Pick Your Pleasure (7 page)

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Authors: Jayne Rylon

BOOK: Pick Your Pleasure
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Ryder looked to her and her
alone. “It’s your call, wildcat. I’m up for whatever you desire.”

“I didn’t come this far to back
out now. Let’s do it.” She smiled over his shoulder at his friends and tossed
them a timid finger wave.

They were good-looking guys,
that’s for sure. Grant had a suave air about him. All his motions were fluid
and graceful. Though he wasn’t as tall or as broad as Ryder, he had a lean,
lithe body that tempted her to touch. And that was even before her gaze wandered
over his long erection. “Hello to you too, sweetheart. Ryder sure did hit the
newbie jackpot tonight.”

Todd grinned. “And us too.”

Linley switched her focus to the
rough-and-tumble man. His enormous shoulders and powerful thighs made her
fairly sure he had to be a professional athlete, or a trainer, or a body
builder. His blond hair and rich green eyes helped keep him from looking too
sinister. Despite his size, he was gentle when he stroked her hair. “You’re
very pretty, Linley. And brave to wander down here your first time out.”

“Hell, it took Todd two years at
Underground before he made it to the Basement.” Grant poked fun at his friend.

When they looked as though they
might deteriorate into roughhousing, which Grant stood no chance at winning in
brute strength—though maybe in swiftness or agility—Ryder took charge.

“Focus guys, or I’ll find a new
set of sidekicks. I’m not messing around with Linley’s experience. Tonight
should be special for her. Perfect.” He leaned down and kissed her lightly. “I
want her to remember this for the rest of her life.”

“Pretty sure you’ve already
achieved that goal.” She turned her cheek into his palm when he cupped her

“When did you become such a
bleeding-heart romantic?” Todd wiggled his eyebrows at Ryder. Grant had the
good sense to step in.

“Don’t worry about me.
Concentrate on bringing your
Ryder threw Linley over his shoulder, as if to prove he still had his swagger.
She didn’t mind. It got her to the bed that much faster. She laughed as she
bounced when he tossed her into the center then climbed on.

Ryder sat beside her, propping
her up on no less than thirty silk-cased pillows. He held her hand as he curled
his fingers toward his outstretched palm, inviting his friends to join them.
“Todd, you can make up for that smart mouth by getting over here and putting it
to better use.”

The bed dipped as the two large
men added their weight to the mattress. They stalked closer to her. Their
heated stares on her splayed, naked body had her shivering in Ryder’s protective
hold. “Nothing to worry about, wildcat. They’re actually decent lovers. Not as
good as me, but…close enough.”

Grant shared a conspiratorial
grin with Todd. “That sounded like a challenge.”

“It sure did.” He crawled toward
her like a predator on the prowl. Ryder and Grant did the friendly thing and
each wrapped a broad hand around one of her knees. They spread her wide for
their buddy.

Linley squeaked, then turned her
face into Ryder’s chest.

He was quick to correct her.
“No. Don’t hide from what they make you feel. It’s okay to enjoy what they give
you. Remember, it’s all a gift from me to you. Think of them like my extra sets
of hands. Or tongues.”

Grant cracked his civilized
veneer when he snorted. Todd took his cue. He dove between her legs, parting
her thighs and spreading them wider to accommodate his bulk. The first swipe of
his hot mouth over her mound had her arching off the bed.

The other two men ensured she
stayed in place for their friend. Ryder claimed her mouth and reached across
her chest, pinning her to the mattress while Grant secured her leg and petted
her belly. The overwhelming presence of the three men incited a riot of
mini-tremors in the general region of her womb.

Todd paused his oral
explorations long enough to lift his head and say, “Damn, she’s delicious. And
I can feel the little kisses of her pussy as it flexes. She’s already so wet.
Can I put my fingers in her, Ry?”

“Don’t let me stop you.” He
laughed. “Just go slow. Your hands are as fucking thick as the rest of you.”

