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Authors: Avery Gale

Out of the Storm (5 page)

BOOK: Out of the Storm
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After they’d finished eating, they’d moved to the media room. Kyle had started the stereo and fireplace and they had settled in to talk.  Kent positioned her on the square coffee table in front of the sofa and reminded her to keep her legs spread apart. Then he’d positioned her hands flat on the table behind her, forcing her to lean back just a bit. Moving her long hair over her shoulders, he’d watched as her eyes went from brilliant green to a dark moss color as they darkened with desire. Kent pushed the shirt off her shoulders and smiled when her pretty pink nipples had tightened even further. “Very pretty, sweetness. I am pleased that you didn’t move your hands.”

“Kitten, during your little mental meandering earlier you mentioned an interest in BDSM.” He heard her small intake of breath and watched as her blush started directly over her heart and spread quickly upward. “Don’t be embarrassed. Acknowledging your needs is important to your physical and mental health. People who continually live their lives in ways that are not meeting their needs end up prime candidates for heart disease, ulcers, and a host of other stress related problems.” He waited a few minutes for his words to sink in and take root. She’d know he was right as soon as she used her mind instead of her fear to evaluate the information he had just given her.

“Now, we’re going to ask you some questions and we want your complete honesty. As a matter of fact, we’re always going to expect you to be completely honest with not only us, but with yourself as well. If you don’t know the answer, say so and we’ll move on until you do. Do you understand?”

“Yes.” When he merely arched his brow at her, she quickly amended her answer, “Yes, Sir. I understand.” Since she had an interest in Dominance and submission he was sure she had probably done at least some research. Her quick correction proved to be an accurate assumption.

“Very good, kitten. Thank you for that. Now, have you ever played before?”

“Played, Sir? Can you tell me what that means, please?”

Her question was an answer, but he’d explain it anyway, and consider it the first of many lessons. “Play is the word used to refer to BDSM encounters and/or interactions that are usually driven by protocol and are almost always solely directed by the Dom. But that doesn’t mean the sub is powerless—in fact the opposite is actually true. Now, your question will serve as your answer to that question so let’s move on.”

Kent leaned forward and placed his hand on her knee and Kyle watched the muscles in her leg tighten and quiver beneath her satin smooth skin. She hadn’t tried to pull away, but her body had certainly responded to his touch. “Sweetness, have you talked to anyone in the lifestyle about your interest? Or perhaps tried to get a previous sexual partner to experiment with you?” Kyle knew that Kent had nailed the second question, because Tobi’s eyes had immediately dropped. She’d tried to mask the embarrassment, but he hadn’t missed it and he was sure Kent hadn’t either. It was a sad fact that many people felt like they were forced to hide their needs because they feared society’s judgment. Since they’d begun the process of vetting club members several months ago they had heard a lot of versions of the story, but all of them had been basically the same. “I tried to get my partner to spank me to liven things up, but he said there was something wrong with me and I should get professional help so I never asked again.” Oh, the genders and the requests had varied, but the abject humiliation of the rejection had been a recurring theme.

“Let me remind you about our earlier admonishment about being honest. And remember, sweetness, lying by omission, or editing is still lying.” Kyle had been certain that Tobi’s thoughts were scrambling for a way to
the information that would have been slanted at the very least and probably closer to downright misleading, Kent’s warning seemed to have been enough to cut through her efforts.

Kyle bit back a smile as Tobi took a deep breath—damn but she was adorable when she was trying so hard to fight back her discomfort and be brave. “I mentioned it once to a boyfriend in college but he got pretty weird about it, so I dropped the subject. But that didn’t keep him from telling all his frat brothers all the juicy details. Other than that all I know is from the books I read.” She’d looked both of them in the eyes while she’d answered and Kyle had seen nothing but honesty even though it had been edged with something else, but he wasn’t quite sure what it had been. Whatever the emotion had been, it was so fleeting he almost wondered if he’d imagined it.

