Out Of The Smoke (6 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

BOOK: Out Of The Smoke
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Chapter Four

Several hours after Liz began to figure Alan’s taxes she struggled to keep her cool while he breathed over her shoulder for the umpteenth time. He’d given her the fancy chair and insisted she take center stage at the desktop computer, but it didn’t keep him from exhaling his warm breath in her left ear dozens of times an hour.

She knew a lot more about Alan than she had this morning, and the information practically made her moan with wanting him to nibble on that ear instead of just breathe into it. He was the most upstanding citizen, with every
dotted, every
crossed. His philanthropic exploits were numerous. His wealth was far more than his modest house implied. In addition to eight years as an attorney, he had invested in several properties and made a healthy salary from rent alone.

It had been over two years since Liz had been able to practice her degree, and even that had been tutorials she’d done in school. Nevertheless, she found herself jumping right back into the process. Whatever she didn’t know she looked up and easily found the answer to on the internet. Thank God she’d kept up her computer skills using the laptops available at the local library. Sure, the process took longer than it would have taken a practicing accountant, but Alan didn’t seem to mind.

“I think that’s it,” she stated over her shoulder, trying to nonchalantly angle herself away from the masculine scent that reached her nose as she faced him, turning her insides to mush. What she really wanted to do was lean in closer to him. “Can you think of anything else we didn’t cover?”

It felt so natural taking on this professional role. So much more natural than her role as a cleaning woman had ever felt. Sure she was good at it. How could she not be? As soon as Matthew whisked her away from the justice of the peace he’d insisted on using for their quick ceremony, he’d begun to establish her role as his domestic slave. But, that didn’t cause her to
the task.

A shiver went down her spine remembering the complete letdown she’d experienced upon realizing the man she’d been worshiping for almost a year didn’t have one honorable intention in his bones. He’d merely been grooming her as his slave. And she’d fallen for it.

She should have balked when he’d casually suggested they get married at the county courthouse in order to be “practical with their expenses”.

“I can’t think of anything else. That’s it. Do we just hit send?”

“Yep. Would you like to do the honors?” Liz leaned back and pointed to the
key on the keypad.

Alan ceremoniously tapped the button.

“I can’t begin to thank you enough. You’ve saved my life,” he whooped joyously. He lifted Liz and swung her around before cautiously setting her down on her own two feet with a rueful expression. “Sorry, got carried away.”

“No problem.” Liz felt lightheaded and disheveled. She reached to straighten her skewed shirt and then held her hands at her sides in uncertainty. She should go now.

“Can I take you to dinner?” Alan looked at Liz pleadingly and caught her totally off-guard.

Dinner? As in a date?
She couldn’t possibly. She already knew way more about him than she wanted to and was growing more attracted to him by the minute. She didn’t need to stare at him over salad and dessert to solidify that certainty. It would only make matters worse. There was no way on God’s green earth she could start a relationship with someone, even if that someone was now staring at her with the most ridiculous puppy dog eyes she’d ever seen. A look she couldn’t help but chuckle at.

“Say yes. I promise you won’t regret it.”

“I couldn’t.”

“You can. I insist. It’s the least I can do after you saved my hide today. With your secret hidden talents.” He winked at her and angled them toward the front hall.

“Mr. McCarthy, I’m not even dressed for dinner. And frankly I couldn’t even be dressed for dinner if I were home.”
Now why did you have to go and admit something as stupid as that?

“Are we still on Mr. McCarthy terms? Please, don’t insult me. Call me Alan. If you feel that self-conscious, we’ll stop and get you something to wear. I owe you, big time.”

Liz just gazed into his eyes, imploring him not to be so damn nice to her. Of course, her stomach took that moment to growl loud enough to wake the dead.

“On that note, how can you say no?” His grin was intoxicating. He didn’t wait for a response. He simply grabbed his keys off the small granite table next to the front door and whisked her out into the evening air.

Liz hadn’t been in this close contact with a man since she’d left New York, hadn’t even contemplated the idea. It wasn’t in her plan. As a rule she didn’t trust men. Besides, she didn’t want to reveal any more than she already had about her past. She hated how much he already knew about her. How could she sit through dinner without answering a barrage of questions about her life?

