Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2)
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Even though I’d already figured it out, I still waited for Chloe to make the introductions since Cassie didn’t seem capable of anything at the moment. She was looking quite dazed and non-responsive. Her behaviour wasn’t normal and my gut instinct told me, it was them that had done this to her. Someone had been messing with this girl’s mind, I was pretty sure of it.

“Sorry to interrupt Cass, Fabian, but I wanted to introduce you to Sirene. She’s new in town, and just started working at the club. She needs somewhere to stay, so I’m hoping you’ll think about letting her take a look at a room, and moving into your house with us?” She gave Cassie a hopeful look.

I silently groaned. ‘Way to go Chloe,’ tell them my life’s story before we’ve even been introduced. I forced down my irritation at her broadcasting my life to strangers, and pasted what I hoped looked like a friendly smile on my face, as I looked at the small gathering of genetically blessed people around the table.

“Nice to meet you Fabian and…?” I shot questioning looks at the other man and woman.

It was Fabian himself who answered in a voice that was deep and rich, flowing over me with all the seductive qualities of my favourite Belgium chocolate.

“These are my children, Lucian and Francesca, Miss?” It was his turn to give me a questioning look.

“You can just call me Sirene.” I answered watching his lips curve up in a semblance of a smile.

“What a most unusual name.” That voice flowed over me again, stirring all my senses. “With your name and good looks, I have no doubt you are a siren, luring men to you with your beauty.” He said, watching me intently.

I stared at him in surprise. I’d finally met someone who could put a more exotic or romantic spin on my name other than the stupid reference to police or ambulance sirens. This man had some class, he had style, and fuck he had the looks, but I had to stop thinking with my pussy and focus.

I had to stop looking at him and only seeing his masculine beauty and remember just what this man was capable of. I’d been hired to bring him to his knees, to upset his nice, controlled life where he was master of his universe. Basically I was here to fuck with him, not fuck him. I needed to shove all thoughts out of my mind that involved tearing his clothes off and fucking him on the table where he sat, as tempting as it was.

This man had to be off limits for two reasons. Firstly, he was the very person I’d been sent to Hobart to ‘toy’ with, if what I intended doing to him could be called that. Secondly, Fabian was not what he seemed. He was in fact vampire. One hot as hell, sexy ass vampire, but still a blood sucker all the same, and from what my client had told me, he was one asshole of a blood sucker as well. Definitely enough reasons right there, why I couldn’t give in to my baser needs that were telling me to respond, to the interest I could see in those penetrating pale eyes.

Damn, he was a tempting sight though, too tempting. I really shouldn’t be picturing myself fucking him. Fabian was for me to play with, and not in a good, sexy way. No, I was here to give him a taste of his own medicine, to mind fuck him, tease and taunt him, then walk away after I’d destroyed him.

Sadly fucking him couldn’t happen. I worked by only a few simple rules and fucking those I was sent to fuck with, was on my ‘don’t do’ list. I had good reason for having that rule too. I didn’t need to risk the complications of emotions becoming involved. Fabian complicated things simply because of how unbelievably attractive he was. I’d never been tempted to have sex with a ‘victim’ before. I’d never had one that looked like him.   

As I stared at him, seeing the way his eyes moved over me, their pale gaze feeling almost like they were burning into me, I began to realise that this job may very well be the first one that tested everything I believed in.


Chapter Two



Fabian stared at the petite woman standing beside Chloe. Fuck, she was stunning, so tiny, yet very feminine looking and that hair, her eyes, instantly he grew hard, wanting her. She was staring at him as if assessing him, and he tried to read what was going on behind those amazing green eyes of hers.

So, she was looking for somewhere to stay and might possibly move in with Cassandra and Chloe? Now how perfect would that be? He’d been using Cassandra for sex and blood if things were a bit quiet and mind controlling her, but he suspected he might be overdoing it, since she seemed vague and unresponsive lately.

