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Authors: Becca Jameson and Paige Michaels

Tags: #Copntemporary Erotic Romance

Paint (7 page)

BOOK: Paint
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Olivia’s family was Catholic, but she hadn’t been to church since ninth grade when she got caught stealing the communion wine from the rectory. Her parents were too tired to fight her on going back and honestly, she never really felt that faith was for her anyway. Too many rules.

“So I’m guessing you’re a little old for the youth basketball league and you stopped going to church?”

Luke shook his head. “I’m still part of St. Jude’s, but I haven’t been in a while. My mom… It’s hard to be there without her.”

Olivia nodded. “Is your priest still there?”

“Yeah. As far as I know. It’s been a few months, but I think he would’ve reached out if he was leaving.”

Olivia redirected the conversation. “So you were a little lost after your mom died. And then this couple found you. And introduced you to something you didn’t know about. And now?”

Nathan had gotten up and moved to the bar, pouring them all glasses of sparkling water and putting it on the coffee table before resuming his spot on the couch. He was unusually quiet, and Olivia didn’t know what to make of it. Nathan had opinions on everything.

Luke stared past Olivia to meet Nathan’s gaze. “Now? I don’t know. I’m interested and open. I want something, though I’m not totally sure what it is. That scene tonight was pretty incredible, but…”

Nathan rose and walked over to Luke, tugging him from the chair. “But it was just a scene. And you want more.”

Olivia stood and took Luke’s face in her hands, dropping a full wet kiss on his mouth that he immediately opened for. Then she turned him to Nathan who did the same thing. Luke didn’t pull back, if anything, he opened wider and let Nathan suck on his tongue until a rumble sounded in the back of his throat. Finally, Nathan pulled away.

“We could be more,” Olivia whispered. “Try this with us. See if this is maybe what you’re looking for.”

Luke steadied his gaze on her and opened and closed his mouth several times before finally nodding and saying, “Okay. Let’s try.”


Nathan let his hands slip down to Luke’s and tugged him toward the bedroom. “Let’s get more comfortable. I’m sure Livi’s about to burst with need.” He chuckled and entwined his fingers with Luke’s as he walked.

Olivia took up the rear. “Oh, thank God. I was afraid I was never going to get to come.”

Nathan turned toward her at the door to the bedroom. “Baby, you’re going to come all right, so many times you’ll lose track.” He winked at Luke and stepped backward into the room.

“Wow, nice,” Luke said as he glanced around. “That’s a huge bed.”

Nathan shrugged. “We bought a king-size on purpose. It’s big enough for three.”

Luke moved farther into the room and took in all the surroundings. “I thought you said you hadn’t brought home other…strays?” He offered a hesitant smile to Nathan, digging his fingers in his pockets. So young.

Olivia giggled. “We haven’t. Just you. But we’ve considered it for a while. We’ve been looking, but until tonight we hadn’t found the perfect third.”

“And what makes you so sure I’m the

Olivia stepped in front of him and flattened her palms on his chest. She trailed them upward until she pulled his head down for a quick kiss. “You’re so damn cute. You’ll see.”

She released him when Nathan grabbed her around the waist. He pulled her back against his front and cupped her breasts, squeezing until she moaned. He nibbled her neck and turned her around to face the bed. “Hold on to the edge while I unlace this thing.” He bent her forward until she braced herself against the mattress with both hands, and then he tugged on the leather laces that held her corset in place. “Jesus, I love the way you look in this, but it’s hard as hell to get it all off. I always end up with a deflated cock by the time I’m done disassembling you.”

Olivia laughed and wiggled her ass. “Your cock is never deflated unless you’ve just come. It’s like you mainline Viagra for breakfast.”

“Bite your tongue, baby. That’s not Viagra. That’s genetics.” He
blessed with a cock that had a better than average recovery time. And it was a damn good thing because his Olivia could be insatiable.

Olivia exhaled on a moan as the bodice fell away and slipped to the floor. Her glorious tits hung in front of her, free of the confines. Nathan knew she would be aroused from that act alone. Her sensitive nipples always pebbled harder after taking off her bra or corset.

“Take your clothes off, Luke, while I get the rest of Livi undone here.” He unzipped the back of her skirt next and let it fall to the floor in a heap on top of her bustier. Without her thong, she was gloriously naked. He stroked his hands down her hips and then grasped her butt cheeks with both palms.

Finally he gave her a gentle swat, which made her yelp. “Get up there in the center, baby. Let Luke see you. All of you.”

