Portal to Passion (12 page)

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Authors: Tara Nina

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Portal to Passion
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“Maybe.” Sven shrugged. “But Tor will never allow it.”

Deveney stared at him. “What? I made it here unharmed. If all the men are as handsome as you and Tor, I think there are other women out there who might enjoy coming here.”

“Ah you flatter me. But we both know Tor won your charms because you were meant to be.” He winked at her. “My dear Deveney, you are a rarity. You see, the women must have a strong vein of magic within their souls such as the one I sense in you. Otherwise…” He paused, shaking his head.

“Otherwise what?” Deveney asked impatiently.

“Otherwise there would be no connection. When you and Tor mated,” he said, tugging her close to him, “didn’t you feel the energy around you, in you and running through you? Think, Deveney, think. It had to be memorable. I’ve heard the stories of strong chakras blending. It’s supposed to be the most exhilarating, powerful sex one could ever imagine. I know the magic within me is strong and it’s even stronger in my brother. There’s no way you didn’t feel it with him.”

Deveney squirmed beneath his avid scrutiny. The heat of his breath gave her chills. The weight of his words made her pause. Thinking back, she sifted through the imagery of their couplings. The water in the tub changed colors. A brilliant-blue bubble surrounded them each time they had intercourse. Raw energy surged through her veins and she swore their hearts had beat in sync to their sexual rhythm, but she couldn’t tell Sven. She’d be too embarrassed and besides, this wasn’t something she felt at ease discussing with someone other than Tor or Tiara.

God, she wished Tiara was here right now.

Magical sex. Blended chakras. And what did a bear have to do with anything? Everything whirled in her head. The more she heard the greater her level of confusion. If Tiara were here, they’d sort it out together. But she wasn’t. Tor’s image filled her head. Instantly, her blood ran hot. Her nipples pebbled and ached for his touch, his mouth and his teeth to tug and nip at them. Moisture built in her sex. God, this wasn’t normal. That much she knew.

Sven released her and stated with a smile. “You don’t have to answer. I see it in your face and smell it in your essence. You belong to Tor. You are his mate.”

He stood, turned and leaned down, placing a kiss to her forehead right before he added, “I pray for that same thing for me someday. I just hope it happens before I turn one hundred.”

Deveney shook her head, trying to ease the fog caused by Tor’s naked images. She giggled. “Sven, from the looks of you, you’ve got a long way to go before you reach the ripe old age of one hundred.”

“No, my sweet little sister. In our world, one hundred isn’t old. It’s just the beginning. My hundredth birthday arrives in six months. Wish me luck.”

Deveney stood, craning her neck to look him in the eye. “You’re kidding, right?”

“I wish.”

“You’re going to need more than a wish and luck when I’m through with you.” Tor’s anger reverberated in his words as he slammed the door shut behind him.

Deveney gasped. Was she hallucinating? Tor’s shape seemed to change. Sven stepped in front of her, attempting to block her view, but she didn’t let his massive size hinder her. She stood on the settee and rose onto her tiptoes to see across his shoulder.

Tor’s features blurred and shifted into that of a giant golden bear. Was he some sort of werewolf, but a bear instead? God. She swallowed hard. She should be scared, but she wasn’t. Instead, her heartbeat pounded, her breathing increased and every ounce of her tuned into him. His scent permeated the last remnants of reasonable thought. Man or beast she wanted him.

“Brother, you need to gather your calm,” Sven stated. He squared off as if preparing to defend himself against Tor.

Deveney’s gut clenched. Would they fight?

Tor lunged at Sven, who managed to clip him at the waist. Together they went down, tumbled head over heels and landed with a solid thump against the door. Fingers turned to claws as Tor took a wide swipe at Sven’s head, but missed when his brother ducked.

Quicker than she’d ever seen anyone move, Sven managed to roll them away from the door just far enough that he swung it open. He sprang to his feet and Tor followed. When he rose to his full stance, the giant golden bear of her dreams stood on hind legs, shot her a heated glare across his shoulder, then pounced on his brother. The two tumbled through the doorway.

