Playing For Love (27 page)

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Authors: J.C. Grant

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“Just like that. So good.” I thrust a few more times. Then I held deep inside her, letting her milk my cock, hoping this one would take and get her swollen with my baby. Just the thought had my cock jerking, spurting hard into her. 

I held us there until she drained me dry. When I felt my cum leaking out of her, my lips caught hers again, gentle but claiming. Her hands gripped my neck pulling me to her, her lips trembling under mine. Her entire body was still quivering.

Carefully, I eased my fingers out of her, then my cock, and set her down.

“Fuck, that was good.” I pressed my lips to her forehead. “You okay?”

“Mmm.” She seemed a little dazed as she stood there.

I grabbed some soap and started washing my body. A moment later, I felt her hands roaming my back lovingly.

“I love you,” she breathed.

“I love you,” I rasped.

I turned, my soapy hands gripping her ass and washing her gently.

“Am I dirty again?” she teased.

“Oh, yeah,” I growled.

“Well, it was fun.”

“I'm glad you liked it.”

“I like everything you do to me,” she murmured.

“Even if you don't think you will,” I reminded her.

After rinsing her off, I turned off the shower and grabbed a towel, wrapping her in it. I placed a kiss on the back of her shoulder and walked past her to get the gray sweats she seemed to love and an age-faded Rob Zombie tee.

I heard the sink turn on and knew she was washing her face.

“What do you want to wear? I have your leggings, sweat shorts, and joggers.”

“Joggers. And a tank.”

Of course. More material on her ass means less on top.

“How ‘bout a tee?” I tried.

“It will look too sloppy.”


We quickly got dressed, and then I grabbed our stuff and opened the office door. I noticed Kelly, the new girl, hanging around the office whenever Austin was here. I didn't know what that was about, but I was going to have a talk with her. If she was just into listening to people fuck, that was one thing, but if she was attracted to Austin or me, that was another.  

“Kelly, need something?” I asked, standing in the hall.

“No, sir.” Kelly jumped at my voice.

“Hi, Kelly,” Austin greeted, stepping in front of me.

My hand immediately landed on the side of her neck, gripping lightly. Austin was always nice to her, but now I was going to be watching. I wasn't open to sharing my wife with anyone.

“Um, Mr. Taylor, are you going to be making the new schedule soon?”

Ah fuck.

Huffing an annoyed breath through my nose, I closed my eyes as my head tilted up. I was so obsessed with Austin, I hadn't been taking care of the gym. I was meaning to hire a manager, but then I met Austin. Now, I really needed to get someone to takeover managing the gym, especially if I was going to play ball for a few more seasons, which was another thing I needed to talk to Austin about. I opened my eyes and realized my hand had shifted on Austin's throat, pulling her flush to me.

Relaxing my grip, I looked at Kelly, who was focused on my restraining hand. “I'll do it tomorrow,” I assured her.

“Okay. Thank you.” Her eyes darted up to mine before she scampered off, looking more intrigued with us than before. 

Chance came barreling out of the office when I called him, and we made our way by the front desk.

“Let's get Chinese food,” Austin declared as the valet opened the door for her—a good fifteen feet before we got there—immediately dampening my golden pussy high.

Shawn... Fucker's got a crush on her.

I could see the signs: always eager to wait on her, helping her with any little thing, and waiting at the door like a puppy when he knows she's coming.

I moved past Austin and grabbed the door from him. “I got it.
. Get the truck,”
I ordered gruffly.    

“Oh, I did. Soon as I saw you were done with your workout.”

That meant the little shit knew how long we were in the office and he was still salivating over her. Everyone knew we were fucking in there—Austin was loud and the office was only partially soundproofed.

“Where do you wanna go?” I used that deep growl she responded to, and her breath hitched as she walked by. 

“Um...” She cleared her throat as she walked to the truck. “How about Mr. Chow? I've never been there.”

Shawn opened the doors for her and Chance before I could.

Eager little fucker.

