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Authors: Kim Brogan

Payback (22 page)

BOOK: Payback
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The DJ started playing, mostly western music
, although the bride herself was from Boston. In deference to her, every fourth song was one of her selections, and from the sound of it, she had hip-hop and soul leanings, along with a few old fogey songs for her parents. Marie mingled and talked to the people that had befriended her when she was staying in town, saying her good-byes and promising, although falsely, that she would return someday.

The DJ announced that there was a special song request and he was going to play it next. As the DJ geared up, Marie looked around, curious as to where Caden had gone. She jumped when someone from behind put a hand on her elbow. There was no question in her mind that the touch was Caden’s.  She turned
, and he gave her a nudge towards the dance floor.

“Wait until he plays the song
. I may not know how to dance to it.” She was worried since she had seen the crowd do several line and western dances that seemed intricate and which required coordination she sorely lacked.

“I’ll teach you.  Come on.”

She resisted a little at first, but when she saw people start to watch, she gave Caden a gracious smile and followed him out to the floor. The couples who wanted to dance were mingling around the edge of the dance floor waiting for the song to begin. Marie was somewhat surprised when she recognized the strains of one of her favorite country-western stars, Waylon Jennings.

They took the floor
, Marie feeling comfortable until she remembered the lyrics of the song.  The song,
This Time,
was a cautionary tale of a man who was willing to take back his woman, provided she behaved. Waylon warned the woman that there would be no other chances and that their success depended on her.

The fact that the song was about a woman who had screwed up and was given a second chance seemed too coincidental to Marie. Was this Caden’s request?  Was he letting her know that they might be able to make it work?

She looked up in his eyes, but he gave nothing away as he guided her effortlessly around the floor doing the Texas Two-Step. Not really knowing what to do or say, she chose to ignore the lyrics and enjoy the dance. When she looked out into the crowd everyone was watching them as if they were the main show. She closed her eyes and tried to concentrate on him and the way he felt. His cologne, an expensive brew of woodsy musk, was driving her nuts with desire. Concentrating on him was making everything worse, so she thought about how many hours she’d have to work before she could leave if he didn’t have sex with her. It dawned on her how prostitutes must feel, wondering how they were going to pay their bills if they didn’t score. Twelve hours—she’d have to work twelve hours before she could leave. Two days, Sunday and Monday. She could be on the road Monday night or Tuesday morning, if everything went right.

“Marie?  Did you hear me?”

“Oh! No, I was thinking about something.”

“I wanted to know if you wanted to go home in a few minutes? It’s almost ten.”

“Sure. We can go whenever you want to leave.”

“I’ve got to use the restroom. I’ll be back.” He
walked her back to the table, then left and went down the hall towards the bathroom.

Marie jerked back when she saw Corinne practically run down the same hall in his wake.
Crap! She’s going to give him head or screw him in the men’s room…he won’t want to have sex with me!
Marie looked around for Jason and discovered him on the dance floor with the older lady that had been sitting across from him. 

Marie grabbed her purse and crossed the room to the hall and walked quickly towards the restrooms. As Marie turned left
, she stopped.  Corinne was leaning up against Caden with her arms wrapped around his neck. Marie flashed red with anger. But then she saw Caden trying to pry those arms off of him.

“Corinne, I’m not interested.”

“You can’t be interested in that mouse you’re with. Everyone knows that you keep wiping your feet on her and she keeps letting you. You need a real woman. I’ll keep you on your toes; I’ll keep you happy in bed.”

He laughed at her! “You don’t know Marie, do you?” He shook his head
, as he finally managed to release her. “If Marie is a mouse, then I’m a wallflower. She’s only letting me wipe my feet on her because she’s tough and hard to break. And keep me on my toes? That woman never fails to keep me guessing. When it comes to making my world interesting, Marie Morrigan never fails. Now, Corinne, I suggest you go back to Jason and give him your attention. He’s a great guy.”

“You’re an asshole!” she spit.

“I’ve heard that before.” He turned and thought he caught a glimpse of someone ducking down the hall, but when he turned the corner, he saw no one.

He seemed edgy on the way home
, and she wasn’t sure why. Was this a good sign or not? All she knew is that would have given him anything he wanted for what he had said about her to Corinne. 

“Did you have a good time?” she asked.

“Yeah, I did. I like the people up here. Their views are clear-cut and they’ve got their priorities straight.”

“I agree. They are really nice.”

“They really like you,” he said. “I kept getting asked when we…” he stopped and said nothing more.

She knew what they were asking because she had been asked too
—“When are you two getting married?” It hurt each time she was asked, but she gave them a smile and simply said, “I’m just his housekeeper, nothing more.”

“You don’t have to worry. I told them I was just an employee.”

“So did I.”

They pulled into the long
, curving lane leading up to the house, and when they stopped, he turned to her. “Tonight, come to my room.”

She drew in a breath. This meant that in the morning
, she would be free; her debt would be paid. Nodding, she opened the door and stepped out, walking with some difficulty across the gravel and slush in heels. Upstairs, she folded her dress and put it into her duffle bag, along with her shoes and jewelry. Pulling her nightgown on over her head, she walked barefoot into his room and caught him in his stocking feet, his shirt open, as he unsnapped the button on his wrist. He looked like a wet dream--his chest exposed, with just enough hair on it so that you knew he was a man. The look he gave her was one of a wolf after his prey.

“Get in bed,” he ordered.

She climbed under the sheets and watched as he took the shirt off and then pulled his trousers off, revealing the boxers underneath. As he picked up the sheets, he looked underneath and saw her raise the nightgown to her waist, as she had done for the last few months.