Deveney jumped off the settee and ran, but wasn’t quick enough. Nona appeared out of nowhere, looked at her, and shook her head as she proclaimed in a rush, “This is not something you need to see.”

The door closed. Deveney grabbed the knob. Locked tight. Damn! She needed to reach him. Tor needed her! She felt it all the way to her bones. Heat swirled in the air around her as she tugged at the knob. Emotions flooded her—confusion, desire, anger and pure raw need. A strange blue glow emanated from her body. Her vision blurred.

Oh god, not again. Out-of-control magic rippled through her. Staring at her hands, she gasped. Never had she turned this deep shade of blue before. Fire controlled the temperature of her body, warming her from the inside out. Perspiration coated her skin. The knob heated into a crimson glow and she snapped her hand back against her stomach.

Frustrated, Deveney slammed both palms flat against the heavy wood grain. The scream that ripped from her throat scared even her. It didn’t sound human. She wanted out of that room and no door was going to stop her. When she pressed, the door disappeared and she fell through to land on the floor in the hall.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Tor shift into man as he untwined himself from his brother’s grip and ran her way. The last thing she remembered before darkness filled her brain was Tor’s arms wrapped around her. His heat soothed her and she was at peace once again.

* * * * *


The word repeated in his head for the nine hundredth time. He hadn’t meant to return to his room. He’d tried to walk away, but the magic drew him to her like a thirsting man to water. Seeing her near his brother snapped something fierce inside him. Did she think Sven was he? They did look identical. Few told them apart. Could Deveney?

Had Sven used it to his advantage? Had he tasted sweet Deveney’s lips? Tor didn’t care to hear the answers. Instead, he reacted. Though he tried to contain it, the bear rose to the top. In their younger days, he and Sven wrestled and fought both as man and as bear.

Now they were grown. This battle would not end well and Tor knew it. The moment her essence filled his senses, common sense was lost. The bear sprang free. He didn’t want this to happen. It would kill him to know his second skin scared her. He’d never meant for her to see him in this manner.

Now that option no longer existed. She stood on the settee peering over Sven’s shoulder. Anger and jealousy ruled him and freed the bear. Sven’s words pierced the muddled fog of his brain. Did Sven think he didn’t sense the bear’s impending release? Tor struggled for a sliver of control on his anger. Changing into the bear at will was a pleasant experience, but to change in anger meant danger. His vision blurred as he breathed deep, trying to grasp some measure of restraint. Big mistake. Deveney’s scent speared him through the brain and his cock stood on end.

Goddess Nirvana, give me strength
, he prayed. For he knew if he didn’t stop, he’d mate her as a bear and kill Deveney in the process. He ground his teeth together. He wouldn’t let that happen.

Tor forced his gaze to level on his brother. His actions were completely readable as he lunged at Tor’s waist. Because he knew no other way out, he let his brother tackle him. Wrapped together, they fought their way into the hall. It didn’t surprise him Nona waited there. Her quick actions brought the door closed behind them.

Their battle wasn’t exactly quiet. He caught sight of several servants and hoped they hadn’t seen Deveney. A fight between brothers could be explained away, but Deveney… She was one thing he didn’t want to discuss.

The sight of the door turning blue stilled all movement in the hallway. Deveney’s scream penetrated the air, making him growl in response. She was in pain. The door disappeared and she fell to the floor. Sven rolled off him. Tor sat upright, transforming back to man as he moved.

“Deveney,” he gasped as he knelt and gathered her into his arms. He pressed tender kisses to her brow. “Deveney.”

She didn’t answer. He lifted her, turned, and was astonished to see the door back in place. Nona unlocked it and shoved it open. She hurried into the room before him and turned down the covers. The moment Tor laid Deveney on the bed, Nona checked her for signs of life.

Though every fiber in his being tuned in to Deveney, he stood powerless. He knew she lived, but was weak. Her faint heartbeat graced his hypersensitive ears. The sound of her breath eased on a low whisper from her lungs and still he heard it.