I walked around, getting in the driver’s seat, watching as Shawn put my family in the truck. It was minor, it was nothing, but in a way, he was taking my place, and I didn't like it. I settled into the truck, watching him fuss over them. When he finally made eye contact with me, I lifted my chin in a brief acknowledgement, letting him know I saw him and I wasn't impressed.

“Let's do Chow's when it's not to-go.” I reached over, entwining our fingers, squeezing and pulling her attention away from a waving Shawn. When she looked at me I suggested, “How ‘bout Koi?”

She considered it for a moment. “Okay.”

I used our joined hands to put the truck in drive. 

“So you haven't said anything about the file,” I said, looking over at her before pulling out of the drive into traffic.

“Well... I don't know what to say. We have plenty of money right now.”

“What do you think about me playing again—just for three years?” I pulled our joined hands into my lap, barely resisting the urge to rub the back of her hand against my dick.

“Financially, it would be the wise choice in the long run, since I don't bring anything to the table.” She sounded disappointed.

.” I tugged on her hand. “I don't care. I wanna take care of you. Taking care of you is my job.”

“I want to know I can make it on my own,” she insisted quietly.

“I don't want you to make it on your own. I don't want you to be able to make it without me.” 

She stilled.

“I thought you supported me having a career,” she accused lowly.

“I do, but I don't want you to be able to survive without me.” My eyes cut to her. “I can't survive without you.”

She sighed and her body relaxed. “That's different, David. That's not the same thing at all.”

“Yeah, it is. You wanna feel independent. Financially. Emotionally.” I paused. “I want you
dependent on me.”

I could see her chest rising and falling faster. She was getting upset. Then she hissed, “Why did you convince me to write? I
would've married you if I knew you didn't support me having a career.”

. That fucking hurt. Just hearing her say the words “I never would've married you…” She cut me deeper than I thought possible. I was bleeding inside, quickly filling with an anger born from fear.

“I don't want anyone having power over you.” I couldn't hide the hurt and anger in my voice.

“Just you,” she added bitterly.  

“I want you in a position to tell 'em to fuck themselves when they try to take advantage of you.”

When she didn't respond, I looked over at her. The emotionless mask she wore reflected back to me in the passenger side window. 

you to

“I do, David,” she whispered.

“Do you?” I demanded roughly.

Her green eyes met mine then.

“Then why won't you take an active role in my life? Make decisions. Tell me what you
, like you did with the office.”

“Okay.” Her voice was small. I wanted her to be assertive, or at least fight with me.

“I've been pushing my way into your life and pulling you into mine.” Glancing over at her, I couldn't read her; she was closing off. “Take over the house, make changes. I'll still control everything you need me to, but mark your place in my life. Own it. Claim it.”

“I will. I'm just not comfortable enough yet.” Her voice was rising, finally getting some real bite.

“You took over the office without hesitation,” I reminded her.

“So.” She paused. “Maybe it won't take that long then,” she laughed, melting all my tension away. When I looked over, her face was flushed.

I had to keep reminding myself she had serious trust issues that were constantly being pushed with Dawn—just like mine were with Zach—which was why I needed her to start taking over our home, give me some kind of security. In order for me to get what I wanted...

I gotta get rid of Dawn.

I could still see it in Austin's eyes sometimes. Her desire to run. To get away from me and the emotions I made her feel, especially the emotions stirred-up by Dawn. I hadn't challenged her, “go ahead. Run. I'll chase you” though I wanted to. I was afraid she would think about it, plan it. Leave her car and phone at home, take a cab to the bank, get cash... It would take Fergus longer to track her down.

“Do you know what you want from Koi?” I changed the subject.

“Something good.” 

Her light teasing tone relaxed me. I pulled up the number for Koi and called, ordering us several things. Too many things, but better safe than sorry. I wasn't getting home and there not being anything she liked. I added an extra order of lemon chicken for Chance.

He was perfect, housebroken and behaved as if he had been trained—not that he understood anything aside from stay and no, but he took cues amazingly well. We got really lucky with him. 

I played with her delicate fingers as we drove in silence, listening to some hard rock station. 

