Powerful Moves [L.U.S.T.] (Siren Publishing Classic) (7 page)

BOOK: Powerful Moves [L.U.S.T.] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“And you say that even now that you can’t see through my clothes.” She tried for playful and teasing but didn’t know if she pulled it off. She didn’t doubt she could pull off something far more exciting to them both. Like his clothes and hers before she climbed onto his lap and impaled herself with his rock-hard cock. “There might be hope for you yet, Zolan.”

Shaken by the velocity of the lust consuming her, Elena stood and gathered their plates. She’d barely taken a step away from the table when his arm closed around her waist. One moment she stood on her own two feet and the next he yanked her off those feet and onto his lap. She let out an undignified yelp. Her heart raced from the heat of his touch that suddenly surrounded her. His free hand snaked beneath her hair to cup her nape as he dipped his head. His breath fanned her lips when he spoke.

“I don’t have to see through your clothes to want you, Elena.” His lips brushed hers so faintly she wondered if she imagined their touch. “To want to touch you, taste you, shove my cock as far inside your incredible body as I can get it and then some.”

Elena couldn’t speak. She licked her lips and tried to push the words out,
words. The move drew his gaze to her mouth, and she saw the intent race through his eyes a split second before he kissed her again.

His tongue coaxed her to part her lips then slipped inside, tangling with hers. She heard herself make a low groan and moved her hand to his neck, pulling him closer still to deepen the kiss. Any thoughts of resistance fled as he devoured her mouth. Gods, the man could kiss! One of his hands snaked beneath the tail of her shirt and flattened on the small of her back. It was a warm touch, a possessing touch the way he pulled her closer, held her steady.

She felt his cock, rigid and large, pressing into her buttocks and squirmed just enough to draw a low growl from his throat. He wasn’t the only one who could tease. He wasn’t the only one who wanted. Still, she managed to pull away from him, to break the kiss. His eyes opened slowly, and when he met her gaze, the electric blue had deepened to navy, darkened with desire.

“Sorry,” he told her, his voice was low, heated, and a bit breathless. “I couldn’t help myself. Do you still think there’s hope for me?”

“Maybe.” She felt as breathless as he sounded. Her fingers were in his hair. She didn’t remember putting them there. She allowed herself a moment to toy with the strands, reveling in the fact that they felt as silky as she’d expected them to. Maybe there was hope for him, but she knew in that instant there was little hope for her. She wanted and she would take.
Sooner rather than later, at this rate
. But she couldn’t stop herself from wondering exactly how much of herself she would end up giving in the process despite her guarded heart.

His eyes closed, his head moving into her touch, and another low moan rumbled from his throat. “That feels so good.” His palm glided up her back beneath her shirt and stopped only when he reached the back of her neck before falling down again to grip her hip. “Will you touch me like that in other places?”

She started to. The urge to let her hand slide around to his front, to dip between their bodies and cup his cock through his leather pants was nearly too strong to fight. Instead, she wriggled her hips, grinding her buttocks on his erection, and his head came up, his eyes opening. The promise she saw in their darkened depths, the power that swirled within them, electrified her to her toes.

“Do that much more, muirnin, and you won’t have a choice.”

His warning sent a new thrill skating through her.


She promised herself she would explore that option later. No matter the consequences or sacrifice, she would have this man’s cock inside her eagerly awaiting pussy.


“You didn’t answer my question.” She eased her hand out of his hair and slowly stood. He resisted but eventually let her go. “What kind of weapons are these schematics for?” She turned but not before she saw him blink, give his head a shake, and blink again. His confusion was so evident she nearly laughed aloud.

“Does nothing faze the woman?” Tavius muttered as he followed her to the kitchen.

Elena bit back a grin. Hell yeah, something fazed her. He fazed her, short-circuited her brain until she forgot about everything but him and how badly she wanted to jump his sexy bones! When a man could divert her attention from destruction-wielding weapons to erotic images of him and her naked, sweating, panting, and begging for more, she knew she had fallen into a hell of a state.

“Are we talking some sort of missile launcher or nuclear device?”

“If only it were that elementary.” Tavius sighed. “We aren’t exactly sure how much he got away with. The plans are highly guarded, but he had someone on the inside making copies. We know he got his hands on the details for the eraser magnum and blaster saber. We can’t say for certain what else.”

Alarm tickled the back of Elena’s neck. She looked at him, afraid to ask the questions springing to her tongue, more terrified of the answers she suspected he could give. “Eraser magnum? Why do I get the feeling that thing does more than wipe away pencil marks or shoot those spectralite bullets you mentioned.”

Tavius tossed his paper plate in the trash can and reached for her, pulling her into his arms. He felt solid and warm and large. Her body melded to his as if it were meant to be there. “The eraser magnum got its name because one shot can, and will, erase whatever it is fired at and leave no trace of the object behind. Nothing of what it hits, no residue of the gun that obliterated it. It would be as if it never existed.”

“Dear Goddess.” True fear landed in Elena’s belly like a lead weight. Her heart started to race painfully in her chest. The implications of what he was telling her, of what this weapon could do, made her dizzy. “We don’t have anything like that here in this realm.”

“You don’t have anything like any of these weapons on Earth.”

“But Le Mort didn’t actually steal the weapons. He just got the plans, right?”

“The plans are all he needs, Elena. The Earth realm’s technology hasn’t advanced enough to think of these weapons on their own yet, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have the resources to manufacture them. Terra was once the same as Earth, remember? The supplies are here just as they were and are on Terra. It’s the knowledge that’s still light-years in the future for this realm. But if Le Mort shows someone how to do it…”

“Then the light-years will come early,” Elena finished for him.

Tavius cupped her cheek. “Will you help me find this vampire?” He brushed another feather-like kiss to her lips.

