Passions Pique (Passions Pique Satin's Passion) (13 page)

BOOK: Passions Pique (Passions Pique Satin's Passion)
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     Roland sneered to himself.

     “Then again, when you’re worth and sitting on a cool forty six billion dollars that you can access whenever you please, four billion dollars really isn’t that much of a risk to the likes of me. And the one hundred million isn’t even a drop in the bucket. So these are all just investments to me. Investments that cost me very little, but will pay out huge dividends in both the long and the short run.”

Roland’s words hit Gwen like a tractor trailer colliding with a brick wall. She reeled in her emotions and calmed herself so that she could get the confirmation that she needed. She knew that she needed to sound as normal and as uncaring as she possibly could.

“You don’t care about this deal at all, do you? All of this was a ploy. One big huge manipulation to trick Satin Silverstone into becoming one of your initiates.”

“That would be correct, Gwen. The acquisition of Satin Silverstone required extraordinary measures, because she is an extra-ordinary woman. Had I attempted to attain her through any other methods, I would have failed miserably. And I do not fail, Ms. Pastel. When I set my sights on something, I do not stop until the object of my desire is mine. I would think that you, of all people, would know that better than anyone.”

Gwen’s poker face was waning. She could feel all of the blood leave her cheeks. This was it. Roland had found someone whom he desired more than her. And he had no shame in letting her know it. Gwen was mortified. But refused to show it. She was too dignified for that.

“What are your wishes now, Mr. Pique?”

“I have it from here, Gwen. You are done for the day. Go and enjoy yourself.”

“Very good, Sir. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Roland watched Gwen as she left his office. Gwen casually walked to the service elevator that took her down to her suite and showered. Roland watched from his monitors. She put a casual short set, as though she was going to take a walk on South Beach and strolled out of the door whistling some tune that Roland didn’t recognize. She seemed her normal happy self. Not a care in the world. Perhaps she was more well-adjusted than Roland had realized. If so, good. He would not tolerate anyone rocking his boat. That included Gwen. Best that she understands that from the very beginning. The elevator finally reached the lobby floor and Gwen walked out into the lobby with pep in her step. Then she went out of the main doors and out of the range of Roland’s cameras and technology. Out of Roland’s reach completely.



Satin had been back from Okinawa for a week but had not been back to her office or to Passions Pique. She took the time she needed to figure out exactly what she wanted out of her life and what was the best way to go about doing it now that she was one hundred million dollars richer. And she needed to do it without any outside influences at all. Derrick had made no attempts to reach her at all. She knew that he knew something. She wasn’t sure how much, but her own sense of guilt and shame kept her from reaching out to him. She hadn’t counted on this. On having her own sense of morality bash her about the choices that she has made. She had convinced herself that once she had the money that any guilt that she might have felt would have been inconsequential in comparison to what she had gained. If that was true, then why was she feeling like she had betrayed the one person who loved her most? Why did she feel like she had betrayed herself?

Satin finally made it back to her office to pack a few personal items. To say goodbye to her friends and to ask her secretary, Lila, if she would like to quit her job and come work for her. Of course she said yes. They laughed and then they cried as they hugged each other. And then she looked across the hall towards Derrick’s office and waved at Milly. Milly smiled and waved back, so Satin walked on over. It was time to face the music. At the very least, she owed Derrick an explanation. And before she left this place, before she gave up on the love that she and Derrick shared, we would give him the truth and pray that it would be enough for redemption.

“It’s good to see you, Milly.”

“It’s good to see you again too, Ms. Silverstone. Where have you been?”

“I’m starting my own investment firm. So I’ve been busy setting up the business. It takes a lot of work. Buying the building, hiring the employees, building a new client base, so I’ve been swamped.”

     “I understand”

     “Is Derrick In? I didn’t want to leave without at least saying goodbye to him.”

“You mean Mr. Billings? Oh my, you don’t know do you?”

“Know what? What are you talking about, Milly?

“After you closed the deal in Okinawa and didn’t come back, Mr. Billings quit his job.”


Satin was stunned beyond words.

“Yes Ma’am, no explanation given. He asked me to box up some things for him. I did. And the next morning when I came into work, his office was cleaned out and maintenance told me that he packed up and moved out of his suite here at the towers. No one has been able to contact him since then.”

“I can’t believe that he would just throw his whole life away like that. Why would he do this?”

“If you ask me, Ms. Silverstone, he couldn’t handle the fact that you turned down his proposal. Men don’t take rejection well at all.”

“Proposal? What proposal? Derrick never came to me with any proposal. What are you talking about, Milly?”

“Oh dear. This doesn’t make sense. So he didn’t propose to you last week?”

“Last week? No! Why would you think that? Milly, listen to me, I need to know what you know. Why would you think that?”

“Ok, Last week, when you and Mr. Billings were supposed to spend the day together, that was the day that you were called up to Mr. Pique’s office and given some big deal out of the country, that was the day that Mr. Billings had planned and prepa0red to ask you to marry him. He had me make reservations to several locations to make the day especially romantic for you both. And then he went to the Tiffany Diamonds Boutique down the street and bought you a twelve thousand dollar engagement ring.”

