Read Out to Protect Online

Authors: Amber Skyze

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Fiction, #Romance, #Genre Fiction, #Gay Romance, #Suspense, #Contemporary, #Gay, #Erotic Romance

Out to Protect (10 page)

BOOK: Out to Protect
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“Yes. Do me a favor and have one of the guys fill you in. Ralph and I have some things to take care of.”

“Okay.” Grant backed away, surprised by the chief. He wasn’t one to argue, though. He’d do what was asked.

Grant went looking for Parker to see what he found out. He couldn’t help but wonder what he thought about on the ride over. Did he blame the murders on Grant? If they weren’t getting busy, they might’ve been able to stop them from occurring. Grant knew it was a long shot, but it could be what Parker felt.

“Hey, anything good?”

Parker turned, his eyes blazing. “Anything good? Are you kidding? What’s good about two dead guys?”

Okay, so the murders were a touchy subject for Parker. He obviously blamed their time together for the crime scene.

“You know I didn’t mean that this was good. It’s merely a figure of speech.”

“Yeah, well, maybe you should choose your words wisely.”

“And maybe you should get that stick out of your ass.”

Parker’s eyes bulged. Grant thought they’d pop right out of his head.

“I’m just saying.” Oh fuck it. He wasn’t about to win this battle. He walked away, leaving Parker staring in disbelief. He’d give him a few minutes to get his thoughts together, because they’d have to work this case 24-7 from this point on.

Grant wasn’t sure which way to turn. Ralph and the chief were talking, and Parker wanted him as far away as possible. In that moment he felt helpless. He needed to do something. Grant dragged his heavy feet over to the dead guys again. He ignored Parker and the questions he was asking. He started observing the details of the crime scene.

The MO was all there. The guys appeared to have track marks on their skin. Upon initial inspection they looked to have been injected with something that killed them. They had ligature marks, which led the coroner to believe they’d been tied up prior to their death. The sight of these guys’ faces sent chills down Grant’s spine. If Parker hadn’t come in with his gun blazing, would Ralph had found a way to lure Grant somewhere and killed him in the same manner?

Grant believed it would’ve been a harder fight because Grant was trained to be on his guard at all times. Though with Ralph he would’ve dropped his guard. For his partner and best friend, he would’ve done just about anything. Now Grant finally conceded defeat. These murders had to stop, and Grant had to bring the killer to justice. He wasn’t sure how he’d do it, but Grant planned to arrest Ralph before the night ended.

“We need to talk.”

A shiver went down Grant’s spine. His body stiffened. Fear gripped him, preventing him from turning to speak with the one man he now wanted to bring down. Ralph.

“Did you hear me?”

The disgust and anger didn’t go undetected.

“Yes, I hear you. Start talking.”

“Not here.”

Grant took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He feared Ralph would say he wanted him alone. Grant continued looking at the dead bodies and wondered if he agreed to speak with Ralph alone if he’d be found here or somewhere close later.


“The dog park over on Jefferson.”

Grant visibly shook. Ralph asked him to go to his special spot. He’d never shown Ralph the spot. He kept it private. Now it seemed like Ralph wanted to lure Grant to the safety of his private spot to kill him.

“When?” Grant asked.

“Say about an hour?”

“I’ll be there.”

“Ditch the partner.”

Goose bumps covered Grant’s skin, even though the night was extremely warm.

“I’ll do my best.”

“Make sure you come alone.”

Ralph’s request sounded more like a threat than a request. Grant finally worked up the nerve to turn and confront his former partner.

“I’m…” Ralph wasn’t there. He’d disappeared without a trace. For a moment Grant had to question if Ralph had really been there or had the conversation all been a figment of his overactive imagination.

“What did Ralph want?”

Grant turned to face Parker.

“You saw him, right?”

“Yes. What’s going on, Grant? Are you losing your mind now?”

“No, it’s just I went to say something to Ralph, and he was gone. Disappeared. I swear he vanished into thin air.”

“What did he want?” Parker asked again.

Should he tell Parker the truth? Ralph warned him to come alone. Grant didn’t feel Ralph could take him down without a good fight. He’d prove a worthy opponent to Ralph.

“He wanted to talk.”


Grant shrugged. “I’m not really sure. We’re meeting later. Alone.”

