Pollyanna and the Greek Billionaire (Innocent and Betrayed) (10 page)

BOOK: Pollyanna and the Greek Billionaire (Innocent and Betrayed)
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At the stables, a gentle breeze had blown her skirt a few inches up, and that had been it for him. He had dragged her to the nearest vacant stall, laid her on a mountain of hay, and placed his head between her legs.

She had protested in sheer embarrassment and shock, trying to push him away, but then she had felt his tongue lining her folds, and she had fallen back against the hay, legs falling open, no longer able to refuse him.

When they had gone canoeing, he had taken them just far enough for no one to see them, and there he had taught her to pleasure him with her mouth. And yesterday—

Color crept up Kyr’s cheekbones. He had been getting a haircut in the resort’s salon when he had noticed the way another customer was staring admiringly at Pollyanna, who had been seated next to him. Jealous, possessive rage gripping him, he had barely been able to wait until his haircut was done before dragging Polly to the salon’s restroom. Locking the door, he had then ignored her confused questions, seated her on the countertop, and then he had fucked her with his fingers until she was crying his name out.


Enough for everyone in the salon to hear her, including the asshole that had dared poach on Kyr’s territory.

She was the most irresistible woman in his eyes now, but somehow he managed not to completely cross the line and take her innocence. It was his one promise to himself he was determined not to break. If she left the island still a virgin, surely that would help her move on more easily?

But all this changed when he went to fetch Pollyanna in her home and came face to face with a sobbing Dinah in the living room.

She hastily wiped her tears away, saying, “Pollyanna’s not back from the field yet.”

He told himself he shouldn’t care why she was crying, but instead he heard himself ask stiffly, “What’s wrong?”

She stared at him, stricken.


He said harshly, “What is it?”

Her hand trembled badly as she took a piece of paper from the coffee table and handed it to him wordlessly.

It was a letter from Ana, telling her parents that she was going to be married, and she would rather that they didn’t come because she had already made up a story about her parents being dead.

That was the moment he knew.

He had always thought he was holding himself back with Pollyanna because he didn’t want her hurt. And that was true, but not completely so. Kyr had held himself back because he hadn’t wanted Pollyanna hurt
Ana came back to him. A part of him had still been waiting for Ana to return, and that part of him had been ready to take her back.

But now he knew that wasn’t ever going to happen.

Because he, too, was as dead as her parents were to Ana.

Chapter Nine

“You’re acting weird,” Pollyanna ventured, but her unease was more out of concern than anything else. It was like he was drunk but not, like he was there but not there. She had been surprised to see him waiting for her at home and her godparents nowhere to be found. He had surprised her even more by telling her he was in no mood to go out and if she minded that they eat in instead.

She hadn’t of course, but she did wonder why he chose to have dinner
when things weren’t still exactly okay between him and her godparents. She had tried asking about it once with Dinah, but when the older woman had told her it was up to Kyr to speak about it, Pollyanna had let it be.

Probably because of money,
she had guessed sadly. Wasn’t that the usual thing that made rich and not-so-rich people quarrel?

“You really don’t look okay,” she said worriedly. “Do you want to go up and rest?” She expected him to refuse, but when he nodded wordlessly, her worry increased. He must really be feeling bad if he was okay with spending even more time here at home with her.

When Pollyanna took him to her room, a part of him had already expected the inevitable. The house had only two bedrooms, after all. Where else would the Floros put Polly except in Ana’s old room?

But he was even more disconcerted to find that the room had been preserved almost like a shrine.

“It looks amazingly modern, doesn’t it?” Pollyanna was grinning at him. She had the same stunned reaction as Kyr did now, the first time she had seen the bedroom. While the rest of the house felt homey and rustic, this bedroom was all urban chic, with its mix of feminine colors and use of steel and plastic. None of the stuff was expensive, but the amount of careful planning that went its arrangement succeeded in giving the bedroom a classy feel.

Seeing Pollyanna so happy about Ana’s choice of décor didn’t feel right, and he heard himself say, “I think I should go.”

Pollyanna gaped. “But you need to rest—”

He shook his head. “Sorry,” he said tiredly. “I think it’s best I should go home. I’m not terribly good company—” He stopped speaking when Polly suddenly bolted out of the room, as if unable to bear hearing him.


He knew he should go after her, and he probably would, in time.
As soon as
, he thought bleakly, he got over this heavy sense of emptiness that was spreading inside of him.

Ana was marrying someone else.

The thought left a bitter taste in his mouth.

Had he meant nothing to her at all?

Fists clenching, he finally swung around to leave, and that was when he heard footsteps and, a moment later, Polly appeared on the doorway, breathing hard, a tray in her hands.

On it were a plate of cheese sandwiches and two glasses of milk.

“My mom makes me this when I feel bad,” she said hesitantly. Raising the tray, she asked, “Want some?”

And that was how he found himself sitting on Ana’s old bed, eating cheese sandwiches and drinking a glass of milk like a good little boy. Beside him, Pollyanna was nodding like a mother looking after a child, and he said irritably, “Stop that.”

She gave him a look of feigned hurt. “I’m just concerned.”

“No, you’re not. Your face’s a dead giveaway. In the past five minutes, you’ve been quietly rejoicing about the fact that you were able to take care of me or something like that.” She responded like she always did, and he felt a smile tugging at his lips. Dammit, but that blowfish look of hers never failed.

