Read Position Secured Online

Authors: Olivia Brynn

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic, #Contemporary

Position Secured (3 page)

BOOK: Position Secured
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Mari’s eyes widened. “Your job! Do you have to go?”

“No.” He ran one blunt finger down her nose, then traced her lips. “They called me in for this. It’s supposed to be my day off. Since I didn’t discharge my weapon, I won’t have to make an official report immediately.”

Mari relaxed. She followed his lead and studied his face. He was sexy before losing all control, but here, now, as he leaned on one arm, half covering her body, he looked even better. He’d lost that hard as stone cut to his cheeks, and the muscles around his eyes relaxed enough to allow his humanity to show through.

“I guess you had some cop fantasy, huh?” He gave her another one of those slanted, naughty grins.

Mari shook her head. “I hate cops.” His puppy dog frown was so cute, she couldn’t resist laughing. “I got a ticket on the way home tonight. You just have bad timing.”

“Ah, now there I disagree.” He kissed her lightly. “I don’t think my timing could have been better.”

She remembered what she’d been doing when he pounded on her door. “Maybe you’re right. I had a rough day. I needed to work off some steam, and then…”

“And then I stormed into your bedroom. See what I mean? Perfect timing.” He covered her mouth with his. Mari wrapped her arms around his neck and threw herself into the kiss. His tongue stroked hers, learning every hidden secret of her mouth. He was a talented kisser, his lips firm but not hard, his tongue stroking but not jabbing, his mouth moist but not sloppy. Mari showed her pleasure by responding in kind.

She could get used to this.

He nibbled her lips and said something before pulling back. Mari opened her heavy lids to find his inquiring gaze.

“Sorry…what did you say?”

He chuckled and kissed her smackingly. “I asked where your restroom is.”

“Oh, sorry.” She felt heat flood her face. “There’s one right over there.” She waved toward the bathroom connected to her bedroom.

Marc slid off the bed, with a “Don’t move” motion of his hand. As if she had the energy to go anywhere. She threw her arms up over her head and stretched. She refused to give in to the niggling voice in her head that tried to tell her what a bad idea this was.

Sure, she’d never see him again, and she normally scoffed at one night stands, and had anyone ever told her that she’d have sex with a complete stranger—a cop, no less—she would have laughed in their face.

She listened to his movements in the restroom—cabinet doors closed and water ran. He’d made himself at home, and it didn’t bother her in the least. But then she remembered her underwear and feminine hygiene products that she never bothered to put away. Why should she, since she lived alone?

Hell, too late to be embarrassed. The man had seen her naked. He’d made her come. Twice. For fuck’s sakes, he came all over her. He might as well see her box of tampons.

He walked out of her restroom without a word as to its cluttered condition and brought a washcloth with him as he sauntered back to the bed. He was completely unconcerned with his nakedness, so Mari indulged in the eye-candy.

She just changed her mind about cops.

Especially when he wiped his semen from her stomach, then used the soft, warm cloth to gently clean her breasts.

Mari sighed and stretched like Chester in the sunshine, enjoying the attention.

“You have a beautiful body, Marienna.”

She stifled her first instinct to correct him. When she stood in front of a mirror, all she saw was the extra five…okay, twenty pounds, thick wavy black hair that never stayed where she put it, and ugly knees. If Marcus Pearson wanted to pretend he didn’t see that, then she was going to play along.

“I’m glad my body pleases you. And you. You must pump a lot of iron.” She jabbed a finger into the bulging biceps in the arm he’d leaned on. The rigidity of that muscle intrigued her, so she explored further. Smooth skin, warm and vibrant.

“I enjoy a good, hard workout.” He winked, then threw the washcloth toward the bathroom door. “But I might be too tired for the gym tonight.”

He settled back beside her, and they lay sideways on the bed, just indulging in the sight of one another and the texture of each other’s skin. Even the silence between them didn’t seem awkward. Mari never had been a shy person, but she’d never just stared into the eyes of a complete stranger. A naked stranger. While she lay naked beside him.

She shook her head and laughed. “I can’t believe we did this.”

He returned her smile. He no longer looked like a tough as nails sniper with a SWAT team. With his sexily mussed hair and bedroom eyes, he looked more like a porn star. “No regrets, I hope.” He traced the curve of her breasts, then tucked his finger in her cleavage.