Linley moaned as she considered
what those proportions meant for his cock. She couldn’t wait to find out. And
somehow it didn’t feel like a free for all with three men. It still seemed like
one extreme encounter with the single guy who’d elected to show her this good

Grant didn’t have to be told. He
focused his attention on Linley’s left breast, suckling and plumping the flesh
until she was distracted enough for Todd to introduce his fingers into her
pussy. Ryder alternated between soothing her with gentle reassurance and
mimicking Grant’s caresses on her other breast.

Six hands caressed her inside
and out. The intensity of their attention overwhelmed her with desire. She
reached out and tucked her fingers in Ryder’s hair. Softness feathered between
them, calming her and grounding her during the storm of passion that whipped
around her.

Todd groaned from between her
legs. She watched as his ass clenched. He humped the silk sheets, rubbing
himself on the bed while he feasted on her. The taste of her, or maybe the feel
of her smothering his fat finger, certainly turned him on.

Suddenly Linley went from
feeling shy for indulging in such decadence, to embracing the empowerment they
gave her. They made her feel desirable beyond belief. A goddess to be worshipped.

The thought alone had her pussy
clamping hard on Todd’s intruding digit.

“Damn,” his reverent mumble
served to vibrate her engorged clit, which he now flicked his tongue across.
Ryder was right. The big man was a good lover. Her body responded, and she
poured her ecstasy into a deep kiss with her escort.

When they broke apart, both of
them panting, he grinned. “You really like that, huh?”

“Mmm.” She hung on to both Grant
and Ryder, trying to ground herself.

“Damn,” Grant trailed his
fingers up and down her body. “She’s gorgeous. More and more by the minute. Is
she going to come soon, Todd?”

“I can make her tip over any
time you like.” The smug grin he flashed when he paused his skilled eating made
her tummy flip.

She wished she could deny it.
That she had more willpower than that. But Ryder took one look into her
lust-glazed eyes and knew Todd wasn’t boasting for nothing.

“Do it.” Ryder commanded his
friend. “Set her off.”

He left Todd to work his magic
and instead focused on her. The impact of his attention increased her enjoyment
exponentially. “Let go Linley.”

She did as he ordered.

Her body and heart responded
without giving her brain a chance to opt out. While she shuddered, soaking in
the bliss racing through her veins, the three men around her held her, soothed
her, enhanced her euphoria until she could hardly catch her breath.

Todd’s finger was forced from
her body by the spasms of her pussy.

“Let me taste her.” Grant
groaned, rubbing his hard-on against her hip.

Todd nodded. She expected the
men to switch places, but instead Todd held out his hand and Grant suckled his
extended fingers, cleaning them in a matter of seconds. Their unabashed sharing
had her pussy spilling more juice by the second.

“Damn,” Grant mumbled when his
mouth was empty once more. In their deliciously direct way, he said, “I’m dying
here. Let me fuck her, Ry? Unless you want the first shot?”

Linley appreciated his lack of
game playing and veiled innuendo.

“No. I don’t care who has her
before me. I want to be the
person she takes. Tonight…” He trailed off as if he intended to say more.

Todd cleared his throat, saving
Ryder from the awkward pause. He breathed heavily as he switched places with
Grant then caressed her breasts. “Your girl’s got a damn near perfect rack. You
know how I love to fuck a nice pair of tits.”

“Would you let him, Linley?”
Ryder smiled indulgently at them.

“Yes.” She tried not to shout
and managed, sort of.

“Good girl.” Ryder got to his
knees beside her head. “And how about me? Suck me while they ride you? For
their pleasure and yours. Just not too much. I’m not coming until I’m buried
inside you. Okay?”

Verbal assurance was not
possible because she’d leaned forward and engulfed his cock before he’d even
finished talking.

The tearing of a foil pouch
sounded through the grunts of the three men, who satisfied themselves and her
in the process. An instant later, Grant invaded her still quivering pussy.
Linley gasped, which only served to allow Ryder deeper in her mouth. The blunt
head of his cock nudged her throat, painting the taste of his pre-come on the
back of her tongue.

And just when she thought she
couldn’t take anymore, Todd straddled her easily. He gathered her breasts,
smooshing them together around the length of his cock, which landed in the
valley between them with a distinct
on her breastbone.

