Pandora's Mistake (Fate of Eros #0) (The Fate of Eros Series) (3 page)

BOOK: Pandora's Mistake (Fate of Eros #0) (The Fate of Eros Series)
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"You are some sort of witch!" Prometheus shouted. "Otherwise, how did you bring water up this mountain? Not only is water heavy, but a bucket full of it would evaporate as soon as you got here because of the heat."

Pandora giggled. "I'm no witch. Epimetheus helped me by carrying as much water as he could, so that some of it would still be leftover once it started evaporating. He wanted me to attend to you, while he was out hunting. I am his wife. He says it's my job as much as his to care for you."

"Do not use my brother to lie to me, witch! He'd never agree to marry a woman that Zeus gave him. He's not that foolish!"

Prometheus was bluffing. He'd seen his brother do more foolish things than this on many occasions. After all, he would have never been in this mess in the first place if Epimetheus had thought ahead.

When Prometheus created the animals and humans, he had given Epimetheus the task of creating the blueprints for them. Epimetheus would decide who got claws and sharp teeth. He gave wings to birds and decorated other animals with fins. But Prometheus was the artist that brought Epimetheus' creations to life.

Prometheus saved the best for last-the humans.

"How should I decorate them? Will they have wings and claws? Or maybe gills and a tail?"

Epimetheus' face fell and he kicked the dirt with his foot.

"What is it?"

"I forgot to save a special gift for the humans. I don't know what we should do with them. Chronus only gave us so many claws and teeth to share with all of them."

Prometheus rubbed his forehead as he got a headache. "You saved nothing at all?"

Epimetheus shook his head. "Hey, you gave me a hard task to do and I did a good job up until this point."

Prometheus ignored his rebuttal as he tried to think of a solution. Maybe if he went home and sat in front of his fire, he would be able to think of something good.

That's it-he would give them the gift of fire...

Giving them that gift had been fine with Cronus, but when Zeus took over the throne, he had taken it back. Humans were too powerful and would one day rise to the status of gods if they were allowed to have fire, or so Zeus claimed.

Prometheus could not sit around and watch his creation get destroyed...

Prometheus shook his head and forced himself to concentrate on the present. Epimetheus was being foolish again by letting his lust dictate his decisions. Prometheus would have to fix it alone.

Pandora wiped the wet rag across his upper lip and he moaned at the sensation, resenting the witch for making him feel so good.

"Get away from me," Prometheus warned. "Or I will be forced to use my powers."

"I know you're afraid because of what Zeus did to you. Epimetheus explained everything to me, but I promise my intentions are pure."

Prometheus' eyes narrowed. He doubted that.

He forced all the power bursting subconsciously from him to become more focused. He stared at Pandora's arm and saw the delicate flesh puff with blisters. He was sending heat and fever through her body to cause her skin to boil. She screamed and ran, clutching her arm.

Prometheus felt horrified as he watched her back disappear from view. What had he done? He had taken the beautiful creation of a human woman and harmed her! How could he?

Bad enough that Zeus tortured his body day by day, but now he must have sent this witch to mess with his mind as well.

Still, an emptiness filled him. He missed her company. It had been a long time since humans had visited and of the ones who had come to see him, none had faces as pleasing to gaze at as hers.

Maybe he shouldn't have chased her off. Even with Epimetheus' help, she risked her life by approaching him. The crow was easily agitated by anyone trying to assist him.

Zeus was good, a little

Chapter 3

Tears fell down Pandora's cheeks as she raced down the mountain. Fire pulsated in her veins as blisters formed down her arms resembling Epimetheus' back where he had been burned. Unlike him, she couldn't heal from her wounds immediately.

She screamed while she ran. The burning blinded her to everything but the pain. Her legs stumbled as she lost herself in the woods.

She found Epimetheus standing next to a small stream. She plunged into the water sideways, not caring about the mud. The right half of her body was soon soaked and dirty. She crawled out slowly, her arm still aching.

He ran for the shore and knelt beside her. The burning was less persistent, but she knew it would probably still sting for days.

She looked into Epimetheus' eyes, expecting sympathy. His brow was furrowed and his lips pursed. "What have you done to my brother?"

