Read Possessed - Part Two Online

Authors: Coco Cadence

Possessed - Part Two (3 page)

BOOK: Possessed - Part Two
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Chapter 5




Two days later



With a heavy heart and a heavy ass from eating all the chocolates I had stored in my emergency cabinet, I get myself to work. Papers have piled up and my inbox has my eyes rolling into the back of my head, looking at the sheer volume of replies. I hope Leo will still pay me extra for doing what we did, plus this extra work I now have from not being able to answer all the phone calls and emails that I had when I was away. Being his assistant doesn’t pay well, and I’m not sure I want to keep this job after what happened. Of course, no way in hell am I leaving before he gives me a big, fat paycheck to take home.

On top of that, I just noticed my natural dark brown hair is growing back. Eew. Better get a dye job quickly, I do not want to lose my redhead factor. It’s about the only thing that looks good on me.

Suddenly, an email pops up on my screen that I can’t ignore.




FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]


Are you up for some play? I have something filthy in mind.






FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]


Sorry, but I’m too busy with work right now. Another time?







FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]


Suit yourself. No promises.




I frown. Well, isn’t he a joy. God, what is up with all these men and wanting to get a piece of me? I’m going to give them a piece of my mind, instead, if they keep going like this. What happened to being civilized? Or at least pretending to be. That would be better than nothing. Well, if they’re not going to be then neither am I.

I click away the email and right then the office phone rings.

“Leo King’s office, Samantha speaking.”

“We need to talk.”

It’s Leo, and I immediately feel the urge to chuck the phone at his office. However, that wouldn’t be productive … or legal.

I sigh. “What do you want, Leo?”

“I want you in here.

“Is it about work? Because otherwise you can suck it.”

“Don’t tell me about sucking anything, Miss Webber, because you know damn well that it makes me think of other, less talkative things to do.”

I make a face. “As if.”

“If you don’t get your round ass in here right now, I will fire it.” I can hear him tap his fingers on the desk through the phone.

“You wouldn’t,” I growl.

He hums. “Maybe.”

“Asshole. After everything I did for you …” I hiss through the phone.

He chuckles. “Keep saying that, Miss Webber. You know I like it.”

“So, now we’re back to last names only? You really do go through girls quickly.”

“Insult me more because it only turns me on.”

“What do you want?” I ask, tired of these games.

“Was I not clear enough? I want you. In my office. Right now.”

And then he slams the phone down before I have the chance to rebut again. I stare at the microphone with my mouth open, a disapproving sound leaving my lips. I’m going to give him such an ass whooping if he’s really going to fire me. There’s no way in hell I’m losing out on all that money he promised me. No fucking way.

My chair rolls back a few as I shoot up and waltz into his office, slamming the door shut behind me. “What?”

His eyes light up like a fire has been lit. I feel like gasoline. We’re surely going to explode.

He gets up from his chair. “We need to talk.”

“About what? That you’re a pig?”

He raises a brow. “Does it make you feel good to call me names?”

“As a matter of fact, yes,” I snarl. “It does.”

“Continue, then. Please.” He smiles. “Don’t keep it all inside. Let it out. It’s good for you.”

“I don’t want you to tell me what’s good for me,” I growl, huffing. Why does he make me so angry? I feel like I could scream.

“You want me to give you more fuel to hate me, but I won’t.” He chuckles. “It can’t get any worse than this.”

“I doubt that. You’ve been lying about that woman, so who knows what more you’ve been lying about.”

“Not much, actually. And technically, I didn’t lie about her. I just didn’t tell you. There’s a huge difference there. I don’t like lying, I just like hiding things.”

“Oh, you call that hiding?” I cross my arms. “Deliberately keeping information to yourself to benefit you but not the other? I call that straight-out lying.” I take a deep breath. “But who cares, I mean, you got what you wanted, right?”

“Sam.” He frowns. “Don’t say that, it’s not at all like that.”

“Whatever. As long as I get my payment. I’ll be out of here before you know it, and you can get a new assistant again. Some new ass for you to conquer,” I sneer, cocking my head. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have
work to do.”

He walks to me and grabs my arm when I’m about to open the door. “Wait. I’m not finished yet.”

“What do you want from me, Leo?” I jerk my arm free.

