched in utter fascination, his dark eyes narrowing as he waited to see where she had the beeper hidden beneath the skintight, short black dress. Edwina could easily read the look in Tree's eyes and was embarrassed.

“'Scuse me,” she muttered and turned to walk away. As she headed to the pay phones near the restrooms, she gave a silent prayer of thanks that her weak legs supported her.

“So, was this your idea?”

Malik smiled down at Zakira as they swayed to the seductive rhythm of the music. “I had a hand in it.”

Zakira smoothed her hands across the wide expanse of his back. “Well, what's the occasion?”

“Does there have to be one?”

Arching herself into the reassuring plane of his chest, Zakira sighed. “No, we can do this every night.”

“Sounds good to me,” Malik whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of her hair.

They tightened their embrace and wished the song and the dance could last forever.

Eddie stood by the wall for a moment clutching the phone to her chest. It made her so happy when her patients began to make progress, even if it cut into her profits.

With a sigh, she replaced the receiver and turned. “Oh!” she cried, pressing a hand against her chest when she saw Tree.

He didn't apologize for startling her. Instead, he pushed her against the wall. Eddie moaned softly and her thighs trembled as he pressed her into the secluded corner and kissed her deeply. His tongue slid smoothly past her full lips to stroke the sweet inside of her mouth. Eddie curled her hands over his massive shoulders and clung to him for support.

Tree was like a man starved for the taste of her. His kiss grew deeper and more forceful. Meanwhile, his large hands easily spanned her tiny waist before moving down to cup her full bottom.

Eddie gave in to her attraction for him as her tongue pushed past his and she kissed him back. With a will of its own, her leg rose to stroke the side of his huge thigh and long leg. She groaned in response as the grip he had on her derriere tightened and he lifted her closer to feel the extent of his thrusting ability.

Eddie tore her mouth away and leaned her head back against the wall. Tree's lips immediately sought the smooth column of her neck and feasted there. His strong perfect teeth tugged upon the delicate chain around her throat as he inhaled her soft, feminine scent.

The passionate episode was brought to an end when they heard deafening applause coming from the dining area.

Tree's head fell to Eddie's shoulder as he struggled to catch his breath, but he only succeeded in becoming more aroused by the feel of her breasts heaving rapidly against his chest. Placing his hand at her hip, he pushed away and closed his eyes.

Eddie's long lashes fluttered closed over her eyes as she took a deep breath. She settled shaky fingers to her bruised lips and pressed her thighs together in hopes of warding off the persistent tingling in her lower regions.

“We, um, better go see what's up,” Tree whispered, his bass-filled voice rough with desire.

With effort, Eddie raised her light hazel gaze to his burning dark one. At her minute nod, Tree slid his arm around her waist and took them back into the party.

Toward the side of the dining room, next to the bar, stood Malik. Zakira was beside him, looking radiant, with just a hint of unease in her large brown eyes.

Malik raised his hands, immediately drawing silence from the crowd. “I know you people are wondering what the occasion is.”

A low rumbling sounded among the guests as they all agreed.

A grim smile cast a rueful look to Malik's magnificent dark features. Taking a deep sigh, he clasped Zakira's hand in his. “The reason this beautiful lady here by my side has been in the restaurant so much is because I'm sick. I've…been diagnosed with cancer.”

The low murmuring amongst the crowd grew louder. Zakira looked up at him in disbelief. Malik could feel her grip on his hand slacken. He knew she was confused and shocked, but there was no stopping.

“The reason for the party,” Malik continued once the noise had ceased, “is to say goodbye to you all. I've talked to my doctors about surgery, but the chances that I'd experience some mental loss during the procedure even if it helped the cancer are too great. I'd rather not go that way, you know?” he said with a short laugh.

The gasps of shock and surprised responses from the crowd continued as Malik dropped his news. The moment became so sad, Zakira could not stand it. Wrenching her hand from his, she ran from the room.

