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Authors: Deena Remiel

Picture Perfect (7 page)

BOOK: Picture Perfect
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“Oh my God, I’m going to that floor, too. That’s so funny.”
Oh my God, have I landed in Valley Girl Land?
“So are you here for business or pleasure?” She gave Hope one of those vacuous looks that meant she asked the question but didn’t intend on listening to the answer.

“A bit of both I guess. My boyfriend is involved in a photo shoot on the grounds here and we’re staying for a bit of relaxation.”

The vacant look dissolved for a fleeting moment into a cold glare and rapidly changed back to pleasantly stupid.
Strange woman.

“What about you?”

“Pure pleasure.” She grinned wickedly. The elevator doors opened suddenly on a wall of windows that illuminated hallways to the right and left.

“Well, enjoy your stay,” Hope told the stranger brightly and turned right down the hall.

As the woman did the same, they laughed at the coincidence and continued walking. Hope stopped at her room, 306. “Well, this is me. Bye now.”

She turned to her door and unlocked it. As she entered the room, a strong push against her back sent her careening into the lacquer desk causing her to drop her crutches. “Ah!” She’d landed on her right foot and pain shot straight through it like a scalding hot dagger. The door slammed shut behind her.
What the hell’s going on?
She turned to see the woman from the elevator standing before her, huffing and puffing like a tea kettle ready to blow, with one of her crutches clutched in her hands.

“Jamie will never be your boyfriend, you fat cow! He’s mine!” The wild-eyed woman swung the crutch wildly in the air and connected with Hope’s head.


“Man it’s been a while since Hope’s been gone. I wonder what the hold-up is. I hope she’s all right.” Jamie swiped his forehead with a towel and leaned against the tree.

“I bet it’s taking her forever with those crutches.” The model took a towel of her own, sat down on a root, and patted her face, neck, and arms.

“I think I’ll go meet up with her in case she needs help after all. Why don’t you go ahead and get some of your solo shots done?”

“Sounds like a plan.” She smiled and walked over to the photographer to discuss set up.

Jamie had an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. He walked into the hotel and up to the bar, immediately waving one of the bartenders over. “Hey, have you seen my girlfriend, a young woman with crutches, come by here recently?

“Yeah, I’m getting water and ice ready for her. She’s gone up to her room for a backpack to carry it.”

“Thanks, man.” He walked over to the elevators and pressed the button to go up. The doors opened immediately and he stepped in. Staring at his feet, he tapped his fingers against his thighs and waited impatiently for the elevator to reach his floor.
Can this thing go any slower?
The doors opened and he squinted from the bright sunshine washing over the entire hallway.
I hope we didn’t pass each other like two ships passing in the night.

He stuck his card in the lock and opened the door. Something wouldn’t let it open all the way. “Hope?” He looked down as he pushed the door open a bit wider. Walking into the foyer, he saw what had blocked the door from moving freely. Hope’s crutches were on the floor.
What are they doing there?
“Babe, are you all right?” He walked deeper into the suite.

is fine. Can’t say the same about the cow on the bed.”

“What the hell? Hope!” He ran straight over to the bed closest to the window. There she laid, unconscious with blood dripping down her temple.

“She took a mighty tumble, poor thing. I guess whacking her with a crutch helped her along a bit, but being built like a heifer, I’m surprised it didn’t take more than one hit to knock her out.”

He turned to find the psycho model from hell sitting naked on the other bed, glaring at him. “Holy shit, Brittany! You’ve gone way too far, you sick, twisted bitch.” He grabbed a pillowcase off a pillow and pressed it to Hope’s head in an effort to staunch the flow.

have. How could you two-time me with the likes of her? I told you I forgave you for being mean to me the other day. That we could still be together. But you didn’t answer any of my text messages or phone calls. I had to do something to get your attention.” She whipped out a gun and pointed it directly at his chest. “Do I have your attention now, James?”

“Yes, Brittany, you have my attention.” He froze where he stood. “What do you want?”

“I want you to listen to me. I want you to hear the love I have for you in every word I say. And I want you to move away from ‘No Hope’ over there. Come to me, James. She’s going to wake up soon and I want her to see what a couple should look like when they make love. Not like the two of you the other night. I’m sure you agree that our performances were far superior. You agree, right?”

“Of course.” He spoke through gritted teeth.

“Move over to the foot of the bed and take off your clothes. Time for an erotica photo shoot, minus the photo. Shoot to be determined.”

He did as she directed, taking his time undressing, wishing Hope would wake up and provide enough distraction for him to get the gun away from Brittany.

“Lay down on the bed right here.” She patted the empty space beside her, but got up from the bed and moved by Hope. She pointed the gun to her head and he moved quickly to the bed to lie down. “Tell me you want me.”

“I want you.”
To die a thousand deaths.

She touched her breasts with her free hand. “Tell me I’m the only one for you.” She reached down between her legs.

“You’re the only one.”
Who’s gonna pay for your insanity.

She slunk over to the bed and slithered up his body. His chance to get the upper hand closed in. He felt something cold down below.
Son of a bitch, she plans to neuter me!

“I’ve been waiting for this moment for such a long time, James. Kiss me, hard, like you did in our last shoot together.”