“No regrets,” she answered, and was a little surprised that she meant it. “We didn’t actually…you know…”


She laughed, an uncharacteristically childish giggle. “Yeah.”

“Have sex?” He grinned devilishly. “Fornicate?” He crawled over her to cage her beneath him. “Have intercourse?” He tickled her ribs, and she squealed in protest. “Screw? Boink? Penetrate?”

“Stop!” She laughed, trying to throw him aside, but he wouldn’t budge. The man was at least two hundred pounds of muscle.

“Bump uglies?” He laughed against her mouth and kissed her smile. “You really think we’re done here?”

“I don’t know,” she teased, trailing a hand down his torso. “Are we done here?”

His cock jerked in her hand. She wrapped her fingers around his semi-flaccid prick and gave him one long stroke from base to tip.

“I was just…ah, Marienna.”

“Just what?” She licked her lips as he watched her tongue.

“I was just, you know…gearing up for…oh, yeah.”

His cock grew hard in her hand. A drop of moisture pearled against his slit, and she ran her thumb through it, coating the tip of his cock before working down again. “Gearing up?”

“Yeah. For round two.” He dropped his forehead to the mattress beside her, but remained suspended over her body, braced on his elbows and knees. He licked and nibbled her neck, warming her with his hot breath.

“You’ve got nice hands, Marienna.”

“And you’ve got a nice cock.”

His lips brushed the sensitive skin behind her ear, and he whispered, “I want to fuck you.”

Goose bumps popped out all over her skin. Not only from his breath brushing her ear, but by the words he used. Her little fantasy was becoming so entwined with this reality, Mari wasn’t sure exactly what to believe.

“I’d rather screw.”

He laughed, a low rumbling sound in her ear that made her smile. “We can screw later. Right now I want to fuck.”

“I think I can accommodate, Lieutenant.”

He rolled away and reached for his wallet. “I’ve only got one.” He wagged a condom package toward her. “We’ll have to make it last.” He stroked his cock, and Mari’s jaw dropped. She took in deep, panting breaths. The man was masturbating for her.

She hoped he didn’t expect a response, because her brain was again unable to send word-forming messages to her mouth. She pulled her lower lip between her teeth and groaned.

“You like to watch?” He wrapped his fist around his thick cock and dragged it down to the base.

Mari made another noise, a suitably affirmative sound, and watched him pleasure himself.

“Slide up on the bed, Marienna. Lie in the middle. On your back.”

She did as he directed, never releasing her gaze from his fist that slid up and down his staff.

“That’s right. Comfortable?”

Mari nodded, then reached for him.

“Not yet. Soon.” He handled his cock with less care than she would have. He pulled on it until the skin wrinkled, then shoved back down toward his pelvis. “Pull your legs back,” he whispered. “Lie open for me…oh, yeah. Just like that. God, your pussy is pretty. I love how you keep it shaved like that. Spread your lips open…fuck, yeah.”

Mari didn’t wait for more direction. She slid two fingers into her heat while spreading herself open for his appreciation.

“Touch your clit.”

She did, and her hips jerked off the bed.

“Fuck, that’s hot.” He stroked harder. “Put another finger in.”

She twisted her hand around, her pinky and thumb framing her opening. She wanted that cock. He was thick and long. She licked her lips, remembering his taste. “Marc?”

“Yeah…yeah?” He sounded breathless.

“I want you inside me.”

In one smooth movement he was beside her, and then on top of her. She wrapped her arms around his broad back to draw him down, wanting to feel his weight press her into the mattress, needing his chest to flatten her breasts. The smooth heat of the tip of his cock kissed her pussy.

“Please, can I…I just want one stroke bare. I promise. Just one?”

If he didn’t, she’d explode. “Yes.” She dug ten fingers into the firm globes of his ass, moving with him as he slid deep into her channel.

“Jesus.” He pulsed inside her. She could feel the tension in every muscle that was pressed against her. He filled her, stretched her deliciously. She squeezed around him, sucking his staff within her.

“Don’t do that. I don’t want to lose it.”

She did it again.

He hissed against her ear and pulled out. He rolled onto his back and bared his teeth. He’d reached down to pull his balls away from his body, and he held his cock in a severe hold.

She smothered a smirk at the big man on her bed, struggling to maintain control. Her arousal surged. She’d never felt more powerful in her life.