What happened? How had she managed such an incomparable feat of magical strength? One minute the door was there, the next it disappeared only to return just as quickly. Tor swallowed hard as he stared at the petite creature in his bed. High emotion drove him to shift into bear. Did it affect Deveney that way? Had she become so distraught seeing him as bear that she focused her magic on escape? Was that why the door disappeared? She wanted to run.

Nona turned to him and said, “She shall recover. Her will is strong as is her magic. Let her rest.”

Tor simply nodded as she left.

He watched over her for hours. Thoughts warred with one another. Did she have a family worried about her in that place she called Earth? Were they looking for her? He knew she had no mate in her life. He was the first to breach the barrier of her virginity. But still, there had to be someone back there who loved her.

Tor thrashed a hand through his hair. His father groomed him to be the best leader the Bear clan had ever known. But was following the path his father laid down before him the correct one? At this moment, he held his doubts.

Soren Artur’s method gifted their people with possible extinction.
Wait and see
, his father proclaimed.
Our world shall never die. The bloodlines must remain strong and pure.
Tor rubbed the back of his neck, trying to relieve the solid knot there. Strong and pure were no match for the curse that ailed their world. It wasn’t an exact illness the healers could fix, but a much more elusive problem. With each passing day, the turmoil between clans increased.

Tor sat on the edge of the bed and stared at the magnificent sleeping woman. Was Maven’s idea their saving grace? He desperately needed to speak with the magi. He walked over and stood in front of the mirror.

“Maven,” he whispered, hoping to reach the magi without waking Deveney. “I know you hear me and I know you meant well. We need to discuss this idea of yours. Please heed my call and answer. The woman you’ve sent here is in danger. She cannot stay. You must contact me and tell me how to send her back.” He paused. Uncertainty warred with his father’s ideals as he considered her idea.

He glanced at Deveney. He couldn’t keep her. Not after what happened. He’d almost killed her. What if he couldn’t control himself during a passionate bout of mating and turned into the bear with his cock buried in her heat? Her body wouldn’t withstand the torture. Though he knew she wielded strong magic, he couldn’t take the risk of ripping her apart. Losing her meant losing the woman he loved. Though he hated to admit it, he had fallen in love with Deveney. He’d found his lifemate.

He didn’t trust himself or his ability to control his inner beast. Though he knew returning Deveney to Earth condemned him to a life of impudence, he’d rather suffer that pain than live with the knowledge he’d caused Deveney’s death.

Tor swallowed his stubborn pride and prayed he was making the right choice. Hopefully, the other clansmen held stronger control over their inner beast than he. If it became evident they also lacked the ability to maintain their forms during sex and these Earth women became endangered, then this experiment would be stopped. But if they succeeded in keeping their beasts at bay, then Maven’s way would save them.

By the Goddess Nirvana, he prayed they were stronger men than he.

Tor turned back to the mirror and continued in a hushed tone. “If there are more women there with magical chakras, they must come here of their own free will. They cannot be coaxed, lied to or put under one of your spells. I will not have it. This idea of yours needs further discussion. You must be made aware of the impending complications that might arise. Please heed my summons before sending anyone else here.”

After several long moments of silence, he shook his head and turned away. All he could hope was his message reached Maven. Tor’s shoulders sagged and his head pounded as he forced his legs to work and carry him out of his bedchamber. He couldn’t risk being close to her without touching her, tasting her or mating her.

Outside the door, he pulled the mic from his pocket and summoned Nona. When she arrived, he asked her to watch over Deveney.

“Tor, she needs you by her side if her magic is to heal. Your chakras have combined. Two shall live as one…”

Tor lifted his hand, stopping her speech. “It is to be this way. When your sister answers my call, find me. Deveney is to be returned to her world at once.”


He cut her off. The plea in her sad eyes added another slice to his heart. Nona was like a mother to him and the pain he saw was real. She ached for him just like she ached for her unmated sons.

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