Poker Face (16 page)

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Authors: Adriana Law

BOOK: Poker Face
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Their eyes locked, hers narrowing on his hard expression.



He wasn’t going to make her feel guilty. Not with his track
record. And knowing some of those “she’s not a girlfriend, just someone I have
sex with” was carried out without the use of a condom, made her sick to her


His lips twitched as if he was having difficulty keeping from
laughing. He urged, “Still waiting…”


“Two,” she answered rather proud like. She twisted her wrist under
his hold, but it was a moot point, he was way too strong. Tears stung her eyes,
but she willed them away, not wanting to cry in front of him. How could she
have allowed herself to fall for Jonathan Mackenzie’s son? Good Lord, her heart
felt like it was literally splitting in two. And even worse, she still wanted
him? Desperately.


He lowered his chest onto hers, his hot breath next to her ear as
he murmured, “zero.”


Megan sucked in a breath. Her belly fluttered. She angled her
head, forcing him to look her directly in the eyes. “What?”


“You heard me. I’ve never had sex with a woman. Well, let me
rephrase that… I’ve never had intercourse with a woman.”


“But… how?”


He shrugged a shoulder. “My mother left because of my father’s
screwing around. I didn’t want to be anything like him.”


“Bailey?” she asked, remembering the way Ms. Sunshine had clung to


“Not interested.”


“Are you gay?”


He nearly choked on his own burst of laughter. “No. How can you
even ask that?”


“I don’t know. I’m trying to understand.”


Letting go of her wrist, he kissed her, long and tenderly,
pressing his weight into her. “You don’t need to understand it. Just know this…
even if I have to drag my ass out of this bed to go buy a condom… I’m going to
have you. Tonight. Do you understand?” She nodded, her eyes never wandering
from his. Her throat went dry. “Store? Or not?” he asked her point blank.


She couldn’t believe what she was about to say. Never thought
she’d even consider it. “Or not,” her stomach dropped, “just make sure you pull
out in time.” Her face had to be every shade or red imaginable. But she wanted
him. It was the truth.


“Are you sure?”


She bit down on her lip and nodded. Her hands settled on his hard
biceps, she traced the cords of muscles with her fingertips, then his strong
shoulders and trim back. She wanted this beautiful man more than she’d ever
wanted anything.


He lifted the hem of her shirt. “Then let’s get rid of this.” Slow
kisses were placed on every inch of skin revealed. His tongue swirled the tips
of her nipples and Megan moaned. He grinned. “And these.” The elastic band of
her shorts slid down over her hips, hips that were unable to stay still. Good
Lord, he was driving her insane with need.


Steady eyes took in her nude form, head to toe, and she almost
blushed under his heavy gaze. His hands smoothed out, touching everywhere his
gaze went. Nobody had ever looked at her the way he did. So complete. Like he
was memorizing every curve and dip. “Wow, you’re gorgeous.” She started to
shake her head. His lips lingered on hers. “Really Megan, you are. Beautiful.”


He rose up over her, slid out of his boxers, and used his hand to
place the head of his penis at her entrance, but instead of pushing inside,
they both watched as he rubbed the head of it over that special place that made
her eyes flutter close and her body to melt with pleasure.


They both groaned. And then he was thrusting his hips slightly
forward, sliding into her heat. Megan had never considered watching a guy's
facial expression while he had sex, but with Drew it was different. She wanted
to see it all. It aroused her, the pleasure displayed on his face with every
inch he gained. He was magnificent. Male. Hers.


A quarter in, she felt him shudder all over, his eyes never left


Halfway in, he muttered, “Ah, you feel so damn good.” And he
collapsed down on top of her, breaking eye contact, panting, his flesh
shimmering with perspiration from trying to hold back. “Oh hell, this isn’t
going to last long. I’m sorry…” He told her through gritted teeth.


She grabbed a handful of his damp hair, lifted his head. “Don’t
you dare... I want to watch your face.”


He grinned his usual sexy grin, kissed the corners of her mouth,
thrust the rest of the way in. Some primitive sound tore from his throat and he
started moving his hips, slow at first, then his pace quickened. Megan’s hips
matched his intense rhythm as she felt herself getting near. Her hands went to
his butt cheeks, her nails digging into flesh, urging him to give it to her
harder, deeper, she wanted all of him. Instinctively, deep in the moment, her
head lolled to the side and she closed her eyes.


“Oh no you don’t, look at me, Filly.”


She did, and came, came hard, her legs locking around his waist,
her teeth biting into her lip to keep her from yelling out his name. A second
later, he quickly pulled out, and skillfully stroked his length. His body
tensed as jets of hot cum shot up and out, hitting her stomach, and her
breast...and her hair. His mouth fell, “Damn. I’m so sorry,” spilled out after
the last wave of his orgasm had subsided . He attempted to wipe the milky
substances off the strands of her dark hair with his fingers.


“It’s okay, Drew.” Megan’s mouth transformed into a happy, content


He collapsed down beside her, not able to hold back his laughter.
He pulled her into his arms, both of their chests rising and falling fast.


Day Thirteen
(Friday the 13th)


Drew squinted, forcing his heavy eyelids open against the bright
morning sun forcing its way through the blinds. He groaned and tried to
stretch, but found it nearly impossible. He lifted his head and glanced down at
the sleeping beauty drooling on his chest. His arms tightened around her, and
he smiled.