“Marc?” She touched his shoulder.

“Get the condom,” he spoke through his teeth. “Put it on me so I can get my cock back inside you.”

Hell, yeah
. She found the packet lying on the wrinkled sheet and wasted no time in tearing it open and rolling it on. He had to move his hand in order for her to finish, but then he clamped it back as soon as she let go.

She straddled him, resting her weight on his thighs, his hands between her legs. She gave him a whole thirty seconds to regain control before she lifted an eyebrow and grinned. “You’re right. This calls for a fuck. A screw just won’t do.”

She peeled his hands away from his groin and brought them to her breasts. She leaned over him, took his erection in her hand and lowered herself onto him.

Moaning his pleasure, he squeezed her tits, rolling her nipples between his fingers. “You’re so damn tight and warm.” His eyes popped open to find hers. He dropped his hands to her waist and growled. “Don’t hold back, Marienna.”

She rose off of his lap, then slid back down. He wanted fast and hard—she could tell by the tendons in his neck that popped out and the strong hold both his hands had on her hips. Tomorrow she’d wake up with ten tiny bruises on her ass and one hell of a memory, but she continued torturing him with long, deliberate strokes, enjoying the torment as much as he. Finally, he curled up, grabbed her shoulders, and kissed her with a desperate passion, smashing her lips against her teeth.

“You get me so damn hot. I can’t wait anymore.” He continued his forward motion until he’d switched positions and she was on her back, looking up at him. “You need to come for me. Right now.” He reached between them and drew circles over her clit. “I want to feel it on my cock.”

“Fuck me, then.”

Long strokes brought him almost all the way out, then deep inside her again, all while his fingers tantalized her. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, tilting her pelvis up to ride his rod.

She groaned, he grunted, she whined, he panted, and the bed creaked and groaned right along with them. Mari held on to his bulging shoulders, even as a sheen of sweat popped out beneath her hands. She felt the familiar tingling in her extremities and pulled her legs back, planting her feet to rise off the bed to meet each of his thrusts.

Finally, with a shriek that echoed off the walls, she succumbed. Her walls squeezed around his cock.

He made a hungry sound, then lowered his chest to fully cover her. He licked her lips, pulling the lower one down with his teeth to slip his tongue into her mouth. His pace slowed, and Mari gradually came down from the heights of her climax.

She took his tongue in her mouth, sharing the kiss, brushing her lips against his, and gave one final shudder.

“Beautiful. Just…oh…beautiful.” His body tensed, stiffened against her and after three more long strokes, he shuddered, releasing his seed into the condom in pulsating spits. Mari reveled in each spasm.

He collapsed on top of her. She didn’t move her ankles from where they’d been hooked around the backs of his legs, but she relaxed her grip on his shoulders. His weight was delicious. He covered her completely. Mari wasn’t used to feeling frail and feminine, but this man was a good balance.

She ghosted her fingers over his back. He shivered, and goose bumps popped up beneath her fingers.

“Am I too heavy?” he whispered hotly in her ear.

“Don’t move.”

“I don’t think I could if you wanted me to.” She felt the crease of his cheek as he smiled against her face. “I kinda like it here.”

He slid his hands underneath her and wrapped her up tight.
Damn, that felt good.
She stopped tickling his skin and started lightly scratching, dragging her fingernails along the new wave of goose bumps.

He planted his mouth on a tender patch of skin right below her ear. His tongue painted a wet circle, his teeth worried it, then he sucked it into his mouth.

Had any other man attempted to mark her, she would have threatened castration, but after what she’d experienced with Marcus Pearson, it seemed only natural to end the tryst with the juvenile hickey.

“Bastard.” She tried not to smile.

“Couldn’t help it,” he murmured. “You taste damn good, and I’m hungry.”

That’s right. She’d planned on making dinner before this…distraction. “So am I. Would you like to…?”

Mari’s eyes widened, and her hands stilled on his back. What the hell was she doing? Inviting him to stay for dinner? She couldn’t have this man in her house eating a completely innocent meal! Blood drained from her face, then rushed back to heat her cheeks with a blush.
You’re one whacked out chica. You just had amazing sex with this man, three orgasms, for God’s sake, and now you’re too scared to cook him dinner?

BOOK: Position Secured
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