Out of the Dark (45 page)

Read Out of the Dark Online

Authors: Quinn Loftis

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: Out of the Dark
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Sally was quiet as she processed all of that information. She knew that she should be worried, or maybe even scared of this Desdemona, but all she could bring herself to feel was anger and outrage that this witch would dare to hurt Sally's friends to get to her. She would do
whatever was necessary to protect those she loved, and if Peri said that Rachel and her had powerful magic that could defeat the witch, then that's what they would use to do so.

"Okay, what do we need to do?" Sally asked eagerly.

"Just like that?"

"No time like the present and we can't change what is, so we might as well get busy taking care of business."

Rachel smiled at Sally, then looked at Peri with determination. "I agree with Sally. Tell us what we must do to defeat this evil."

Peri rubbed her hands together and the smile that stretched across her face gave Sally chills.

"Excellent," the fairy murmured. "Let's get started."


Decebel took Jen by the hand after Peri and the healers had left the meeting room. He tugged her behind him, leading her out of the room and upstairs. When he brought her into one of the rooms that had two rows of beds in it, shut the door and faced her, Jen saw that his eyes were glowing.

"Everything okay, B?" Jen asked tentatively.

Decebel took slow steps toward her, closing the distance between them. Jen knew better than to back up from a predator – all that did was encourage the chase.

When he was standing so close that their faces were mere inches apart, he took a deep breath in through his nose. His eyes closed and he looked as if he were savoring it.

"I was so worried about you," he whispered.

"I'm sorry, Dec. I didn't mean to worry you, but someone had to go and get Rachel."

Decebel growled. "And that someone just had to be you?" His voice was low and tight. She could feel the rage rolling off of him. "Hours before you left I had held your lifeless body in my arms, mourning you. HOURS, JENNIFER," he roared at her.

Jen squeezed her eyes closed as she felt his turmoil pass through their bond. She had not only scared him, but terrified him that something would happen to her. Decebel knew there were worse things than death.

She stepped even closer and placed her hands on either side of his face, waiting for him to open his eyes. When he finally did, she reached out to him through their bond and tried to make him feel just how sorry she was.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think. I didn't consider how my actions would affect you. Please, please, don't be angry with me."

Decebel wrapped his arms around Jen's waist and pulled her flush against his body. He leaned his head down and pressed his lips to hers. The kiss was fierce, intense, and showed just how much he needed her. One hand ran up her back and wrapped around the nape of her neck, holding her where he wanted. He deepened the kiss as he slipped his tongue in her mouth and they both let out desperate groans. He began to push her back until the back of her knees hit one of the beds. Slowly, he lowered her onto her back and blanketed her body with his own, never breaking the kiss.

Jen's hands left his face and traveled to his strong shoulders and then back up to his neck, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close. Jen pictured them in her mind, showing him how she saw him, and how he made her feel. She pictured what she longed for as his mate and wife, and nearly grinned when she felt a low growl in his chest.

"That's just mean, Jennifer,"
he spoke into her mind with a groan.

"I'm just being honest. I need you, Decebel. Don't you need me?"
Decebel heard the fear of rejection in her voice.

"Need you, want you, more than anything."
Even through their bond Jen could tell he was breathless.

Decebel broke the kiss and began placing lighter ones along her jawline down to her neck. Jen pulled her head back, giving him better access. Decebel growled in response to her submission. He kissed the mark at the bottom of her neck and continued kissing down her collarbone and across the swell of her breast. Jen held her breath at the feeling of his lips and warm breath on her skin.

"Jennifer," he whispered against her skin. "Breathe, baby."

A gasp escaped her lungs, feeling Decebel slowly raise her shirt and begin kissing her along her right side, where the markings that matched his climbed from her hip to under her arm.

Decebel chuckled when he heard her whimper as he gently nipped her skin with his teeth.

Then, much to her frustration, he pulled her shirt back down and raised himself on his forearms to look down at her.

"I love you. I want to make love to you. But I'm not about to do it in a tavern full of Canis lupis, in a room with multiple single beds. I can assure you that I'm suffering more than you by waiting, but I won't have my mate's first time be anything less than perfect."

"How can I be upset with you when you say something like that to me?" she pouted.

Decebel leaned down and kissed her slowly. When he pulled back, he grinned at her. "You can't."

"Dec," the tremble in her voice had him looking into her mind, "I love being in your arms. I'm so happy I'm your mate, your wife. I love you."

Decebel ran his thumb gently across her well-kissed lips and whispered through their bond, "You are mine, as I am yours."

Jen nipped his lips with her teeth, bringing a rumble from his chest. "Don't you forget it."