She should have expected this. Still, she was shocked when she received a slap to the face. Her cheek stung and her teeth snapped together. "Answer me! Damn it!" he shouted.

Wasn't being almost burned to death enough of a punishment for her transgressions? She shook with rage, but remembered what Zeus had taught her. She breathed slowly, trying to control herself and be a good wife.

"I did everything you ordered me to do. Why do you hit me if I've done no wrong?"

Epimetheus' fists tightened. "My brother loves all humans. He'd never hurt one on purpose, unless they attacked him first."

"You forget that I was created by Zeus. I don't count as a human in his eyes."

Epimetheus' rigid posture finally relaxed. Her words had sparked some kind of understanding in his eyes. "You're right. I'll talk to Prometheus and take care of everything."

Pandora didn't fail to notice that he hadn't apologized to her, even though he believed she was telling the truth now. She didn't dare admit that she never wanted to be near his brother again. She knew he would make her attend to Prometheus later and hit her again if she argued.

She was on a roll making him angry, so she might as well finish the job. "I also have a pig cooking in one of the trees that you'll have to carry down." Tender, roasted pork was worth a slap.

He grabbed her by both shoulders and shook. "You have what?" He was so angry, he was spitting in her face as he spoke. "I told you that you weren't allowed to light a fire."

Pandora's voice was unusually calm and devoid of emotion. He could do anything to hurt her, but she didn't care anymore. She felt numb. "I didn't light one. It's hot enough up there to cook a dead pig without me needing another fire."

His face hardened. "He's being tormented by that fire and you used it for pleasure?"

Pandora shrugged. "We might as well get something good from it."

He shoved her to the ground and spat next to her. "I'm almost ashamed to call you my wife. No wonder he was angry with you.

"I'm going to go talk to him. You clean yourself. You look disgusting."

Pandora didn't doubt it. Her blisters were oozing blood now. Her hair was caked and smelly. She nodded her head, almost wishing that the damage to her skin had been worse. Maybe if she were scarred, he would find her ugly and let her go free.

For once, she was angry with Zeus for giving her pretty features. He said that they'd be a gift any husband would love her for. Epimetheus didn't deserve that gift. He was too cold to appreciate it.

She'd convince him to let her bring meat up the mountain next time and if she didn't succeed, maybe he'd hit her so hard that he'd stop loving her.

*** *** ***

"Why did you hurt my wife?" Epimetheus roared. A moment later, Prometheus saw his brother's rigid form standing over him.

Prometheus sighed. He wasn't in the mood to argue, especially considering the raven's beak had started to bruise him. The pain had gone from irritating to unsettling. He knew any moment now, the skin would break again and he'd convulse.

"I don't know." Bitter laughter escaped Prometheus. "Maybe it's related to the reason you chose to take a woman that Zeus provided for you as a wife. Do you ever think

"I didn't think you'd have an objection to it," Epimetheus explained. "You love humans-I thought you'd like her, too."

The raven pecked harder, sensing Prometheus' agitation. "I
the humans that
I created.
That abomination was made by Zeus. I have no affection for her."

The lie burned his throat. She was perfect-so beautiful that Prometheus wasn't entirely convinced he could have done a better job himself. It was why he wanted her to stay away from him. Given enough time, she could persuade him to do anything. That kind of seductive power was dangerous.

"She's my wife," Epimetheus shouted. "You need to be nice to her. I'm loyal to you and your decisions, even when they get you strapped down and punished on a mountain, but I expect the same in return."

Prometheus' body shook with rage and a large fireball burst above him. "You're a hypocrite. I know you and women. You beat her, don't you? I'm sure she hides the bruises from me because she's ashamed. But you expect
to be nice to her?

"You realize that her body isn't as strong as the goddesses you've been with. Humans are fragile and mortal. If you snap her spine, she'll be dead permanently."

If Prometheus hadn't been strapped down, he would have searched for Pandora and found the bruises under her clothes. He would beat Epimetheus for mistreating such a gift, until he was incapable of ever doing it again. What was happening to him? He had never wished violence on his brother in the past!

Prometheus groaned softly. He knew he would also find the burn on her skin that he had caused. He already regretted it.

