Read Perv Online

Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

Perv (9 page)

BOOK: Perv
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Hell, she had enough on her plate right now. The last thing she needed was a man in her life. In fact, she’d received a nice reminder of her real-world problems earlier in the day when she’d paused to check her messages. It shouldn’t have surprised her to hear her mother’s voice on her answering machine. The woman called every Friday. By now, their relationship was so strained her mother didn’t have the foggiest idea that Jenna was currently at the wedding of her best friend, a friend Mrs. Joann Mathews had never met or heard of.

Jenna kept her new life separate from her old one. Katy knew all the details, but she was sworn to secrecy. Jenna’s family didn’t deserve to know about Jenna’s personal life. Nor did they show any indication they cared.

Jenna tugged a length of toilet paper free from the roll and dabbed at her cheeks. If her makeup got ruined, she’d be found out. She needed to get a grip and get back out there. Her melancholy trip down memory lane did nothing to help her pull herself together. If anything, it reinforced her resolve to put Mason Simmons out of her mind and move on with her life. Katy’s main goal had been to keep Mason and Jenna from ruining her night. She’d done everything in her power to prevent that. Now Jenna owed it to her friend to buck up and play with the big kids.

Deep breaths. She repeated happy thoughts to herself.
Kittens. Puppies
. Even hedgehogs were cute scurrying through her mind.

She pasted on a new smile, opened the door, and stepped up to the mirror. The damage was minimal. If she could calm down enough to get the splotchy red patches to recede, she’d be in perfect shape. No one would know.

Jenna sucked in a deep breath and stepped into the hall. She took one step in the wrong direction before realizing her mistake. But when she turned, an arm snaked out from around the corner and tugged her out of the hallway.

Jenna gasped, but in an instant she found herself plastered against the wall in the dim light at the end of the hall. An enormous plant stood to her left, blocking anyone from seeing her from that side. Her eyes widened as the huge man she would easily recognize blindfolded nestled his body against hers and lifted her arms above her head. He held them there, firm and secure, both her wrists in one of his hands.

And then his mouth was on hers, and he kissed her hard, his tongue demanding entrance to her mouth with a few swipes between her lips. She complied, unable to deny Mason anything. Her body melted into his frame. Her dress rose along her thighs, dangerously high. It hadn’t been that long to begin with.

Her breasts ached where his chest smashed them flat against her.

Mason tipped his head to one side and deepened the kiss, his tongue delving into the crevices of her mouth until she lost all train of thought. This was the first time he’d kissed her. After everything he’d done last night to scatter her brain, he still hadn’t kissed her.

Her eyes fluttered shut. All she knew was his lips, his tongue, and the way his body caressed hers against the wall. She couldn’t breathe, and she didn’t care.

She moaned and he pulled back, setting his forehead against hers. He reached with his free hand and covered her mouth. “Don’t do that. I can’t think when you make that noise, and besides, someone is going to hear you.”

Her eyes widened. She stared at him without blinking, his palm flattened against her mouth. She could taste his skin, and she wanted to run her tongue along the lines in his hand.

She inhaled through her nose instead, trying to regain one brain cell’s ability to function.

Slowly, he released her mouth and swiped her cheek with the pad of his thumb. “You were crying.”

She closed her eyes and took shallow breaths, panting really. Damn him and his vigilance.

“You’re killing me. Stop…liking me.”

She opened her eyes. “Are you serious?” What a strange thing to say to a woman. “I was doing fine until you dragged me into this corner to grope me in the hall,” she whispered with her most gravelly voice. “Fuck you.”

“You weren’t doing anything fine. You’re so transparent, I couldn’t swallow my dinner through the lump in my throat you put there with your sighing. And don’t cuss at me. It’s not becoming.”

“Fuck you again, you jerk.” She bucked against him, but he held her steady.

“Why are you so damn angry?”

“Oh, aren’t you a piece of work. You spend the entire evening ignoring me as though we’ve never met after rocking my world and turning it upside down last night. You
an ass. Katy warned me. I should have listened. I can’t believe I let you do all those things to me last night. I’m so embarrassed I could scream. And you don’t even like me.” Her voice rose above a whisper, and Mason covered her mouth again.

He set his forehead against hers and inhaled deeply. “First of all, I have yet to grope you in this corner.” He released her face and ran his hand down her side, grasping her breast and cupping it firmly in his palm.

Jenna squirmed, trying to avoid his touch, willing her body not to respond the way it was. Instead, her panties grew wet, and her nipples tightened against the inside of her dress.

Mason squeezed her tit hard through the silky material and then lowered his hand to her crotch to cup her pussy. He held her steady for one heart-stopping moment and then tugged her dress up with his fingers until the hem was too high on her thighs. Again he covered her pussy with his palm, pressing against her until he nearly lifted her off the ground. “
is groping, baby. I was doing no such thing. But thanks for the idea.”

When he released her, her dress didn’t fall back down. Instead he stuck one thigh between her legs and held her spread open. She had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from grinding against him. She was that hot, that fast.

“Second of all,” he began, gripping her chin lightly with his fingers, “I never ignored you for a moment. You just thought I did. I tried. God knows I tried. If Rafe or Katy knew what I was thinking throughout the ceremony and then dinner, they’d have my head.” He licked the slit of her mouth until she opened in a gasp.