When we arrived at Koi I parked in front, getting out I muttered, “Be right back.”

Walking into the surprisingly empty restaurant, I could feel Austin's eyes on me. 

“I called in an order to-go,” I said, getting the hostess's attention.

She looked up and her expression shifted from bored to elated. “Oh.” Then her voice turned girlish and high-pitched. “David Taylor?”

I nodded.

“Wow. Are you having a party with all this food?” she flirted shamelessly.

“Just me, my wife, and our dog,” I answered succinctly. I just wanted to get the food and get out of there. 

I watched as she visibly deflated.

“Oh.” Then she pushed her chest out in what she seemed to think was a sexy pose and twirled her hair. “I heard it was just a publicity stunt, you know, a rumor started by her agent.”  

I needed to call Elaine.

“No. She's waiting outside right now.” I restrained the urge to tell her, “Stop trying. My wife's tits are bigger and real.” Instead, I took a calming breath and asked, “So, is the food ready?” nodding toward the bags behind her.

“Oh, yes.” She hurriedly set the bags in front of me.

Knowing the total was seventy something, I tossed a hundred down and grabbed the bags. The girl was taking too long. I couldn't tell if it was intentional or she was just flustered. Whatever it was, I didn't have the patience for it.

“David,” she called.

“Just keep it,” I tossed over my shoulder as I pushed open the door with my forearm.

Getting in the truck, I settled the bags at Austin's feet. I took a deep breath, buckling my seat belt, trying to force myself to relax. Looking over at her, I couldn't stop the guilt I felt. I had done this to her, because of my insecurities. I made sure our marriage was on every media outlet possible. She had wanted it quiet, she tried to warn me about this and I ignored her completely.

I was a fucking asshole.

She looked over, catching me staring at her, and smiled. As she watched me her expression shifted to concern. “Everything okay, babe?”

“Just disturbingly in love with my wife,” I answered, putting the truck in gear, focusing on getting us home, not thinking about any more rumors floating around about her.     

We still hadn't ironed out the baseball deal yet. She said it was the right choice financially, not that she wanted me to. If I did, it was going to put off her short-film for a while or anything else she might want to do.  She was going to have to travel with me—Chance too. Not to mention Spring Training.  

As I pulled up to our gate, waiting for it to open, I checked my phone. I had gotten a small reprieve from Dawn's endless phone calls, but Zach was still going strong.





“David, it's early.”            

“What the fuck is going on?” I asked Elaine as I cooked breakfast. “Why do people think my marriage is a rumor started by her agent?”

“Well—” Elaine's voice echoed from my phone on the counter.

“I don't even know who her agent is,” I cut her off.

“Let me talk.” She waited. “Her agent is a douche. I'm working on getting her a new one, but you need to let her out of the house, David.”

“We go to the gym every day,” I corrected.

“The gym is private, with a private, gated parking lot. The only pics of the two of you are the ones you sent me for your social media, which looks very much like a publicity stunt when no one ever sees you two out together.”

“What about the furniture store?” I asked, glaring at my phone as if it was responsible for my current problem.

“That's the only public pics since you got married. If you want her to be one of those hidden wives, tell her. Tell me. But if you want her to have a career, let her out.” 

I didn't respond. I plated the omelets, trying to come up with a solution that wouldn't make me insane.

“Just let her go somewhere that isn't under your control, somewhere people can see you together.” 

“We're going to the Chateau tonight for our two week anniversary.”

“Good. I'll have someone there to get photos. But that's not enough, David. Let her go shopping. Let her go to the grocery store. Get her nails done. Anything.”

“I'm not letting her go

“David, I know those two cheated on you, but it was only two.”

“You're forgetting the groupie when I first started playing. The one who turned out to be married with a
.” I hated thinking about this shit. I wasn't in love with any of them, but those girls... That type of behavior turned out to be the standard over the years. “And those two, they were the only girlfriends I've had in eight years. Ever, actually.”

“You saw them a couple times a month. That's why they cheated. You didn't spend
any time
with them.” She paused. “Spending
every day
with Austin isn't going to prevent her from cheating.”

