Passion's Hope (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 3) (14 page)

BOOK: Passion's Hope (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 3)
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His cock, already hard, grew even harder. Something he would not have thought possible if he hadn’t been experiencing it himself.

Jay bent his head to kiss the side of her neck, sliding his lips up to her ear. Nik also bent his head, placing his mouth at the corner of hers. “You like that, don’t you, love?” he asked against her skin and was pleased when she gave a jerky little nod. “You like us touching you. You like having your breasts played with. Would you like for us to continue?”

Charlie hesitated, then nodded again

“Then tell us so, Charlie. Tell us you want us to play with your sensitive breasts. That you want one of us to suckle your beautiful nipples while the other one plumps your beautiful ass. Beg us for it, love. And say please.”

“I-please—”The words were wrenched from her throat.

“Please what, baby girl?”

“Please play with m-my breasts.”

“And?” he prompted when it seemed like she wasn’t going to continue.

“And suck my nipples. Please?”

“Thank you,

Hands on her shoulders turned her around, so that she was once again facing Jay. He hefted her breasts in his palms, lifting them while at the same time bending his head to kiss one ripe, berry-like nipple, flicking his tongue across her tip. It was a gentle, barely there touch, but it caused a thrill of pleasure to shudder through Charlie’s entire body. Her nipples had always been extremely sensitive, and the touch of Jay’s hot, wet tongue on them sent ribbons of pleasure curling through her, straight to her clit. Pleasure that ravished her senses and made her crave more. So much more.

Breathing in harsh, shallow pants, she arched her back, effectively pushing her breast more solidly against Jay’s mouth. “Please…Jay…please suck my nipples.”

Jay closed his mouth around her hard knot, suckling gently as she threw back her head and let out a little cry of ecstasy. Behind her, Nik grabbed her hips, sliding his hands down, around and between her legs, exerting outward pressure, encouraging her to widen her stance, taking great care to avoid touching her healing bite mark. He bent his head to plant a row of kisses down the side of her neck and across her shoulder, his hands fitting themselves neatly in her thigh creases just outside her labia.

The breath huffed from Charlie’s lungs. Suddenly boneless, she let her head fall back onto Nik’s shoulder, surrendering to the exquisite pleasure of Jay’s mouth nibbling, nipping, and sucking her breasts as hot water continued to rain gently down on them from the enormous shower head.

“Would you like to come,
?” Nik’s breath tickled her ear, making her squirm against him. “We would love to give you that pleasure. Wouldn’t we,

Jay released her nipple with a slurp. “Oh, yes, Charlie, please let us make you come. We want to see how beautiful you are when your body explodes in climax. Please say yes.”

With tremendous effort, she lifted her head off of Nik’s shoulder to look at Jay. He looked so much like an eager puppy begging for a treat that she had to laugh. “Well, how can I turn down such a gracious invitation?” she teased. “I’m not made of stone, you know.”

Jay’s grin was wicked. “No, you definitely are not. You are made of soft, luscious, female flesh and I can’t wait to feast on you.”

“On your knees,
,” Nik directed. “I’ll hold her open for you.”

Tapping the insides of Charlie’s feet with his, Nik nudged her legs wider as Jay sank to his knees in front of her. Her belly clenched as Nik’s long, hard fingers gently parted her labia, exposing her entire slit to Jay’s avid gaze, from her clit peeping out from its protective hood at the top, down to her anus at the bottom. “You may begin when you are ready,
.” Nik’s voice was indulgent. “But you may only use the tip of your tongue, nothing else.”

“Beautiful,” Jay murmured, leaning in to inhale her feminine scent. “And you smell so fucking delicious.” Darting out the tip of his tongue, he flicked it rapidly back and forth across her clit. She squealed and her body jerked at the touch. “Oh, my, you are sensitive,” Jay said in delight. “Giving you orgasms is going to become my new mission in life. And my greatest joy.”

Charlie gulped but said nothing. After all, what
she say to a comment like that? Especially when it was something she wanted to the bottom of her soul. She could happily spend the rest of her life letting these men give her earth-shattering orgasms.

Jay leaned in, licking his tongue up her slit from bottom to top, wrenching a yelp from her throat.