Nathan removed his suit coat and yanked his own shirt over his head next and then kicked off his shoes while he opened his pants. He’d just come in the cab, but he still felt anxious to fuck. A good blowjob could take the edge off any day, but nothing replaced Livi’s sweet pussy.

When he turned around, he found Luke naked behind him, his clothes in a pile on the floor like everyone else’s. Nathan leaned against the edge of the bed and drank in the sight. Luke was so young. Nathan knew he had to be twenty-one because Kimber had a strict policy about allowing anyone underage into the dungeon at Nyx. Still, Luke’s boyish charm made him look younger.

Luke’s cock bobbed in front of him. Nathan wasn’t the only one affected by Olivia’s sexy body. Luke wasn’t looking at Nathan, in fact. His gaze was directed at the gorgeous woman spread out on the bed.

Nathan advanced on Luke, blocking his view of Olivia for a moment. When Luke’s gaze shifted to Nathan, Nathan set one hand on Luke’s hip and grasped the boy’s cock with his other, gently stroking it from base to tip. “I know we just watched you do a scene, but you’re so much better up close.” He set his lips on Luke’s neck and nibbled a path up to his ear, forcing Luke to tip his head to one side.

Luke grabbed Nathan’s biceps with both hands. “God. Jesus.”

Nathan chuckled, feeling the vibrations rumble through Luke’s body. “Sure, he’s welcome too.”

Luke flinched, a short gasp escaping his lips.

Nathan pulled back to look at him. “Just kidding.” He kissed Luke’s lips again, enjoying the way the younger man tentatively returned each kiss, his soft mouth unintentionally teasing Nathan.

When Nathan let his tongue graze along the edge of Luke’s lower lip, Luke moaned.

“Guys. Could you bring the party over here maybe?” Olivia pouted.

Nathan pulled back and smiled. “She’s so demanding.” He tugged Luke toward the bed and climbed up next to Olivia. “Luke, join us on the other side.”

Luke crawled up and made his way over Olivia’s spread body to get to her other side.

Olivia immediately took Luke’s hand and molded it to her breast. “Please. I need you both to touch me.
Tócame. Por favor
.” She flattened against the mattress, her knees wide open.

Nathan glared at Olivia. “Baby, you need to stop with the orders and let me run this show now. Enough.”

Olivia pursed her lips together and nodded.

“Remove your hand from Luke’s. Let him explore on his own.”

She did as instructed for once and let her arm fall beside her body.

“Go ahead, Luke. You might as well learn her responses. I’ll give you a few pointers.”

Luke cupped Olivia’s breast as he lifted his gaze to Nathan. “Okay, but I’m not really used to this. I feel very awkward.”

Nathan smiled. “I’m sure you do. You’re not very experienced, and you said it yourself, we’re not like other couples. I hope it doesn’t bother you.”

“No.” Luke shook his head. “It’s just strange.”

Nathan nodded at Olivia. “She’s squirmy. If you want to really get purchase on her, either her tits or her pussy, you have to hold her down firmly. She’s also sensitive and will probably come as soon as you touch her sweet clit. I’m sure she’s ready to burst right about now.”

“Noted.” Luke flicked his thumb over Olivia’s nipple, making her writhe.

“Also, she doesn’t like pain, so I don’t spank her or anything like that. Do you like pain, Luke?”

Luke lifted his gaze again. “I don’t know.”

“We’ll find out then.” Nathan leaned forward and stroked one finger up Luke’s bicep.

“I don’t use restraints on her very often, but when I do, she wakes the neighborhood. I can usually hold her down enough without them.” Nathan moved his hand to Olivia’s thigh and gripped it, pressing her knee down and opening her farther.

Luke dipped his face and licked Olivia’s nipple, making her raise her chest off the bed to meet his mouth.

“Stay still, Livi.” Nathan squeezed her thigh as he spoke. “Luke, wrap your leg over hers to hold her steady.”

Luke lifted his left knee and set it between Olivia’s open thighs, tugging her leg against his body and wrapping his foot under her shin. He sucked her nipple into his mouth as he did so, and Nathan watched as Luke’s hand roamed down Olivia’s body until it rested on her belly, splayed open.

“Go ahead. Stroke her pussy, Luke. Make her come so we can move on. Until she has her first orgasm, she’ll be useless.”

Luke lifted his face to stare down at Olivia and then cocked his head to look at Nathan. He must have gathered some sort of courage by what he saw in their faces because he dipped his fingers between Olivia’s legs and stroked them through her lips.

