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Authors: Barbara Freethy

Tags: #Contemporary


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“Romance sizzles…in this riveting page-turner, which boasts a cast of well-drawn, memorable characters, including a fascinating, diabolical villain.”

Library Journal

“Terrific and twisty intrigue makes this novel choice reading…. An amazingly gripping, fascinating mystery.”

Romantic Times
(4½ stars)

Don’t Say a Word

“Barbara Freethy at her best! An absorbing story of two people determined to unravel the secrets, betrayals and questions about their past. The story builds to an explosive conclusion that will leave readers eagerly awaiting Barbara Freethy’s next book.”

—Carla Neggers, author of
Dark Sky

Don’t Say a Word
has made me a Barbara Freethy fan for life!”

—Diane Chamberlain, author of
The Bay at Midnight

“Dark, hidden secrets and stunning betrayal…potent and moving suspense. Freethy’s storytelling ability is top-notch.”

Romantic Times
(4½ stars)

All She Ever Wanted

“A haunting mystery…I couldn’t put it down.”

—Luanne Rice

“A suitably eerie atmosphere.”

Publishers Weekly

“A gripping tale of romantic suspense…. Barbara Freethy is a master storyteller. A fascinating blend of romance, mystery, and suspense. Don’t miss it!”

—Romance Reviews Today

“Sizzling…. Freethy’s expertly penned novel is a true page-turner.”

Romantic Times

“Fabulous…the perfect story to curl up in front of a fire with.”


Golden Lies

“An absolute treasure, a fabulous, page-turning combination of romance and intrigue. Fans of Nora Roberts and Elizabeth Lowell will love
Golden Lies.

—Kristin Hannah

“Freethy’s smooth prose, spirited storytelling, and engaging characters are sure to send readers on a treasure hunt for the author’s backlist books.”

Publishers Weekly

“Multidimensional characters at all levels (especially the strong-willed hero and heroine), realistic and sometimes funny dialog, and a well-constructed plot that Freethy unwraps with such consummate skill that the conclusion is at once a surprising and totally logical result in a rich and compelling tale.”

Library Journal

Summer Secrets

“Barbara Freethy writes with bright assurance, exploring the bonds of sisterhood and the excitement of blue-water sailing.
Summer Secrets
is a lovely novel.”

—Luanne Rice

“Freethy skillfully keeps the reader on the hook, and her tantalizing and believable tale has it all—romance, adventure, and mystery.”

(starred review)

“An intriguing, multithreaded plot, this is an emotionally involving story…sure to please Freethy’s growing fan base…. Like Kristin Hannah’s novels, [it] neatly bridges the gap between romance and traditional women’s fiction.”

Library Journal

“Freethy’s zesty storytelling will keep readers hooked.”

Publishers Weekly

“Freethy is at the top of her form.”

Contra Costa Times

Further praise for Barbara Freethy

“In the tradition of LaVyrle Spencer, gifted author Barbara Freethy creates an irresistible tale of family secrets, riveting adventure, and heart-touching romance.”

—Susan Wiggs

“A fresh and exciting voice in women’s romantic fiction.”

—Susan Elizabeth Phillips


—Debbie Macomber

“Freethy is an expert at creating believable characters.”

Library Journal

“Barbara Freethy delivers strong and compelling prose.”

Publishers Weekly

“If there is one author who knows how to deliver vivid stories that tug on your emotions, it’s Barbara Freethy.”

Romantic Times


Companion book to

Don’t Say a Word

All She Ever Wanted

Golden Lies

Summer Secrets


Barbara Freethy


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Copyright © Barbara Freethy, 2006

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ISBN: 1-4295-0610-5


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To my brainstorming pals, Candice, Carol, Diana,
Barbara Mc., Lynn, and Kate—thanks for all the
fabulous ideas and delicious chocolate!

BOOK: Played
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