“You’re not meeting him alone,” Parker said through clenched teeth. “It’s too dangerous.”

“I am meeting him. He insisted I come alone.”

“Oh, so because he insisted.”

“Look, Parker, I appreciate your concern, but I have to do this. He wants to talk to me. Maybe he wants to strike a deal for turning himself in.”

“Okay, and I have a bridge I want to sell you.”

“Enough of the sarcasm.” Grant balled his fists. “I’m having a hard time with this situation, but I realize that I have no choice but to bring him in. I’m not going to let him slip away. I’m not stupid. I know he has to be stopped once and for all.”

“You can’t do it alone, Grant. I know you think you can, but you need backup.”

Grant shook his head no. “I have to go it alone.”

“You’re making a grave mistake.”

Grant wondered if Parker’s words would ring true later.

“I’m going to be fine. You don’t have to worry about anything.” As Grant turned his attention back to the dead bodies, he prayed he didn’t live or die to regret those words.


PARKER STOMPED OVER to the chief, ready to give him an earful about his stubborn partner. Only the chief was busy speaking with Stanley. Parker stopped a few feet away and planted his butt against one of the cars. He’d wait until the two were done speaking. He didn’t want to interrupt them, though he wondered why Stanley wasn’t with Ralph and how Ralph planned to ditch him to meet up with Grant.

“You need to keep a close eye on your partner.”

Parker couldn’t believe his ears. The chief had told Stanley to keep a close eye on his partner? What happened to this being a secret and a big secret at that? The chief had told them that he trusted no one. Had he decided that he couldn’t trust them too? Were they being tailed too? Did the chief know that Grant had let Ralph slip away from them?

Fuck, if he knew that, what else did he know? A new terror consumed Parker. The air in his lungs felt like it drained. Pains in his chest caused him to cover it with both hands. Parker doubled over, gasping for air.

“Shit. Are you okay?” The chief bent over and placed a hand on Parker’s back.

Parker hyperventilated.

“Someone grab a paper bag or something.” The chief glanced around before barking out more orders. “Parker, can you hear me? You need to sit on the ground and put your head between your knees.”

Parker heard the words but didn’t move. He continued gasping for air.

“Now, Parker.”

The chief pushed him down to the ground. He eased Parker’s head between his legs.

“Breathe, Parker. Breathe. Take nice slow breaths. That’s it. Keep breathing.”

Parker did as the chief requested. His breathing slowed to an even, steady, normal tempo.

“Are you okay?”

Parker let out a low whistle. “Thanks, Chief. I’m not sure what happened there.”

“Do you need to be checked out?”

“No. What I need is to find Grant and get cracking on this case.”

“He left,” Stanley said.

“What?” Parker’s shock was evident.

“Yeah, he told me to tell you he needed a few minutes to regroup. Whatever that means.”

“Thanks, Stanley, and thank you, Chief. I appreciate your help getting my breathing under control.”

“No problem. Now do me a favor. Get your partner and catch me a killer. I don’t need any more bad publicity. This town is gripped with fear. We need to put the citizens at ease.”

“Right.” Parker stood and brushed off his butt. “I’m on it, sir.”

“Me too,” Stanley said.

Parker scanned the scene, looking for Ralph. It took him less than a minute to realize he’d disappeared too. Great, now they were gone, and Parker had no idea where to begin looking for them.

He pushed through the crowd to find his car. He’d drive around until he figured it out. The chief had assigned him to Grant to protect him. He couldn’t do his job if his partner wanted to go running off on his own, meeting with a killer by himself. What the fuck had Grant been thinking? Was he really stupid enough to risk his life? Didn’t he have any consideration for anyone else? Grant should’ve been thinking about Parker’s feelings. Parker worried about him. He didn’t want Grant hurt or worse—dead. They’d grown close. Shit, who was he fooling? He’d fallen in love with Grant. He couldn’t hide it any longer. He loved him and wanted to tell him. If Grant showed up dead, he’d be denied the opportunity. He’d be damned if he gave Grant the chance to deny him his right. He’d find Grant and Ralph, and he’d confess his feelings. Parker didn’t care what it took. He’d find his partner and tell him he loved him.

He only prayed he wasn’t too late.