“You must help,
.” Nik’s voice above and behind her. “You must pleasure your nipples. Pinch and tug them and imagine my mouth there, suckling you.”

Holy shit!
As Jay’s tongue played with her little pearl, Charlie’s hands flew to her breasts, lifting them, mashing them together, and reaching for her nipples. Grabbing the hard knots between her thumbs and forefingers, she pinched them and rolled them back and forth, sending pleasure zapping straight to her clit, intensifying the ecstasy Jay’s flicking tongue was delivering. Meanwhile, Nik was making her wiggle and squirm by kissing and licking her ear, tugging her succulent lobe into his mouth, alternately nipping it with his teeth and soothing it with his tongue. She had never been so aroused in her life, an arousal so fierce she felt she was riding the crest of a tidal wave. Every muscle in her body was shaking, tightening with the pleasure coiling inside her.

Suddenly Jay’s mouth closed over her clit and he began sucking, tugging her fleshy hood away from her body with his lips. Stunned by the intensity of the sensations ripping through her, from Jay’s mouth eating her pussy to Nik’s mouth tormenting her ear, to her own hands pleasuring her breasts, Charlie’s rise to orgasm was so swift, she was at the peak before she even realized she was close. “I—oh my God, I—”

“Come, baby girl,” Nik growled against her ear. “Daddy says come.”

Throwing back her head, she let out a shriek and her entire body bucked and spasmed as the coil snapped and pleasure exploded through her. Pleasure that was kept alive by the exquisite, continual touches of Jay’s mouth against her sex. Pleasure that his expertise rapidly built back up into a second explosive climax that robbed her of her ability to do anything but convulse helplessly as cry after cry shuddered from her lungs.

Nik’s hands left her labia and he crossed his arms beneath her breasts, holding her up while Jay lifted her legs over his shoulders. Replacing Nik’s hands on her pussy lips with his own, Jay parted her with his thumbs. “Jesus, baby, you’re so gorgeous. All pink and shiny and swollen. And, look.” He clucked his tongue. “I’ve gotten you all dirty. I’m just going to have to clean you again.”

Once again bending his head to his task, he continued to work the magic of his tongue, teeth, and lips, bringing her to two more orgasms, letting her ride them out, wringing the last drops of pleasure from her before giving her a final kiss right on her clit. “God, you’re so delicious.” Easing her legs off his shoulders, he rose to his feet and stood looking down at her.

Nik pulled her up to her feet, but continued holding her.

Good thing, too, because she simply couldn’t stand on her own. Her bones had melted and her flesh had liquefied in the conflagration that had just consumed her. Thrusting his fingers through the wet strands of her hair, Jay stroked his thumbs along her jaw line. Lifting her face up to his, he bent his head and claimed her mouth in a kiss that began as a light, tender touching of lips and swiftly turned into an invasion as his tongue surged into her cavern, plundering, searching, probing.

Charlie could taste herself on his lips, his tongue, smell her pungent scent as the hot water sluiced it from his face down onto her upturned one.

Raising his head reluctantly, he ended the kiss and simply stood looking down at her beautiful face. Her eyes were closed, but her mouth was parted and she was breathing heavily.

“Christ, you’re so beautiful. Look at me, baby,” Jay’s voice was a hoarse rasp.

Using every last bit of effort she could muster, she somehow managed to raise her fluttering eyelids at least wide enough to see the raw hunger and need on Jay’s face. His eyes locked onto hers, so dark they were nearly black, as if his pupils had swallowed up the green of his irises. And he was looking at her as if she were a priceless treasure, so rare he couldn’t believe his luck at finding it.

“That was so fucking beautiful,” he murmured, brushing the backs of his fingers across her cheek. “
are so fucking beautiful. I can’t wait to do that to you again. But right now, I need to fuck you. I’m so hard I’m going to burst if I don’t get a release soon.”

“Not until you have been given your punishment,” Nik said, his lips twitching. “Did I not say you were to use only the tip of your tongue and nothing else? Your disobedience has earned you five swats with the paddle.”

Jay just grinned. “I don’t care,” he said, completely unrepentant. “It was worth twice that many. Wait till you taste her, Nik. She’s so fucking delicious.”

