Portal to Passion (6 page)

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Authors: Tara Nina

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Portal to Passion
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Guilt riddled his conscience. She claimed she wanted to return to Earth and here he’d taken the most precious part of her for himself. Pure stubbornness rose to the surface as the demands of his position warred with his personal desires. He wanted Deveney but refused to accept the obvious. Maybe Maven was right and mates could be located outside of Eximius Mundus.
Bloodlines must be kept pure for the magic to survive. Again, the words of his father echoed inside his head, causing an unwanted sharp pain behind his right eye. Tor steeled his resolve.

By the Goddess Nirvana, Deveney needed to go back. Even if it killed him, Tor decided as he surrendered to her sexual demands.

Chapter Five


Deveney stood at the edge of a meadow. Tall grass and wildflowers stretched from one side to the other. Scattered berry bushes grew in clumps here and there. In the center, a family of large golden bears grazed, feasting on the berries. No fear filled her. Strange, she mused. Wild animals meandered within a few yards of her and she wasn’t scared out of her wits. Instead, curiosity urged her from the shelter of the trees surrounding the meadow.

Her gaze darted from the bears to the ground, searching for a clear path. If she stepped on a twig or tripped, she knew the bears would be alerted to her presence. One foot in front of the other, she worked her way closer, careful to stay downwind, out of their line of sight and soundless. She didn’t want to startle them. They were the most beautiful wild creatures she’d ever seen. Why was she here alone with them?

And where was here? Deveney glanced around but didn’t recognize her surroundings. Wooded areas weren’t a common place for her. No houses, no people, just a gathering of golden bears.

A huge golden bear lifted its head from its meal and stared in her direction. Deveney ducked, hoping the tall grass shielded her enough. It didn’t. The massive animal’s movements were the personification of lumbering grace. The breath stilled in her chest as she froze in place, watching it wind its way toward her.

Her eyes widened when it stopped two feet in front of her and sat. The wild creature towered above her and outweighed her by at least a few hundred pounds. Thump, thump, thump went her heart. Her breathing increased, but she didn’t move, nor dare blink.

What did it want? Why didn’t it attack?

Inch by inch it nuzzled its face through the tall grass toward her. Bright-blue eyes met her gaze when it leveled its snout with her chin. Intent on not showing fear, she held its stare and hoped the action wouldn’t get her killed. Moist heat coated her cheeks when it exhaled. Somehow, she managed not to blink. The more she stared into those eyes, the more she sensed she knew this wild creature.

But how?

A crash startled her and Deveney bolted upright, tangled in the bed blankets. Air rushed her lungs on a heavy inhale. Tears stung her eyes as she forced her eyelids to open. It was a dream, she realized as she blinked repeatedly to focus. Every muscle ached, especially her lower abs and the insides of her thighs. What had she done? Where was she?

When the lingering fog of sleep lifted, her thoughts slowly unscrambled.




Oh god. Tor. Glancing around, she breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of Tor’s room. At least everything hadn’t been a dream. A quick glance up at the golden bears in the canopy reminded her of the creatures from her dream. Deveney tugged the thick golden blanket tight to her chest.

An unstoppable smile crossed her lips. There wasn’t a muscle in her body that didn’t ache. Even her skin tingled with an unfamiliar sensitivity. Was this how everyone felt after their first experience with sex? The phantom sensation of Tor suckling her neck had her tracing his trail with her fingertips. Both nipples hardened and a hunger for more ignited in her tender pussy. God, how could she want more after the hours of wild, hot sex they’d shared? Shouldn’t she be worn out for days? Deveney bit her lower lip as she contemplated the ravaging hunger growing in her gut for another bout with Tor.

Where was Tor?

“Ah Deveney, you are awake.”

Deveney snapped her attention toward the foot of the bed and saw an older woman stood there. Behind her a young man gathered the tray of empty plates and glasses from the floor beside the desk. That had to be what she heard crash.

The memory of how Tor hand-fed her samples of everything on that tray in between their sessions of hot, wild sex had her tightening her thighs against the onslaught of tremors skittering up and down her legs. His undying sexual stamina amazed her, not to mention her own unusual ravishing appetite.