“Hush. I have a few more things to say.” He bit her lower lip with his teeth and released it when she groaned. “It’s true, I can be an ass. I’m sorry about that. Yes, you should have listened to Katy’s warning. Please don’t be embarrassed about the beautiful way you came apart in my arms last night. I’m humbled by your gift.

“And it’s completely untrue that I don’t like you. I like you way too much. God knows why. I shouldn’t. I should walk out the door and never look back. But your body calls to mine on a level I’ve never experienced before. I need you like an addict needs their next fix.” The second he finished his speech his lips were on hers again.

The world spun as her blood went south.

His hand roamed her body, grabbing and squeezing her in so many places at once she thought he’d grown an extra arm or two. When he lowered his thigh and slipped his palm back over her pussy, she squealed.

“Shh. Baby, not a sound. You don’t want anyone to find you here like this, right?”

She tried to focus on his face. She shook her head and bit her lip.

“No sounds. Got it?” He stroked a finger under her thong as he spoke, dipping into her channel and then spreading her moisture up over her clit. “So wet for me. So aroused.”

“We should stop this.” She struggled against him, trying to free her hands.

“We should,” he agreed, making no movement to do anything of the sort. “But you know you don’t want to.” He lifted his hand away from her pussy and sucked his fingers clean of her juices, starting with his pinky and working his way to his pointer. When he was about to suck the last finger into his mouth, he changed his mind and dipped it into hers. “Suck, Jenna. Taste yourself on my hand.”

She obeyed, unable to stop herself. A flood opened in her core, and her wetness leaked down her leg. She moaned softly, her eyes fluttering closed.

Mason pulled his pointer out with a pop and reached between her legs again. He jerked her thong, tearing it from her body in one quick motion that had her gasping and widening her eyes to drink in his expression. He stuffed her panties in his tuxedo pocket, at least that’s what she imagined. She couldn’t see anything but the blue of his eyes.

And then he plunged two fingers into her pussy once again. He stroked her hard, adding a third finger and pressing his thumb into her clit at the same time. “Come for me, baby. I love to watch your face when you tip over the edge. It’s more gratifying than a good fuck.”

Jenna’s legs shook. She ground herself on his hand against his thigh. She needed release so bad, she didn’t care about the repercussions any longer. She wrapped her fingers around his and squeezed to steady herself, knowing her legs would buckle at any moment.

And then she shattered. Her orgasm took her by surprise with its intensity. She pulsed around Mason’s hand, her entire body jerking with each release.

As she came down, she slumped against his thigh, his hand pressing deeper into her.

Slowly, Mason released her hands and removed his leg from between hers. He steadied her shoulder with one hand as she shook out her arms. The last contact he removed was his fingers from inside her.

She moaned softly at the loss. “You ruined my thong.”

“I did.” He grinned. “I like the fact that you’ll be bare under that short dress now.” He sucked his fingers once again and then straightened her against the wall. “You’re flushed.” He rubbed her cheek with his thumb. “You have that just-fucked look.” He smiled wider. “I like it.”

“Yeah, well, I still had it this morning too, and Katy called me on it.”

Now he chuckled. “Oh, you’re a gem.” He kissed her lips. “Go back into that restroom and straighten yourself up. You have to come back inside. If you don’t have a smile on your face and a party in your step, Rafe will kill me.”

“Hmm.” She toyed with the idea.

Mason raised his brow. “Don’t test me, baby. You don’t want to see what I can be like when pushed.”

Jenna wasn’t so sure she agreed. So far her experiences with Mason had been unbelievable. Kinky, without a doubt. Edgy to say the least. But she’d never felt so alive.


Mason ducked into the men’s room, leaving Jenna to compose herself. He figured he had plenty of time. She wouldn’t be able to get the red off her cheeks for several minutes.

He smirked as he thought about her plight.

No one was in the restroom. Thank God. Men didn’t tend to flock there until they couldn’t hold their piss any longer. And even at that it was get in, get out. No dawdling.

Mason slipped into the only stall, lowered his zipper, and grasped his cock with one hand. As long as he could keep from making a noise, it didn’t matter who came in. This wasn’t going to take long.

Sure enough, before he had a guest, Mason leaned one hand against the wall behind the toilet to get a better angle and came, hard and fast. He released his cock, still leaning on the wall behind the commode to catch his breath. That woman had flipped his world upside down. He was sated for the moment, but far from satisfied…

When he left the restroom as though nothing were amiss, he hoped he looked like the world was his party. Inside he screamed at himself for his stupidity.

He hadn’t followed Jenna to the bathroom with any intention of fingering her in the hall. He’d only meant to kiss her to ease her discomfort so she could enjoy the party and stop fretting over his presence as a world-class jackass.

Jenna was not a woman he could have. He knew that. Rafe had made it clear. Katy had made it clear. Hell, even Mason could recognize Jenna wasn’t a woman accustomed to his kind of kink.

He never should have steered her down this path. He couldn’t be the man she needed in her life. He was a Dom, not a boyfriend. He was a fucker, not a lover.


Mason held his head high as he reentered the party, now going at full speed.

He danced with the bride and both of the other bride’s maids. He had a few drinks with the groomsmen. He toasted with the rest of the crew from the gym. Although they’d been dubbed The Fight Club, really they were just six guys who happened to be MMA fighters as well as Doms. Most people didn’t know that last part. They each had different careers and day jobs, but they were bound to each other through a mutual love for the exhilaration of both MMA and BDSM. When they weren’t working, they fought together and played together.

BOOK: Perv
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