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Authors: M.Q. Barber

Playing the Game (16 page)

BOOK: Playing the Game
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“Tug for me, please, Alice.”

The strap gave a bit, but the cuff remained strong around her wrist.

“All right?”

She nodded, a shaky jerk, as her excitement gained a new, nervous edge. She was breathing through her mouth now. When had she parted her lips?

Henry guided her fingers to a small loop. “Pull sharply.”

She yanked. The Velcro peeled back to free her hand. No matter what happened, she wasn’t trapped here.

He refastened the cuff. “Are you confident of your safety, Alice? Do you wish to continue?”

“Yes, please.”

Her breath calmed as Henry kissed her open palm. He secured her ankles and right wrist, until she lay naked and spread, arms straight out from her sides, feet pointing at the far corners of the bed.

He stepped back, studying her in silence.

Jay, too, stood still and silent, his erection firm and bobbing against his stomach.

Henry began to walk, pacing around the bed, and her eyes followed his movement.

“Tell me, Alice, when did you first experience intercourse?”

He knew the answer, of course. He’d asked the question as they’d created the outlines of her contract with him. Of what she wanted and why, of what she’d tried before and liked or disliked.

“College. Freshman year. It was finals week, before Christmas break.”

“Did you know the boy well?”

“We’d been dating for a couple of months.”

“Were you in love?”

“No.” The idea had seemed ridiculous at the time. In some ways, it still did. Love was chemistry, all pheromones and neurotransmitters, sexual attraction calling itself by a romantic name. Chemistry and stupidity and people fooling themselves. “I just wanted to know what everybody else knew. To figure out how everything worked. I was tired of theory and guesswork. I wanted a practical.”

“And where did you plan this tryst? Or did it simply…fall into your lap?”

The men wore identical smirks.

She wasn’t embarrassed. Not of this.

“No, I planned it. My dorm room. My roommate had a bio lab final. I knew she’d be there for the whole three hours.”

“You wanted to be able to take your time.”


“Did he? This boy of yours?”

“He tried. We made out for a while. Clothes got tossed. Condom went on. After that, it was about three minutes.” He’d been sweet, if not satisfying. She didn’t regret the experience, though if she’d known then what she knew now, she might’ve chosen a partner with more care. Someone older. More knowledgeable. More Henry.

“Did he rectify the situation?”

“He apologized. We cuddled and fooled around some more, until he was ready to go again.” At that age, recovery hadn’t taken long, though he’d claimed to find it distracting that she wanted to watch, to catalog every twitch as he stiffened. In the end, he’d plastered his mouth to hers and ground himself against her stomach. Forgot the condom in his rush to get inside her again. Thank God she’d been levelheaded enough to remember.

“He came twice in those three hours?”


“And how many times did you reach orgasm?”

“I didn’t.” That had been disappointing, sure. But even now–well, up until this thing, whatever it was, with Henry and Jay–she counted on two hands the number of times she’d come with a partner. In the nearly nine years since that Thursday afternoon on a crowded single bed, it hadn’t been for lack of trying.

“You had been able to do so previously on your own?”


“The intercourse wasn’t stimulating enough?”

“No.” It was never stimulating enough.
never been stimulating enough, she corrected. Now she expected more. If…when…Henry and Jay tired of her and these Friday nights came to an end, her next partner would have to work damn hard to meet the new standard.

“And this boy, did he put his mouth and fingers to work to please you?”

“No.” Awkward groping, yes. Oral sex hadn’t been on the menu.

“So in those three hours, you received some insufficient foreplay, some apologetic cuddling, and some small bit of pain?”

She smiled. She’d complained, later, of the same disappointments, though in more colorful terms. “Yes.”

“Ah. You deserve better than that, my dear. Much better.”

Henry stopped his pacing and stood behind Jay, almost invisible. His mouth hovered at Jay’s ear, though his eyes watched her.

“No toys, Jay. You may use your body to stimulate Alice however you like, within the restrictions already agreed upon. You may come twice. Your goal, however, is to please Alice. Make her come, Jay. Make her come as many times as her body can manage. I want our girl thoroughly satisfied and entirely exhausted, is that understood?”

“Yes, Henry.” Jay wet his lips.

“Good. You have three hours. Begin.”

Henry stepped back, and she mentally nicknamed him the professor in this scenario. Would he grade Jay’s performance? Oh shit. Maybe this was Jay’s final exam.
Henry ought to wear one of those jackets with the patched elbows.

Her thought stuttered as Jay dropped beside her in full exuberant-puppy mode, kissing her cheek. Nuzzling her face. Wiggling his groin against her left hip.

“You know it’s not just the sex, right?” His voice was earnest and loud and punctuated by kisses to her neck and bites to her earlobe.

What is he…

“I mean, I really like you, and it’s so fucking hot that you want me to be your first.”

The scenario wasn’t merely a setup for him. He was going with it, role-playing it to the hilt. Recreating the anxious excitement, the unknowing of that first time.

“God, Alice, sometimes I see you across the room, and it’s just…”

He stopped to suckle at her neck. His left hand stroked her belly. Up and down her side. A squeeze at her hip. A circling at her breast.

“I practically come in my pants I’m so hard. But I’m gonna make it good for you, I promise. You know that, right?”