Deveney shuddered as she tried to rein in her overactive libido. For the first time in her life, she’d actually experienced sex and even better than that, she’d accomplished that phenomenal feat with Tor. She swallowed hard and forced her focus on the elderly woman who stood staring at her as if she knew Deveney’s thoughts. Heat crept up her neck and reddened in her cheeks. In this world, could they read her mind?

“W-who,” she stammered, cleared her throat, then tried again. “Who are you and how do you know my name?”

“I am Nona, keeper of Bjorn Palace. Tor told me of your presence and I am at your service,” she said with a polite nod of her head.

Deveney couldn’t keep from staring as the woman moved closer. Her golden hair laced with streaks of silver coiled in a neat braid around her head. She wore a simple light-gold dress that looked to be made of silk. It was knee length, gathered at the waist by a black sash, and reminded her of a Roman woman’s v-neck, sleeveless-styled garb.

She paused, realizing Tor’s apparel had reminded her of ancient Roman attire as well. Did all the men and women dress this way? It looked comfortable. Deveney lifted her gaze to the woman’s.

Large gray eyes filled with wisdom met her stare and she swore they read into her soul. She stood smaller than Deveney in height, leaner in weight, and had a strong comforting grip when she touched Deveney’s hand.

“Come,” Nona said in a soft, yet commanding tone. She clasped the blanket as if she meant to take it from her. “It is time for the cleansing.”

“The what?” Deveney held on to the blanket with a death grip. It was the only thing between her and total nakedness. Not that she was shy considering what she’d done with Tor earlier, but she didn’t know this woman. When she thought of it, she realized she didn’t know Tor either.

Her stomach churned. She’d had the best, not to mention the only, sex of her life with a stranger. This was bad. Wide-eyed, she glanced around the room. The young boy, along with the empty tray of plates and glasses, had left. No matter which direction she looked, no Tor. He wasn’t there. Oh god, what had she done? Panic knotted her chest, making it difficult to take a full breath.

“It’s all right, Deveney.”

At the sound of the older woman’s soothing tone, she returned her gaze to Nona. “I am your companion to guide you in this world.” Nona smiled, glanced around as if making sure no one else had entered the room, then leaned in close, lowering her voice so that only Deveney could hear. “Maven asked me to watch over you.”

“Y-you know Maven?” Deveney stuttered on a hushed breath.

“Maven and I are sisters.”

A sigh of relief escaped. Her death grip on the blanket lessened. A common element she could grasp stood within her reach. Maven had a sister. Were they alike? Did she possess a magical gift similar to Maven’s?

“Are you a magi?”

“No,” Nona explained with a smile. “All Morphionians are born with magical powers, but only one every few centuries or so are born to become a magi.” The older woman’s shoulders lifted and her chin tilted with pride. “My sister, Maven, born of the Bjorn clan has proven to be our most powerful magi of recorded history. She sent you to us and it is my honor to comply with her wishes and teach you the ways of our people.”

“Have you been in contact with her? Did she tell you what I’m supposed to do here so I can go home?”

“Yes to both questions.”

Before Deveney asked anything else, Nona flipped the blanket from her hands and tossed it to the foot of the bed, out of Deveney’s reach. Naked and cold, she did her best to cover herself with her hands, then grabbed a pillow and hugged it tight, afraid Nona would take that too.

“Ah, I see it was a ripe mating.”

Deveney followed Nona’s gaze and gasped at the blood smeared on the sheets and blanket. She swallowed hard, clawing at the pillow for support. The sight of a thin layer of dried blood on the insides of her thighs made her stomach tumble. She couldn’t help but stare at the dark-red stain. Heat filtered into her cheeks. She couldn’t look at Nona, not with the evidence that she’d had sex with Tor so blatantly obvious stained on the sheets.

Nona brushed the hair back from Deveney’s face, cupped her chin, then gently tugged her head upward. A soothing comfort seemed to penetrate her soul through Nona’s motherly gaze.

“Deveney, I have helped three of my four daughters through the mating ritual. Do not be ashamed of what happened between you and Tor. Take pride in it and enjoy the sensations shared between mates. The Morphionian mating ritual is passionate and can be a bit rough, especially for a virgin. You are not Morphionian. That is why there is so much blood. Your body conformed to accommodate Tor and thus may have torn. Come.” She urged Deveney to the edge of the bed. “Let’s get you cleaned up before Tor returns.”