“Can you stand,
?” Nik asked, his arms around her holding her steady as she struggled to remain upright. But her legs were so weak. “I-I—”

“Here, baby,” Jay said with a grin. “Put your arms around my neck and just hold on. We won’t let you fall.”

Pulling her head back, she lifted her gaze to his, staring at him through hooded eyes. By now his pupils had totally eclipsed his irises, leaving only a thin rim of green. He lowered his hands to grip her hips, sliding them across her taut belly, down, down, palming her mound with his right hand, sliding his first two fingers through her wet, slippery folds. “So hot and wet and sweet. You’re still aroused, aren’t you baby girl?” he asked softly. “You need to be fucked, don’t you?” He lowered his head, allowing his lips to hover just a hair’s breadth above hers. “Say it, darling girl. Tell us you need a thick, hard cock fucking your sweet, sweet cunt.” On the word ‘cunt’, he thrust two fingers up into her vagina while claiming her mouth in a drugging, open-mouthed kiss, swallowing the cry of pleasure that burst from her.

Charlie squirmed, moaning, and whimpering her pleasure as yet another orgasm gathered in the core of her belly, tightening like a spring. As Jay finger-fucked her vagina, Nik’s blunt fingertip pressed against her tight ass hole and begin circling around and around.

She sucked in her breath, as panic engulfed her, expecting it to hurt. But when it didn’t, she simply gave herself up to the pleasurable sensation. Her breathing became erratic, her body began to tremble. Her back arched, thrusting her hips forward and smashing her breasts against the wall of Jay’s chest. Swept away by the rising tide of pleasure, she jerked her head back, tearing her mouth from Jay’s. She sucked in a huge lungful of air just seconds before it exploded outward in a scream, as ecstasy roared through her like a cyclone. A cyclone that ripped her off her foundation and sent her soaring, the only things holding her down, four large, powerful male hands, playing her body like a finely tuned instrument. Prolonging her pleasure, yet, at the same time, keeping her safe, bringing her down gradually, slowly letting her return to her senses.

“Beautiful,” Jay murmured, pressing a kiss against her temple. ”So fucking beautiful.”

She felt fingers withdraw from her body. And that’s when she realized that Jay’s fingers weren’t the only ones inside her body. That Nik’s finger had breached her anus, adding an element to her pleasure that was completely unexpected. And, not at all unwelcome. To her amazement, it hadn’t hurt at all. In fact, if she were completely honest with herself, it had felt…
! Hmmm. She was definitely going to have to think about this.

While Nik turned off all the shower heads, Jay put his arms around Charlie and hauled her up against him, once again finding her mouth with his, kissing her with a sweetness that made her throat ache. She clamped down on a whimper as pleasure flowed over her, sweet and viscous like warmed honey. He was still kissing her when he lifted her over the sill and stepped out of the shower onto the fluffy bath mat. Nik plucked two large towels off the towel warmer, handing one to Jay and using the second one to begin soaking some of the moisture out of Charlie’s long, straight hair.

The men took their time drying her, pausing often to plant random kisses all over her ripe, luscious body, all while assuring themselves that her cuts where the whip had drawn blood were healing properly. Finally they had her spread her legs and bend her knees slightly so they could dry between her legs. They hunkered down, Jay in front of her, Nik behind her, patting her with their towel-covered fingers rather than rubbing. It wasn’t until he withdrew his hand that Nik saw the spots of blood on the white towel.

Careful to keep any alarm or censure from his voice, he asked, “How long have you been bleeding from the rectum, baby girl?”

The pink of embarrassment rose up her chest and neck, flooding her cheeks. She looked ready to burst into tears. “Since Perry r-raped me there.”

“It’s all right, baby girl,” Nik swung her up in his arms and carried her back out into the bedroom, setting her carefully on the edge of the bed. “You just sit there and relax for a bit, okay?” He curved his hand around the side of her face, sliding his fingers through her hair, curving them around the back of her head. He was gratified when she turned her head and pressed her cheek into his palm, actively seeking his comfort. He bent to press a kiss to her forehead. Then he straightened and moved away from the bed. “I’m going to go call Luc. He’ll need to examine you.”

BOOK: Passion's Hope (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 3)
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