Read Pretty in Kink Online

Authors: Titania Ladley

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance

Pretty in Kink (21 page)

BOOK: Pretty in Kink
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Her sweet fragrance wafted across the space to tease his
senses. He could recall the heady sensation of burying his face in her thick
mane and inhaling her into his soul while he spilled his cum into her pussy. It
had only been ten hours since he’d last gotten a taste of her, but now that she
had every one of his nerves and senses firing, including the big one in his
pants, he’d become famished for her.

“A ride?”

She pursed her lips, winked. “Sure. To my place for some
afternoon delight, as they call it. So you can do just that. Eat me.”

He coughed, choking on his intended words. Diego got to his
feet and recovered as best he could with his jeans choking his cock. “Britt,
are you okay?”

Her brow furrowed. “Of course I’m okay. Why do you ask?”

“You’re just…” He stepped around the desk. “You seem edgy,
yet an offer like that could only mean one thing.”

She moved in so close the heat from her breasts bathed his
ribs. Toying with a button on his shirt, she stuck out her bottom lip. “Edgy?
Me? What could I possibly have to be edgy about?”

Diego couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but something was
up. If she’d quit distracting him, he might be able to figure it out. Her hands
slid up and around his neck. She rose on tiptoe and ground her breasts into his

“I uh, don’t know.”

“Come on,” she whispered huskily, clamping his bottom lip
between her teeth. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

“I-I don’t know, I—” He broke off when she cupped his
hard-on. “Jesus, Britt. You want the shop guys to see you?”

“Isn’t that what you’ve taught me?” She kissed his neck, his
collarbone, and it sent a surge of fire to his loins. It met with her hand
where she stroked him on the outside of his jeans. “To let down my hair and my
inhibitions, to get kinky? You know, voyeurism, bondage, spankings, some
girl-on-girl action.”

Diego fought for control. If she didn’t stop he’d blow right
here and now like some teenaged boy having a wet dream. “Yes goddamn it, but—
Aw shit.” Her hand slipped inside his pants. A soft palm closed around his
shaft. He panted. “Britt, please…”

“Answer me, then. Wanna go for a ride or not?”

“Yes, of course I do, but—”

She swirled her thumb around the sensitive rim of the corona
and drew a hiss from him. He swore his balls almost exploded.

“You’re the boss, the ‘Master’, right?”

“Yes, you know I am.”

“Then go tell them you’re clocking out.”

He sighed and closed his palm around her arm. Drawing her
hand out of his pants, he growled, “Like this?”

She giggled and allowed him to yank her arm behind her back.
“Sure, why not? All you men have hard-ons, right? So what’s the big deal?”

Motherfucker, to hear such naughty words tumbling from her
pink lips. Standing here in his office with her while Keith and Lloyd shifted
glances through the shop window made Diego crazy with lust and jealousy at the
same time. Hell, their damn tongues practically hung to their cocks. “What’s
gotten into you today?”

Britt broke free, slid her arms around his torso and
snuggled close, close enough to rub her belly against his erection and start
the process all over again. “I guess you did get into me. Literally.” Laughing
at her own joke, she added, “You started it, now I’m going to end it.”

“End it?”

She shrugged. Her eyelids batted at him while she reached
down and cupped his cock again. “I’m hot and horny for you. I need your shaft
inside me. I need to come again.”

“Jesus,” he groaned. He flicked a look through the window
and caught Keith’s gawking stare. He jammed a thumb toward the door and
mouthed, “I’m leaving.”

Keith nodded with a sly grin and waved at Diego.

She reached for his hand and tugged him toward the door.
“You coming or not?”

Diego tried to shake the cloud of lust from his head. “Whew.
If I didn’t know better, I’d say I already have.”

Chapter Fourteen


Britt had the stage already set. She’d borrowed the very
chair and handcuffs Lexi had used in the photo shoot. The chair sat in the
middle of Britt’s bedroom at the foot of the bed. The cuffs and a short rope
were tucked under her pillow.

