Open house for butterflies (6 page)

BOOK: Open house for butterflies
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Big shows you grew

Marriage is so your brothers and sisters should grow up and get married and then you could be the only child

Grownup means to go to nursery school #£7?


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Everybody should be quiet near a little stream and listen


A bowl of milk is a good thing to take along in case you're pretending you're a kitten


One thing no good about a big brother is when you hit him he hits you right back

Yanh yanh yanh! I don't have a little red wagon and you do

You can always boast you ClOn t have it

What woul happen if ] didn't dot the i?

When you run out ; of cereal can you run into it again?

BOOK: Open house for butterflies
12.69Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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