Passion For Hire (Passion #5) (4 page)

BOOK: Passion For Hire (Passion #5)
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It had been the sweetest music to his ears when she’d finally tipped over the edge and he’d felt her muscles clamp around him, squeezing him, and the moisture which soaked his fingers. She had certainly tested him. Tested his skills at pleasing a woman and certainly tested his control. He prided himself on his control. He needed to have excellent control because of what he did. The woman’s pleasure always came first. That’s what they were paying him for after all. Sometimes they wanted to have sex with him so he’d get the opportunity to ease the pain from being erect for hours but if the woman was only paying him to get her off, then he would be left with a hard on. He knew it and accepted it. It was all part of the job. Once he got home if he wanted to he would take himself in hand and relieve the pressure that way. Often he would go to bed, hard, hungry for release but strangely satisfied that he was suffering the discomfort of a denied orgasm. It was fitting punishment as far as he was concerned. He’d fucked up in the early days of being vampire and had inadvertently stuffed up the lives of two people. He deserved an eternity of suffering for what he’d done.

He slowly removed his jeans, tossing them over one of the chairs in his room and climbed into bed, his hand closing around his rigid shaft. With his eyes closed, he began to work his cock through his fist, squeezing it, until it hurt. Faster and faster he moved his hand, the pressure building to an excruciatingly painful level. When he knew he was about to tip over the edge and come, he removed his hand, clenching his teeth hard together. He lay there as his body throbbed and ached with the pain of its denied release.

Time moved agonisingly slowly as he put himself through his self-inflicted torture. Although it was probably only about half an hour, it felt longer as his cock throbbed, the long hard length of it tenting up the sheet. Just the merest brush of the material on his engorged flesh hurt. His fangs descended and he bit his wrist finding the pain as they penetrated his skin an almost welcome distraction from the throbbing pressure in his balls.

His hugely swollen shaft jerked and he watched as a tiny wet stain appeared on the sheet, bleeding out wider. He hadn’t come, he was determined he wouldn’t. This was all part of testing his control and punishing himself the way he deserved to be punished. Unfortunately he couldn’t stop the pre cum that wept from his cock but after a few more drops, it finally stopped.

He rolled onto his side and closed his eyes, willing himself to sleep but images of Faith’s face kept filling his head. Her stunning features, her perky breasts, slim waist and that sweet, sweet untouched cunt. His nostrils flared at the remembered scent of her, and when his body shuddered, his cock jerking as the orgasm he’d denied himself unexpectedly ripped through him, he groaned before his groan turned into a sound of torture, a cry of pain and anguish. As he felt the flood of cum soak his sheets he shut his eyes, tears squeezing from the corners and allowed just for a moment to let the agony of his guilt consume him.

He’d failed. He’d failed to hold back his orgasm but more importantly he’d failed as a man and vampire. He’d fucked up, and he faced an eternity of never being able to fix the fuck up he’d created. He’d thought about using witchcraft, but although he’d proved to his parents he was a warlock he wasn’t anywhere near his mother for ability. He could do a few simple things but having the ability to feel the emotions of others, to have empathy for them, to feel their wants and needs, was his real talent.

He had to use that talent to keep the money rolling in so he could keep his awful secret from his family. Of course Faith had fucked it a bit for him now. He wasn’t prepared to ask her exactly what she thought was going on because he didn’t want to hear it spoken aloud, to hear someone voice the crime he had committed. A crime that if his father found out would surely be enough to have him killed. Faith’s arrival had suddenly turned his life upside down. He would have to watch her, but avoid her too. She had her own agenda, this crazy notion that they were supposed to be together. Did she keep forgetting what he was? He was a vampire; she was human, and a virginal human at that. There were two excellent reasons right there, why they could never be together, and that didn’t even allow for the complications he had going on in his life.

Cursing under his breath at how much that sweet blonde woman just two rooms down from his had already disrupted his life; he hauled himself out of bed again. He snatched the stained sheets off and hurled them into the laundry chute before grabbing fresh linen and hastily making up the bed. Once it was remade he threw himself down on the crisp clean sheets. He lay there for a while, staring at his reflection through the mirrors on the underside of the canopy top of his bed. Why the hell did his father have to have every fucking room in the house set up like a damn brothel? He didn’t need to be looking at his own troubled expression in the mirrors. He didn’t need to see himself at all while in bed. Mirrors on the ceiling were for adding that little bit extra during sex in his opinion. He never brought a woman to his bed though and it was highly unlikely he ever would.