“I’ll drive,” Alan began and then looked around. “How did you get here? Where’s your car?” He bit his lip as soon as the words flew out of his mouth. “You don’t have a car, do you?”

Liz shook her head and smiled. “Don’t need one.” She’d grown accustomed to taking the bus and had no interest in wasting money on a used car. Especially since the only thing she could afford would guzzle more of her money than she could possibly spare.

Alan crossed to the front drive and opened the passenger door without missing a beat. “My Lady,” he drawled in a perfect English butler accent.

Liz climbed into his sleek Lexus and luxuriated in the plush leather seat, groaning out loud while he rounded the hood.
This is so not a good idea

“You don’t have to do this, you know,” she stated, not the slightest bit sure whether she wanted him to agree or disagree with her at this point.

“I know.” He turned to smile warmly at her. “But I want to.”

They rode in relative quiet. The only sound that of the classical music playing softly in the background.

When Liz unconsciously began to hum along and relax into the extravagant surroundings, Alan suddenly turned to her in slight feigned horror.

“I forgot to change the station.” He grimaced.

“I like it.” Liz furrowed her own brow back at him in confusion.

“If you tell anyone, I’ll flat out deny it.” His broad smile made her mimic the gesture. “I only listen to rock and roll, if anyone asks.” He narrowed his gaze as though the threat were serious.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Who would she tell?


The drive to the strip mall had Alan twisted in knots. He was totally falling for this woman. True, he knew very little about her, but what he did know, he wholly admired. She was a woman of conviction. Thorough in everything. She’d obviously overcome some serious obstacles in life and was doing her damndest to get past them. Not to mention sexy as hell. He knew she’d be a complete knockout with some fashionable evening clothes and heels.

He wiped his sweaty palms on his pant legs, switching them back and forth to keep from steering off the road the entire drive. Liz sat beside him pasted almost to the door. She relaxed sparingly throughout the ten-minute ride, but she still teetered between comfort and a frightened chick. What had caused that fear he’d seen in her eyes earlier today when he’d slammed that book onto his desk in frustration?

As loath as he was to admit it, he was going to have to face the fact that she’d probably been abused. He seethed with the need to kill whoever the fucker was that had dared to lay a hand on her. And he would too. He had no doubt. If he ever found out whom it was.

“Look,” Alan began as he turned off the engine, “I know you’re scared. I know you’ve fled something rather horrific.” He held up a hand when she started to speak. “I don’t need to know what happened right now, but I do want you to be safe. I want you to get something to wear, get something to eat. Whatever you want. I just want to give you the opportunity to enjoy an evening.”

“You don’t have to do this.” She looked him in the eye.

“I know. But I want to. You said you wouldn’t feel comfortable eating out in what you’re wearing. Can I pamper you just a bit? To say thanks for helping me out today?” What he really wanted to do right now was reach over and kiss her, but knew that action would scare her to death.

“Thank you.”

Maybe she was going to consent. “I don’t know why, but I honestly don’t care about your past. It’s just that. Past. You can tell me whatever you want to whenever you’re ready.”

What was it about this woman that made Alan so sure of himself? He had no idea, but he’d go with his gut instincts. The woman drew at his heartstrings. She softened him in a way no one had been able to in ages. Tugged at his heart as well as his groin. He wanted her. Bad. But until she trusted him, there was no way he would lay even one hand on her.

Hell, every time he even inadvertently touched her, she flinched. Someone had hurt her. Someone had laid more than a hand on her. She didn’t trust easily.

“Let’s go inside. I know the owner of this shop. She’ll get you all set up.” Alan hurried from the car and rounded the front to get Liz’s door before she could even blink. If he was nothing else, at least he was a gentleman. She needed that right now.

“Thank you. For everything.” Liz grasped his arm lightly with her own, obviously forgetting her personal rule not to touch anyone for one moment. “I just want you to know I haven’t done anything wrong. I’m not wanted by the police or anything.”

“I believe you.” Alan grabbed her hand and led her into the boutique his sister owned. Liz didn’t need to know that right now. She just needed someone to care about her for one evening. He wanted to see her hold her head higher and add a twinkle to her eye.

