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Authors: Annabel Joseph

Tags: #Erotica

Owning Wednesday

BOOK: Owning Wednesday
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Owning Wednesday



Annabel Joseph

Owning Wednesday

Copyright © April 2011 by Annabel Joseph

All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.


eISBN 978-1-60737-952-2

Editor: Venessa Giunta

Cover Artist: April Martinez

Printed in the United States of America


Published by

Loose Id LLC

PO Box 425960

San Francisco CA 94142-5960


This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.




This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Loose Id LLC’s e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.


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DISCLAIMER: Please do not try any new sexual practice, especially those that might be found in our BDSM/fetish titles without the guidance of an experienced practitioner. Neither Loose Id LLC nor its authors will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in any of its titles.




To Audrey and Doris, my first readers.

Chapter One



Wednesday shifted next to her master, trying not to stare at the man across the table. Vincent had introduced him as Daniel Laurent, one of his former art students and now a successful movie-set designer. Wednesday was a little starstruck.


And a


She didn’t know why this friend of Vincent’s affected her so strongly. She was quite content with her handsome, dark-eyed master.
was not a strong enough word—she
him. Vincent was in his early fifties, stern and intelligent. Daniel was closer to her age, perhaps thirty, and blond in contrast to Vincent’s dark coloring. His personality was a contrast too, laid-back and open. He smiled a lot. God, that smile. So easy and charming. So easy to get lost in…
You have a master, Wednesday. And he’s not blond.


This dinner outing was a birthday present of sorts from Vincent, who rarely took her on dates, much less introduced her to friends—unless he meant to share her with them. Wednesday knew she would be serving Daniel later, but even so, she wasn’t getting the usual “you’re gonna be my bitch” vibe. Daniel just looked at her like she was a normal woman, and treated her with friendly respect. She supposed, in general, she did look totally normal. Vincent collared and cuffed her often in private but never in public, so there was nothing to make anyone look at her sideways or realize she was kinky. She did have striking coloring—thick, curly black hair and light blue eyes lined with black lashes that contrasted sharply with her pale skin.


Daniel had light blue eyes too, but his scruffy blond hair seemed much more appropriate to their shade. His gaze caught hers on more than one occasion, and she began to hope that he found her attractive. Her lips were painted, as usual, a deep, rich plum that her master preferred. She knew she had full, pretty lips and a nice smile. Vincent loved her mouth, in more ways than one. What did Daniel think of her mouth? She imagined opening her lips wide and moaning around his cock, and a guilty flush of arousal warmed her cheeks. She tried to put the brakes on her libido, wary of angering her master. She glanced at Vincent, and he frowned back at her.
Too late.


What Daniel thought of all this, she had no idea. She watched his body language, trying to glean what he might be like in their scene later. God, he was so handsome. Usually she put up with third partners, whether male or female, because Vincent wanted her to. For the first time, she was excited herself.


Daniel and her master fought over the check—Daniel won—and then they set out for Vincent’s house. Daniel said he would drive separately, so Vincent and Wednesday endured a tense drive alone in his car through the city. Wednesday liked Vincent’s house. It was neat and tastefully decorated and bright with light for his painting and sculpting. Vincent’s home was utterly perfect, like him. It was impossible to misbehave in such an austere space.


During the drive, Wednesday waited for Vincent to clue her in on how he felt about the fact that she was lusting after his friend. Unfortunately, he gave her nothing, only the equivocal silence she knew so well. So she sat, silent and anxious, and waited to see how things would go. She hoped he wouldn’t be too hard on her, since she’d tried, at least, to hide her attraction.


Inside, Vincent offered him a drink, which Daniel refused, to her relief. Not that she imagined him as the type to get drunk and sloppy when he played. She just didn’t want to wait for things to get going. Vincent led him to the playroom, which looked like the rest of the house, only the walls were soundproof and there were hooks hidden everywhere and cabinets full of toys. Toys that Wednesday knew, by this point, exceedingly well. Toys that Daniel, having been invited here, was surely familiar with too.


There was no real talk, no negotiating. Vincent told her to undress, and she complied. No sexy striptease—Vincent wouldn’t like it. She took off her shoes and dress and set them in a neat pile. But as she began to unhook her stockings, Daniel said, “Have her leave them on.”


She looked at Vincent, who nodded shortly. She went to her master and knelt while he buckled on her collar and cuffs. He asked Daniel, “What do you want?”


Daniel looked back at him and then at her. “I’d like to have her alone.”


“No, I don’t think so,” said Vincent with a terse smile. “But she’s perfectly capable of attending to us both.” He made a subtle gesture in Daniel’s direction.


She crawled to Daniel in her stockings and heels and knelt at his feet with her lips parted just slightly. She watched for any directions. Daniel gazed down at her for a long moment, and she wasn’t sure what was going on behind those piercing blue eyes. Then he reached down and tipped her head back.


“Nice,” he said finally. “Suck me. Undress me first.” He undid his pants while she worked on his shoes and socks. He had his shirt off before she could even get to it. He seemed eager to show her his body, and no wonder, because nude, he was absolutely breathtaking. Golden California tan, muscles that looked strong and prominent, but not
prominent. Broad shoulders tapered to a blond-furred chest and cut abs that ended in…
. She wanted to caress him, to run her hands all over his perfectly honed body to feel every hard and sinuous part of him, but she didn’t. She only waited for him to roll on a condom and guide his cock into her mouth.


Daniel was a big man, but so was Vincent, so she had no problems accommodating his size. She threw herself into her service with perhaps a bit too much abandoned devotion. She opened wide, licking the underside of his cock then brushing tiny tongue strokes around the swollen head. He wasn’t gentle and found the back of her throat quickly, grasping her shoulders. Rather than alarming her, the rough usage elicited an even deeper submission. She used her lips and tongue to pleasure him, moaning softly, closing her eyes to concentrate on the sensation of being taken so decisively by a man she’d just met. He smelled different, a new musk. He had a different rhythm, a different thrust than Vincent. He had novel contours, and those fingers digging into her shoulders…


She sighed against the satiny hardness of his cock, wanting more. She reached out to touch him, alert to any signals of rejection. Sometimes Vincent pushed her hands away and only let her use her mouth. But Daniel slid a hand down her back with an encouraging groan.


“Oh yes. Touch me. Play with my balls, girl.”


She skimmed her fingertips over his crisp hair and his firm, pendulous sac. She slid her hands up to grip his rod and licked around the base, then down to tease his balls. She could feel his body tighten in response—feel it in his thighs and the fingers that were twisting in her hair. He pulled her head back and made a low noise. She opened her mouth wide in response, his willing, waiting receptacle. Again, he slid deep, and she fought not to gag. She sucked him in a faster rhythm, using her hands in any way she thought might please him. She stroked his balls and massaged his shaft and was rewarded with a hiss from between his teeth.


“Yes, more. Don’t stop.”


His voice was a demanding, low rumble. He tightened his hands in her hair, and her pussy clenched from the sensation of being controlled, used. God, she was so hot she wanted to hump against his leg. Her whole body hummed at the same compelling pitch as his words. Was it only attraction that had her so excited? She made a fist and pressed it against her thigh. She wanted to touch herself, rub herself into oblivion, but she didn’t dare.

BOOK: Owning Wednesday
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