Chapter Seven

Grant drove with the rock music blasting through the speakers. He tried drowning out the thoughts racing in his mind. Different scenarios played out in his head. Ralph sneaking up on him, hitting him over the head, and dragging him away someplace to inject him with antifreeze. Another had Ralph pulling his gun on him and insisting he drive to a desolate area where he’d shoot Grant, killing him. The dog park at night didn’t get much more desolate. Ralph wouldn’t have to go far to dump his body either. He could easily drag Grant to the rocks and toss him over the edge into the ocean. The waves would wash Grant’s body out to sea, and with his luck, no one would ever be wiser.

“Fuck.” He shook the steering wheel as he sat at the red light. What had he been thinking agreeing to meet Ralph all alone? It was a trap; of that he was certain. Ralph didn’t need to lure him to the dog park just to talk. They could’ve easily done that at a local coffee shop. No, this was a trap, and Grant was next on Ralph’s list of victims.

The light switched to green, and Grant stepped on the gas. An uneasy feeling consumed him. He pulled over to the side of the road to check his gun. The safety was on, but it was in place and ready to be used if need be. Grant leaned over the console and opened the glove compartment, where he kept a nine millimeter. He checked that gun too and found it ready for use. He slipped in into the holster on his leg.

“Ralph will likely suspect I have it, but who cares? I’d rather be safe than sorry.” Grant refused to go down without a fight.

Once he felt ready to confront Ralph, Grant pulled away from the curb and drove the few blocks to where they were supposed to meet.

* * * *

Parker spied Stanley as he put his seat belt on. Stanley was headed toward his car. Ralph was nowhere in sight. He wondered if Stanley knew of Ralph’s whereabouts. It wouldn’t hurt to follow him and see if he could lead him to Ralph and Grant.

His patience grew thin as he waited for Stanley to get settled in the car and drive off. He paused a few extra seconds before pulling out of his parking spot. He didn’t want Stanley to pick up the tail.

Stanley must have suspected Parker was following, because he seemed to be driving around in circles. Finally Parker gave up on the tail. He played the night over in his head, hoping to see if Grant had left him any clues to where he and Ralph were meeting. Nothing jumped out at him.

Grant’s life was in danger, and there was nothing that Parker could do. He never felt so helpless in his life.

“I will find you, Grant. Protecting you is my job. I don’t take those responsibilities lightly.” When had he started talking to himself? Nothing had been the same for Parker since meeting Grant. If anyone had told him a few days ago that he’d have sex with a coworker, he’d have laughed in his or her face. Had anyone suggested he’d be considering coming clean with his feelings toward another man, he’d probably punch them in the face.

Yet here he was doing all of the above. Parker fought falling in love for too long, and still it happened. When he hadn’t been looking, love walked in and slapped him upside the head. Like a teenager with a massive crush, Parker found he fell headfirst into love with his new partner. The man who blew up the department with his confession of being a gay cop.

If he confessed his feelings tonight, he risked becoming an outsider too. If he hid his feelings, he risked losing himself. And he’d been lost for too long. He allowed his family to control him, and now he was letting the guys and girls at work do the same. Parker had had enough of being controlled. He realized he wanted control over his life. He wanted the freedom to be himself. He wanted to be free to live and love whoever he wanted, not who others felt he should.

He had one person to thank for the revelation—Grant.

“You better stay alive so I can thank you properly.”

* * * *

Grant turned off the headlights as he neared the park. He didn’t see Ralph’s car, but his gut told him Ralph was there, hidden in the darkness, just waiting for Grant to get out of his car. It felt like a game of hide-and-seek, only the outcome would be more deadly than a simple tag on the body and someone calling “you’re it.”

Dread filled him as he scanned the park.


Now he had to get out of the car and search for Ralph. Leaving the car meant exposing himself to anything, including death.

He tried to shake off the dread consuming him. He’d been in more dangerous situations in his career. This was his longtime friend. Surely Ralph couldn’t go through with killing him.

Grant wrapped his fingers around the handle and yanked. The door opened, and he used his foot to push it wider. He kept an eye on his surroundings. The last thing he needed was to be ambushed by Ralph.

His foot hit the gravel. Grant did a quick look around the car to make sure no one lurked in the shadows.


BOOK: Out to Protect
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