.” Renae stood behind the counter when they walked in. No one was in the store at the moment, which gave him some relief. “What are you doing here?” Her face lit up, probably because he’d barely seen her outside of obligatory family functions lately in his haste to get his home office set up.

Alan gently pushed Liz in front of him, and opened his eyes wide with a brisk shake of his head from behind her back. He hoped his sister would catch on and not give away their relationship.

Luckily, she seemed to get the picture. “This is Liz. She needs some clothes and I told her you were the woman who could make it happen.”

“Absolutely.” Renae looked at Liz, and Alan breathed a sigh of relief that she gave no indication whatsoever that there was anything out of the ordinary here. “Are you about a six?”

“Yes,” Liz began. “I don’t want to put you out. I can look around myself.”

“Don’t be silly. I don’t have anything to do right now. To tell you the truth I was growing quite bored. Hardly anyone has come in. I’m just glad for the distraction.” Renae to the rescue.

Her warm smile was so genuine. He knew she meant the words. Renae had always been such a sweet soul. Sometimes so sweet that Alan worried about her. But she was an educated sophisticated woman with a business degree and a head for design. He was very proud of everything she’d accomplished in her thirty years. Just two years younger than him, they’d been very close as children.

Renae swept Liz to the back of the store and continued to talk to her about what sorts of clothes she liked and what she had in mind. Barely a word was uttered by Liz, but he had confidence the two would hit it off.

What the hell are you thinking? You don’t own her
. Alan sat in a chair by the counter. He knew Renae put the seats around the store for just that reason. Husbands, boyfriends, brothers, fathers—in short, men who waited on women while they shopped. The more comfortable you made them, the longer they would hold out without complaining, and the more money they would spend.

A magazine on a little table next to him caught his eye and made him chuckle under his breath.
Of course
. Nearly all the magazines were aimed at men, not women. It wasn’t the women who would be sitting around in the store waiting.

After thirty minutes of pretending to be incredibly interested in some sports article, Alan glanced up to see Liz standing before him. She took his breath away.

She looked amazing in a black skirt that hit just above her knees and a beige knit sweater that showed off her curves to perfection. Whatever the commercials spouted about what the right bra could do for you, they were right, because the lush chest Alan knew had been hidden beneath her plain shirts the two times he’d seen her was now displayed to perfection. He was at a loss for words and hadn’t even stood up.

Renae had even outfitted her with dainty black heels that showed off her shapely legs.

“Wow. You look…fantastic.” It was the truth.

Liz smiled shyly and turned around once. She was just as proud and having a hard time keeping her excitement at bay. But he could see it dancing behind those gorgeous green eyes. “Thanks. You didn’t have to do this, and I fully intend to repay you when I can.”

“We’ll see.” He didn’t want to upset her by letting her know he had no intention of ever taking her money.

To top it off, Renae stated, “I called my friend Jennifer next door at the salon. She said she had some time right now if Liz wanted to get a style.” Renae reached up and ran her fingers lightly through Liz’s soft hair. “She’ll look like a new woman in half an hour.”

“Thanks, Renae. I knew I could count on you. Can you ring everything up while I get Liz settled at the salon? I’ll be right back.”
And explain myself a little better

Alan pulled Liz through the boutique, unable to keep his eyes off her stunning body. Such a tight figure and fine ass. If she came out looking very much better after a cut and style, he’d start to drool.

* * * *

Liz felt like she’d died and gone to heaven. Thirty minutes after leaving the most fantastic little clothing shop she’d ever been in, she spun around in her swivel chair to see the results of her haircut.

A gasp escaped her lips. Never, in all her life, had she ever had a professional haircut. Her mother couldn’t have afforded it and wouldn’t have spent that kind of money on her even if she could. And Matthew…well, Matthew forbade her from cutting it from the moment she’d met him. In fact, she believed he actually preferred it so long largely because it was easier to grab her and drag her by the head that way. When she’d finally escaped his wrath, one of the first things she’d done had been to cut about a foot of that long heavy hair off. It had still been below her shoulders, but she’d felt like a huge weight had been lifted from her, both figuratively and literally.

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