Packing Heat: A Bad Boy Secret Baby Romance (Barone Crime Family) (29 page)

BOOK: Packing Heat: A Bad Boy Secret Baby Romance (Barone Crime Family)
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f course Nash
had to go and act like an asshole.

Of course the morning after it happened, after I finally gave in to him and slept with him, he had to act like a dick.

I was conflicted. Of course I was conflicted, since I had done the thing that I wasn’t going to do. I couldn’t help myself. I’d wanted to sleep with him, but I felt strange after it had finally happened. We were in a business deal, after all, and sleeping with him only muddied those waters.

We weren’t really married. I had to remember that.

So of course I felt a little awkward.

But that didn’t mean he could act like an asshole. Maybe that was his way of trying to smooth things over, but it definitely did not work very well. In fact, it only made me even angrier. Of course he didn’t understand why or really even stop to think about what he was saying. No, he was just a big, dumb jock. A sexy as fuck jock, but an asshole anyway.

As I sat there with the bright lighting shining down on me, the makeup girl doing her thing, I wished I could run away. But it was way too late for that. I was already committed to doing this thing whether I wanted to or not.

My parents knew about us. Hell, half the country knew about us now. My phone had been blowing up all night, but fortunately I’d had someone there to distract me from it.

Even with how angry I was, I couldn’t stop thinking about that sex. Nash was insatiable, starving for me, and so damn sensual. I’d felt things I didn’t know I could feel, because he’d taken me and made me feel them. He was rough, strong, and powerful, and he pushed every single button I had. When I’d thought we were finally done, it turned out that we were just getting started.

I’d let him sleep in my bed with me, something I hadn’t thought I would do. I couldn’t exactly kick him out, not after what we had done all night. It would be silly to care about that after I’d felt his thick cock filling me up from behind over and over.

Still, I was conflicted and angry with myself. I’d thought I had more self-control, but apparently that went completely out the window whenever Nash was around me. He had this effect on me, turning me into this sex-crazy maniac that needed his body.

I sighed and Nash glanced at me, grinning. “Something wrong?”

“Nope,” I said.

He leaned in closer to me. “You okay for this?”

“Fine,” I said.

“Great. One word answers. Real grown up.”

I smiled at him. “Thanks.”

He laughed at me. “You’re actually pretty cute when you try to be mad.”

I wanted to say something, but Melissa Carpenter, the journalist from the day before, walked into the room.

“Nash!” she exclaimed. He stood up, smiling. She hugged him, and I noticed that her hand moved dangerously close to his tight ass.

“Hello, Melissa,” he said. “Nice to see you so soon.”

“Well,” she said, “when your lovely Livy asked if I wanted to do a follow-up, how could I say no?”

He laughed. “Liv does love to give you access.”

The two of them sat back down in their chairs and the crew busied themselves setting up the cameras and getting microphones set up on our clothes.

“Selena,” Melissa said, finally acknowledging me.

“Hello. Good to see you again,” I said.

She looked back at Nash. “So tell me, are you giving me the goods today?”

He looked confused. “What do you mean?”

“Come on, Nash. You guys eloped out of nowhere, and nobody had ever heard of her before that. There has to be a story.”

“We told the story yesterday, Melissa,” he said coolly.

“Between me and you, I just don’t believe it.”

“If there were a story, you’d have it.”

She smiled, but the crew finished setting up and the director was motioning for Melissa to settle in.

I instantly could tell that this was different. Yesterday had been pretty easy overall. She hadn’t asked anything too hard and hadn’t really pressed the issues that maybe didn’t make perfect sense.

But today she seemed more intense.

“Three, two,” the director said, pointing to the camera on one.

“Good morning. I’m here with Nash Bell, bestselling author. Today we’re talking with him and his new wife, student Selena Wood. How are you two this morning?”

Nash’s agitation from a minute before was completely gone, replaced with a large smile. “Great, Melissa. How are you?”

I looked between the two of them and it suddenly hit me like a truck: We were on live television. I quickly looked at Melissa and plastered a smile on my face.

Why didn’t anyone tell me this was live? I thought to myself over and over, trying to stay calm.

“So, Nash, the world wants to know: Who is Selena Wood?”

He laughed, so charming and confident. “She’s my wife. She’s a student at U Penn and one of the smartest people I know.”

I smiled at him and Melissa nodded. “Selena,” she said, looking at me, “how are your first days of marriage?”

