Pippa's Rescue (2 page)

Read Pippa's Rescue Online

Authors: JJ Keller

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Valkyrie, #Valhalla, #spicy

BOOK: Pippa's Rescue
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Basil brushed aside pine-needled swags and hustled to keep close to her. His heart raced and he became short of breath. He shouldn’t have slacked off the exercise the past several weeks, or maybe he was aging faster now that his tour of duty had ended. “Where do I go to do this? Sorry, I didn’t get your name.”

“I didn’t offer. I respond to Pippa. Come along, I’ll show you the way.” She glanced over her shoulder. “For a Marine, you’re awfully slow.”


Pine needles crunched under her feet. Phillipa Wilson wished she could escape the man in tow. He was nice enough. The stutter between lieutenant and captain could mean he just got the promotion, or he was fibbing to impress her. A quick glance over her shoulder showed a light-brown five o’clock shadow on a taut jaw.

She sighed. He wasn’t going to give up with his questions. Although, he didn’t seem to figure that Pippa stood short for Phillipa, so maybe he wasn’t the prize winner in the horse show. They arrived at the main house. The sight left her breathless, as always. A simple white U-shaped ranch with a wrap-around porch wasn’t close to keeping with the mansions surrounding her property, but she’d do anything to hang onto the farm and the animals in desperate need of a loving home. She had fifteen days to find her brother and have him sign the estate over to her. Too bad he was AWOL from the Marines—and her.

If it wasn’t for her close relationship with the bank manager’s son, they would be holding the mortgage and all the assets right this minute. The Marine’s heavy breathing sounded close. She glanced at him. Perhaps instead of trying to scare away the enemy, she should bring the only close link to her brother into the fold.

The door stuck as always, and she gave it a fierce tug. When it finally opened she waved him forward, but instead he flattened his hand on the wood and nodded, waiting for her to enter first. Wow. An officer and a gentleman; who would have thought?

“Mattie, this is Captain Basil Vanguard. He’d like to make a donation and volunteer while on leave.” She half-turned to him. “Captain—”

“Basil. I’m no longer with the military.” His mouth clamped shut, as if on second thought he shouldn’t have shared the info. Christ, could he be part of David’s team of thieves?

“Basil, Mattie will help you get the documents signed and explain how to groom and feed horses seven days a week, 365 days a year. You might have to clean stalls and if willing, attend fundraisers to garner money.” She smiled at Mattie’s shocked expression. Her brown-spotted wrinkled hand went to her chest, so Pippa winked.

Her friend gave a slight nod, smoothed a loose strand of gray hair behind a bejeweled ear, and straightened her back. The elderly woman had held the job of office manager for years. She wouldn’t be opposed to spending a fair amount of time with a handsome Marine, even if her task was to discourage him from volunteering while offering to handle his donation. Pippa chuckled. They’d developed the routine years ago in order to weed out people who were not truly devoted to being a consistent helper. A constant turnover wasn’t good for traumatized animals.

“Mr. Vanguard, I’ll leave you in good hands.” Pippa pivoted, walked along a short corridor, then cut right to go to her private apartment. She glanced at David’s suite on the left side of the ranch house in false hope the door to his rooms would be open. No such luck. Other than their suites, the rest of the space was dedicated to the not-for-profit business. God willing, the horse ranch would remain in her care. Enough browbeating. She’d take one step at a time. Her date would be arriving in half an hour.

Her date? Kyle Walker, aka, her link to a grace period before the bank held her home in discharge of a debt justly due. The very sight of the skinny, tall man churned her stomach. Of those original thirty days, only fifteen were left. The charges and lawsuits against David must be dropped or she had to find him. Ha. Her only hope was to locate her brother. Could Captain Vanguard help her? In the bathroom she dropped her clothes and stomped on them. She shouldn’t have told Mattie to discourage him from volunteering. She could really use whatever he knew about David.

Showered and partially dressed in a long black skirt and silver bra, she blew the top of her hair dry and left the tail to be loosely knotted at her nape. A quick
knock resounded on her bedroom door. She clipped the pewter spring of the hair fastener into place. Not Mattie’s usual knock, but no doubt she couldn’t wait to get the scoop on Captain Hunk. “Come in.”

She grabbed another pin to fasten the hair on the other side.

“Hi, gorgeous. You look fabulous.”

