Read Only Yours Online

Authors: C. Shell

Tags: #romance, #romance author, #romance adult contempory, #romance alpha male

Only Yours

BOOK: Only Yours
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Only Yours
(Yours #2)
C. Shell
Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

About the Author

Only Yours

C. Shell

Copyright C. Shell 2014

Smashwords Edition

This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. IF you are reading this book and didn't purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to the author and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance between persons living and dead, establishments, events, or location is entirely coincidental.

Cover image copyright


Chapter 1

It’s official.

I no longer like the fairytale story of Cinderella and her fucking Prince Charming.

That whole story needs major editing and a warning label added to it, stating," Prince Charming is only a fictional character and does not in any way portray the way a real man behaves or responds to a woman. Real men suck! They will stomp on your heart and use you until you break or finally give in."

Yep, that should do the trick to scare every little girl into thinking twice, before believing in such things as ‘
happily ever after’
. I learned the hard way. They don't really exist.

Curling myself into a tight ball on the couch, I ignore the consistent ringing of my cell phone, and down the last few drops of wine from my glass. I am not sure how many glasses I have had since I made it home over an hour ago, but my heavy limbs and blurry vision, is a good indicator that I am pushing past my normal limit.
Go me!

I should slow down, but I’m not going to. The hurt from all
lies are still too raw. Right now, I want nothing more than to feel numb. I desperately need for the pain and hurt to melt away - at least for a few hours.

Reaching for the open wine bottle sitting on my coffee table, I refill my glass, turn on my iPod, and hit the
button on my cell phone. I will deal with the world later. Right now I just need to be alone. As if readying my thoughts, Dimples, my crazy-ass kitten Daemon recently gave me, rubs up against my hand, reminding me that she is near, and that I am not completely alone. I pull her close and nuzzle my face against her soft white fur. I smile, enjoying rhythmic sound of her deep, happy purr. Maybe, I should just swear off stupid men altogether, get a few more cats, and become the local cat lady. I drunkenly giggle, liking that idea

Pulling my favorite red and white checkered chenille throw off the couch, I cuddle down into it, and drift away to the land of
drunk to care
, while listening to the sound of Taylor Swift singing
Cold as You

This song is good.

It should be my theme song!

One song drifts into another, as do my glasses of wine. I am floating on a cloud of ‘
’ until it is rudely interrupted by repetitive, loud, frantic pounding. The noise is causing my head throb. I sit up, wincing at the sudden movement, and glance around the room. It takes a moment for my clouded, heavy mind to shift into gear, but I finally manage to figure out what is going on.

Someone is beating the hell out of my front door.

Can't people understand that I want to be left alone? Tonight sucked! Not only was my heart ripped out, but I was humiliated as well. I felt like a complete dumb-ass in front of the one person I look up to. I dread having to face Cherie on Monday morning.

"For all that is holy, will you just go away, and leave me the hell alone?" I shout towards the door, hoping it will act like a Genie, and grant me my wish. My words come out slurred, but they are clear enough for whoever is on the other side of that damn door to know that I am not in the mood for visitors.

"Hun, please open the door. Tony and I are worried about you." I smile hearing Sasha’s voice. My sweet, hell on wheels, best friend Sasha.

Realizing my two best friends left the party to come check on me, sends me into another fit of tears. Until tonight, I didn’t realize a person was capable of crying as much as I have. Tears should come with a limit.

Unwrapping my limbs from the soft throw, I half-walk, half-sway to the door and peer through the small peep hole to make sure that Daemon is not with them, before unlocking it and let them in. It is not that I don't trust my friends, I do, but I also know Daemon, and how persistent he can be. He has already proven that he is not above dirty tricks and lies. Using my friends to get access to me, sounds like something he would do. The man is incorrigible.

The moment Sasha and Tony enter my home they immediately pull me into a warm embrace. We all three stand together in my entry way hugging, while I continue to cry like a baby. I don't know what I would do without these two knuckleheads. No matter what happens in my life they are always there to pick me up, dust me off, and kick my ass back in the right direction.

"So who told you?" I ask, embarrassment tinting my cheeks. Knowing how easy it is for gossip to catch fire and spread, I’m sure, what can only be described as the worst night of my life, is already well on its way to becoming prime-time news.

I swear, if anyone from work finds out, I might as well pack up my shit and look for a new job. Sleeping with a client is bad, but being hired because of that same client, will no doubt shift me down into the same ranks as my slut-tastic secretary, Charity. You can't get much lower than that.

"Daemon came over to us in a panic looking for you. He thought we might have already spoken to you, but since you stubbornly refused to take our calls, we had no idea what had happened. He filled us in,” she says with a wave of her hand. “He and Trey had several heated words that ended with Trey decking him in the jaw.” She smiles, obviously happy with that outcome. “I don't think I have ever seen Trey so pissed off. It was kind of hot seeing him turn all macho and fierce.” she smirks.

I listen intently, silently taking in her accounts of what happened after I left. I glance at my front door, worried that Daemon will follow in her footsteps, and come barging his way as well. As much as I want to hate him right now, I can’t. Don't get me wrong, I totally want to kick him in the balls. He needs to suffer as much as I am. Maybe, I am in shock and need time to absorb everything, or maybe I’m screwed up in the head. Knowing my life, it is probably the latter.