Of course it could simply be that she was having trouble getting over the deaths of Allegra and his son Dominick. Most unfortunate about their plane coming down, but Allegra had been dangerous, and extremely dangerous to him. He couldn’t have that kind of threat in his life, so sadly he’d had to remove the problem. Losing Allegra and her talents was a loss. She would have made a wonderful asset, if she’d agreed to a union with him, but she hadn’t. She had wanted Dominick, and after the things she’d done to him, the pain she’d inflicted, there had been no alternative other than to free him of the danger she represented.

Clearing his mind of unpleasant thoughts of the past, he focused on the raven haired beauty before him. He needed a new blood source since it seemed Cassandra was not going to be fit for his use, much longer.  He’d been sampling Chloe and she provided a new, pleasant diversion, but if this lovely creature moved into the house, she would give him a fresh blood supply and a lovely new cunt to sink his cock into.

She might come willingly to be fucked. Most women did with him. Working to get sex was not an issue. Some women were pathetic the way they threw themselves at him, and panted for his attentions like bitches on heat. It certainly wasn’t hard to get them to open their legs. It was just hard to get them out of his life afterwards, hence the need to wipe their minds clean of him.

If this beauty didn’t come willingly, it wouldn’t matter. He would simply control her so he could have his way with her.

Fascinated by her and drawn to her beauty, he suddenly wanted to get closer. He wanted to smell her and touch her. He rose from his seat and stepped towards her, his eyes widening when he got up to her and realised she was so tiny.  The top of her head barely reached his shoulders and as he gazed down at her, into those jade green eyes of hers, he felt something, although he wasn’t sure what. It was a feeling that was not familiar to him, it confused him.

He stared at her, trying to work out just what it was about her that stirred something within him. She was turning him on, that was a feeling he was familiar with. His cock was already hard, and he knew he couldn’t wait long to bed her. Holding his hand out to her, she responded, placing one small, slim one in his where he then raised it to his lips.

“Sirene, it is my greatest pleasure to meet you.” His voice was husky, and he shook his head subtly, wondering what the hell was wrong with him. Why was he acting in such a totally uncharacteristic manner around this woman?

“Come and meet Cassandra so you two can discuss the possibility of you moving into her home with. Sadly she hasn’t been well since the sudden death of her friend, who once actually owned the home she lives in now. Allegra and her boyfriend Dominick, who was my son, both perished when their plane crashed.”

He noticed a slight tensing of Sirene’s body before she nodded and followed him to the table to speak with Cassandra.

“Cassandra, I have someone who wishes to meet you.” He spoke softly to her since she was so fucking hard to get anything out of these days. He was getting tired of her bullshit but he continued to play the game of caring friend, so he could tap into her blood or fuck her whenever he felt the need.  

She raised her eyes to his and he shot her a look to bring her out of the light mind control he’d had her under. He’d originally intended taking her from the club and feeding from her before sending her on her way, but suddenly the appearance of this beautiful woman, standing by his side, had all his attention. He wasn’t even sure he still wanted anything from Cassandra, at least for tonight.

Perhaps he could mind control all three women and fuck them together? He was a generous man and would share with Lucian if he was interested. He often shared women with Lucian and Damien. Just thinking about it excited him. He wanted to fuck right now, but he couldn’t. It would be necessary to continue on with this pretence for a while yet. Cursing under his breath, he struggled not to adjust his cock in his jeans. The denim was rough against his swollen shaft and it was uncomfortable, but he could hardly take the beautiful Sirene and drag her out to his car to fuck, no matter how tempting an idea. No, he was going to have to continue with the human social niceties for a little longer yet.

“Cassandra, have you met Sirene? She’s new to town and is looking for a place to stay. Perhaps you could talk to her about renting a room in your home?”

Her eyes shifted to him and then moved beyond him to Sirene. She smiled; her smile weak, her whole demeanour slow and vague. “Chloe introduced us earlier. Of course, you are welcome to rent a room if you want. You work with Chloe and she wants you to move in, if she likes you, then so do I.” She said her voice flat and almost monotone.