Take it off.”

“You want me to take my nightgown off?”

“Yes. I want to see your breasts.”

There was a glitch in her breath. “Oh. Okay.”  Her fingers tightened over the fabric of the
short floral nightgown and then she gave it a tug over her head. Lying back down, she allowed him to see her breasts. He propped himself up on his elbow and studied her body, admiring the breasts he loved so much.

“They are still incredibly beautiful. Larger, but beautiful.”

She tilted her head down to look. They were definitely larger than six years ago. “I’m older, a little more fleshed out in certain places.” Marie expected a snide comment about her putting on weight, but was surprised when it didn’t come.

“The changes are nice. I like them.” He didn’t waste any time
. Gently taking her left breast in his hand, he nuzzled it, licked the warm flesh, the areola, and then he took the plump, pink nipple into his mouth, sucking softly and then passionately.

responded immediately. There was a pink flush over her body, her thighs tightened, and her vagina contracted. As he continued to fondle her breast, his free hand slipped between her legs and began to play, gingerly at first, his fingers dancing rhythmically around her clit before sliding deep inside her.

Gasping, Marie
held her breath as he dipped in and out, his thumb continuing to rub her clit at the same time. She grabbed at the bedspread and started to buck until he stopped touching her.

lifted her head, slightly dizzy, wondering why he had stopped. Looking down, she saw the crown of his head and then felt his tongue, the tongue that had always made her dance, moan, and come like a two-bit whore. “Yes, yes, yes…oh,
fuck, fuck, fuck”

Caden knew that scream
and the way her body rocked through the orgasm. He felt her thighs tighten next to his jaw as her thighs began to shake with pleasure. Moving his head slightly so that he could glance down at her toes, he grinned when he saw they were curled tight from the orgasm. As soon as he felt her muscles start to relax, he climbed up onto her, and, holding his erection in his hand, pushed up inside her.

He’d had her several times over the last few months, but this was different. Her naked body under his, the rippling of her body as she came, the smell of her sex, the wet heat inside her—it was as if he was being transpo
rted six years ago to those all-consuming moments inside her arms, between her legs, inside her body. It had been more than sex; it had been spiritual. He had owned her body for brief moments; she had owned his. Their union, their love, had been so deep and overwhelming that very little else mattered in his life. Caden wanted it back—all of it—her laughter, determination, lust for life, risk-taking, kindness, generosity, love, and, of course, her body.  He wanted to wake up next to her each morning and hold her in his arms each night.

It was so easy making love to her.
Not only was she wet and ready for him, but she smelled delicious, like sex itself. His face hovered over hers, their eyes making love to each other. Tilting his head to the side, he dropped down and kissed her with a passion she hadn’t known for years. Their tongues touched and tasted each other. The taste was familiar, sweet and salty. The kisses were so deep and so ardent it ignited all of his senses, making him even harder. And then she forcefully bucked up, taking him deeper inside. Marie squeezed the walls of her vagina around his engorged shaft creating the perfect combination of surprise, friction, and physical closeness. Caden’s balls exploded, sending his semen deep inside of her. As he climaxed, the sound that escaped from his mouth was a primitive grunt. When the electrical impulse faded, he collapsed onto her.

“Caden, I’m having a hard time breathing.”

Quickly rolling off, he apologized. “Sorry.”

“Don’t apologize.” Although she wanted to linger, let him hold her, she started to slide out of the bed. He pulled her back.

“No. Stay.”

“You don’t want me to go?”

Stay with me.”
He meant it; he wanted her to stay with him…forever.

There was something odd in his voice.  It wasn’t a command
; he was beseeching her. Marie lay back down and turned to him. He kissed her gently as he waited for her answer. She kissed back; her heart still up in her throat. 
Is this real or am I being played? Has he forgiven me? Or is he reminding me of what I’ve lost forever? God, I miss him. I miss this. I miss loving him and letting him love me.

fell asleep in his long, comforting grasp as he tenderly stroked her shoulder and upper arm. Still asleep, Marie rolled onto her back, freeing Caden’s arm. Looking at the clock, Caden smiled. It was two am. They would have delivered it by now.  He walked to her bedroom, grabbed her suitcase and the other two bags before taking them downstairs. Opening the back door to the mud room, he looked out. The repaired Porsche was sitting outside in the drive. He ran out in his boxers and pulled the keys out of the ignition before hightailing it back inside.

It’s freakin’ cold!

Back inside
, he did what he had to do and then went back upstairs, climbing into bed, waking her up. Earlier when he had pleaded for her to stay, she hadn’t responded.

She probably need
s time to think it through

But n
ow the choice was hers. Everything she needed was downstairs waiting for her if she chose to leave.
Hopefully, she’ll stay.

“Hmmmmmmm. Oh! Your feet are cold! Your legs…why are you so cold?”
she yelped.

“So you can warm me up. Come here,” he whispered.

Half asleep, she rolled towards him. Already hard, he rolled her on her back and then hooked his arms under her knees. Pulling her legs over his shoulders, he started to thrust in a slow, deliberate manner. 

It wasn’t a comfortable position, but because it was so uncomfortable, it was erotic
, and Marie enjoyed watching as he disappeared inside of her over and over until he finally groaned with satisfaction. In turn, he pleased her with his fingers, plunging inside of her over and over, the heat between her thighs rising until she screamed out, “Caden! Caden! Oh, fuck me, fuck me.” 

He smiled to himself as
the orgasm rose inside of her and then dissipated. “Sorry that I woke you.”

She giggled. “I’m not
,” she murmured. “You were always a wonderful lover.”

BOOK: Payback
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