He shouldn't have panicked. It was the kind of thing Zeus would want. He wished for Prometheus to turn against his own creation. He had given up everything for them and the worst thing that would happen would be to regret it.

Pandora was dangerous enough to destroy him. She was even beginning to tear his relationship with his brother apart.

Epimetheus' mouth stretched into a tight line. "I can't have you mistreating her because of your conspiracy theories about Zeus."

Prometheus chuckled. "Oh, yes, I'm so paranoid, thinking Zeus wants to hurt us. After all, it's not like I'm pecked to death daily through my liver by a raven sent from him."

"That's not my point," Epimetheus said. "I think Zeus has gotten his fill of revenge for now. He gave me Pandora as a peace offering."

Prometheus raised one of his eyebrows. "Is that what he told you? You really
a fool. I guarantee that she can do something that will hurt you and humanity worse than anything that's happened to us thus far. With me tied up and dying each day, Zeus knows I can't rescue you from it."

"Or maybe you should try giving Pandora a chance. Don't judge her until you've gotten to know her."

"I have no doubts that she's a beautiful person. Zeus would make sure to wrap whatever evil he has in pretty packaging. He'll spring it on us once we trust her." Prometheus sighed. "But I'll try to be nice to her for your sake. I can't betray you, brother. You have been loyal to me."

But please keep her away from me, he wanted to say. If you let me borrow your wife too much, I'll probably steal her for myself.

Epimetheus poured some water he held in a bucket into Prometheus' mouth for him to have a swallow. "I ask nothing else of you. Thank you. Pandora will return tomorrow to tend to your wounds again."

Prometheus was trapped and he had no idea whether he was excited or terrified of it.

Chapter 4

Pandora poured water onto her naked body. The stream that dripped from her muddied the ground near the entrance of the cave. Goosebumps spread across her bare skin. A selfish part of her wished to light a fire, so she could wash and warm up at the same time, but the coolness was good for the burns on her arm.

She had waited to bathe until Epimetheus left. She didn't like the way he stared and moaned when she scrubbed herself naked. She was relieved to have the option of bathing alone for once.

As she washed her stomach, a soft noise reached her ears. It sounded as if someone were singing. If someone were singing, she couldn't possibly be in the cave alone. Someone watching her, possibly rubbing themselves like Epimetheus did when he watched her.

The hairs on the back of Pandora's neck stood as she tilted her head and strained her ears to listen to the noise more closely. She couldn't make out the words.

She dropped the bucket she was using to pour water on herself. Droplets splashed on the ground.

She whirled around. "Who's there?"

The noise stopped and she saw no movements. Had she hallucinated? After several minutes of silence, she decided to continue washing.

But it wasn't long before the soft singing greeted her ears once again. She spun, unashamed of her nakedness, more concerned about the safety of her life. She stomped farther inside and grabbed an axe Epimetheus had left behind. Her hands shook as she carried it only a foot above the ground. It was too heavy to lift over her shoulders, but the sharp blade made her feel more in control of the situation anyway.

Zeus had told her stories of demons that liked to hide in dark corners and whisper evil words to the innocent to steal their purity. Epimetheus had talked to her about men, how he had once been forced to string up a guy who trespassed into the cave and tried to steal all his possessions. He had gouged out the man's eyes, cut off his penis, and ripped off his thumbs and big toes. The man was forced to crawl back to where he came from, crippled and blind. No one had bothered him since.

The trespasser must know that Epimetheus wass out hunting and assumed she was his possession to be stolen. She narrowed her eyes. She was not some kind of prey. She would show whatever it was her strength.

"Come out and face me," Pandora called. "Only cowards hide in the shadows."

As she walked towards the back of the cave, the sound grew louder. It wasn't singing; it was people whispering, but their voices were melodious.

She kicked off the furs she had hidden her jar inside of. Maybe this was one of the creatures Zeus taught her about. He said her jar was precious and that people or creatures would try to steal it. They wanted to smash it to get into what was inside. Although she didn't know what it contained, Zeus said it was precious to him. She sighed in relief after she saw that it was unmoved and intact.

BOOK: Pandora's Mistake (Fate of Eros #0) (The Fate of Eros Series)
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