Olivia moaned. “God. Luke. That’s…” her voice trailed off as she gripped the sheets with her hands at her sides.

“Good girl, baby. How does his hand feel?”

“Ohh.” She rolled her head to one side and met Nathan’s gaze. “So good. Please…” Her gaze jerked back to Luke. “
Por favor
, Luke. Fuck me with your fingers. I’m so close.”

Nathan set his hand on top of Luke’s to still his movement.

“Lips closed, Livi. Let me do the talking.”

She nodded, biting the corner of her lower lip.

Nathan wove his fingers down with Luke’s and guided Luke’s middle finger into Olivia under his.

Olivia tried to lift her hips, but Nathan held her down. “Let us make you feel good, baby.” He kept his palm against the back of Luke’s hand and together they watched Olivia’s face while they finger fucked her.

Luke was sensitive. He matched Nathan every step of the way, speeding up with him and bending his finger to stroke over Olivia’s G-spot.

Olivia tipped her head back and screamed. Her body convulsed around the two-finger intrusion, just as Nathan knew it would.

When she finally relaxed into the mattress, heaving for breaths, Nathan removed his hand. He rolled onto his back and reached for the bedside table to pull the drawer open and grab a condom. He tossed it to Luke, but it landed between Olivia’s legs.

“Livi and I are both clean, and she’s on the pill. We haven’t had unprotected sex with anyone but each other in a long time. I’ll show you our medical reports later. I know you’re safe because like Livi said, Kimber wouldn’t have let you do the scene without a clean physical. But for tonight you should wear condoms, to protect
. You should never take a risk with anyone you don’t know.”

Luke nodded and grabbed the rubber. He ripped it open and lay back to roll it down his cock.

Nathan watched Luke’s shaky fingers as he donned the condom. Luke’s dick was longer and thinner than his. It would feel fantastic imbedded in his ass. But Luke was nowhere near ready for that.

In fact, Nathan had noted during the scene at the dungeon that likely no man had been inside Luke’s ass before. He’d bet money Douglas had been the first to breach that tight hole even with his finger.

Nathan would work him up to it. Luke deserved to know how good it felt to be filled while filling Olivia at the same time, but rushing him would ruin the experience.

Nathan grasped his own cock with his fist and squeezed. “Climb between her legs, Luke.”

Luke did as requested, nestling his cock at Olivia’s entrance.

“Take her hands in yours and hold them above her head, unless you like claw marks on your back.” He chuckled. Nathan’s cock was so desperate for either of them it was hard to keep his head on straight.

Luke threaded his fingers with Olivia’s as he lifted them over her head.

Nathan watched as their gazes met. “Kiss her. Learn her taste fully.”

Luke lowered his mouth to Olivia’s and tipped his head to one side. It was so sexy watching the two of them make love like this.

Olivia moaned around Luke’s mouth as he dipped his tongue into her and deepened the kiss.

Nathan set his own lips on Luke’s shoulder and nibbled a trail down his arm before he drew back again. He firmed his grip on his cock, afraid he would come before he wanted to. “Fuck her now, Luke. Let her feel your cock inside her.”

Luke lifted his torso just enough that nature took over and lined his length up at her entrance. He pushed into her slowly, watching her face as he did so. “Jesus.”

“Yeah, she’s got some expressions, doesn’t she?”

Nathan released his dick and leaned back again to reach into the open drawer for the lube and an anal plug. While Luke was balls deep inside Olivia, he would be more pliable. And Nathan was dying to work that sweet ass open and watch Luke’s cheeks clench around his fingers.

Luke didn’t flinch while Nathan poured a good amount of lube onto the plug and set the tube down behind him. He lifted himself onto his knees next and nudged Luke’s legs apart.

Luke paused, buried deep in Olivia’s pussy. “Sir?”

“You don’t have to call me Sir, Luke. This isn’t that kind of scene.” Nathan worked his way between Luke’s knees, forcing Luke’s thighs open and Olivia wider. “I’m going to play with your ass while you fuck Olivia. Don’t worry, I won’t take you with my cock this time. I’m just going to work you a little.”

Luke’s ass would already be sore from Douglas’s finger earlier. He wouldn’t be able to take much. But Nathan knew that. The plug he held was smaller than that man’s finger.

Without warning, Nathan set the tip of the plug on Luke’s puckered hole and circled it to let the lube spread around his entrance. Nathan set his hand on Luke’s lower back. “Stay steady for a moment. Let me work this into you. It’s a small plug. It will make sex so much more intense. You’ll love it.”

BOOK: Paint
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