“I disagree.” I poured our coffees, automatically making Austin's the way she liked it: two and a half tablespoons of French vanilla creamer. “It's working so far.”

“You're going to
her. David, give her space, because when she starts
for it,
when you need to worry.”  

. I knew she wasn't use to being with someone twenty-four/seven. Maybe that's what her behavior was about yesterday. She asked to go out on a date, but was she one step away from asking to go out without me?  

I put everything on the tray and picked it up one-handed and started toward the bedroom.

“I'll take her out in public more.” I walked into the bedroom. Austin was still dead asleep. “Tonight at the Chateau and tomorrow she has that photoshoot.”

“I'll have someone there. Are you going to be with her?”







I didn’t know how long I had been lying in bed when I heard David's deep rumble. He was telling someone about us going to the Chateau and my photoshoot, but I could smell coffee and that's all that really mattered to me at the moment. I opened my eyes, feigning just waking as he ended his call.

“Everything okay?” My unused voice was rough as I sat up.

“Why won't you just ask me
it was?” he countered, slipping his phone into his pocket.

“I don't want to be nosy,” I uttered, sitting up.

“Be fucking nosy,” he ordered in a sexy rasp.

I watched his hard body—that distracting V, the cut muscles of his arms twitching and jumping as his came toward me. 

“It was Elaine.”

I nodded.

His eyebrows lifted in an expression that clearly said,
Ask another question.

“I'm not interested now.”

Setting the tray down on the bed, he sat on the edge next to me with a heavy sigh.

David was being weird last night, but not aggressive. This morning it seemed whatever was bothering him had gotten worse.

I watched him for a long moment, then clumsily picked up my coffee, causing the plates to bump into each other.

He turned at the sound. “Here.” He put the tray over my lap, grabbed his coffee, and paused. Then abruptly asked, “If I cheated on you, would you stay with me?”

My heart lurched into my throat.

“Fuck no,” I managed to push out. 

His eyebrows pulled together as he looked at me. “Really?”

“Did you?” I breathed, barely audible.

“How could I? I fuck you every chance I get, and when am I not with you?”

“Before we got married or your photoshoots.” My quick response showed this was something I had put a bit too much thought into. There wasn't much time, but he could have. “Or when I was at that temp job.” 

He ignored me and asked, “Do you think I'd stay with you if you cheated?”

This was seriously heavy conversation for first thing in the morning.

“No,” I spoke around the lump in my throat. “I know you said you would, but I don't know if I
stay with you if I cheated.”

“Really?” He studied me intently.

“I don't think so.” I swallowed thickly, my pulse pounding through my temples, my face heating. “And I don't know why you want to fuck up my day with this conversation... unless you want to tell me you cheated.”

“I didn't. I fucking promise you,” he swore vehemently. “I just wanna—”

“I don't want to know what will happen if you cheat,” I cut him off, “or if I cheat. I don't want to fucking find out.” My words spilled out of me in an anxious rush.

He blew out a heavy sigh but said nothing.

Was that the problem? He thought I was going to cheat because he cheated?

But I didn't think he had.






I was an asshole. I put that shit in her head just because it was in mine.

Get it together!

I knew everything she did on her phone and there was a tracker on her car.
I had to fucking fix this.

I looked over at her mostly untouched breakfast and sighed, resigned, knowing I fucked up her morning. I picked up the tray, took it into the kitchen, got her a fresh cup of coffee, and went back into the bedroom.

“I'm worried you might want someone else,” I admitted, setting the coffee down on her nightstand.

“And I love that,” she said forcefully, “but don't make me feel like you've been cheating. If that's all that’s wrong, fucking say it. First.”

Stupid fuck.

I made this more complicated than necessary.

“I'm going to schedule you for a session of eight colonics,” I mentioned as I walked around to my side of the bed.

“Was there... something...?” She sounded equally embarrassed and horrified. She couldn't even bring herself to finish the question. She had to be an anal virgin, and that made me so fucking happy.