Adrian lay there tossing and turning, unable to sleep, every minute that passed felt like an hour and finally, frustrated with the fact he couldn’t shake the images of Faith from his head, he climbed out of bed again.

Feeling unsettled and restless he headed for his walk in robe, tugged on a pair of dark jeans, shoes, a black long sleeved shirt that laced up at the neck. It was what Donna, one of his clients referred to as his pirate shirt. He tied his hair into a smooth ponytail and left his room.

He hoped he’d make it out of the house without running into anyone and fortunately he did. Once outside, he climbed into his favourite car, a recent purchase, a 1981 black Pontiac Trans Am Firebird and started it up. A feeling of calm flowed through him when the loud throaty V8 rumbled to life. He backed out of his driveway and with a squeal of tyres; he shot off down the road.

He wasn’t normally out at this time of day. It was still daylight but the sun was already sitting low in the sky so the sting had gone out of it. They might have the tattoos which allowed them to be outside in sunlight but it still irritated their skin if they were out in it too long. Still, with the sun as low as it was and partially obscured by some cloud cover, he was spared any irritation it could cause him.


When he finally pulled up in the driveway of his home away from home, the home his family knew nothing of, he let himself inside and headed straight down the hallway. The house was quite large and he had one wing closed off to the rest of it but he unlocked the door and walked through, heading for the darkened bedroom.

As he stepped inside, his eyes shifted to the figure lying in the bed and as if suddenly aware of his presence the young man beneath the sheets sat up and pale grey eyes met his. “Hello Father.” The figure in the bed said as he looked up at him.

Chapter Four

I couldn’t sleep after Adrian had left me and as a result I heard him leave his room an hour or so later. I’d heard him leave the house and the deep rumbling sound of a car engine followed soon after, so I knew he’d left the house and was going somewhere although I didn’t know where.

I was still in shock over what I’d allowed him to do to me and the way I’d responded. God, would I ever be able to look him in the eye again without turning beetroot red?

I rolled over and smelled him, that beautiful scent that surrounded him. I breathed it in, wishing he was here with me. Oh how I wished I could hold him and kiss him and just let his scent invade all my senses but he was so determined not to crack. I had no sexual experience but I wasn’t so naïve that I hadn’t been able to tell he’d had an erection. He looked huge from what I could see through his jeans and they were old jeans. The fabric softened from a lot of wear and washing. They had fitted his beautiful body to perfection and had done nothing to hide how big and hard his penis had looked through the denim. Yet he’d just walked away and hadn’t shown any interest in trying to have sex with me, and he certainly hadn’t wanted me to touch him. I’d never attempted to pleasure a man before but I’d have tried with him if he’d told me what to do, but he’d chosen to return to his room. Why he’d then gone out again, I wasn’t sure but I just wanted him back. I needed to spend time with him to make him see we were meant to be with one another.

An idea hit me; I could be with him even when he wasn’t actually here physically. I climbed out of bed and quietly let myself out of my room, tip toeing down the hallway to Adrian’s room. I carefully opened his door and snuck inside thankful to have made it without being caught.

The jeans he’d worn when he came to my room were thrown over a chair in one corner of the room and I picked them up, holding them to my nostrils so I could breathe in his scent. I caressed the denim between my fingers loving the softness of them. My head filling with the image of him as he’d stood before me wearing them.

When I’d finished with his jeans, I put them back on the chair and moved over to his bed. It was obvious he’d had no more luck sleeping than I had, which of course he’d verified when he’d left the house.

The bed was a confusing contradiction in that it appeared to have been slept in. It was untucked but the sheets had that crisp fresh look to them. It looked like it had only recently been changed.

I lifted his pillow to my face and felt a stab of disappointment that the first smell to hit my senses was of washing powder. Why on earth would Adrian change his sheets in the middle of the night? Well, the middle of the day. I was already thinking like a vampire, but given I’d been up most of the night, it was natural I’d needed to sleep through the day. I snorted at that notion though. I wasn’t sleeping now obviously. I was standing here in Adrian’s room questioning his laundry.

I walked around his room stopping occasionally to study things. I even looked through his walk in robe, touching his clothes and smelling them, eager for anything that carried his scent.