“Mate—mating ritual.” Deveney shook her head.

“Yes, honey. The mating ritual has started between you and Tor. Your chakras have blended.” Nona closed her eyes for a moment, inhaled deep, and released the breath on a heavy sigh before returning her gaze to Deveney. “It’s a strong mating at that. Your scent reveals to me that your magic has melded. Two have become one, strong and unbreakable bond.”

Deveney’s mind whirled. Dumbfounded, she followed Nona’s lead, slid from the bed and let the woman guide her across the room to an archway she hadn’t noticed. But then again, she wasn’t looking at anything but Tor’s cock earlier. Maven’s words rose to the forefront of her mind.

Find the animal you touched that sent you through the mirror. Find your lifemate.

She hadn’t even looked for that animal, not that it made any sense. What did an animal have to do with her finding a mate? Hell, she hadn’t done anything but fuck Tor’s brains out since she’d arrived. She shot a sideways glance at the woman who held her hand and led her into the most beautiful bathroom she’d ever seen.

Gorgeous white marble tile covered the floor and walls. Animal carvings were placed strategically around the room. Two large bear statues stood on either side of the toilet, giving it privacy from the rest of the room.

A sunken tub the size of an indoor swimming pool ran the length of the right side of the room. A wall of stained-glass windows stood as the backdrop for the oversized tub. Plants lined the tile ledge between the tub and the windows. A glass cathedral ceiling added to the magnificent allure of the room, filling it with sunlight. To the left of the far end of the tub, two wall carvings of animal heads acted as waterspouts.

Deveney walked closer until she touched the water. A continuous stream of cold water flowed from the fish head, while hot water flowed from the camel head and pooled in a large basin that overflowed into what resembled a small water slide, which enhanced the tub. Riding down that and landing in the tub might be fun. With a shake of her head, she forced her thoughts back to what Nona had said and away from the lures of the perfect bathroom.

“I don’t understand something.” She turned to see Nona setting several items beside the tub. A bottle of liquid, a cloth and a huge folded towel were nestled close to the edge. “Maven said I have to find the animal I touched that brought me through the mirror to find my mate. What does an animal have to do with my finding this mate she talked about?”

Nona extended her hand to Deveney and guided her down the steps inside the tub until she was thigh deep. The older woman stood beside her in the water with the bottle in her hand. Deveney noted Nona hadn’t undressed. It didn’t seem to bother Nona as she poured a phenomenally scented liquid from the bottle onto the cloth, set the bottle on the tub’s edge and lathered the cloth.

When Deveney shied away from Nona’s touch with the cloth, Nona explained, “This is part of our custom. The mother of the newly mated female gives her cub, uh…child, one last bath. Since your mother is not here, I am honored to stand in her place if you would let me.”

Deveney stiffened. This was new. Never had anyone wanted to act as a mother to her. Not one of the foster care women ever tried to bond with her or Tiara. They relied on each other for any nurturing or comfort throughout their teenage years. Deep down in her gut the need to know how a mother’s touch might have felt bloomed and made her nod once. Nona ran the soapy cloth down her back as she explained more of this unfamiliar world to Deveney while washing her skin.

“This is called the Cleansing. Washing away the old version of the female and leaving behind the newly mated woman. It is now when answers are shared between mother and daughter about the mating ritual. In our world, the mating ritual is not discussed between one another before this time. The initial coupling of chakras is sacred between the two parties involved and is not discussed. Not with the unmated females.” Nona smiled at Deveney. “It might scare them away from the act.”

Heat filled her cheeks as she remembered the pounding Tor gave her repeatedly. She didn’t know how she walked, much less stood on the steps inside this magnificent tub. “If all Morphionian men are like Tor, I understand why.”

Nona made her lift her arms as she continued washing her torso and talking. “I always knew that when Tor found his mate, it would be a mating of extreme magic and passion. And from the looks of that bed, it was.”

The woman continued washing every ounce of her body until even the minutest trace of virgin blood was removed. Nona treated Deveney as if she were her child, her grown daughter in need of guidance on her wedding day.

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