As she grabbed his hair with one hand, the other with the gun still resting on the family jewels, he heard Hope stir and moan.

“Oh good, I can hear she’s awake.” She giggled maniacally and called out, “You’re awake for the best part, loser! Watch and learn how real love is made.”

She kissed him hard, nipping his lips and sucking on his tongue, and writhed on top of him like an eel. Thoroughly disgusted, he wanted to puke, but could do nothing as long as the gun stayed trained on his ‘gun’. Suddenly, he heard a shriek and watched as Hope slammed her body into Brittany’s, effectively knocking her off of him. He immediately went for the gun and wrenched it out of her hand. Turning it on her, he took the safety off.
Damn it.
She had the fucking safety on? I didn’t have to wait to make a move?
She scrambled back against the headboard, confusion and rage reddening her face.

“No! It’s not supposed to be like this! You’re supposed to love me! Only me!”

“You’re a sick woman, Brittany, and you need help. Hope, call 911, and find me something to tie her up with, please.”

“Got it.” Hope stumbled about the room until she found some loose lamp wiring for the nighttime shoot.

The next few minutes were a blur as they secured Brittany and covered her naked body. The police were on their way, as well as an ambulance. Hope didn’t feel well and he told her to lie back down on the other bed. Brittany seemed to have lost all reason, mumbling incoherently about destiny and love, Jamie’s name laced throughout her ramblings. He joined Hope and cradled her in his arms. Hard decisions needed to be made. He’d be miserable, but Hope would be safe.



Chapter Eight


A possible overnight stay at the hospital for Hope put Jamie in a very noticeable and quite awful funk. Thank goodness he’d had to leave her for a while to give a statement to the police and tie up loose ends at the hotel. When he returned to find out she had to stay over, his mood sunk from grizzly to brooding. At the moment, he stood looking out the window of her room, seemingly contemplating the fate of the world.

“Hey, Jamie.” He turned, his face etched with weariness and shadowed by a long day. “I’m only here as a precaution, standard procedure and all. I’m feeling much better, and look, I got a designer Sesame Street Band-Aid on my head. I asked for it special. Gotta keep your sense of humor, you know?” He smirked and nodded. “Come here, lovey. You are seriously out of sorts.”

He walked over to her bed, slipped off his shoes, and looking like a forlorn puppy, nestled into her awaiting arms. She stroked his hair, kissed his head, and held him so he’d feel good and safe. She felt him shake and heard him sniff, and knew he was upset. “Sh, sh, shh. Baby, it’s all over. She certainly scared the shit out of us, but she’s gone now and everything’s going to be fine. She can’t hurt us anymore. Shhh.” Her heart ached for this man whose physical beauty and charming personality were both blessing and curse.

“I nearly lost you today, Hope. I don’t know what I would have done if anything had happened to you. It’s all my fault. I brought you to the hotel. I should have had you stay home.”

“You couldn’t know she’d be there. Even the police couldn’t track her. No, there’s no second-guessing insanity, honey. But now, she can’t prey on anyone else, thanks to you. So something good’s come out of all of this.”

“Yes, that’s true. But it won’t end, you know. There’ll always be someone else who can’t keep fantasy and reality separate. They’ll go too far just like Brittany did, and one of these days, something much worse could happen.” He snuggled in closer.

She gently raised his head up so he could see her face. “Now you’re generalizing and anticipating the worst, Jamie. You can’t foresee the future, so why paint it so horribly?”

“I’m just tired of it, Hope. I don’t mind being considered an object of desire.” He leaned his elbow on the mattress and his head in his hand. “That’s my business, enticing women to buy books with my pictures on them. But I’m tired of the bullshit I gotta put up with behind the scenes. And I never thought I’d ever put someone I care about at risk because of it. Something has to be done.”

“Before you haul off and make any rash decisions, sleep on it. It’s been a trying few days for us both. Let it be for now. Hey, maybe if we’re really quiet, the nurses won’t notice that you’re still here and you can stay the night.” Grinning wickedly, she raised her eyebrows a couple of times.

“How do you do it?” He laughed and shook his head.

“How do I do what?”

“How are you able to take the worst situation and turn it into a positive?”

“Well, ever since I tore my foot apart and met you, I’ve been able to see the positive in a lot of things.” She leaned in and kissed him lightly on his lips.

“Well, it’s time for me to put the ‘wuss’ aside and be the man that saved you in the first place.” He wiped the lingering moisture from his eyes with the back of his hand, scooted up further on the bed, and wrapped his arms around her, every inch of his body touching hers. “My turn to comfort you.”

“Mmmm.” She closed her eyes, luxuriating in the feel of his strength, his power, surrounding her like a cloak. “God, you’re just what the doctor ordered. I’ll scream if they kick you out.”

“The door’s closed. Are you well enough to tempt fate?” She felt him harden against her thigh and looked up to find desire burning strong in his eyes.

She pulled his head down to hers and whispered into his mouth, “I thought you’d never ask.” A blazing fire ignited in her belly and spread like the wildfires of California to all the secret places Jamie had found the other day.

Her hospital gown scrunched up easily. His clothing proved the bigger challenge. “I’m feeling all sorts of wicked right now. Just undo your pants and stay under the covers.”

BOOK: Picture Perfect
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