“Please, sit down,” she said to Diego when they entered her

“Sit down?” His gaze cut to the chair. She saw the confusion
cross his face, and then the suspicion. It made her long to throw her head back
and cackle. “Why?”

“I have a surprise for you. I need you to sit.”

“Mm, I love surprises,” he murmured, and she noted the exact
moment lust overrode the wariness. As a result, the fool sat down just as she
hoped he would.

“Oh, me too. Me too.” His back faced her as she crossed to
the head of the bed. “Now close your eyes. I want it to be a surprise for you.”

From her place in the room, she could just barely see his
profile in her dresser mirror. He closed his eyes as she drew the cuffs and
rope from beneath the pillow. “Now, don’t open them until I tell you to, okay?”

“You got it, doll. But hurry, my cock is getting so hard,
it’s about to rip the seams on my jeans.”

You’re going to get ripped, all right.

She chuckled low and throaty, the sentiment of laughter
feeling hollow in her chest. “Good, good. That’s just the way I want you, hard
and ready.” She squatted behind the chair and slid the rope around the back
frame, knotting it so it made a taut loop just behind his ass. She chattered to
him about how horny she was, about how she couldn’t wait for him to see what
she had for him. As quietly as she could, she anchored the chain of the cuffs
around the rope, drowning sounds out with her voice and coughing. She let it
dangle from the back of the chair, each hoop open and ready to snap shut.

Now to get him buttered up so she could secure him in place.
She set her hands on his shoulders and rubbed. “There, now doesn’t that feel
good? Just relax, take a load off. And keep your eyes shut.”

“Ah,” he sighed, his head falling back to rest against her
belly. “I’ll take a load off all right. But you better hurry it up before I

She smiled, her hands moving lower. Hard biceps filled her
palms, flexing even in his state of relaxation. She tried to ignore the warmth
of his body against her, the scent of motor oil mixed with deodorant soap. Her
eyes fluttered shut for a brief moment as she tamped down the traitorous desire
that started to smolder in her pussy. Moisture spilled out onto her panties,
and her cunt throbbed despite the fact she wouldn’t be giving herself what her
body begged for.

Her body may have another agenda, but revenge and answers
were all she sought.

From behind, she reached around, unbuttoned his shop shirt
and pushed aside the fabric. To continue the seduction, she raked her fingers
down over the tight chest. Sparse hairs and his knotted nipples teased her
flesh. She bit back a groan, clamping her bottom lip between her teeth.

“Here, reach behind you so I can pull your shirt off.” She
guided his arms around. “Yes, just like that,” she whispered when he obeyed.

“Britt, please…” He panted, and she noticed a fine sheen of
perspiration had started to form on his back. Her plan moved along just
perfectly. Soon, she’d have her answers and reap the satisfying reward of

“Shh, shh,” she cooed. She slid her hands down his forearms,
guiding his wrists into position. To distract him from the initial cold of the
cuffs, she whispered sexy words in his ear while nibbling on his earlobe.

He groaned, basking in the unexpected “afternoon delight” he
thought he’d be getting. “God, you’re so sexy and—”



Both cuff hoops now held him secured to the rope and chair.
Britt knew what it felt like to be in this position, and even with her agenda,
she couldn’t stave off the charge it gave her to see him this way, to be in
complete control for once.

She watched over his shoulder as his eyelids flew open.
“What the fuck?”

“What the fuck, you ask?” Britt took a deep breath, calming
the reluctant lust that coiled in her groin. She had to focus and get this
matter behind her. Strolling around to face him, she ground out, “Well, Diego
Mansini, I ask the same thing of you.”

Anger snapped off in his eyes reminding her of tiny little
firecrackers. He struggled against the cuffs, rocking the chair beneath him.
“What—what are you talking about? What the hell is this all about?”