Satin’s head was beginning to spin. Her analytical mind quickly put all of the pieces together as Milly finished up.

“Everyone in the office was so excited for you both, especially me and Lila, but when you came in the next day and didn’t have the ring on, we all just assumed that it was because you turned Mr. Billings down cold. And he hasn’t been the same since that day.”

Satin was just shaking her head and before she knew what was happening, tears started to fall.

“Then two days ago, he was just gone. No goodbye. Just gone.”

“Milly, listen to me, there has to be a way to contact him or to find him. Did he leave a forwarding address for his last paycheck? Anything?”

“No Ma’am, I’m sorry. It’s like he just stopped caring.”

Satin couldn’t hold it back anymore. And she let the tears come. Lila came rushing to her side from the other side of the room while Milly was trying to get her to sit and try to calm down. Satin was crumbling. How could this be? The whole world had just been handed to her on a silver platter. And now the only man she has ever truly loved was gone. Something in her broke. And Satin was sure that all the money in the world couldn’t fix it or make it right.




     Roland watched Satin’s breakdown from the monitors in his office. He had waited patiently and now the fruit of his labors has paid off.

Derrick Billings was officially out of the picture, Satin had been liberated, but she was now a broken thing that no one would be able to fix, except of course for Roland Pique. No one else would even be able to come close to understanding her. Roland’s laugh came from somewhere deep within his own dark soul. He was more than just a little pleased with this victory. As far as he was concerned, the game was officially over.


     “Check and mate!”




     Derrick Billings had just finished setting up his new office when his cell phone went off. It was his stock broker, Steve Peterson. Derrick smiled, already knowing exactly what this call was about and the good news that came with it.

“This is Billings.”

“Dear God Derrick, I took the hundred thousand and put it on what you told me to and you rolled that into a million overnight. Then you tell me to take the million and roll onto Burgesses stock and that turns it into ten million over night. Now you are telling me to take the ten million and to put it on Yakamura? Every move you make adds another zero to whatever the initial investment is. No way this is a fucking coincidence. What have you gotten me into?”

“Steve, calm down. I haven’t gotten you into anything. You are my stock broker. Your job is to put the money on whatever the hell I tell you to put it on as soon as I tell you to do so. So shut the fuck up, do your job and enjoy your commission checks. It’s not complicated. If you can’t do that, tell me now so that I can fire your ass and replace you with someone qualified who can.”

Steve felt a twinge of fear. Was this really his friend Derrick? What has caused him to turn into such a dick?

“No,... no Derrick. It’s not a problem. You’re right. I should just do my job, enjoy my commissions and mind my own business. What do you need me to do?”

“Right before the bell rings to close the market today, the stock is going to shoot up bringing our ten million to an even one hundred million dollars. First thing in the morning, I want you to immediately sell it all. Cash out. Take yours off of the top. And then we are done till further notice. Am I clear?”

Steve just shook his head in silence.

I don’t know who your source is, but I hope that none of this comes back on you later. Thank you though for letting me in on some of it. I am grateful Derrick.”

“I know, Steve. But let’s just keep this professional. This is business. Let’s not cross lines.”

“Understood and agreed. Take care, Derrick.”


     “Take care, Steve.”

Derrick sat back in his chair and took a moment to look around his new office. He would do well here.

“This is where it will all begin.”

A voice suddenly was speaking to him from the hallway.

“Let’s just make sure that this is not where it all ends as well.”

Derrick smiled. His self-confidence has grown substantially under his new mentors guidance.

“Not likely. Everything went exactly as you said it would, flawlessly without a hitch. Tomorrow is the last one and I’m going to do as you advised and cut it short. Take the money and run. One hundred million is more than enough for me to position myself as a force to be reckoned with. And then I’m going to go after Roland Pique with everything that I’ve got.”

“Whoa there Tiger. Roland Pique is a forty six billion dollar Goliath. You are nowhere near ready to go toe to toe with the likes of him.”

“Not now, but soon. And when I am, I’m going to take back from him everything that he took from me and more.”


     Derrick was speaking from a place that was filled with more than just hurt, this was hate. And that could change things dramatically.

“I just don’t want you to lose sight of what this is all about. I know that you are hurt and angry, but there is a bigger picture here. And we can’t afford to mess things up because of our emotions, Derrick.”

I know that. Don’t be cross with me. I have every right to vent. If I didn’t let it out every now and then I’d probably lose my mind. But I have it under control. And I will continue to heed your advice. I will not go against my benefactor. We both know that none of this would even be possible with you, Gwen.”

Gwen turned and smiled at Derrick and caressed his face.

“That’s what Momma likes, show me a little gratitude.”

Derrick smiled back at her.

“I know how to make you feel better.”

“How’s that?” Derrick beamed.

“Let’s baptize your office, starting with your desk, your copy machine, your supply closet, the floors, board room table, etcetera.”

“Mmmmm, you know me oh so well.”

Gwen chuckled, happy that she could lighten his mood. And then Derrick took her. And that’s just the way she liked it.



The end

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