“Thank you for your honesty, kitten. I know that was hard for you to answer, but we really do need to know exactly how familiar you are with the lifestyle. We’d like to take you downstairs later and walk through the club, but we wouldn’t do that if it was going to frighten or upset you. You’re apt to see any number of scenes being played out in the main room. We’ve seen inexperienced and ill-prepared people become very traumatized in the clubs we’ve visited over the years and that isn’t at all what we want for you.” He let his fingers trace slow circles on the inside of her thigh as she took in what he had said. “Now, how many men have you had sex with?”

Tobi’s eyes became absolutely huge and the flush that rushed over her face was so bright he was surprised she hadn’t moved her hands to fan herself. He’d seen this same reaction from subs for years and as a Dom had always found it remarkable. Men seemed to pride themselves on the number of women they’d fucked, but women were usually much more discreet in disclosing their level of experience. Usually Kyle viewed this question as little more than a normal part of a pre-scene negotiation, but this time it felt much more personal. If he hadn’t been looking right at her and seen her mouth move ever so slightly, Kyle wasn’t sure he would have heard her whispered, “Two.”
Two? Holy shit, are the men in this woman’s social circle blind?

When he leaned further forward and brushed back the soft mass of white blond curls, his heart clenched at the sight of her unshed tears. “Kitten, tell me what about that answer put this sad look on your face.” 

To her credit her gaze never left his as she blinked several times trying to send the tears back into hiding. “Well, I know you are both really experienced. And I know that you probably have women chasing after you all the time.” She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders as if she was getting ready to deliver something of monumental importance. “And I just can’t see any reason you’d want to spend time with a chunky, inexperienced, likely soon-to-be-unemployed, born-again virgin.”

Honest to God, Kyle had made what he’d considered a valiant attempt to hold back his laughter at the absurdity of her statement, but he’d failed miserably. His bark of laughter hadn’t been without consequences because the tears she’d tried to banish began streaming down her pink cheeks with unchecked enthusiasm. The minute he realized that he’d hurt her feelings he pulled her onto his lap and positioned her so she was facing Kent. “Kitten, I’m sorry I laughed.  I want you to know that I wasn’t laughing at you in the way you think I was. First of all the born-again-virgin remark was just plain funny, as I’m sure you well know. But the other two things we’re going to address right now. First, I don’t really know anything about the employment situation, but losing the job you have now might not be the tragedy you believe it would be.  And we’ll talk about that more later on. Now, it’s your reference to yourself as being chunky that my brother and I are both going to take issue with.”

Kent pulled her tiny feet into his lap and immediately turned them out so her legs were opened to his view once again. “Sweetness, take it from two Doms who have seen their fair share of naked subs, both male and female, over the years—your assessment of your body is inaccurate. Personally, I’ve never been attracted to women who are rail-thin stick figures and I’m sure Kyle is going to tell you the same thing. I don’t know who put that idea in your head, but I assure you we are going to help you silence that little internal voice that is plaguing you with self-doubt.” If Kyle hadn’t known his brother almost as well as he knew himself, he might had thought that was all Kent was going to say on the subject, but Kyle knew better so he just waited.
Wait for it…wait for it…yep, here is comes.
Kyle fought his urge to smile when Kent opened his mouth to continue, “And sweetness, this is the
only time
you will get away with making a disparaging remark about yourself. The next time you say something like that, you’ll be over one of our knees with your bare little ass glowing a nice bright pink before you know what hit you. So I’d suggest you be very careful where and when you make that mistake again.”

Kyle felt her entire body shiver ever so slightly at the thought of being spanked just a split second before the sweet smell of her arousal hit his nose. “Kitten, our club has very strict rules about things that have to happen before you can play in any of the club areas. Since we don’t have your medical form on file and you haven’t been screened for membership, we won’t be able to play there tonight. But that doesn’t mean my brother and I don’t want you, nor does it mean that we will keep our hands off you while we are downstairs. We hope after you tour the club, you’ll stay with us this weekend so we can all three explore what seems to be a mutual attraction.”

Kyle let the words settle like dust in the room that had been stirred by her earlier uncertainty. He knew he was putting he and Kent out on the very end of a limb in a strong breeze, but he also knew that was where the sweetest fruit was always found.