The following day Jen and Jacque sat on one of the couches in the meeting room, watching as Vasile talked to the top males in their pack. The Tavern was abuzz with preparations. Some of the pack members were helping Nicolae prepare food for the coming packs, others helped wash dishes that had been dirtied from breakfast.

"I really feel like I should be up making myself useful," Jen said as she watched the others scurrying around.

"Yes, well, that would kind of be hard for you to do since your mate won't let you out of his sight," Jacque pointed out.

“There is that," Jen agreed dryly.

"Speaking of, how are you two?"

Jen's eyes lit up as she looked over at Decebel, who was standing in a way that kept her in his line of sight while he discussed something with Sorin.

"We're good. He's bossy, possessive, and broody." Jen grinned as she saw Decebel raise a single eyebrow and look up at her. She knew he would hear her. "But I wouldn't change a thing about him." She tore her eyes from her mate and looked at Jacque. "I've never felt so treasured, you know?"

"Completely understand," Jacque said as she grinned at her friend.

Jen and Jacque jumped up when they heard loud voices coming from the other room. Both girls began moving in the direction of the noise, but were brought up short when Decebel and Fane were suddenly in front of them. The doors to the meeting room opened and they recognized Dragomir, the Hungary Alpha, walk in followed by members of his pack. Right behind them was Victor, Alpha of the Bulgarian pack, and his pack members, and then Dillon, the Colorado pack Alpha, with his pack, pulling up the rear.

Jacque stepped around Fane and made her way over to her dad.

"Hey," she said, smiling.

"Hey yourself." Dillon smiled back and pulled her into a hug. "You okay?"

Jacque stepped back from him and felt Fane wrap an arm around her from behind.

"I'm good. It's been a rough few weeks, but we're all in one piece."

Dillon looked past Jacque at Fane. "Good to see you, Fane."

"Dillon." Fane nodded in acknowledgment and added, "We appreciate your assistance."

"I will always come if my daughter is in danger." Dillon smiled once more at Jacque and then made his way to Vasile and the other Alphas.

Jen and Decebel stepped up next to Jacque and Fane.

Jen nudged Jacque. "You seen Sally?"

"She's working with Rachel and Peri again."

"Let's hope that fairy has some tricks up her sleeve. I have a feeling we're going to need them," Jen muttered, then nearly jumped when she heard Peri's voice from behind her.

"Oh, I've got more than tricks, mate of Decebel. I've got legends come to life."

Peri made her way quickly to the front and pushed through the other Alphas, ignoring their snarls.

"Vasile, we need to talk. Now."

Vasile looked at the others. "I apologize, gentlemen. If you will please give me just a few moments."

The three Alphas muttered their consents and turned to clear out of the room.

Vasile then addressed his wolves. "Romanian pack, if you would please step into the other room for a few moments. Thank you all for your help and patience."

The area began to empty. Peri turned to see who still remained and rolled her eyes when she saw all the ones who had been with her across the veil.

"I suppose nothing I can say will get you lot out of here."

Decebel stepped forward. "If this has to do with any of us in this room, then we stay."

Sally and Rachel entered the room. The look on Sally's face told them something was up.

"You okay, Sal?" Jen asked, her eyebrows raised in question.

Sally swallowed with some difficulty before she spoke. "It's just a lot to take in."

Peri looked at each person in the room, pausing briefly on their faces before she spoke.

"Desdemona -"

"I thought we weren't supposed to speak her name." Jen interrupted.

Peri frowned at her. "At this point it's not a concern." She waited, watching Jen to see if she had a response. Naturally, she did.

"I see. Okay then, you may proceed."

Peri snorted and rolled her eyes. "Desdemona," she began again, "is not going to play fair. Sally, Rachel, and I have been seeking out her intentions and what we have found is disturbing. Just like she used the animals in the forest to attack, she is amassing an army of animals to do her bidding. She is more powerful than I imagined if she can control so many at once. Wolves, bears, birds, wild boar, lynx, foxes, deer, and anything else she can get to obey her." Peri turned to look at Vasile. "You know what I'm going to ask of you."

"Their mates will never agree," Vasile told her, and the glint in his eyes said that he himself did not agree either.

"Wait, wait, wait. Let's call a timeout on the clock." Jen took a step forward, which was matched by Decebel, who stood behind her with a hand on her hip. "This has to do with us, as in myself and Jacque, doesn’t it?"

Peri nodded.

"What exactly is it we won't agree to?" Decebel spoke over Jen's head.

Peri squared her shoulders as she looked Decebel in the eye. "Your mates must join the battle."

Decebel and Fane both snarled at the same time.

"They cannot fight. They are human – the wolves would tear them apart.," Fane growled at the Fae. His blue eyes glowed dangerously.

"You are incorrect, prince," Peri challenged. "They are not fully human."

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