The clip fell to the marble countertop as Pippa swirled around. “Kyle?”

She glanced beyond him. How’d he get past Mattie? Pippa wasn’t bashful, just unaccustomed to having a date walk into her bathroom, with her in underwear. She grabbed a damp towel to hold in front of her.

He threaded a loose strand of her hair between his fingers. “Mattie was occupied, so I thought I’d make my way back to your apartment.”

“Sorry, I’m late.” She sidestepped and rushed through the bathroom door, leading him into the sitting area. Damn, she wished she’d shut the bedroom door. He’d been making gestures and comments, trying to get her to have sex with him; however, money was attached to the offer.

Laid out on the end of the bed was her red blouse, sharp as a stop light.

“I know you didn’t have a mother around to educate you, and I’m surprised you didn’t pick this up during your university years, but men and women touch each other when they’re in a relationship.”

“Pippa?” Mattie shouted. Her hand braced against the door frame, she heaved deep breaths. One palm pressed on her chest, as if she could control the speed. Her wild eyes narrowed. “That banker-boy better not...” she mumbled.

Pippa flew to her blouse and slid it over her head, fully buttoned.

Mattie plopped on the Queen Anne chair, beside the door, the green velvet of the upholstery making her pale and sickly looking. She puffed air as fast as a steam-powered mill grinder. “Sorry, I guess I’m out of shape.”

“Shh, that’s all right.” Pippa bent to give her a quick one-armed hug.

“If it wasn’t for Basil, I wouldn’t have known.” She straightened and looked toward the entry.

“Shucks, ma’am, no thanks needed.” Basil’s southern drawl, barely noticeable before, rocked full force.

Pippa glanced at him. His arms were tucked, ankles crossed as he leaned on the fluted door trim. Had he seen her without a blouse? The very idea sent tingles deep into her core. Holding his stare, she tried to fight the want and desire flowing through her and remember he was searching for her brother. He was either a good guy or a bad, and at this point in time with his dream amber eyes shooting cupid darts of lust she wanted him to be…

“I don’t know what all the excitement is about. I mean, I’ve seen her naked.” Kyle’s sharp voice rang through the air.

Mattie hissed, then frowned.

Pippa drew a deep breath—
. She wanted him to be bad.

Basil straightened, planted his feet, and drew his lips together like an angry suitor. Which he wasn’t, but she wouldn’t mind him being one.

Beneath her hand, Mattie’s muscles tightened. “Why you—”

Pippa stood and turned to face Kyle. “We were three years old and the only reason you remember it is because the photos your perv uncle took.”

“Now Pippa, no need to call names. If you’ll recall it was a pool party.” Kyle grinned as if he did remember the day, the kiss, and they’d done the deed as adults.

Heat radiated through her, replacing the sweet tingling Basil had created. Would he think she’d drop her clothes at the least provocation? “Kyle—”

“And probably shouldn’t be talked about in public. Maybe we should wait in the reception area while the lady finishes dressing.” Basil walked inside the room and extended his arm for Mattie.

As if injected with youth serum, Mattie sprang to her feet and grabbed hold of the well-muscled forearm. “Yes, let’s have a nice cup of tea or maybe a shot of whiskey.”

“After you…sir.” Basil stood near the doorway, not budging.

Mattie had flushed bright crimson spots on her pale face. She was enjoying this as much—if not more—than Pippa hated the bad scenario.

Kyle snarled, not for long and probably not seen by the other two, but she caught it. Crap, the last thing she needed was for her ticket to holding the ranch, for those precious remaining days, to get annoyed.

Chapter 2

Valhalla Palace, Asgard

Skogul glanced around the bright, cold hall, accepting of the select group formed. She stood beside her best friend Kiara and her guy Harrison, and Göndul, grand leader of the female Valkyrie squad. In the center of their ring was Odin, Norse God and ruler of Asgard. Vivid battle scenes engraved the afterlife hall’s stone walls. Their god focused on the depicted fight scenes instead of looking Harrison in the eye.

Göndul stared straight ahead as if annoyed she had to attend this simple meeting. At the nape of her neck, hair the color of washed out stone was intricately twisted resembling a Celtic lovers’ knot. Her prop, an empowered wand, was always belted at her side. Currently her hand rested on the knob, her signature royal-purple crystal glowed on the head. She expected trouble.