When I stepped into his bathroom, I stopped at the sight of the stunning black and white tiles. It screamed luxury from the tiles to the expensive looking shower, toilet and his and her vanity with the gold taps. Adrian’s scent was stronger here and as I looked around I spotted his hairbrush on the smooth black surface of the vanity unit. I picked it up and saw several strands of his hair in it which I pulled free, carefully wrapping them in a tissue which I then slipped inside my bra.

I was just about to leave the bathroom when I noticed a door about a foot square in size mounted in the wall and curious, I pulled on the handle, wondering what on earth it was. It turned out to be a laundry chute and the smell that rose from it was very strong of Adrian. When I glanced in, I was surprised to see his bedding in the chute. It appeared to have become snagged on something so hadn’t fallen right down, presumably to a laundry under the house. Reaching in, I pulled the sheet back out and gasped at how strong Adrian’s scent was on it. I was surprised when my fingers encountered something cool and wet on the sheet and I dropped it in shock at the unexpected feel of it.

I stared at it lying on the black and white tiled floor of his bathroom and that was when I noticed the fairly large creamy coloured stain on the red sheet. When realisation struck as to what the stain was, I felt myself blush and I was thankful no one could see me now. I might have no sexual experience, but I knew what it was. I couldn’t stop staring at it. It was a clear indication that Adrian had orgasmed and a clear indication that whether he wanted to admit to it or not, he did want me. I did wonder why he’d chosen to masturbate in his bed but conceded that it wasn’t really my business. I needed to get out of here. If I got caught now I’d be greatly embarrassed so I scooped the sheet back up and stuffed it down the laundry chute, making sure that it fell right down it this time.

I returned to Adrian’s walk in robe and pulled out a shirt of his, black, made from some silky material. It had the strongest scent of him on it that I could find and I hastily pulled off my crumpled dress and slipped on the shirt. The silky fabric felt cool against my slightly heated skin and with his beautiful smell surrounding me, I climbed into his bed and burrowed my face against his pillow. Fatigue began to settle heavily over me and I closed my eyes allowing it to finally pull me under.

I felt like I’d only been asleep a short time when the visions came again. They started with flashes of bright colours, a few sounds, voices, movement. As I struggled to make sense of them, they began to clear, to form into pictures like excerpts from movies for me to watch.

I knew as soon as I looked at the back of the tall man with the broad shoulders and narrow waist, that I was looking at the beautiful back of Adrian. He was in a room, a bedroom I could tell. There was a young man in the bed, sitting up, talking to the gorgeous vampire. The man in the bed was only about 18 or 19 years old I guessed. I couldn’t quite see his features properly as Adrian was obscuring my view of him.

As I strained to see my vision more clearly, I saw the young man climb from the bed and walk to Adrian and they surprised me by embracing. I got just enough of a glance into his face to realise he was beautiful. Not as stunning as Adrian was but still an incredibly good looking male. He was tall, though again, not as tall as Adrian who had to be about 6 foot 4 or 5. His hair was clipped short at the back and sides but long on top. He wore it swept back, but there was a lock that seemed determined to be defiant, and it fell over his forehead partially covering one eye. I got a brief glimpse of what looked like pale eyes but I wasn’t sure of the exact colour.

I think I gasped in my sleep as I watched the scene playing out before me. Fangs descended and the young man bit into Adrian’s neck, clearly feeding from him. He fed for several minutes and when he finally pulled away and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand I saw his lips move as he spoke to Adrian but I don’t think anything could have prepared me for what he said. “Thank you Father.”

It was at that point that the reality of just how big Adrian’s secret was registered with me. Before I had time to focus back on the vision though, there was a flash and things changed again.

It was a new vision and this time there was a woman, she looked to be in her 50’s, hair tied back, and she was in a wheelchair but that wasn’t all. I could see the strange almost opaque looking eyes and realised she was blind. The way her head turned when Adrian walked into the room but didn’t fully turn to him proved that I was right.

I watched him walk to her, greeting her. She seemed pleased to see him and I could see a smile on her face as he left the room briefly before returning with a bag of what appeared to be take away food.

I was curious about the woman and the young man who was obviously vampire and definitely curious as to what Adrian’s role in their lives was. I knew though, a part of me was fairly confident I knew what was going on. He had turned the young man, I suspected by accident and the young man was the son of the blind woman in the wheelchair. What I couldn’t quite work out was why Adrian seemed to keep them separate from one another.

I didn’t get time to dwell on it or to watch more because the vision jumped and this time it was Adrian in a home that didn’t appear to be the one he’d just been in.