Amusement eased away some of the fury she’d been holding in
check. Dang, but he looked so hot thrashing in that seat with his shirt gaping
open and his hair hanging long around his shoulders. Her gaze traveled over the
rippled abdomen, the tight pectorals. Britt’s mouth watered and she longed to
taste one of his hardened nipples. His skin flushed with his newfound ire, and
it only made him look more devastating, more irresistible.

But she had to stay in control. Glancing away to ease the
throbbing in her cunt, she warned, “Careful, you’ll tip yourself over, and I’m
not strong enough to sit you back up.”

He growled at her, reminding her of a caged wolf. “Goddamn
it, what the
going on here?”

She clamped her teeth together and disrobed like a stripper,
a seduction of pure malice since she didn’t intend to give him anything. She
wanted to tease, to show him just what he’d given up by betraying her.

“You’re going to tell me the truth. All of it.” She locked
her gaze on his and closed her palms over her breasts.

His gaze dropped to watch her hands. But it popped back up
to snare her with a mixture of confusion and desire. “Excuse me?”

Diego’s erection strained against his jeans, the spongy head
peeping over the waistband and belt. Britt longed to taste it, but instead she
stepped forward, knelt before him and released the beast from its cage.

“You saw the pictures, right, just like you admitted to me?”
Without waiting for him to answer, she bent and swiped her tongue from the base
of his cock to the tip.

He hissed in a breath, his head falling back.

She told herself it was to keep him under her spell, to
exact her revenge and to wring answers from him. She didn’t yearn to taste him,
to take his cock in her mouth after he’d screwed her over. No, she didn’t—did

“Ah, the pictures.”

His voice came out strained and he groaned when she slid her
mouth over his girth and took him deep into her throat. He bucked up, his thigh
muscles flexing against denim.

Britt tasted the salty flavor of satin over steel. Her pussy
throbbed, spilling cream down her inner thighs. She gripped the base of his rod
and pulled back, deep-throating him again. It made her moan, made her canal
clench in protest. Her tongue swirled around the circumference of the head,
tasting the bitter drop of pre-cum oozing from his slit. She inhaled,
attempting to calm her libido, but instead drew in his spicy scent of arousal
and clean sweat, which in turn added to the allure.

In spite of what he’d done to her, she hungered for him,
needed him in her life. The insight of it tore at her self-worth and tears
stung her eyes. She still wanted him, she realized, even though he’d betrayed
her, even though he’d succeeded in drawing her into his dark and naughty world,
and there wasn’t a thing she could do about getting out.

No, Britt wasn’t dumping him. Oh, it had been her full
intention after Lexi’s revelations, but it had taken just one look at him
sitting there behind that reception desk in his shop, and she’d lost the
control of just seconds prior. She knew now she was punishing him so they could
put it behind them and move on with their addictive relationship.

After he strained for several minutes as she worked up a
quicker rhythm on his cock, he seemed to harness some control. His body
relaxed, though she could sense he bordered on losing it.

“So Lexi told you she gave me the wrong pictures, I take it?
But I already told you that.”

The bite of resentment in his tone caused her to lift her
head. The pop of releasing his cock from her lips resounded in the quiet room.
“Yes, and she thinks you sent them in to the magazine.”

He looked down at her, rage and lust mixing to make a potent
conglomeration in his eyes. “I told you that already too. I did
submit them to the magazine.” He punctuated his words with an angry yank of the

Britt rose and towered over him, thrusting her breasts out,
spreading her legs before him so he had no choice but to study her moist labia.
“Then how did they get there?”

Through his teeth, he bit out, “I don’t know, goddamn it.
And I already promised you I’d find the bastard who did this to you, to your
career. You’ve tied the wrong person up to the wrong chair.”

Wow, he looked so good, so alpha sitting there like that,
despite his bound position. He glared up at her with an almost convincing
righteousness and it made her want him all the more. Her gaze traveled down the
rippled belly and back up along the jutting, swollen penis, the length still
glistening with her saliva. The taste of him still burned on her tongue, making
her long to take more, to take him into her core. All she could think of was
getting that huge rod inside her, of dancing on him like the whore Carolyn
accused her of being. But she still needed answers, so she forced herself to
concentrate on her goal, to get the truth from him by seduction.