Chapter Five



Kent hadn’t even realized he was holding his breath awaiting Tobi’s answer until she finally nodded and simply said, “Yes. Yes, I’d like to stay. I have to know if I can do this.” Sweet words to any Dom’s ears because it meant she wanted to find out if her rational mind could accept what the sexual woman inside her craved.

Kyle turned to him and suggested, “You know, brother, since Tobi has been so honest and open with us, maybe we could give her just a small preview of coming attractions—say, a bit of a
if you will. What do you think?” Kent thought it was a fan-fucking-tastic idea that only had one major flaw–it wasn’t going to do anything to ease his throbbing erection.
It’s going to be a long damned night.

He grinned at Tobi and watched as her eyes darkened and her breathing became quicker.  The need was practically pulsing from her. “I think that is a wonderful idea.” He and Kyle had shared women practically from their very first sexual encounter so they easily fell into perfect synch with each other. Kyle’s mouth crashed over Tobi’s and Kent slid his hand up the inside of her thigh and slipped his fingers up and back down through the soaking folds of her labia watching the lips swell and darken as they became engorged with blood.  Seeing her body prepare itself for the pleasure it was on the fast track to chase, drove his own desire even higher.

Kyle had moved a hand so he was pinching each of her nipples alternately and Kent was thrilled to see her arching into that little bit of pain.  He knew her body was already blurring the line between the pain and pleasure, and it was wondrous to watch. What many submissives didn’t understand in the beginning was their body’s inability to make the distinction between the two sensations when they were linked together. By adding the sharp pinching to the pleasure he was creating with his kiss, Kyle was confusing Tobi’s senses and teaching her body a new way to respond to pain. And when you added in Kent’s fingers circling her clit with random passes over the top of the little bundle of nerves, her body was completely centered on the pleasure.

“Sweetness, you do not come until we give you permission to do so. Do you understand?”  Kyle pulled back from the kiss and waited for her to answer, but Kent wasn’t too sure he hadn’t waited too long to give the instruction because he could already feel the rippling of her pussy walls around the tips of his fingers.  Hell, he’d just barely begun pushing his fingers inside her soaking channel.

“Kitten, did you hear Master Kent’s instruction?”

“I…I don’t know if I can hold…it. Oh, please…” Kent smiled because it was obvious she wanted to comply, but her body wasn’t willing to wait. Truthfully, he had been so caught up in his relief she had agreed to spend the weekend with them that he’d missed that small window of time when he should have given her the instruction to delay her orgasm. If they punished her for something she truly couldn’t control at this point, it would erode the small amount of trust they’d already built and would tarnish the release she was closing in on quickly.

In one smooth move Kent slid off the sofa, widened her legs and licked her quickly before blowing a puff of air over her pulsing pussy. “Come for us, sweetness. Show us your pleasure.” Kent wasn’t sure he’d ever seen a sub respond as quickly to his order to come as Tobi had. She’d already been arching before he’d finished speaking and the strength of her pussy clamping down on the fingers he’d pushed back into her heat was almost painful and he found himself fighting his cock’s demands for relief just from watching her. Christ, he hadn’t lost control of his own release since he’d been a teenager and here he was clamoring for control like an inexperienced youngster.

“Kitten, that was just about the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. And from the look on my brother’s face, I’m sure I am speaking for him as well when I say you just upped the stakes for tonight exponentially. Now, I’m going to take you back and settle you in for a nap. I want you to rest a bit before we go downstairs, okay?”

Good call, brother, we’ll each have a chance to take a nice long—very cold—shower and maybe find some relief.

As soon as Kyle headed down the hall with Tobi cradled in his arms, Kent flipped open his phone and called downstairs to ask their receptionist to send up something appropriate for their guest to wear tonight. After giving Regi fairly detailed instructions on what he wanted to see Tobi wearing, Kent started toward the hall that led to their bedrooms. He met Kyle who nodded toward the kitchen. Once they’d both grabbed a beer, they stood in the kitchen leaning against the counter—both of them lost in their own thoughts. He finally broke the silence, “I’ve asked Regi to send up something for Tobi to wear tonight.” Kyle’s smile told him that he understood Kent’s unspoken message.

BOOK: Out of the Storm
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