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Authors: Annette Archer

Penny's Choice (12 page)

BOOK: Penny's Choice
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“So you’re okay with this?” Penny asked. They hadn't had time to talk since Charles found out that she had left him for Thomas. Penny suspected that was another reason that they had been sent out alone.

“Well... the blood...thing and,” he stuttered around.

“No, I mean us. Or me and Thomas now,” she said and looked into Charles's eyes. The elevator door opened and they stepped in.

“Oh, that. Yeah. I think you are a better fit for Thomas anyway,” he replied. “I mean maybe I'm not completely okay with everything, but we're still stuck together, so the sooner we get over this 'break up' thing, the better.” He pressed the button down to the first floor.

“You would have gotten bored of me anyway,” Penny said, staring ahead at the door.

“Well, um, in that way. I have a hard time expressing my feelings Penny.
, I felt very protective of you and couldn't
know, tell you...and so I just mixed them up with
romance and...
was stupid. I should have just tried to be your friend from the start, but I've never had a girl that was just a friend.”

Penny enjoyed watching Charles wriggle around and try to explain how his was feeling. She had a feeling that this would be the only time that he would ever talk about how he felt. She liked hearing it, but knew that he was uncomfortable and would just keep
rambling until she stopped him.

“Oh Charles, you're not getting all sappy on me know, are you?” She said and laughed at him as they exited the elevator. The smell of fresh baked French pastries met their noses.

“How about a snack before dinner?”
Charles said, abruptly changing the subject.

“Sounds good to me!”

And just like that Penny started her new life. A life that she felt finally fit her. She had a family that understood her and support system. She would be on the run probably for the rest of her life, but that didn't matter. She was in Paris, the City of Love, with the people that she loved. She was happy.


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Annette J. Archer



Titles by
Annette J. Archer


y An
ette J. Archer)


Angel (Angie) is a shy, quiet and somewhat awkward girl lost in the jungle that is middle school. Even Mason finds her a little awkward the first few times he sees her. Being the new guy in the school he is intrigued as to why she doesn’t seem to have any friends and sits alone even at lunch.

After a Science class in which they are paired together Mason decides to find out about Angel. Despite her obvious choice of avoiding social interaction in school something about her intrigues him.

It takes a while for Angel to open up but soon Mason finds out why she is the way she is. Mason is flabbergasted by what he hears but has promised not to tell anyone about it. The problem is it may one day cost Angel her wellbeing and ultimately her life.

Mason must now take it upon himself to be Angel’s ‘Savior’.


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(sequel to


) by Annette J. Archer


In Miracles Angel finally gets to meet her long lost brother. Her relationship with Mason hits the rocks as they both struggle to come to grips with the feelings they have for each other. Even harder is communicating those feelings.


Purchase “Miracles” from the Amazon Kindle Store @



Penny’s Choice
(by Annette J. Archer)


Nobody believes Penny when she says she sees Vampires and Werewolves.
Including her family.
Even after her family is killed by some of them nobody believes her.
Even her own grandmother who she moves in with.

Now all Penny wants is revenge. The only way she can get this is by joining “The Brotherhood”.
An organisation that fights against Vampires.
Just one thing, they are not what she expects to find.

Charles is her mentor/trainer at the Brotherhood. He just happens to have lost his family in a similar manner to Penny. Oh yeah, and he just happens to be very good looking.

Penny soon learns to fight and starts getting some revenge for the deaths of her family.

After finding herself in danger with Charles Penny is rescued by a vampire who turns out to not only be Charles’ brother but also the vampire that had ensured she had not been killed on the day she and her family had been attacked by the group of vampires. Penny also finds herself falling in love with him. Now Penny has a choice to make.


When Angel goes to visit her brother’s place over the summer she finds a new home and family she was never even aware of but at what cost to her blossoming relationship with Mason?


Purchase “Penny’s Choice” from Amazon Kindle @


For information on the latest books released by
Annette J. Archer



Other Titles
Nazarite Limited Publishing


Grape Juice
(by Chris D.


In “Grape Juice” Iris, who has just lost her mother to a long-time illness, moves into her Father’s house. It just happens that she will not only be living with the Father she never really knew but also have to stay with the step-sister she wished she never had. Fortunately, it doesn’t involve her step-mother.

Lorelei (Iris’ step sister) is not too keen on the arrangement herself but quickly sympathises with Iris’ situation. After all she had just lost her mother. It’s just that Iris can be a handful to spend time with.

In this story about family, friends and the angst of life we follow the two sisters as they learn about life, nearly lost their lives, argue, cry and laugh through their experiences in this coming of age story.


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Michael Kalla is only a young boy when his mother dies of cancer. He blames his Father who was abusive to his mother while she was alive.
After leaving home in a dramatic fashion at the age of fifteen Michael makes a success of himself.
Sure, he is in the illegal business of importing wines but using his charm and the business wit of his friend Lenny, Michael quickly becomes a success.

What should have been the dream life quickly turns into a nightmare once Michael finds himself with a gambling addiction. Owing “Big Jacques” (the local gangster) more money than he can pay off Michael with the help of Lenny realises he needs to disappear. Lenny ends up dead, while Michael escapes with his life, something he refuses to forgive himself for.

As Michael runs away from his past, he quickly finds himself on the run time and time again. It’s just that now he is not just running from a gangster but also from the women he leaves behind. It j
ust happens that the last “3
Women Scorned” decide not to take it lying down.


Purchase “3 Women Scorned” from Amazon Kindle @


or information
on the latest books released by
Chris D.



Like A Suicide
(by John J. Archer)


Why does order seem to come through chaos?

At least that’s what Wraith believes.

Wraith is a serial killer. He always knew this was his calling. He might just be the best serial killer in history. All he wants to do is bring order into this world. To him it just seems chaos is the best way to achieve this. Yet he may have just met his match in Detective Sweeney.

His latest victim James, who happened to have the nerve to steal from him seems to either not know who he is messing with or is the challenge Wraith has waited for all these years. Either way, Wraith plans to find out. It’s just that this time it’s not that easy. He wants to kill James and his long-term girlfriend Jennifer partly out of revenge but also to restore order through chaos. Something just seems different this time. It feels too much ‘like a suicide’.

With Detective Sweeney getting closer and James and the police force now aware he exists, Wraith has to do what he does best and overcome his feeling of this kill feeling ‘like a suicide’.


Purchase “Like
Suicide” from the Amazon Kindle Store @



Stealing Life
(by John J. Archer)


In a second, he’s gone.
Kidnapped by the deadliest gang in Mexico City, Fernando’s life in his father’s hand.
Problem is
his father doesn’t want to pay up.
Miguel is Fernando’s older brother. He wants his baby brother back, and with help from only his girlfriend Tania he is left to chase the leads and find his brother’s kidnappers—before they put a bullet in his head.
As the body count rises and the hours tick by, one question remains:
won’t his father pay up?
kidnap Fernando?
does a member of the police know the name of the kidnappers?
does the ransom letter arrive without the dozens of bodyguards spotting the writer?
do the kidnappers know Miguel’s every move?


Purchase “Stealing Life” from the Amazon Kindle Store @


or information
on the latest books released by
John J. Archer


BOOK: Penny's Choice
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