Pieces of Jade (Pirates of Orea) (22 page)

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Authors: Lani Woodland,Melonie Piper

BOOK: Pieces of Jade (Pirates of Orea)
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He barked a surprised laugh and rubbed his eyes.

“Let’s replay the events from the last few days. You snuck onto my ship, forced a marriage in order to stay, stole the medallion, and defected to an enemy vessel. I would say your arrival followed so closely by the navy’s is too neatly planned to be a coincidence.”

“You think that I was in league with the navy?”

“It’s the only plausible explanation.”

“You’re wrong.” I turned back to stare at the wall. The captain waited a few seconds for me to say more, but I remained silent.

“Did you steal the medallion for them?”

I shook my head.

“You expect me to believe that,” he exclaimed, raking his fingers through his hair in exasperation.

I shrugged. “It’s the truth.”

His mouth hung open silently as he searched within himself, allowing the bond to verify my words.

“Yes, curse it, it is.”

I couldn’t help but smirk at his obvious disappointment, and it only furthered his irritation. He stood up and folded his hands behind his back.

“Did you know they were going to attack?”

I shook my head.

“Still, the first chance you had you stole the medallion and tried to take it to them.”

“How do you know, sir, that they hadn’t taken it first and I merely went to their ship to steal it back?” I countered.

The captain threw his head back and laughed. “Oh, you are a brazen one.” He looked at me appreciatively for a moment. “Did you steal the medallion from my room?”

“I didn't steal it.” It was the truth. The medallion still belonged to me more than him, even though it was in his possession. The blood bond verified the truth of my words and the captain frowned, his brows creasing together in confusion.

“You speak the truth. So the navy removed it from my room?”

I smiled. “Someone stole it, but it wasn’t me.”

He laced his hand together behind his neck, his lips pursed. “But you did take it to them. Why?”

“To stop the killing.” I didn’t feel the need to elaborate on
who I was trying to keep alive.

“You’re telling the truth,” the captain said, truly baffled. “If you didn’t steal it, who did?”

My hands pressed into the damp floor and a sliver embedded itself into my skin. I remained silent, refusing to answer his question. I had nothing more to say.

Finally, his mouth pressed down into a hard line and cold fury flickered in his eyes. “You won’t answer my questions? Fine. This interview is over.” He turned towards the door.

“Her punishment?” Edmond asked, startled at the abrupt end to our conversation.

“Ten stripes with the cat o’ nine in ten minutes. Gather the men.”

“You’re going to whip me?” My words were hardly above a whisper. Even with my already low opinion of the captain, I’d had no idea he’d stoop so far as to beat an old woman.

“Ah, now she speaks. It’s too late.” He crossed his arms. “When you joined the crew you agreed to obey the same rules as every other member. That means you’re subject to the same punishments as well. You’re not above the law, Sheridan. Believe me when I say, this is a merciful punishment.
Lafe, you will apply the whip,” he continued, pulling some leather gloves from his belt and easing them onto his hands.

balked. “Me?”

“You can’t expect me to whip my own sister-in-law, although admittedly she isn’t much of one and it would bring me no small amount of pleasure. Besides, the second in command is her husband, and Thomas is at the wheel. So
Lafe, I randomly pick you. Congratulations.”

frowned. “It would be like whipping my own gran.”

“Don't let her wide-eyed looks fool you. She's as dangerous as any man I've ever met. And if your
gran had tried her hand at treason, she would be whipped too,” he added. “But I wouldn’t make you do it then.”

shook his head. “I can't do it, sir.”

“No?” the captain asked, turning to look him square in the eye. “Think of everything she almost cost us.”

Whatever this meant to Lafe, it seemed enough to convince him. He considered for a moment before nodding. “I do see that, but I’m not up to it, physically. I’m still recovering from battle.” His bandages were proof of that.

The captain nodded. “Then congratulations, Edmond. As you’re about fifth or so in line, the duty falls to you.”

“You're right,” Edmond said. “She deserves it.” He glared at me, his eyes cold and hard. A whisper of fear swept down my spine..

“Good,” the captain replied, and strode from the brig. “Lafe, bring her up on deck. Drag her by the hair if you have to.”

Ten minutes later I was escorted to the deck, which still reeked of blood and smoke. I didn’t dishonor myself by fighting against
Lafe when he came for me. He never once so much as looked at me, his mouth set in a grimace the whole way. As we stepped outside, I squinted against the glare of the sun off the ocean. Lafe released me from my shackles and tied my hands above my head to the mast.

His face appeared before mine, his expression softening and his eyes almost gentle. “I'm sorry Miss Sheridan,” he whispered before turning away and taking his place among the rest of the crew.

The crewmen had gathered as instructed, looking cleaner and less bloody than the last time I had seen them, but still worse for the wear, several still wrapped in bandages. Others were missing from the ranks, probably either too wounded to stand or dead.

The captain had dressed in almost formal attire
, his blonde hair neatly combed, and waited until I had been secured before descending the steps from the helm. William was nowhere to be found. I wasn't sure how I felt about that. Was I relieved that he wouldn't see my humiliation, or did his lack of presence mean he had abandoned me? He had been so kind and protective during my time here. It seemed strange that he wasn't here now. Perhaps he agreed with the others and felt I deserved it. I didn’t realize I had counted on his presence to get me through this until he wasn’t here. Once again I was alone.