Elena felt powerless in his arms. Whatever miniscule amount of control she’d managed to gain over her hormones in her walk to the kitchen vanished again the second he took her into his arms. “Yes.”

He nipped her jaw. “Will you take me to see your bosses?”

“Yes.” Her head fell back, her hand resuming its play in his hair.

“But they still won’t be back until tomorrow night?” His tongue trailed a fiery path down her throat.

“I wasn’t lying about that,” she said on a breathy sound that was equal parts laugh and moan. She turned her head enough to steal a glance at the wall clock. It was after two in the morning. “But it’s tonight now.”

His hands glided up her sides, framing her curves. She writhed against him. “Hmm, I can’t wait to feel you do that without clothes on. Got any suggestions on what we can do until they get back?”

Elena lifted her head to look at him. Suggestions fired through her mind like fireworks on the Fourth of July. She couldn’t ever remember wanting a man this badly. Being in his arms, feeling his breath fan her nose, gazing into his penetrating electric eyes very nearly did her in.

How about we do each other

She nearly said it. For the life of her, she didn’t know what stopped the words from rolling through her still-tingling lips. Her body ached to give him all he wanted, to take all she needed. The wall she built around her heart felt solid and sure. The only answer she could give herself made little sense, yet it took control.

It isn’t later enough

“As a matter of fact, I do.” Elena feigned a yawn and stepped out of his arms. “We can sleep. Come on. I’ll show you to the spare bedroom.”

Chapter Three


Tavius watched the sexy sway of Elena’s hips walking away from him for the second time in as many hours. Damned if he would let them disappear again. If he came off looking like a panting puppy dog then so be it. He followed, catching her outside the open door of the spare bedroom.

A hook of his arm around her waist and a tug brought her spinning around and slamming into him, her front to his. And it was heart-attack time. Gods, what was it about this woman that sent his blood pressure soaring high enough for him to orbit the moon?

Her head tipped back, surprise alight in her face. He figured reflex more than thought compelled her to put her hands on his biceps. She didn’t use the hold to push him away. No, consciously or not, she used it to drive him to the brink of insanity by holding herself steady against him. He felt her beaded nipples poking through her shirt, burning points into his chest. He felt the desire radiating from her, drawing on the oxygen in the hallway and filling it with need. He smelled her arousal, sweet and hot, and starved for it. He swallowed the animalistic growl that rumbled in his chest as she stared up at him through eyes full of need, promise, and confusion.

“Are you testing me, Elena? You let me get close enough to hold you, to kiss you, and then walk away.” It astounded him how badly that fact affected him, how strongly he needed to hold her, to kiss her and not let her walk away.

“I just met you.”

“And your point?” Damned if he could find one in that statement, especially given that he managed since leaving the park to forget he only met her a few short hours ago. It felt like longer, much longer, as if he’d known her for years, decades, freaking centuries!

She sighed and shook her head. “I have no idea.”

Tavius barely kept his lips from twitching. “You feel it, Elena.”

“What I feel is you.” Her hands gave his biceps a squeeze. He wanted to feel that squeeze again, harder as he slammed his cock so deep inside her awaiting pussy she could feel nothing except him. “I feel your presence, your aura, your
all around me. It’s disconcerting.”

Tavius lifted a brow. “It scares you?”

“No, it doesn’t scare me,” she spat, temper flushing her cheeks.

Oh, but it did. He saw the sexual hunger warring with the anger in her face, felt it in the way her body went rigid against his.

She slapped at his arm and gave him a little push. He didn’t let her go. If she’d pushed harder, gave a more valiant try to remove herself from his embrace, he wouldn’t have stopped her. The pansy attempt she made felt more like a show than a true wish to be released.

“I don’t need this right now.” The torment that softened her voice wound a band around his heart.

“You think I do? I came here to catch a vampire, not a spitfire LUST agent who has me thinking with my dick instead of my head.”

“I thought that was common in the male species.”

“Ha, ha. Do you know how hard it is to concentrate on what I need to do to find Le Mort when all I can think about is what I need to do to get you in bed? I’m not a tracker, Elena. I can’t sense the undead. I can see through things and move through the realms.” He purposely left out his control over the mind. “I’m head of security at ZWRD in Atnalta. My intelligence put me in that position more than my powers.”

“You’re confusing me. I don’t

“If you ask me, you’re confusing yourself. Fighting this attraction between us isn’t going to get either of us anywhere.”

“And fucking will?”

“It’ll ease this tension between us.” It would put his evocative powers on-line for a short time, too, but to what purpose? She already agreed to take him to the LUST HQ. He could use the power to put her at ease with him.

And shape-shift from the panting puppy to a dirty, rotten dog
… Shape-shifting didn’t fall into his repertoire of abilities, and he didn’t care to acquire it now.

“It might clear up that confusion in this pretty head of yours.” He grazed his lips to her forehead. “Might even help me think.” He whispered the words against the bridge of her nose as he trailed a path with his lips to her mouth. There, he pulled back to hover a breath away from kissing her.

She made a sound that was part breathless laugh and part incredulity. “Somehow I doubt having sex with you will do either of those things.”

Tavius didn’t think so either, but if it got him what he wanted right now, he’d say just about anything. He wanted to touch her, to taste her, to hear the sweet moans he knew she would make as her body came undone in his arms.

“Then we won’t have sex.” Yeah, apparently he would say anything right now. Not have sex? Wasn’t that what he’d been working for here?

No, he realized as he watched the surprise swirl with the confusion in her gaze. He could touch her, taste her, hear her, and keep his cock securely in his britches. It would be a test of his control and likely push him over that brink of insanity before it ended, but he could do it. He
to do it. More, he wanted her to ask him to do it.

BOOK: Powerful Moves [L.U.S.T.] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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