“I know.” She tried to think herself back to that girl, imagining Jay as an upperclassman. A frat boy. She smirked. “It’s why I picked you. I like the way you look at me. And your reputation gets around.”

“I’m just a hard cock to you?” His voice was a teasing pout. He thrust his hips, and her clit throbbed in echoing reply. “What have you heard?”

His hand stroked lower, teasing the crease of her thigh, dangerously close to–for tonight, anyway–virgin territory.

“That you take your time. And that you have a lot more to offer than just a hard cock.”

He chuckled against her throat. “I’ve got two hands and a mouth, sweetheart, and I’m gonna use them all on you. How long did you say your roommate was gonna be out?”

Jay rose over her, weight balanced on one arm while the other lay across her abdomen and curved upward so his hand cupped her right breast. He planted sucking kisses along her collarbone.

“Three hours.” She gasped at the firm tug of his mouth, wondered if he might be inclined to repeat it on her breasts or between her legs. If there was a God, he would. “She’s at a lab final.”

“What if her professor’s sick? Or the fire alarm gets pulled?” The hand at her breast pulled away, her nipple taut between thumb and forefinger as he plucked at her. “Then she’d be back early. With a key to get in. And she’d be watching you, all naked and flushed and beautiful, panting and trembling and needy.”

He lifted his head from her chest and stared down into her face.

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you, Alice? You like being watched.”

God, Jay sounded almost like Henry then, confident and in control, and she wondered how well he’d learned his lessons.

He swept his tongue into her mouth when she opened it to speak. Her body rolled, undulating to the same rhythm. One of his legs pinned her left hip to the mattress. The straps tugged against her wrists and ankles when she arched up to meet him.

It hadn’t happened that way. Her roommate hadn’t come back until well after Alice’s first lover had left. But the possibility alone fed her arousal. A need grew in her to know if Henry was hard, watching them from a dark corner.

She twisted and came up short. The cuffs rasped against the sheets. She shuddered. No control. No fulfilling her own needs. She tugged again and gloried in the drag of the cuffs.

Jay’s mouth left hers. He rolled off and settled beside her, his breath fast. Too close, maybe? He’d pulled his hips back, and his erection no longer pressed against her flesh. His left hand hovered above her stomach.

“It’s okay if you’re nervous, Alice. We don’t have to rush, right? If you wanna stop, you can tell me.”

Damn, he’s adorable.

“No, I wanna do this.” She didn’t have to pretend to be in earnest. That part came easily. Pretending to have a virgin’s nerves came harder. She softened her voice. “I just wanted to touch you. Silly, right? ‘Cause
were already touching
. Only now you’re not.”

Jay breathed out. Resting his face on her shoulder, he lowered his left hand and rubbed her stomach in a slow circle. “I am now. Is that better?”

“Yeah. Yeah, I like it when you touch me.” She took a deep breath, and his head shifted. He’d be watching her breasts, of course. He never seemed to get enough of them.
So adorable.
“It makes me want more.”

He slid closer, his lower body touching hers again, left leg covering hers, cock brushing her hip. “More like this?”

“Mm-hmm.” She buried her face in his hair. “Maybe even more than that. I get all wet sometimes, thinking about…more.”

“You can tell me about it if you want.” Jay rolled on top of her, straddling her left leg, and stared into her eyes. “Just ‘cause you can’t touch me doesn’t mean you can’t guide me. I’m here for your pleasure. Whatever you want.”

She smiled and let herself go with the role-playing. Tried to look suitably starry-eyed. “I’ve never done this before. I don’t know what I want. But you do. You know how to make me feel good.”

He did. He’d paid attention on all of their Fridays. She knew he had, because he was putting that knowledge to use now. He might love her breasts, but he didn’t limit himself to touching them and nothing else. And he might want to bury his cock in her, but he didn’t immediately reach for a condom, either.

He ran his palms over her arms, one at a time, from her wrists all the way to her shoulders, and followed the same path with his mouth. He spent time appreciating her neck. Her jaw. Her ears. He stroked her sides and kissed her ribs, his hair tickling her breasts. By the time he turned his attention to her breasts, her nipples stood hard and waiting.

“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured.

“Not too small?” She wasn’t normally self-conscious about her breasts, but it was nice to be appreciated sometimes.

“Christ, no. Just right.” Jay cupped her right breast. His mouth descended on her left.

She moaned as his fingers massaged her and his mouth sucked at her.

Desire wound its way down her stomach and pulsed between her legs. She couldn’t close them, couldn’t bring her thighs together to find relief, and Jay’s weight rested at her left side rather than over her. He’d curled one leg around her, a pleasant weight on her thigh, but she needed more now. Her hips squirmed. Her hands clenched and released.

The edge of panic, desperation, heightened the sensation when Jay’s teeth grazed her left nipple. Orgasm hovered just out of reach. She couldn’t get the pressure she needed by herself, not with her hands and feet bound. During her real first time, she hadn’t tried. Nerves, or the naive belief that orgasms should magically happen without help. But since then, if she was anywhere near close, she gave herself a hand. Until Henry and Jay.

A whimper escaped her throat, a tiny plea, and Jay stopped massaging her breast. He lifted his head.


She almost complimented him on his uncertain expression. As if he couldn’t tell.

“More,” she agreed. “Definitely more.”

BOOK: Playing the Game
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