“You’re amazing, wildcat.” Ryder
stroked her hair and traced her stretched lips around his cock. “Taking three
of us isn’t easy. Not for some women. You’re a natural. So generous.”

Linley thanked him for his
praise by swirling her tongue along the underside of his shaft. His thighs
corded beside her and he froze.

“Not too much of that.” He
tapped her chin. “I won’t last if you do more. How’s it going over there

The gentleman lost most of his
chivalry as he plowed into her deeper and faster with every stroke. Though
there were lots of distractions, his efforts became harder to ignore as her
channel began the pattern of tightening all over again.

“She’s strangling me.” He
grunted. “We can make her come again. Soon.”

Todd gurgled as he slipped and
slid between the globes of her breasts. He pinched her nipples, twisting just
enough to add to her rapture. “I’m probably not going to be able to hold off if
I watch this pretty face coming. Especially while she’s going to town on Ryder
like he’s some kind of candy.”

Grant groaned. “You’re making
her hotter when you talk like that. Shit, I don’t think I can make it. I’m
going to come. Any second.”

The urgency of his play by play
did Linley in. She stared up into Ryder’s eyes. He smiled and nodded. Soaring
again, she wrung every last drop of Grant’s restraint from him along with his
seed. He poured blast after blast of come into the condom he wore.

True to his word, Todd observed
her surrender and joined her. He painted her chest with searing streaks of
pearlescent fluid. To see a man as big and strong as him reduced by the utter
devastation of his inhibitions spiraled her climax higher. She continued to
wring Grant’s embedded hard-on until he softened and pulled out.

Still her body demanded more.
Unsatisfied, she needed the one man she hadn’t yet pleased.

Todd rolled to his back, puffing
on the mattress beside her. He collected himself as Grant leaned forward and
kissed her cheek beside Ryder’s twitching cock, which still spread her jaw
almost uncomfortably wide. “You were magnificent.”

Grant’s kisses trailed down her
cheek and neck until he could massage the proof of Todd’s release into her
skin. She gleamed with another man’s come, but it only seemed to make Ryder
want her more. He retreated from her mouth and caught the condom Todd tossed
him in midair.

“Would you guys mind if we
finished this alone?” He clapped Grant on the shoulder then bumped fists with
Todd. “Thanks.”

“Anytime,” they replied in

“Welcome to Underground,
Linley.” Grant squeezed her hand then abandoned the bed. Todd followed suit.
She didn’t know or care where they went after that because Ryder claimed his
rightful spot between her legs.

She wrapped him in her arms and
welcomed him within her, against her body. He blanketed her, uncaring about the
way his chest slid against hers in the remnants of Todd’s orgasm. He advanced
inside her, using her copious arousal and the pre-stretched tissue to his best

Instead of the fast and furious
pounding she expected from the man who’d been on edge for a while, his tender
glides within her brought tears to her eyes.

“At the end of the day, this is
all I need,” he whispered to her. “This connection between us guarantees the
sex will be stellar even without all the bells and whistles.”

He validated the truth of his
statement by showing her over and over.

When he pressed inside to the
hilt then retreated, sometimes taking his cock all the way out so they could
enjoy his reentry again and again, she shivered all over. The intensity of his
stare, and the butterfly kisses he dusted over her lips, had her poised on the
verge of another climax when she would have thought it impossible.

Linley ran her hands up and down
the flexing muscles of Ryder’s back. She grabbed his ass and held him deep
within her. Staring into each other’s eyes, motionless except for the press and
release of their pelvises grinding on each other, they unraveled.

Ryder shouted her name. He bent
down and bit her neck, sucking ferociously, the pressure at odds with his
gentle rocks within her body. Contrasting sensations and the joy flooding her
soul had her coming with him.

Her body hugged him tight as
they enjoyed each other.

The ground-shaking orgasm went
on—long and low—for what seemed like forever.

When it faded to occasional
aftershocks, they collapsed together.


To find out what happened next
or search for
5B - Ryder Epilogue

2A - Linley Picked Chase

“You won’t regret that decision,
love.” The dazzling white smile Chase shared with her sent a thrill racing
through her belly. He entwined their fingers and squeezed.

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