Passion's Hope (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 3) (36 page)

BOOK: Passion's Hope (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 3)
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He nuzzled his face into the hair at the side of her head and whispered in her ear, “See the effect you have on me, Babygirl? I’ve been hard all morning just thinking about the fun we’re gonna have in the limo on the way home.”

Holy fuck!
She gasped and swallowed. Hard. She’d forgotten all about the limo ride home!

The waitress returned with two baker’s boxes tied with string, plus two small plastic tubs. “That’s the raspberry coulis,” she explained. “One for each cake.

As Nik reached for the boxes, Jesse reached for Sarah’s hand, lifting it to his lips.

“Okay, guys,” he said, standing up and handing Sarah up out of her chair. “We need to get back to Marshall’s Creek. Adam’s giving a Shibari demonstration at Risqué tonight.”

Charlie frowned. “Shibari?”

“A form of Japanese rope bondage,” Jesse explained. “It’s very sensual. Come to the club tonight and see. Better yet, have your Daddy give you a demonstration. He’s a master at it.” He turned to shake Nik’s hand. “Thanks for the lunch, man. We’ll see you tomorrow night, Charlie.”

“Tomorrow night?” She looked bewildered.

“For your singing debut with the Midnight Riders. Did you think we would miss that?”

“Actually,” she said with a little laugh, “I’d pretty much forgotten all about it.”

“Well, that’s one way to deal with nerves,” Jesse chuckled. He tucked Sarah’s arm through his bent elbow, placed her hand on his forearm, and covered it with his hand, looking down at her with such adoration, Charlie was swept with a wave of longing so intense it made her dizzy.
God, I want what they’ve got!
She was completely unaware of the fact that Jay and Nik were both looking at
in exactly the same way.

Jesse bent his head toward his wife. “You ready, sugar?”

“Yes, love,” Sarah smiled. “’Bye, everybody. See you tomorrow.”

They watched them go. Nik, Jay, and Art Portman seemed in no particular hurry to follow them out the door. Instead, they lingered over their coffee a full five minutes longer, while Charlie finished the last bites of her cake. Nik retrieved his phone and pressed a button. “We’re ready. Come pick us up.”

“Be there in five,” Solo responded.

Jay picked up their carry-out boxes and they went to stand in front of the restaurant. Solo pulled up seconds later, hopping out to open the back door while Dr. Portman got in the front passenger seat. Stowing the cakes in the trunk, Solo shut the door on his way back up to the front of the limo, but Charlie couldn’t see him get into the driver’s seat. The tinted glass slide was already raised. In just a few seconds, Solo’s disembodied voice came out over the intercom.

“Attention passengers. Welcome aboard Passion Lake Limo’s Excursion #1170. Emergency exits, otherwise known as doors, are located to your left and right. Please fasten your seat belts and remain seated until we have reached our cruising speed of seventy-five miles per hour. Then feel free to get up and move about the cabin and indulge in whatever activities your kinky little hearts desire. Enjoy your trip and thank you for riding with Passion Lake Limos today.” He drove off slowly down the street.

They had gone only a couple of blocks but Charlie’s mouth was already dry and she was having difficulty swallowing as she tried not to dwell on what kinky activities Nik and Jay had in store for her.

Jay lifted a decanter from the limo’s bar and poured a shot of Bunnahabhain twenty-five-year-old single-malt scotch into each of two crystal tumblers, handing one to Nik. “Slide your dress out from under your ass,” Jay ordered quietly without looking at Charlie, but clearly addressing her.

She lifted her hips, gathering the fabric up around her waist.

“Stop,” Nik ordered. He took a deep, appreciative sniff of the rich amber liquor at the bottom of his glass, letting the intoxicating aroma of dried figs, toffee, caramel, and creamy vanilla waft up his nose. He took a sip, letting the smooth whiskey sit on his tongue before swallowing it, to get the full effect of the smoky, vanilla, fruity finish. “Take off your panties and give them to me,” he said, closing his eyes and inhaling again.