"Don't worry," Tony says quickly, noticing my wide eyed expression. "Trey swore to keep him busy... at least for tonight,” he adds with a grimace. “I can't say how long he will be able to hold Daemon off, but I promise that as long as we are here, you can relax."

Gripping my hand, Tony and Sasha pull me from of the entry way and back towards the living room. My embarrassment goes up several notches as I take in the plethora of empty wine bottles lining my coffee table, used tissues blanketing the floor, and the depressing music blasting from my iPod. My poor living room looks like something you might find after a teenager lost her first crush, not a grown woman, who lost a man she’s known a measly few weeks.

"Umm...," I begin, not exactly sure what to say.

I know there are healthier ways to handle my pain that don’t include food and wine, but I so badly want to drown out the world around me for a while. If I don’t, I’m afraid my mind will go crazy questioning every choice I have made in the last month. All those annoying questions will still be around in a day or so, and once I feel stronger, and more level headed, I will face them.

"Oh, baby girl," Sasha whispers pulling me to her side as she takes in the scene around us. "I swear I could kill that bastard for doing this to you."

Picking up an empty bottle of wine, Tony lets out a nervous laugh. "I can’t believe you started the party without us, babe. How much have you had to drink tonight?"

"A few," I sigh, leaning my head against Sasha’s shoulder. "I think I might still have one bottle left in the kitchen, if you two would like to join me?"

"It’s late, and by the looks of things, I think you’ve had enough for one night.” he says, exasperated. “You’re going to feel like hell in the morning, sweets. I’ll get you a glass of water, while Sasha cleans this up. You sit,” he says pointing to one of the few trash-free spots left on the couch. “We’ll all talk once I get back."

Flushing brightly, I nod my acceptance. Tony is already in full big brother mode, and once that happens, he becomes hopelessly bossy. Defying him is not an option.

Between my red puffy eyes, frayed nerves, and lack of sleep, I know I must look quite a fright. Excusing myself for a moment I make a trip to the bathroom. The harsh bright light stabs at my sensitive eyes, making we wince, as my hand shoots up to cover them.

Splashing cool water over my face, I reach for a hand towel, and do my best to wipe off the remnants of what is left of my make-up. As I stare at my reflection in the mirror, I feel the tears well back up. You would never know that the woman staring back at me was the same person who only hours earlier was immensely happy.

Shutting off the light, I leave, and follow the sounds of laughter. I smile at what I find. Sasha and Tony are curled up together in my bed, with an array of snacks sprawled out around them, while watching the movie
Dumb and Dumber
. Not wanting to be left out, I craw up onto the bed, maneuver around a bag of Cheetos and bowl of M&M's, and slide in-between my two best buddies. I pull the covers up around my legs while Tony props two pillows behind my back.

"And why are we watching
Dumb and Dumber
?" I ask with raised brows.

"Tony chose it," Sasha says, around a mouth full of gummy bears. "He thought we should end the night with a good laugh."

"Thanks Tony," I say reaching over and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Why can't all men be as wonderful as you?" I ask honestly.

"Not an option,” he protests. “If they were, then I would not have the chance to swoop in and show off my mad skills. And before you try and deny it, I do have mad skills,” he smirks.

"Oh, Tony,” Sasha groans. “You give yourself way too much credit. If I remember right, it was you that left poor Daisy Sherman at the high school, tenth grade dance, to go hook up with Tiffany Henderson in her dad's car. That poor girl spent over an hour looking for you before she figured out that you already left."

"Oh my God," I laugh. "I forgot all about that.” I give Tony a mock scowl, not able to truly be mad at him. The cheeky bastard winks back at me, completely unfazed.

“Poor Daisy,” I muse.

"I was a stupid horny teenager back then, and Tiffany Henderson kept wagging her large D size tits in my face like they were candy. How could I say no to that?" He asks, smiling big. "Anyways, I have grown up since then. I mean, who needs more than a handful, right?"

"You are such a pig," Sasha shrieks, throwing a pillow and nailing him on top of the head.

Before he has a chance to retaliate and start an all out pillow fight war, I jump up. Playing peacemaker is what I do best. Situating myself between the two of them, I place my hands up, and try to hold them both back. If I hadn’t already drank so much wine tonight, it might have worked out that way. Instead I end up falling over. Using my already outstretched hands, I grab at their clothing, while trying to steady myself. I look like a drunk acrobat as I fall ass-backwards over the side of my bed.

"Enough you two," I yell, rubbing my head. "Keep it up and I will put you both in the corner and keep all the gummy bears to myself."

They both look at me as if I’ve lost my mind. Maybe I have. Nothing at this point would surprise me. Rising to my feet, I give them both my best stink eye. After several long beats of silence they both agree to behave and we all climb back into our previous positions. Dimples even jumps back-up and joins us once again. I laugh as she jumps around the covers, batting at Tony’s legs, and leaving tiny scratches in her wake. He thinks she is evil, but I think she really likes him.

BOOK: Only Yours
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