“It's normal, but my cock is bigger than my finger.” I winked at her. “We're gonna get you ready for when you

“I know it's
. But
? You think I'm going to be begging for it in eight weeks?”

That stopped me short. “What do you mean you know?”

“I've had anal sex before,” she said, flippantly, rolling her eyes.

I was instantly pissed. And jealous. I wanted some part of her to myself. “You've had anal sex? But you don't want me to fuck you in the ass?” I paused, the image of a man doing exactly that to her raced through my mind. Then I demanded, “Who fucked you in the ass? Zach?”

“David, stop. Your dick is huge. That's why I don't want it in my ass.”

“So how many
have you had in your
, Austin?”

“At one time?” she tried to joke.

My eyes narrowed, my voice was a low warning. “Not. Fucking. Funny.”

“Two.” At my expression, she clarified. “
at the same time. Two different guys. Two completely

“Who?” I demanded, trying to level my voice and failing.

“David, I let them because they were small. That's the only reason.”

“Was it

“Stop it.”

“One was
, wasn't it? You let that weaselly piece of shit fuck you in the ass.”

“No. It wasn't him.”

My phone chimed and I checked it.

Of course, fucking Dawn.

My eyes closed and I breathed deep, thinking. Jealousy spurred a morbid curiosity in me that was raging, but I couldn't do this to us right now—not when Dawn and Zach were already fucking us up.

I choked down my need for answers and got back on topic as my eyes opened and cut to her.

“I'm scheduling your first appointment for today. You're getting a colonic, massage, and manicure. And whatever else you want.”

She hesitated. “What? By myself?”

I was hoping that was a complaint—that she wanted me to go with her. And then I couldn't stop myself. “Of course not. I'm going with you. It's our two week anniversary. Day at the spa. Night at the Chateau.”
       “Are you getting a colonic too?”

I refrained from gritting my teeth and responded evenly, “Will it make you happy?”

She had a mischievous look on her face as she pretended to think about it. “Yes.”


She looked at me from the corner of her eye like she didn't believe me, a smirk on her face.

Fuck, I'd do anything for this girl.

I called the spa and made arrangements for a couple’s day. Including colonics. I was even going to endure a man’s mani-pedi, whatever the fuck that was.

“Do whatever you need to do. We have to be there in forty minutes.”

“What?” She scrambled out of bed and into the bathroom.

I didn't understand the need to get ready other than washing her face and brushing her teeth. But I was happy to see her excitement replace her worry. 

“Don't we shower before? And sauna. Or hot tub or whatever?”

She appeared in the bathroom doorway. “Yes,” she answered, annoyed with me or my question. “Would you go get dressed? I'm washing my face and brushing my teeth.”

“Yes, ma'am.” I grinned as she ran back into the bathroom.

I totally understood now. When I was younger, I heard about the guys who would let their girlfriends paint their toenails and put makeup on them. At the time, I couldn't understand why they would do it if they didn't like it. I did now. I'd let Austin do damn near anything she wanted to me if it made her happy.

Everything but cheat on me or leave me.

I wouldn't let her do
things to me.






I quickly threw on a black tee, skinny sweats, and flip-flops and grabbed my purse off the closet island—where I'd left it the night before. When I emerged from the closet only ten minutes later, I noticed David was wearing his sweats, white tee, and flip-flops—at least we weren't completely matching. David was putting Chance's toys in his bed and talking to him. I felt bad every time we left the house without him. It looked like I wasn't the only one.    

“Is he good?” I asked, walking over to rub Chance's big nugget head.

“I think so.” He turned, facing me. “You ready?”

“Yeah.” I kissed Chance's nose and followed David out. It was adorable how he kept glancing back at Chance, checking on him. I started to realize then maybe he
ready for a baby.

But I

“I want to drive my car,” I mentioned as we walked through the great room. I hadn't driven my car since I quit my job.

“You know where we're goin’?” He opened the door to the garage.

“Yeah. Sunset and Laurel. Straight down the hill.”

“Crescent Heights,” he corrected.

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