I stared fascinated as he strode through the house confidently, clearly familiar with it. He looked so handsome, so incredibly beautiful as he climbed stairs to the upper level of the house. He walked to a closed door and as I watched, he opened it and stepped inside. Fortunately the vision allowed me to follow him inside and when I saw the woman sprawled out across a huge bed, her body clad in a very tiny negligee I suddenly didn’t want to be a part of this vision.

I couldn’t look away, and I couldn’t wake from it, so I watched helplessly as Adrian reached for the neckline of the silky black shirt he was wearing and pulled it loose before dragging it up his body and over his head, discarding it on the floor. He kicked off his shoes, unbuckled his jeans and removed them, leaving him totally naked.

I watched him walk towards the woman lying on the bed and I was mesmerised by the sheer beauty of him. He was so tall, so masculine looking with his muscled body, wide shoulders, clearly defined abdominals and strong thighs. He had some tattoos on his body. What looked like dragons with long tails that coiled around one another and wings that spread over his hips? It was when he turned marginally so I could see him from the front that I found myself gaping in my sleep. The heads of the two dragons appeared to run up the length of his penis and since he was semi erect I could see the mythical creatures’ necks which I guessed wouldn’t show so much when he wasn’t hard.

He was breathtaking to look at. A man would probably hate to be described that way but he was and he was mine. Well he would be, once he finally stopped fighting me and accepted it.

Adrian climbed onto the bed and lowered his head, kissing the woman who rose up on her elbows to return his kiss. She was obviously very pleased to see him and I felt a stab of jealousy spear through me when I saw her hand curl around his penis and I heard his soft groan. I didn’t want this; I didn’t want to see him do whatever he intended doing to the woman in my vision. So it came as a welcome relief when with a blinding flash of light the vision was gone leaving only darkness. With the darkness came peace and with the peace finally came deep sleep.




Adrian let himself into his father’s home just on sunset. He wanted to shower and change before he had to go again. He needed to service his one client for the evening. Donna was demanding though so he usually didn’t take any other clients on the same night when he had her. She would want the works, and the money was good from her. Fortunately she was quite attractive for an older woman, and she sure loved anything and everything to do with sex. She was married, had been for years as far as he knew, but her husband was away a lot and neglected her. Her children were grown and were off living their own lives leaving her alone and a woman alone like Donna was not a good thing. Still her boredom and restlessness in her marriage worked out well for him. He’d made a lot of money from her.

She had been a regular client for him for a long time and they had developed something a little deeper than just client and gigolo. He knew her intimately and he knew exactly what it took to get her off. The more he could get her off, the more she paid him. It was like their little challenge and Adrian loved a challenge.

He’d only just stepped inside and shut the door when he heard Fran’s voice. She laughed softly when she saw him. “Well, well, well little brother. How’s Goldilocks?”

“If this is some cryptic mind fuck Francesca, I’m seriously not in the mood. Are you on your way out?” His eyes moved down the length of her from her riot of black curls, the heavy eye makeup, dark, dramatic lipstick and customary black dress. This one was tight leather, with a tiny mini skirt and a bra top, but there was material between the top and bottom that looked like black fishnet. She was also wearing fishnet stockings and long boots that were high and tight, following the line of her legs to just below the knee.

“Yes brother dear. I need to find myself some juicy little morsel to fuck and feed from. You’re only just getting in now? Are you going again?”

“Yes, I’m only here to shower and change. I didn’t sleep well and I ended up spending the night with a...a friend.” He only just managed to hastily add the friend part without slipping up and saying client which would have immediately drawn Fran’s attention.

She laughed again. “You might find your evening is off to an unusual start but you’ll see.” She shot him a wide grin and let herself out of the house.

Adrian kept walking down the corridor towards the living area wondering what the hell Francesca had been on about. What was wrong? When he stopped at the living room he expected to see his parents, maybe Damien and Flame but nothing. The room was empty so then his first concern was Faith. Where the hell was she? Surely she hadn’t gone out with the others hunting? Still, it was possible. She’d seemed so happy to find she had family in the form of a sister, so it wasn’t completely unlikely that she’d gone with them.

Still, when he let himself into his bedroom the last thing he’d expected was to find Faith not only in his bed, but sound asleep in it. It was then that Fran’s words filled his head again and he silently groaned. She’d known Faith was here hence the cryptic reference to Goldilocks. “Yeah.” He muttered under his breath. “Who the fuck’s been sleeping in my bed?”

BOOK: Passion For Hire (Passion #5)
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