“Z!” Eddie called. She was about to rushed after Zakira, when she felt Tree's arms close around her.

“Eddie, let her go,” he whispered against her ear, rocking her against his massive frame. Edwina's eyes blurred with tears, and she turned in Tree's embrace. She allowed him to comfort her, crying softly against his wide chest.

“Shh…shh,” he soothed, pressing soft kisses against the top of her head. “I think Malik and Zakira just need some time alone.”

Eddie nodded and looked up at him. “I can understand that. I don't think I can take any more of this, either. I just want to go home,” she said, her voice soft and shaking.

Tree brought his powerful hands to her face and cupped her cheeks. “Will you be okay by yourself?” he asked.

Eddie searched the obsidian pools of his eyes and shook her head. “No.”

Sighing as though he were relieved, Tree pressed another kiss to her forehead. Then, he looked around the room at the other guests still reeling from the news. He knew Malik and Zakira needed to be alone. Giving Eddie one last reassuring squeeze, he went to the head of the room and brought an end to the party.

Zakira's hair had fallen from the thick chignon she wore. The black mass flew behind her as she raced to Malik's office in tears. They flowed out of control and her heart threatened to beat out of her chest.

She stopped before the huge mahogany desk and pounded her fists against the polished surface. “Damn him!” she cried as more tears spilled down her cheeks.

Malik had followed Zakira to his office and now stood watching her from the doorway. His stomach churned painfully at the sound of her crying. Dammit, he raged. The last thing he wanted was to hurt her that way. But he knew that in the long run, it was for the best.

Zakira must have sensed his presence in the room, for she whispered, “I can't believe you just threw a party to announce your death.”

Malik stood speechless for a moment longer. “I had to let people know, Zaki,” he finally replied.

“You could've at least told me what you were going to do.”

“Would you have still come?”

Zakira turned, the look on her face a mixture of confusion and surprise.

“Do you think your dying is something to be celebrated?” she asked, her tone furious.

Malik sighed and pushed his big hands through his dreads as he stepped into the office. “I thought it was the best way…considering it's time to leave.”

Zakira's tears had flowed consistently from the moment she ran from the dining room. When she heard Malik's words, she dried her eyes and tried to pull herself together.

“When do we go?” she asked, frowning at the uneasy look she glimpsed in Malik's eyes before he turned away. “Malik?…Malik!”

He covered his face in his hands and groaned.

“Baby, what is it?” Zakira softly inquired, walking closer.

“You're not going with me,” he said, his firm voice brooking no argument.

Zakira blinked as though he had slapped her. If her heart hadn't burst before, she was sure it was about to now. “So you'd just leave for treatment or…to—to die—and not let me be there?” she asked in disbelief.

“Exactly,” he confirmed, though the moment was tearing him apart.

Zakira's legs went weak and finally gave out beneath her. The tears welled in her eyes, and she began crying all over again.

In an instant, Malik was beside her on the floor. “Baby, please understand this,” he whispered, his voice hoarse with emotion.

Zakira's only response was to turn her cocoa eyes toward him. The look in the wide pools was clearly accusing.

Malik's expression hardened. “I'm not about to let you watch me die, Zakira. You can't expect me to do that.”

Zakira shook her head and swallowed the sob rising in her throat. “That's what it means to be married, Malik. We're together no matter what.”

“I can't do it, not even for you.” Malik pressed a kiss to her head and started to stand.

Zakira's arms went around his legs and she held him to her. Malik went back to his knees and pulled her against him. They held each other for hours.

Tree pulled the keys from Eddie's shaking fingers. She gave him a grateful smile and waited for him to unlock the door and usher her inside.

Wringing her hands, she went to the living room and turned on all the lamps. The warm light gave the elegantly furnished room a cozy appearance. Tree appeared quite impressed. “I like it.” He told her, shrugging his massive frame out of his overcoat.

BOOK: Pride and Consequence
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