Last night had not been a dream.

He really was in bed with a girl.

Not just any girl.



His face hurt from smiling so much. Hell, if he’d known
intercourse would feel the way it had, so satisfying, he and Megan wouldn’t have
wasted the past two weeks arguing. Nose to hair, he breathed in her delicious
scent, a field of wild flowers, and instantly he was hard again, ready for
round three, or was it four? All he knew was he was already addicted. Addicted
to touching her, tasting her, he just couldn’t keep his hands or his mouth off
of her. (This could be a problem). At some point, people would come looking for
them, and force them to get out of bed. He moved down lower on the mattress,
circling his tongue around the rosebud tip of her breast, already perky for the
tasting. Megan groaned, and awakened with a yawn and stretch. Her fingers
explored his messy bed hair. Creeping his way up her body, his devilish grin
and heavy lidded eyes told her exactly what he wanted to do to her.



And again.

And again.


Right as his lips were about to touch hers, she slapped a palm
over her mouth, squirmed out from underneath him, crawling for the foot of the
bed on her hands and knees. “I have to brush my teeth first.”


The problem was… her ass up in the air like that brought back
memories of the image he’d gotten of her on her hands and knees, vigorously
scrubbing the tile floor with a toothbrush. He wanted to take her from behind,
doggy style. One of his large hands locked around one of her tiny ankles, and
that was it, she was his.


An hour later those people he’d known would come looking for them,
came. Well, one of them came. A fist pounded the bedroom door. Tinks voice
boomed, “Since you two missed breakfast, Birdie sent me to ask if you think
you’ll be making it out in time for lunch? Or are y’all hibernating for the


Drew’s eye’s shifted to Megan’s, and a twinge of guilt took root
in his gut. Her face was bright red. It was obvious why they hadn’t come out of
their room yet. “Yeah. We’ll be out in a minute,” Drew yelled back. Praying her
guilt wouldn’t cause her to end what was already started.


Megan was dressing: sliding on a pair of silk panties and reaching
around to clasp her bra.


“Do you really need those?” he asked, arms folded behind his head
on the pillow, observing.


Her brows pulled together as she stuck one leg in a pair of
tattered jeans, lost her balance, recovered, then slid the other leg in,
fastening the buttons. “Yes. I do. Don’t even look at me like that. We have to
do more than…,” her cheeks spiked with color, and she waved a hand. “… you
know?” She ran a brush through her tangled hair.


He noticed, when the sunlight was pouring into the room, her hair
had deep red highlights that shimmered against the brown. And skin the color of
a sandy beach, not colorless like a fresh snow. He was a lucky bastard, that a
girl like her would even give him the time of the day, much less introduce him
to his new favorite thing to do.


“No, I don’t know. Why don’t you explain what we’ve been doing,


“You know exactly what I’m talking about!” the brush landed on his
gut, and he sucked in air. “We have to do more than have sex.”


“Who says?” he asked coming up behind her. He slid his arms around
her waist, his chin resting in the curve of her neck. She giggled.


He murmured, “You know, I think that’s the most amazing sound in
the world.”



Lunch was awkward.


Megan tried to behave like she normally did, but it was
impossible. Every time her eyes met Drew’s across the table, he would smile,
and as hard as she fought it, she could not keep from returning his smile.


While conversation resumed at the table, Megan found herself
glancing over at Griffin. He ate in silence, shoving forks full of pea’s and
corn in his mouth. His dark hair needed a trim. When he wore it long like that
he appeared older. Megan wasn’t the only one watching him, Emma, like usual,
snuck a peek at him through the sweep of her curled lashes. Hmm… could there
possibly be something brewing under the surface? Something brewing under the
surface had her gaze sliding to Birdie, the round woman with a heart of gold,
who always gave Tink as much hell as he gave. Oh man, Drew had her wishing she
could pair up everyone she knew, so they could feel like she did. Wait. How did
she feel? In love? That’s how she felt. She swallowed hard, a warm sensation
creeping over her body. Tingles. Her traitorous eyes sought him out again.
Hers. He was watching her with the same intensity.


Did he love her?

She was his first.

Guys never forget their first, right?


“I got you something, beautiful.” Tink bent over his pop belly,
brought up a birthday bag full of pink tissue paper. He handed it to Megan.


“It’s not my birthday.”


“I know. That’s the only bag I could find. Kind of late, since
we’re almost done… but I had to order ‘em.”


Megan shot a questioning glance at Drew, who answered with a
shrug, although his eyes sparkled with interest.


“Well, don’t be scared, go on, look inside.” Tink beamed as he
rocked back in the chair, waiting.


Tissue paper crinkled as she plucked out the pieces one by one,
her eyes watering when she saw what was inside the bag. She pulled out the pair
of coveralls, tan, ladies small, her size. “This is the nicest...” her voice
cracked, along with that wall she’d used to not let anyone in. “I don’t know
what to say.”


Birdie cleared a stray tear from her cheek.


“Coveralls?” One of Emma’s brows shot up. “I don’t get it.”


Tinks belly rumbled with laughter, “Well hell Filly, don’t say
anything, just go put ‘em on, see if they fit. We got work to do.”

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