Considering the group, this little impromptu meeting would not end in her favor. Skogul stared at each of them, trying to get a reading.

Odin, looking like a poor imitation of St. Nicholas, was a direct contrast to Harrison. Blond, tall, built like Heimdallr, the god with foresight, keen eyesight, and hearing, and a fantastic build. Harrison’s muscles bunched and bulged, pulling his shirt tight as he leaned over Kiara to whisper in her ear. His six-pack abs, as the Earth commercials stated, under the thin material drew her attention. She wanted to touch them.

Kiara, having the Valkyrie power of mind reading, shot her a dark look.
Oops, must not have blocked my thoughts.

Since the beginning Valkyries only sought candidates from warriors on the brink of death, that small period of time when the soul departs from the human body, to be part of Odin’s special army. Never before had they invited a mortal man, certainly not an injured one, to become an immortal. When did the new guy get so much influence?

Granted, Harrison had been given more supernatural powers than the Einherjars, the mindless robots designed to fight Odin’s battles, and less than Valkyries. The new rank put Harrison Lombard somewhere between Odin’s warriors and choosers of the slain. Recent recruits of the Special Ops Forces couldn’t read minds; however, they could transport to any time after their immortalization. Other powers might exist for Harrison, but she didn’t know the extent of his abilities.

Harrison had a profound crease in between his eyebrows. Beside him stood Kiara, a woman so alike in coloring and body type to Skogul she could have been her baby sister. As best friends they had similar interest and goals within the squads. They both wanted to climb to the top. However, Kiara got side tracked and chose Harrison as her life-mate. Skogul would never say out loud that Kiara had selected a fine partner. As leader of the First Squad and the wisest, she should always present herself as a role model and having a life-mate wasn’t in her future or any Valkyrie wanting to increase in status.

Kiara had disobeyed Odin’s command to take her chosen Einherjar, instead leaving Harrison to heal on the battlefield. She told her friend to forget the Marine, but Kiara continued to pine. Adapting Harrison’s battle strategies and uniform she approached Odin and was exiled to Earth as punishment where she’d fallen in love with the human.

Odin forgave Kiara and being a man who believed in love and marriage he allowed Harrison to join her in Asgard. Skogul had been the one given the mission to escort Harrison to Valhalla. The two lovers had been nearly inseparable. She understood why Harrison, the new supernatural leader of a Special Ops group, and Kiara were summoned here and why the leader of all Valkyrie squads, Göndul, was hovering nearby, but what she didn’t understand was her role in this little play.

“Harrison.” Odin granted him a sideways glance as he wrapped his fingers around the arm of the elaborate gold embossed throne seat. “You believe Basil Vanguard is the most qualified of all humans, of this century, to become your second in command?”

“If Basil willingly agrees, he’ll become a member of the elites in the Special Ops and not an Einherjar, correct?” Harrison rubbed his head, where a gunshot wound had creased his hair line, changing the scar from pink to white.

Skogul inhaled, trying to calm her nerves. Disrespect or being questioned by an inferior was never acceptable to Odin. She glanced at Kiara to determine her reaction. Other than broadening her stance, no facial expression told the tale. Why wasn’t she shaking or at least trying to defend her
soul mate
? Piss, now Kiara’s fanciful ways were influencing her thoughts. Only poets spoke of soul mates, because the romantic concept wasn’t real.

“Aye, as agreed.” Odin turned to Göndul and nodded. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ve a pressing issue to address. Best of luck to you all.”

, what underworld madness had taken over? Were they all traveling to Earth to secure this one measly human? She could transport Captain Basil Vanguard with her eyes closed and that’s what they’d have to be in order to ignore his crooked front teeth and obnoxious pick-up lines. Why did they even want Vanguard?

A flash of lightning cloaked Odin’s exit, chair and all. Göndul stepped from the imitation Druid circle where they’d gathered. Unlike Odin who chose warriors from the fallen, Druids took human sacrifices. Was Odin intending to take a sacrifice? Basil? Göndul’s shimmering purple gown sparkled as she moved. With only one sleeve the dress resembled a Grecian toga and showcased a well defined arm. Perfect sinew bulged as she settled her hands on her slight hips. She was hot and knew it. Skogul wanted to hate her, but she had too much respect for the woman and her rank. “I’ve been commissioned for this task, although I’m not in favor of bringing another—”

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