She stepped forward and straddled the chair on either side
of his thighs. Her hands gripped his shoulders.

She looked into his eyes, indecipherable, tortured emotions
storming in them. “I’ve taught you well, haven’t I, Britt?” he asked with a
trace of sarcasm.

“Yes, Diego,” she threw back, circling her cunt around the
tip of his cock. “You’ve made a shameless slut out of me. But right now, I
really don’t care. I just want the truth. And I just want you inside me.”

She slid down on him, gloving him with her soaked canal. In
unison, they both let out a howl of pleasure.

“The truth as I already told you,” he hissed, his body taut
with forced restraint, “is that I didn’t send them to the magazine. I got the
wrong ones from the store, looked at them, did
make any copies and
returned them that same night. That’s it. But if I ever find out who did submit
them to the contest, I’m going to choke the fucking life from the greedy

Did she believe him?



His protectiveness warmed her heart a few degrees. She
kissed his neck, licking the salty perspiration from his skin. Britt closed her
eyes, trying to relax her pussy muscles around his girth. All she had to do was
rise up and crash back down on him one more time and the climax would be hers
for the taking. But more information needed to be rung out of him.

“Okay, so you didn’t send them in. But you said you did look
at the pictures. And like a stupid fool, I didn’t realize until you had my
heart squeezed in your hand, that you’ve been reenacting the poses with me.”

He sighed, his head falling back. His cock twitched inside
her and she knew he fought the orgasm too. Her clit hardened to the firmness of
a pebble. More of her elixir spilled out to pool around the base of his cock.

“Busted. But I already told you that too.” He kept his head
bowed back for a time then lowered it to snare her gaze with his. “I’m sorry,
babe, but from the moment I opened the wrong packet of pictures and saw your
smoldering beauty, I lost all control. Lost my fucking mind, fell hard on my
ass—which I
already told you. Yep. You bound me with your sex
appeal. I admit, I had to have you. But what is so damn bad about that?”

His impassioned words rang so true, so honest. It stunned
her, and something in her heart melted. Yes, what
so bad about that?
As she tried to answer her own question, she tightened her cunt muscles and
leaned forward, brushing her lips over his. Britt tried to think of a good
retort, tried to remember she’d come here for a confession about the contest.
But instead she threw back another question. She spoke against his mouth,
nibbling, tasting the remnants of lemonade he must have had with lunch.

“You thought you’d happened on a kinky, loose woman, didn’t
you? A whore?”

He nodded, flicking his tongue out to duel with hers. He
shifted his hips, jarring the desire inside her. It almost brought her over the
edge. “I’ll admit, at first I wondered, from the pictures, that is. I also
worried you were being forced, like in a smut ring or some shit. But it didn’t
take me long to figure out the poses had been part of a consensual staging.
Once I met you, I knew you were too innocent to have been doing them for real,
and obviously you were fine, safe. So the game was on.”

She kneaded his tense shoulder muscles, rested her elbows on
his shoulders and tangled her hands in his damp, soft hair. “The game?
Reenacting the pictures with me?”

He nuzzled her neck. It made her sigh when he sucked a patch
of skin into his mouth. “Yes, stupid of me I know, but I had to see you that
way for real, in the beautiful flesh. Again, something I already admitted to
you last night. The photo images burned in my thoughts from the moment I opened
that packet. I was obsessed, and I swore I’d lose my mind if I couldn’t see you
that way for real, touch you, be a part of it with you.

“Call it chauvinistic, but I had to be the one to make those
snapshots come to life for you. No one else could do it but me. Such a horrible
thing, isn’t it, to be so damn infatuated you lose your mind? So go ahead,
babe,” he snarled, nibbling along her jaw. “Arrest me, shoot me for becoming
possessed by your charms. Punish me with this good-bye seduction of yours. But
we both know we can leave each other, break up forever, but we’ll never forget
one another.”

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