“Hard,” I said, and Melissa laughed.

“Hard already?” she asked.

“I mean, great,” I said quickly, “but tough doing all of this media stuff.”

Melissa nodded. “Of course. You’re not used to this sort of thing since you’re just a student.”

“Right,” I said. “But I want to be a part of Nash’s life, and this is it right now.”

“Tell me,” Melissa said. “Why the sudden marriage?” Nash went to answer, but Melissa shook her head quickly. “Let’s hear from Selena,” she said.

“Well, it was like we said yesterday. We decided to elope because we were impatient. Neither of us wanted to wait until the tour was over.”

“Why Vegas?” she asked.

I shrugged. “Why not Vegas? It’s an amazing city.”

“But you don’t seem like a Vegas person,” Melissa pressed. “It seems very strange that you two would run off to Las Vegas to get married when you could have easily done it in your hometown.”

“I guess you don’t know me very well, Melissa,” I said, smiling.

“We’ll have to fix that very soon, right after this break,” she said.

“You’re clear,” the director said.

“Good job, guys. Back in five.” Melissa got up and walked off.

Nash leaned in toward me. “Good job,” he said.

“This is live television,” I said to him. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

He cocked his head. “I thought you knew. I thought Livy told you.”

“She didn’t tell me anything.”

He laughed. “Shit. Well, you handled it well enough.”

“I’m so pissed at you.”

“Yeah, no kidding. Try and tone that down on camera, though.”

I glared at him. “Don’t tell me what to do.”

“You didn’t mind that last night.”

I blushed, memories coming back. “Don’t talk about last night.”

“So many rules. I’m a fan of breaking rules, though.” He grinned at me, leaning closer. “How about a kiss? You know, for the camera.”

“No, thanks,” I muttered, turning away.

Melissa came back, sipping some water, and sat down in her chair. The director motioned at her and did his little countdown. The red light on the camera came back on as soon as he hit one.

“And we’re back with Nash and Selena Bell.”

“Wood,” I said suddenly. “Selena Wood.”

Melissa smiled. “Of course. You’re keeping your name?”

“It’s a part of my identity,” I said. “I don’t want to be Selena Bell, as much as I want to be his wife.”

Nash laughed. “She’s so modern.”

“How do you feel about that, Nash?”

“Oh, it’s fine with me,” he said. “I just want to do whatever will make her happy, you know?”

“I’m sure you’ll do anything to keep your new bride content,” Melissa replied.

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. She was flirting with him so obviously that it almost made me sick.

Nobody seemed to notice my annoyance, though, as the conversation turned back toward Nash and his thoughts about the marriage. He was charming and eloquent as always, and although Melissa seemed to press him harder, she still didn’t try to crush him.

Finally, the interview ended without too much difficulty. Melissa stood up once the cameras were all clear. “Thanks again for doing this, Nash,” she said.

“Anytime,” he said.

“Good luck to you both.” She smiled and walked away.

I stood up and tossed my microphone aside, walking back toward the food. Nash caught up with me a second later. “What’s the hurry?” he asked.

“That woman is so clearly trying to fuck you,” I said.


“So, it’s pathetic.”

“What do you care?” he asked, grinning. “I thought this was just business.”

“It is just business,” I said, annoyed.

“It wasn’t just business last night.”

I blushed again. “Stop bringing that up. We’re pretending it didn’t happen, remember?”

“Maybe you are, but I can’t stop thinking about that sweet fucking pussy of yours,” he said, coming closer to me.

I bit my lip and was suddenly very aware of how wet I was. “Try harder to forget about it,” I said.

“I’d rather just feel my cock between your legs again,” he said. “I’ll slap that thick ass, pull your hair, fuck you rough and deep until you come screaming my name as loud as you can. That’s what I fucking want.”

I took a deep breath, excitement and desire rushing through my body. “Maybe you can get that from Melissa,” I said, and turned and walked away.

I heard him laughing as I rushed away from the set, heading toward our hotel room. I was thankful we had done the interview right in the hotel’s media room.

As I walked, my anger started to slowly ebb. Nash had the ability to simultaneously piss me off and make me soaking wet with that cocky smile and his strong arms. He was such a dick, and yet I kept thinking about what he’d done to me last night, the way he’d made me feel.

I had no clue what I was doing.

But I knew I had a flight coming up, and so I headed back to the room to pack, my mind a stormy mess.


elena was in a foul mood
, which wasn’t a big shock.