Fabian watched the smile transform Sirene’s face although there was something in her eyes that he couldn’t read, as she looked into the vacant stare of Cassandra’s.

“Thank you so much. How about I come around on Sunday? It’s my day off so if I come late morning, will that suit you?”

“That’s fine.” Cassie smiled slowly and as if that had all been too much for her, her facial expression went blank.

“I think I’d better get you home Cassandra. Chloe if you’re finished, I’ll take you too? Sirene, can I drop you somewhere while I’m at it?” Fabian asked and felt a stab of disappointment when she shook her head. Since he was always used to getting his own way, he didn’t like the feeling at all.  

“Thank you, but I have my car.”

“Very well, it was nice meeting you.” He gave her a warm smile, in an attempt to mask his frustration. “Perhaps we will meet again.” He nodded to her before turning to Cassandra and Chloe. “Are you ladies ready to go home?”

“I just need to change and then I’m ready.” Chloe grinned at him, and he smiled back. Looking down at her pretty face, he realised he could still salvage something from this evening. He might not be able to fuck Sirene but he could ease his sexual frustration inside Chloe and maybe Cassandra.

Still his interest in Cassandra was waning. She was so unresponsive these days from the numerous times he’d mind controlled her that it was like fucking a store mannequin. He preferred his women to at least appear to be alive, so he might just use her for his blood feed. He didn’t need her responsive for that.

Chloe was always a reliable lay. She thoroughly enjoyed the sex and was good for a man’s ego, coming with such enthusiasm every time. Such a pity she never remembered it afterwards.

She would still be a second choice fuck for him, merely a chance to ease the pressure in his balls and cock since his focus had shifted and was now firmly, on the dark haired beauty. From the moment he laid eyes on her, he wanted her. He wanted to sip from her vein and fuck her hard, and he would, just not tonight.

He watched as Chloe and Sirene disappeared out the back to change and several minutes later they returned both dressed in jeans. Fuck, even covered with all that denim, she was beautiful, so slim and petite; he couldn’t stop his eyes from moving down her from that gleaming black hair of hers to her dainty little feet.

He smiled to himself. He was going to have fun with this one, when he could finally push his throbbing cock inside her. This one excited him like no other woman had done in a very long time. Shit, not since Carmella from 500 years ago. Hopefully this one could handle penetrative sex. He liked a tight cunt, but he didn’t want to split another woman in half like he’d done with Carmella.

“Are we ready to leave now ladies?” Fabian smiled at them all. He was growing impatient and tired of pretending he actually gave a fuck about them. He wanted to get them home so he could relieve the pressure building in him.  

Being around Sirene was driving him slowly crazy and if he couldn’t have her tonight, he needed to be away from her and back at Cassandra’s home. He was sure that once he was balls deep in one of them, his mind would no longer be filled with thoughts of the tiny woman with the raven hair.

With Francesca and Lucian leading the way, they all headed out to the car park and reluctantly Fabian watched Sirene climb into her car and drive away. Once she was out of sight, he focused his attention on Cassandra and Chloe and once they were in the car, he climbed in with them and gave Lucian the signal to head for their home.


Once they pulled up at Cassandra’s home Fabian escorted the two ladies to the door. They walked inside and he turned back to Fran and Lucian. “I’ll be a little while, go find yourselves someone to eat if you wish. I need to feed and fuck and I don’t want you two around me while I do it. It’s not necessary for you to come back for me; I’ll find my own way home.”

Fran laughed. “Since when have you suddenly become the shy retiring type?”

He grinned. “You’ll only get bored, two women isn’t really your style now is it? I have no intention of spending long on those two. Just fuck and feed that’s it.”

“I saw the way you looked at that new one, the black haired one. You want her don’t you?”

BOOK: Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2)
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