Excitement jolted through her body. It skidded up and down her spine and sizzled across her skin like sparks from a welder’s torch. She pushed her barely-there thong down over her hips and off her legs. Letting it dangle provocatively from her fingertips, she held it out to Nik.

Nik took it, burying his face against the sopping crotch with a groan and a deep inhale. “Jesus Christ, Babygirl, you smell so fuckin’ delicious.” He wadded up her panties and stuffed them in his pants pocket, taking the final sip of his scotch and reaching over her to put his tumbler in the indentation on the bar. “Now you may take off your dress.”

Leaning forward, she fumbled around for the zipper tab at the back of her dress. But her fingers refused to cooperate, so Jay pulled the zipper down and pulled the dress up over her head in one swift, smooth motion, leaving her completely naked.

Biting her lip, she cast a nervous glance at the smoky glass of the slide.

“They can’t see you,” Nik assured her, following the direction of her gaze. “And as long as you don’t scream, they can’t hear you, either. But make no mistake,” he added darkly. “They’re both Doms and they both know exactly what’s going on back here.”

“And what
going on back here?” Charlie had the temerity to ask. “Exactly?”

“Your punishment.” He looked at her. Her expression was blank. “Do you recall why you are being punished?”

“I-um…oh, because I refused to let you put that plug in my ass this morning?”

“Not exactly. It was more the
you refused than your outright refusal.”

“Oh, right. Because I didn’t use my safe word and discuss my objections with you in a calm, lucid manner.”

“Well put. Your punishment commences right now and lasts until we arrive back at the Lodge.” He gave her an evil grin. “You’d better pray Solo doesn’t run into any traffic jams along the way, or it’s going to be a very long trip.”

She looked at him, aghast. “You mean you’re going to spank me for two whole hours?” The thought filled her with horror.

“Who said anything about spanking you?”

She frowned. “Then…what?”

“I’ll let you choose,” he said. “A spanking. Or a plug.”

She just stared at him, trying to gauge his mood, but his expression gave nothing away. She was going to have to figure this out herself.
Okay, let’s think this through. He’s big, powerful. His hand is the size of a leg of lamb. A spanking would be extremely painful. But a plug?

Come on,
her other half argued,
you’ve worn a plug before. It didn’t hurt. In fact, if you were totally honest with yourself, you’d have to admit it felt kinda…good. So they’ll make me wear a plug for the next two hours. I’ve worn one for longer than that.

“I’ll take the plug.”

Nik’s grin was pure evil. “Good choice, little mouse. Now, scoot over and let me get in the middle of the seat.”

She slid to the left toward Jay and watched Nik slide into the middle of the back seat. Jay got up and maneuvered around to sit to Nik’s right so he’d have an unobstructed view to everything Nik did to her.

“Now, lie across my lap, head to my left, upper body and head resting on the seat. Put your knees up against my thighs, spread your legs as wide as you can, and lift your ass.”

“God,” she muttered, awkwardly assuming the position he described. She arched her back, raising her ass as high as she could. Instantly, Nik’s fingers were there, sliding through her cleft, dancing over her clit, making the breath huff out of her lungs. “This is so humiliating.”

“That’s not true, sweet thing,” Jay said, caressing her buttocks. “You only think it’s humiliating because that’s what society has been telling you all your life. Because Perry Bradford deliberately set out to make you feel that way. Because he wanted to abase you. He was trying to break you. But in the D/s lifestyle, we worship our sub’s body, even parts of the body that are deemed taboo by so-called “polite society”.
want you to hide, behind clothes, behind rules, behind fear of censure. We want you to be free. Free to love your body as we love it. Even your beautiful ass. We love your ass. We love looking at it, touching it, plugging it. And we’re going to love fucking it even more, with our fingers, our tongues, and our cocks. Not to humiliate you. Not to make you feel shame. But to exalt you. To revere you. To rejoice in the fact that you trust us enough to share all parts of your body with us. So we can give you pleasure. Because giving you pleasure is what gives us pleasure.”