I didn’t bother trying to get her to talk as we drove from the hotel to the airport. We sat there in silence together, Selena trying to pretend like I was dead or something. At least Livy wasn’t around to witness this lovely display of newlywed happiness.

But then again, Selena had done well during the interview. There were a few strange moments, but overall she’d held up well. And I couldn’t believe that Livy hadn’t briefed her about it being a live interview; that seemed like total madness. I knew I had to have a conversation with her about that, even though I didn’t feel like it.

Finally, the car pulled up outside the airport, and I spotted a few paparazzi lingering around, trying to look inconspicuous. To my trained eye, though, they stood out like assholes.

“Ready?” I asked Selena.

“For what?”


She frowned. “Whatever.”

The car pulled over and I stepped out without another word. If she didn’t feel like talking, well, I wasn’t going to fucking make her.

I walked around to the back of the car and popped the trunk, which only made the poor driver anxious.

“Relax,” I said to him, handing him a twenty. “I got it.”

He smiled and nodded. I unloaded the bags and handed Selena her suitcase. We headed toward the terminal.

That was when they pounced.

“Selena! Do you really love him?”

“Selena! Are you in this for his money?”

“Nash! Why her? Are you cheating already?”

Selena walked fast, her head down, trying to ignore the flashes. I just smiled at them, trying to ignore it, but really I was just amused by their blatant attempts to rile us up.

“Selena! How big is his dick?”

I had to laugh a little bit at that one.

“Wanna see?” I called to the guy.

He nodded. “Hell yeah!”

I laughed and followed Selena inside. The photographers were stopped by airport security, and so we were safe for the time being.

“Why are you joking with them?” Selena asked.

“I don’t know,” I said. “Bored, I guess.”

“Well stop,” she said. “It’s embarrassing.”

“What do you care?” I asked, smirking at her.

“Just don’t.” She turned and headed toward the security line.

I sighed, shaking my head. Damn girl was going to be the death of me, I was sure of it.

* * *

er mood didn’t improve
on the plane, and I had no idea why. As soon as we were seated, her headphones were on and she was ignoring me. She still didn’t have her own stuff yet, though Livy had sent for it and promised it would arrived when we got to Brown. So everything Selena had, she had because I was generous. And I sure as hell had given her some of the best sex of her damn life. So why was she so damn cranky?

I settled into my first-class chair and ordered a whisky from the stewardess. She brought it and I sipped, leafing idly through SkyMall, thinking about all the stupid shit people spent their money on.

Selena didn’t look at me and I didn’t bother trying to engage her. It was a miserable flight, and all I wanted was for the stupid anger to go away. Plus, we were supposed to be married. It was clear that we weren’t getting along, and what if there was a journalist on the plane?

I was mulling that over for a bit when Selena decided to get up and go to the bathroom. I let her out and watched her fine ass stroll down between the seats.

I knocked back my whisky and followed her a second later, not thinking about it. The stewardesses were busy talking to other passengers, and so when she went to leave the bathroom, I pushed her right back in there.

“Hey! What the hell?” she said. I closed and locked the door. “What are you doing?” she asked again.

“Listen to me,” I growled at her. “I don’t know why you’re so pissed, but we’re married now. So cut it out and smile.”

She stared at me. “You really don’t know?”

“No. You’re just in a bad mood.”

She sighed, annoyed. “No, asshole. Because you didn’t defend me to the paparazzi.”


“The dick thing. It was lewd and disrespectful, and you played into it.”

I looked at her for a second. “Fine. You’re right.”

She blinked. “Really?”

“What can I say? You’re fucking right. But you were pissed before that.”

“You were an asshole this morning,” she said.

“Hardly. You were being awkward and I didn’t feel like dealing with that shit.”

“Yeah, well, maybe I am awkward. This is supposed to be a business thing.”

I pressed my body up against hers. We were crammed into that tiny airplane bathroom with nowhere else to go. I could feel her breathing get faster, and my cock was rock hard. I kept thinking about that night, about how fucking nice it would feel to sink my cock in her to the hilt.

“I don’t give a shit about that,” I said. “We fucked and that’s it. You want to be about business? Fine, but I want to feel how soaked you are right now.”

“I’m not,” she said.

I pressed my palm against her stomach and she bit her lip, staring into my eyes. I stared back and slowly pressed my hand down underneath the waistband of her jeans, pressing against her underwear.

“Are you sure you want to do that?” she asked.