“First, let me apologize. I dragged you into this and it’s my fault you’re feeling this way, however—”

“I don’t want to hear your excuses, Leo. It won’t help.” I frown. “You … you made me believe that …”

“Believe what?” he asks, leaning in further.

“You kissed me. And then … I thought it was only for show because you kept saying that, but then you kept doing it, and somehow we ended up in bed together.”

“Uh-huh,” he says, placing his hand on the door behind me.

“We had sex, Leo. I thought you liked me. I thought it was because you genuinely wanted me.”

“Who says I don’t?” Now he places his other hand on the door, trapping me between his arms. Shit. I can’t get away now.

came to our hotel, Leo. The
one. You used me for your own sexual pleasure.”

He winces, frowning like he’s confused. “Is that what you think this is? That I just used you for sex?”

“After all of this … How can I not think that? You’ve been using me all along.”

He bites his lip, gazing straight into my eyes with those flaring, needy, gorgeous eyes of his … and oh, God, I’m doing it again. I see only the good side while there is plenty of bad in that devilish man.
Stop it, Sam!

He leans in even further, making it hard for me to breathe as I’m pushed against the door and I feel his body against mine.

“And here I thought you kind of liked what I did back there in the hotel,” he murmurs, licking his lips.

“I didn’t say that I didn’t,” I murmur, feeling his hot breath against my skin. It’s hard to keep my cool … and my resolve.

One of his hands moves to my waist and pulls me closer. “And you think my concern to pleasure you was only for my own satisfaction?” he muses with half-mast eyes.

“That’s how it feels …” I gasp when his hand moves to my ass and squeezes it.

His head moves to my ear. “Tell me how I can persuade you that your feelings aren’t correct …” he whispers.

My lips shudder and my breath comes out in hitches as he places a kiss on my neck.

“Because, contrary to what you believe, I didn’t just have sex with you because of my own horniness, Miss Webber.” He places another kiss right below my ear, causing goosebumps to scatter on my skin. “This isn’t just a one-time fling. At least, it doesn’t have to be.” His hand moves to my front, down my dress and curls underneath, crawling up my thighs. I’m having a hard time forming any coherent thoughts right now, let alone a sensible response.

“But you used me as a fake wife while you had a real one …” I whimper when his fingers brush my pussy. “I shouldn’t have said yes.”

“Why did you then?” he muses.

“Because I was afraid I’d lose my job if I didn’t.”

“I wouldn’t fire you,” he says. “How could I?” he growls, biting his lip in such a seductive way it has me all riled up. Especially when he starts rubbing my panties. Oh, God.

“So it was just an empty threat?” I ask.

“No, more a move of a desperate man.” He nips on my earlobe and sucks on it, making me moan. “You have to believe me. I didn’t want it to go the way it did.”

I shake my head. “Wait … what?” Coming to my senses, I push him off me.

“I didn’t want her to come.”

“Yes, but you just admitted that your threat to fire me was vapid. You had me sign a contract knowing it would go your way regardless.”

“Yes … well, I like to get my way.” A smirk grows on his face. “Nothing wrong with that. At least, I didn’t hear you complain when I gave it to you. And trust me, there’s much more if you only give it a try.”

I wince. I should so slap the shit out of this guy right now, and I’m so very tempted to do exactly that … if it wasn’t for the charges that’d be hanging above my head if I did. “I knew it. You used me. It was all a lie.” I turn around and open the door before I do something illegal … like smack him over the head with a plant and bury his corpse somewhere no one can find it. Maybe I’m overreacting, but sometimes a bitch just wants to kill someone. “You’re disgusting.”

“Where are you going? We were just getting started,” he says.

“Go fuck some other assistant, since you seem to care so much about fucking and so little about speaking the truth.”

“Hey … that’s not fair,” he says. “I don’t just

“Well, you screwed me over all right.”

“Wait.” He grabs my hand, but I jerk free. “I’m not done yet.”

“I am. Bye.” And then I waltz out the door as quickly as I came.

I won’t let that man seduce me. Not again.

Chapter 6



I went straight home after what he did in his office. I can’t believe I almost fell for his tricks again. Seducing me like that while he knows perfectly well what he did. I would punch him in the face if I wouldn’t end up in jail. He’s not worth the trouble.

On my laptop, I type so fast the keyboard might break. This story needs to get out of my heart and on paper as soon as possible. I’m writing as much as I can, looking up information in between, trying to make my stories as slick as possible. They’re not just about Leo King now. Oh no, I’m way past that chapter. I’m actually writing some articles so I can sell them to a magazine and hopefully land a new job.