When he was done eating, she placed the glasses back on the tray, and with her back to him, she found the courage to ask, “Is there anything else I can do to help you?” Pollyanna didn’t even think of persuading him to confide in her. She had a feeling he wasn’t the type, and especially not with someone like her, who was years younger in age and experience.

His lips twisting at the offer, he said unthinkingly, “There is one.” He thought about Ana, of the way she had shoved him out of her life so easily, and he said bitterly, “Give yourself to me.”

Pollyanna froze. She hadn’t expected him to say that at all. Straightening slowly, heartbeat racing, she turned to face him, whispering, “But I’m already yours. You know that, don’t you?” And as she spoke, she came to realize what she had to do.

He laughed humorlessly. “No, you’re—” He broke off, finally noticing what Pollyanna was doing. “What the hell?” He shot to his feet, but it didn’t stop her from unbuttoning her blouse. He shook his head in sheer disbelief. “
What the hell are you doing?”

The blouse fell to the floor.

His head snapped towards its direction, moved back to Pollyanna, and his jaw clenched when he saw her abundant breasts threatening to spill out of its confines. When she took a step forward, he automatically took a step back. “Stop.” But even as she was walking, she was already unclipping her bra from behind, and blood rushed to Kyr’s head as he found himself staring straight at her beautifully bare breasts.

By the time she reached him, the billionaire was perfectly still, and she was perfectly…naked.

Her face red, her heartbeat overly loud, she fought to keep her voice from shaking as she said very clearly, “I’m yours. So…” She lifted her gaze to him.

Ah, dammit, those stars.

How could he resist them now, after what he had learned?

“Take me?”

Common sense went to hell, and with it his sense of right and wrong disappeared as well. Kyr carried her to bed and laid her gently on it before pulling away to discard his own clothes. Her wide-eyed gaze remained on him, her cheeks turning from pink to red, and it made him laugh.

“You can close your eyes if you want.”

she thought helplessly. The billionaire very well knew that even if she wanted to stop staring, she couldn’t. He was just so wonderfully sexy to look at, the way he was so big and strong in every way. And when he had finally dispensed with his briefs, she couldn’t help gulping, couldn’t help staring.

Oh God, it was so huge. She had expected it to be, with how it felt in her grip, but…it was different now that she could look at it, too. She felt faint-headed, just thinking about how it would feel to have his cock possess her.

He came walking towards her, and she was torn between running away and welcoming him with open arms.

“The latter, definitely,” he murmured.

Her eyes went wide, and again, her mouth opened and closed.

“I told you, didn’t I? I will always know what you’re thinking.”

She gasped as the bed dipped under his weight, gasped again when he calmly nudged her legs apart so he could settle his body between them. And then he was lowering himself on top of her, and Pollyanna wasn’t able to stop herself from moaning as his heat and hardness enveloped her.

For a moment, he loomed over her, his handsome face cold and unreadable.

But she could see the pain that also darkened his hazel eyes, and somehow it gave her the strength to fight past her shyness and inexperience. She placed a hand on her cheek. “I’m yours, Kyrillos Gazis.” She didn’t know why it was important for him to have everything of her, but it was, and so she was giving him what he wanted.

The words made him swallow, and he shook his head hoarsely, saying, “You don’t know what you’re saying.”

A smile wobbled on her lips. “I know, because I—” But she wasn’t able to finish, Kyr covering her mouth with his, and she surrendered to his kiss, never thinking that it had been deliberate on his part.

Her kisses were drugging in their sweetness, but more than that, there was this primitive need running wild in his blood, urging him to take what she was offering. Ana was marrying someone else. There was no need to play it safe, no need to keep holding himself back because he had come to care for Pollyanna and hadn’t wanted her hurt if he was back with Ana.

But that wasn’t happening anymore, was it?

Kissing Pollyanna harder, he determinedly pushed all thoughts away and concentrated on giving her pleasure.
He would not take her innocence
, Kyr vowed to himself, but he would spend the rest of the night making her come. He feasted on her breasts, taking his time as he played with her nipples and kneaded her breasts until they were aching heavily with need.

He buried his head between her legs, making her come with his tongue and then making her come again with his fingers. But after, she surprised by suddenly pushing him to his back and then she was sinking to her knees, bending down, and Kyr’s teeth gnashed as she took him in her mouth, just the way he taught her.

Her throat relaxing, she was able to swallow his entire length, and she sucked on his cock expertly. Even when she was driving him insane with need, he was able to clasp her by the waist and, ignoring her gasp, he switched her around, placing her on top of him, her head on his cock, and his head below her pussy.

Reaching for her plump bottom, he pulled her down and sucked on her clit.

She stiffened with a low gasp, then she was gripping his cock hard as she went back to sucking him. They pleasured each other, Polly reaching an orgasm first and flooding his mouth with her essence. When he felt his own climax approaching, Kyr tried to pull out but she held on to him quickly, squeezing his balls as she sucked harder on his cock.

He was no longer able to control it after that, his cock shooting out his seed into her throat, and he gripped her head hard as she swallowed all of his cum.

When he was spent, he lifted her up so she could straddle his hips. She looked like a pagan goddess at that moment, strawberry blonde hair in wild array and her lips swollen with his kisses.

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