“I’m sure as fuck you’re soaked,” I said, finding her pussy.

I was right: she was soaking wet. She took a deep breath as I touched her, softly rubbing her.

“Asshole,” she said. “We can’t do this.”

“No?” I whispered in her ear, slipping my hand under her panties and finding her clit. “You don’t think so?”

“We’re going to get caught.”

“You’re going to come,” I said. “Because you’re fucking begging for it, aren’t you?”

She was breathing deeply, clearly trying not to moan as I began to rub her clit, rough circles on her swollen sex. She was loving it. I could feel her body responding as her hands gripped my arms.

“You love when I rub this clit,” I whispered. “You want me to fuck you rough and hard, but I’m not going to. I’m going to make you come just like this.”

“Nash,” she whispered, “we’re going to get caught.”

“Who fucking cares?” I asked. “The only thing I want is to watch your face while you come on my fingers twenty thousand feet in the air.”

“Fuck,” she gasped as I slipped my fingers deep inside her. “Oh shit, Nash. Fuck. We’re going to get caught. We should stop.”

“We should, but we’re not going to,” I said. “I love this fucking pussy. I love how fucking wet you are. Shit, girl, you’re dripping on my fingers. You want to get off as bad as I want you to.”

I began to fuck her pussy with my fingers, not wasting any time. I wanted to push her over the edge fast and hard, make her come on my fingers.

“Shit,” she said, gasping. “I’m being too loud.”

“You can’t help yourself,” I said. “You can’t be quiet when I’m around. I make you wet and fuck your pussy right.”

She bit down on my shoulder and I grunted. It hurt, but it also made me fucking harder. She kept her mouth against me, stifling the noises she was making. I could tell she wanted to get off so badly, and she was moaning through her clenched jaw. I kept fucking her pussy, rubbing her clit, fucking her pussy, back and forth, pushing her closer and closer.

“Come for me, girl,” I whispered. “You love having this pussy fingered and fucked. You’re such a dirty girl getting off in an airplane like this.”

I continued to work her pussy, my fingers pumping in and out of her. She was absolutely soaked, her pussy dripping, and I imagined how amazing it would be to sink my cock deep into her slick spot. Instead, I wanted to get her off, make her come, make her fucking mine.

“That’s right. Come for me, Selena,” I whispered. “Come for me twenty thousand feet in the air. You dirty girl, letting me fuck your pussy with my fingers like this. Come nice and hard for me.”

Her jaw clenched harder and her whole body stiffened, her hands holding on to my arms. I fucked her harder, faster, with my fingers, and I knew I had her. She bit down harder, pain lancing through my shoulder, but I didn’t give a fuck, didn’t slow down.

I kept going as she came, her body twitching, spasming, pleasure rolling through her. I loved watching her come; it was like fucking fire in my veins and made my cock rock hard.

Slowly she finished, the orgasm passing over her. I slipped my fingers from her panties and pushed them into my mouth, licking my fingers clean.

She shook her head at me, panting. “Oh my god, Nash. You’re so dirty.”

I smiled. “You taste fucking good,” I said.

“We have to get out of here,” she said.

“You go first. I’ll follow soon.”

She turned her back to me and tried to fix herself in the mirror the best she could. A minute later she glanced at me, a look filled with pleasure and lust, and then quickly left the bathroom.

I sat down on the toilet, trying to will my fucking erection down enough to walk back to my seat. The girl was incredible, drove me fucking wild. I knew I was crossing all sorts of lines, making all the wrong decisions with her, but I couldn’t help it. She drove me completely insane with that sexy-as-hell look and that incredible body.

A minutes or two later, my cock soft enough to not stand out like a fucking tent, I stood up and slipped out of the bathroom.

Nothing seemed strange. The stewardess gave me a look, but I couldn’t tell if it was because I had taken so long in there or because she knew what we’d done. Either way, it didn’t fucking matter to me.

I got back to my seat. Selena looked at me. “They definitely know,” she giggled into my ear softly.

“Good,” I whispered back. “I want them to know.”

She shook her head. “Business, right?”

“Yeah,” I said. “That was all business.”

She smiled in spite of herself and then slipped her headphones back on. She returned to ignoring me, which was fine with me, but she had a smile on her face.

Damn right she did. Not many girls got an orgasm from Nash Bell at twenty thousand feet.

I ordered another whisky the first chance I got, leaned back in my chair, and enjoyed the rest of the fucking flight.

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