The captain surveyed the ranks and frowned. “Where's William?” he yelled.

“He refused to join us, sir,” Lafe said. “He said he was busy.”


“Aye, sir.”

The captain's jaw clenched, and I couldn't help but marvel at how far William was able to push his brother's patience.

“Very well,” the captain managed to grind out from between his teeth. “We'll proceed without him. It might be better that way,” he muttered, then spoke up so his voice carried across the whole vessel.

“Mrs. Sheridan Fredricks was caught trying to commit treason against the captain and crew of the Promise. She stole the map we worked for months to acquire at great cost, and tried to give it to our enemies. Happily, she was apprehended before she could complete said treason.” He paused then, letting his words sink in, and looked out at the crew. I heard several feet shuffle in discomfort, but the captain seemed to feel no unease at all. “She claims part of her reason was to stop the bloodshed,” he continued in his booming voice. “This part of her statement is true. Because of this, her punishment has been lessened.”

A murmur went through the crowd. Some of them approved of the captain's actions while others shook their heads in disagreement.

“I will not take her life. I will, however, give you her blood. This is a reminder to you; none of you are free from punishment on this vessel. No matter your age or relation to me,” he said, his words aimed directly at me. His eyes left me and scanned the crowd. Several of the men took off their hats as Edmond approached.

I was shaking with fear. My eyes met his and he smiled wickedly. His hand flexed on the
whip’s handle and twitched, sending the rope and the sharp bits of metal woven into its fibers jerking across the floor. The ship was silent; not even the cry of seagulls could be heard.

“Wait!” a familiar voice called out. I looked over my shoulder and saw William grabbing Edmond’s hand and brandishing a piece of parchment at the captain. “As written in the by-laws, I invoke the rite of proxy to accept my wife’s punishment.”

A general cry of protest rang among the men. The captain’s face turned a shade of purple and he stared at his brother, thunderstruck and unable to speak.

“William,” he warned at length, his
blue eyes flashing gray.

“Captain,” William said back. I couldn't help but notice the way he addressed his brother. He seemed to be following standardized procedures that not even the captain could argue against. “I will take her place,” William affirmed, walking towards me. He grasped the ropes that bound me and unwound them.

“What—” I asked, but he put a gentle finger against my lips.

“There's no need to waste your words,” he whispered, low so only I could hear. “I'm determined to do this.”

“William!” the captain yelled, a vein bulging in his neck. “Get away from there! Edmond, tie her back up and finish it!”

“Stand aside.” He nudged me out of the way.

“Thomas!” William called. “Thomas, leave the wheel and come decide a dispute.”

Thomas came down to stand beside the captain who quickly explained the situation. Thomas shrugged. “It does state in the bylaws that one can substitute the place of another in cases of punishment.”

“Yes, but only if that person is a direct relation—” he cut his words off with a moan and glared at William. “Have you gone

“Secure the rope,
Lafe,” William commanded, holding up the ropes that had moments before bound my wrists. Lafe stepped forward and tied William’s hands, then patted him on the back before sinking back into the crowd. “Begin, Edmond.”

“Belay that
order! I don't approve of this! William, step away from there and go have the doctor check you for a fever! Edmond, secure Sheridan back up in the ropes!”

s worried gaze went from William's calm expression to the captain's furious glare and back again. At length he mumbled under his breath and shook out his shoulders. He let out a roar as he lashed out with the whip to deliver the first blow.

!” the captain shouted as the cat o’ nines snapped through the air. William clenched his lips and his head fell forward. The sound of leather cracking against skin made bile rise in my throat, and I screamed and looked away.

“It's too late, Captain,” Thomas said. “He has the right and it's already begun. He has to finish.”

The captain strode straight towards me, eyes blazing. I took a step back but he managed to grab my face and turn it roughly toward William. “No looking away! You will watch this! You will see what your actions have done!”

The sound of the whip cracked again and I gaped in horror as each stroke tore off bits of flesh, leaving long bloody gashes. William pressed his lips closed to stifle a scream of agony.
His hazel eyes darkened and the surrounding scars bunched as he shuddered. The light brown hair secured at his neck fell free, tendrils sticking to his sweaty skin. Over and over the lashes repeated and I cried and begged for it to stop, but to no avail. The tears flowed freely down my cheeks as William bravely—stupidly—took my punishment. With each lash, Edmond’s face tightened harder and twisted further until he looked more animal than human.

I brought my hand up, covering my sobbing mouth. How could he endure this? Why had I let him take my place? He hadn’t done anything wrong. This wasn’t right! Every drop of blood, every wince, every muted scream accused me. The blood seeping down his back should be mine, my skin should be the one torn apart. I surged forward to try
to stop Edmond or hold William or . . . I didn’t know what, but the captain held me firm, still not allowing me to look away.

After eight lashings William lost consciousness. His legs gave out from underneath him and he hung from the rope like a rag doll. The captain's grasp loosened as he took in the sight of his brother and I used the moment to wrench myself free from his grasp and drop to my knees.

“Let me take the rest. Please! He doesn’t deserve this! Please!
!” A sob racked my chest and my tears fell onto his black boots.

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