“I-I never thought about it that way.”

“Because you’ve never had anyone who appreciated you for all the things you are. For all the gifts you have to give. Now you do.”

She hadn’t even realized she was crying until a tear rolled off her nose and dripped onto the leather seat. “You guys are so sweet.”

Nik chuckled, his fingers still playing in her wet, swollen pussy. “You might not be saying that by the time we get home” To Jay he said, “
, would you please get the lube from the seat pocket?”

Jay handed him a flat glass jar with a metal lid. Within seconds Charlie felt a sort of oily paste being rubbed against her puckered hole. A paste that softened with her body heat, becoming more viscous. The tip of Nik’s index finger penetrated her ass up to his first knuckle, then retreated to gather more paste. Each time he scooped up a dollop of paste, he pushed his paste-covered finger deeper and deeper into her ass swirling it around, coating the skin thoroughly with the odd substance. And before she knew it, he had added a second finger to the first, fucking her ass with them as he worked the oil into her skin. As he kept moving his fingers in and out of her anus, spreading the lube, Charlie noticed that the inside of her back channel was becoming distinctly warmer.


“Yes, my darling girl?”

“It’s starting to feel warm. Is it supposed to do that?”

He chuckled. “Yes,
It’s my special punishment lube. A blend of coconut oil, ginger oil and ginger juice.”

“It keeps getting warmer.” She tried to lift her head, ass squirming as the heat began to build. There was a note of alarm in her voice.

“It will continue to do so,” he said calmly, as he thrust even more of the lube into her with his fingers.” Ginger contains, among other things, capsaicin, the same chemical that’s in hot peppers, only in far less concentration.”

“Is it going to burn me?” By now her voice was shrill with alarm.

“It’s going to
like it’s burning and itching. The chemicals irritate the nerve endings in the skin. But it won’t injure you or cause you any harm. We would never do either of those things to you. It will make you a bit uncomfortable for a while.” He chuckled. “It will also make you extremely horny. By the time we get home, you’ll be begging us to fuck you. And as soon as we get you home, that’s exactly what we’re going to do. In the meantime, we will play with you, but you will not be allowed to come. Am I clear?”

She held herself rigid as the sensation in her ass started to feel like she’d been stuffed with glowing coals.


“Now, I’m going to insert a plug,” Nik said.

Charlie felt something press against her pucker and push against it. She resisted.

“Relax, baby girl. You can take it.”

I don’t
to take it!
For one horrifying instant she thought she’d said it out loud, sagging in relief when she realized that she’d only said it in her head. The plug began to invade her anal passage, stretching her reluctant sphincter, pressing the fiery heat even deeper into her flesh. By now she’d lifted herself up off of Nik’s lap and was supporting herself on her hands and knees, squirming and writhing, bucking her hips. “Oh, my God, make it stop! Please make it stop!”

“Lie back down,
,” Nik said, giving her a sharp crack across the ass with his hand. “And keep still. Or I will be forced to add spanking to your punishment after all.”

“Owww!” Charlie gulped and lowered her torso, trying to keep still. But,
holy fuck
, her ass was on fire! A fire that was growing hotter by the second, spreading from the nerve endings, into the tissue, deep into the muscles. A guttural growl left her throat as, with one last push, Nik finally succeeded in getting the plug all the way inside her anus. As her sphincter clenched around the narrow end, she released her breath in a whoosh. Her body sagged onto the seat. She lay there, sobbing and moaning, her muscles spasming around the intruding plug, desperately trying to eject it. A move that made the fire noticeably hotter. How could that even be possible?

“Try to relax, baby girl,” Nik admonished again. “Every time you clench your muscles, it makes it feel hotter.”

No shit, Sherlock!
Biting her lip, she concentrated on relaxing her inner muscles and the heat seemed to ease somewhat. From raging inferno to five-story bonfire.

BOOK: Passion's Hope (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 3)
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