That’s right, I’m going to quit and find something else to do. Something meaningful, somewhere far away from that prick.

I’m away from the office, even though it’s not allowed, but whatever. What’s he going to do? Fire me? Good luck.

I love writing. Heck, this has been my dream from day one—to write articles for a bustling magazine. I adore the idea of finding my own words on paper, especially when they’re read by many. Specifically when talking about relationships, traveling, or faraway countries. Yeah, that’d be nice. If I could travel the world and write about all the cultures I visited, and it’d all be at the cost of the magazine, that would be like … ugh, a dream come true.

Sadly, dreams have always just been dreams for me.

I’ve yet to pursue it. I simply didn’t have the funds to visit the classes necessary to write good articles. Heck, I didn’t even have money to pay my own rent, which is why I ended up working for Leo King. I kind of just rolled into that job because I needed the money, although the experience looks nice on my resume as well.

Now, not so much.

Which is why I’ve decided that today is the day I take up my lifelong dream again. Write until you drop dead, right? Yeah … But somehow, every time I come up with a good subject to write about, I can only think about Leo and how much I want to shove the pen I’m holding into his ass. I can’t concentrate for shit. Time to call out the big guns.


Good distraction.




FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]




How are you? I could use someone to talk to right now, but if you don’t have time, I completely understand.







FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]


I’m fine, but I think you want me to ask
that question. Reversed psychology.

Anyway, is there anything I can do to lighten up your mood? Let me guess … your boss is an asshole?






FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]


Gee, how’d you guess? LOL

Really, I want to shove my pen up his ass. And I would if I was near him. Hypothetically, of course. I hope the CIA doesn’t read this shit. Don’t want to end up in jail. Who knows what his connections are? He’s a powerful prick, after all.







FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]


How about you spend your time thinking about what I want you to do instead? That should stop your murderous thoughts. At least, from your words, I can detract you’d want to kill him. Hypothetically, of course. If the CIA is reading along, at least they know how much he’s hurt you. Don’t tell me where you bury his body, though. I don’t want to be an accomplice.


A well-meant apology for him, from me, in his place. You deserve better.






FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]


LOL. You make me laugh. Don’t apologize, it’s not your fault. I refuse to feel down because of him, so … bring it on! I’m ready to play ;)


… Sir.







FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]


All right … we’ll do something else today if you’re up for it.

I want you to go shopping. Buy yourself something nice. Something sexy. Lace. A little bit of black … or red. I want to see what you look like in those clothes. We’ll play when you get back home. That way you have something to look forward to.






FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]


Yes, Sir! I’m on it. Luckily, I still have his credit card so this should be fun!

Screw the rules. I’m going to make him regret giving this to me.







FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]


Hahaha, you cheeky girl. I will have to punish you for that later … that’s no way to behave. However, I will allow you to use it, only once. I will make you spank yourself for purposefully doing something bad, though.

I like it when my Princess is bad, but only in a naughty way. Not in a bitchy way.


Now go buy 1 item with that credit card. 1 item. Nothing more.

I expect you to be back in two hours. Talk to me on the app when you are.






FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]


Yes, Sir. I’m sorry, I should know better … it’s just so hard not to be bad.


I’m going shopping now. I’ll speak to you later!







I close down my laptop, grab my purse, and hurry my perky ass out of the door to do some happy shopping.




One hour later …



It doesn’t take me long to find the perfect outfit for Mr. Awesome with both black and red in the fabric. Just thinking about putting it on and showing it off to him already gets me high from endorphins. God, what a good fuck partner can do to you. Sometimes I wish he was my boyfriend, but I guess that’s just wishful thinking.

Plus, it would be kind of weird … what if he was totally not my type? We’d never be able to get it off like we do on the phone if that was the case. Nope, what we have now is pretty good, and I don’t want to spoil it.

I’ll just have to think about what to do about this situation while enjoying a nice pumpkin spice latte. Nothing like some coffee after a shopping spree.

Right when I sit down at a table in the corner of Starbucks, I hear a couple talking quite loud, which immediately draws my attention.

Holy … shit.

Oh, my God.

It’s Leo and that woman, Marilyn.

BOOK: Possessed - Part Two
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